*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Ah yeah. I just guessed most of my predictions since I really know nothing about the Dota 2 pro scene :p

If anyone wants to play a few games just add me and I'll be up for playing most of the time although I'm still a bit of a noob :D
Unfortunately not, clicking is the only method of movement, you could probably switch left+right click if it mattered to you but in time you'll get used to it and see any other way would be a lot worse imo :p

Yeah I have played Diablo games in the past so I'm used to the movement by clicking and I appreciate it's functionality but I always played melee type characters in those games so getting close was always the objective anyway so when I had to play a ranged character in the DotA2 tutorial it kind of threw me off a bit.

Press s to stop if you missclick - in fact s is probably one of the most useful keys

I didn't know about S stopping your movement, this will help a lot thanks =)
Just came back to dota 2 after few months away from it, have added you on steam drunzer will have some games if you are about :)
Yeah I have played Diablo games in the past so I'm used to the movement by clicking and I appreciate it's functionality but I always played melee type characters in those games so getting close was always the objective anyway so when I had to play a ranged character in the DotA2 tutorial it kind of threw me off a bit.

I didn't know about S stopping your movement, this will help a lot thanks =)

You might need to rebind it from H but Hold is better than Stop imo. Hold will make your character stop and not autoattack, or maybe there isn't autoattack in this and it was HoN I had to do that, I can't remember :p.

(Stop in HoN atleast just stopped the hero moving but then would continue to autoattack)
If anyone really wants any help or to give dota a shot, add me or hedge. Like he has already mentioned, we are on every night almost and have a great little community going.

We have an active mumble server which can help when things get a bit tricky on the communications side!

Its an excellent game with a bit of patience and practice. :p

Hope to see you guys on!

I'll definitely get you guys added tonight.

Really wanting some team games with people who are a little forgiving, we (TFU) also have a mumble server if needed.
It's probably worth noting while talking about Stop & Hold that you can turn off autoattack too. If you do this you'll need to learn to A-Click into shroud though or be prepared for a bad time. Stops major use it to be a complete sod with spellcasters and animation cancel, baiting people into moving etc... pudge hook cancelling - that sort of thing. Worth noting that rubick has no animation for spells he steals which is huge for hook etc...

if you're good at it then you can also do some crazy combinations (on darkseer you can animation stop Vac/Wall into a combo) but you can also do this with normal hits. e.g. pudge, lina and bloodseeker (though there are lots of others) have a animation for AAing that is huge but the point at which it does damage (or leaves her hand in the case of lina) is fairly quick so it's possible to hit - move a bit - hit - move a bit etc... with practice. if you waited for the whole animation to take place you'd never catch up with people running off. This is the difference between trading auto attacks and getting the last one in during the laning phase.

I preferred it in HoN too Purdy :( I wish they ported it across. And the voice artist of bubbles (puck in dota).
It's probably worth noting while talking about Stop & Hold that you can turn off autoattack too. If you do this you'll need to learn to A-Click into shroud though or be prepared for a bad time. Stops major use it to be a complete sod with spellcasters and animation cancel, baiting people into moving etc... pudge hook cancelling - that sort of thing. Worth noting that rubick has no animation for spells he steals which is huge for hook etc...

if you're good at it then you can also do some crazy combinations (on darkseer you can animation stop Vac/Wall into a combo) but you can also do this with normal hits. e.g. pudge, lina and bloodseeker (though there are lots of others) have a animation for AAing that is huge but the point at which it does damage (or leaves her hand in the case of lina) is fairly quick so it's possible to hit - move a bit - hit - move a bit etc... with practice. if you waited for the whole animation to take place you'd never catch up with people running off. This is the difference between trading auto attacks and getting the last one in during the laning phase.

I haven't been this confused since the ending of American Psycho.
Sorry :(
A-click = attack move, you press A then click (into shroud in this case) - when you come accross something bad you will automatically attack it. if you disable auto attack and right click you do a move instead of an attack move so you'll just sit there looking like a goose.
animation cancel = stop casting spell midway through your casting animation.
pudge hook cancelling = hook has a HUGE cast time, rubick doesn't have this if he steals it (rubicks ult "steals" enemy spells).
Dark Seer has vacuum and Wall, 2 of his crazy abilities which when combined are devastating damage and if you get all 5 heroes you will nearly always win the fight. the problem is that vacuum has a huge cast animation so combo'ing them both is extremely hard unless you're good at the hero.
AA = auto attack. Try auto attacking with... say pudge and look at when the actual damage hits a creep and when his animation finishes. You'll see the difference then.
Trading = you see this in lanes, supports will trade blows to poke the opponents and work out their aggression etc.. but the first to turn away will get hit an extra time (due to turn speed being low) and if you auto attack animation cancel this can often be turned into 2 hits.
I'm playing n00b games, steam id is dailygeek if people want to add me :)

Will add you tonight!

Loving playing Lich at the moment, great support with the team-fight changing ultimate. The burst damage is brilliant and with a few healing items I feel I can really help keep the battles in my teams favour.
Had some great games again last night.

Really found my feet with the Drow Ranger, couple of early kills and the momentum carried (no pun intended).

Played a couple of games as Lich and his big ice ball of death is satisfying in the team fights.

Still yet to get a game with you guys, typically see you in a game but given that they can last an hour I dont fancy waiting :)
Is the community good? im hearing its egotistical, elitist, immature and just plain mean and a lot worse than LoL community which was one reason I quit LoL. Id love a Moba with a friendly surrounding so please tell me good news!

no good news for you i'm afraid. why do you care though? just find a group of nice people to play with and collect tears.
AFAIK a MOBA with a friendly surrounding does not exist.
Bingo :) HoN/Dota/Dota2/LoL have all been the same to me for the community friendship (or lack of it). Dota is a lot less forgiving than LoL (spells over half your mana often, you're a lot more fragile, gold loss) but the tutorial and the 10 games with the reduced hero pool will get you started easy enough.
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