*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

I've won 13 of my last 14 playing all random so pretty chilled at the mo :p

Got Venge last night and ended up having to go mid carry, had my best game as Venge ever and ended up 22/4/14 and was wrecking the other team every fight.
I always enjoy playing veng.

I tried Riki with a battlefury last night. I'd read something about it being decent this patch so gave it a go. Turns out its pretty good!.
Every time I play riki now I forget his ultimate casts exactly where he is, and not a point target ability like last patch. End up casting it when the enemy is already out of range :p Habits!
I'd like t try riki with a couple of BF's, see what damage he could cause with that ulti

Enjoying Invoker a lot at the moment though! :)
I always enjoy playing veng.

I tried Riki with a battlefury last night. I'd read something about it being decent this patch so gave it a go. Turns out its pretty good!.

Took me a game or two to re-adjust to playing Riki but the Riki + BF was way OP.

when the new riki came out the multiple BF was OP.

they fixed that in a recent patch

What was the fix? I've played three games in about two weeks once random DR, once again with DR and then once with LC. Might have a blast of Riki tonight depending on what changes were made to BF/Riki.

(NY resolution was to work through Steam Library and complete at least the story mode in all my games instead of loading up Dota or FM16, 2 down 230+ to go)
Yeah the invisible heal nerf was pretty harsh, I would have thought it could have been 0.8 / 1.0 hp on top of base regen per invisibility rank, upgradable by Agh Sceptre maybe.
Kinda nice really, the skill cap is a bit higher for him now he's not a point and click for massive damage kinda hero.
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I find his ultimate useful situationally in team fights you can help a bit more and spread the damage but yeah, he was needed but I hate playing against invisible heroes in general so I'm not complaining.
He still suffers from not really being viable in any position. At least the last Riki could be a situational offlane pick, you could sometimes win the sentry battle with a quelling blade/tangos and the heal let you sustain in lane and get lvl 6, then you'd just farm heroes with blink charges. The current Riki can only exist as a safelane carry and he's just bad there compared to like 20/25 other heroes.
Anyone play last night?

The new patch seems to have borked the effects on abilities and you could see them, played against a bloodseeker whose ground silence was invisible, a FV whose ult you couldn't see and invisible pudge hooks. Was really irritating!
Yeah iwas playing last night but thankfully not with those heros. noticed my TP's wernt showing up, neither were a few other ground abilities either.
What was the fix? I've played three games in about two weeks once random DR, once again with DR and then once with LC. Might have a blast of Riki tonight depending on what changes were made to BF/Riki.

His ult used to also hit creeps, so ridiculous cleave damage if you caught the enemy in the middle of a creep wave and had a BF. Also made his ability to clear jungle stacks really strong.
Just won 3v5 :D

Had Brew (me) Tide, Spectre, Ench and Cent against Sniper, Blood, Silencer, Clock and Rana. They were hammering us early, about 15/3 up then about 25/6 by mid. Our Enchant and Cent rage quit, we sold their items I had a heart (about to get a second) and blink (and other stuff) Tide had blink and refresh and Spec got his Radiance. We got about 20 kills with only 2 deaths in the next 20mins , won one more team fight mid then 4 of them ragequit so we walked down mid and finshed a minute or so later :D

So satisfying to win when ragequitters try to ruin it :)
How to get out of a downward solo MMR spiral?

Been playing a few months and started off on 1k solo. Every time I play I just seem to get clueless people on my team who build the wrong stuff and just play bad in general. This in turn means I end up losing, mmr goes down..and the quality gets even worse. Now im on about 700 lol... with no way up.

My party is only about 1.4k but when I do play with friend(s) we win when there is at least half decent players on our team. Unfortunately they are not online that much so I end up solo when I'm bored...I would ask if there is anyone on here that wants to party but you are probably all pros :D
I would just suggest playing solo unranked until you feel you are a lot better and in a position to win games by yourself then you can pick a carry and (mostly) win the mmr games yourself even with bad teams.

I went 2k to 2.4k as troll then took an mmr break as I hit a plateau then a few month later went 2.4k to 2.7k as Morphling/Silencer and now on another break as I stopped winning games myself.

I used to think it was impossible and raged against it but if you can improve enough above those you play with you will easily solo carry games, this is of course on the understanding you play a carry who can snowball, it won't happen with Io :p
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