*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

I felt LoL while still quite tough was dumbed down.

Rather than trying to teach the more intricate mechanics it just removed them. I've played a lot of LoL but I'm already finding DOTA2 a lot more rewarding when I hit the stride.
Its a shame these games get populated by kids or cry baby adults :(. Was looking forward to finding a moba with a mature surrounding.

Create your own surrounding.

Plenty of us on here who play and it's extremely easy to form up and play as a team.

To be honest, the amount of whiners I've seen is significantly lower than I expected. Also now it's out of beta I feel there are more 'new' players than ever so now would be the time to get involved.
I get the impression (but I'm human so it could just be making patterns where there aren't any) that the majority of moaners are in the middle to high skill ranges. At low people forgive as everyone's learning, at high everyone knows it's a game and you're roughly 50:50 chance of a win but in the middle it's full of blame and rage about why they arn't playing with better people. You're right that lol is slightly more simpler (denying lanes/towers has a huge influence) but its catering to the playerbase - they need to get people hooked and they made up for it with different mechanics like buffs etc..

Your first game of dota will nearly always be a complete beasting, you do one spell and you don't have mana to cast it again for 3 minutes. In LoL at least you stand a chance of working out what you're capable of within 30 minutes :)
The thing people need to understand about Dota is that once a game starts it's going to consume 30-60 minutes of your life. Having to spend that time in a team that has lost due a consistently crap player soon becomes infuriating.

I'm a nice accepting player 99% of the time. But if I'm dominating my lane while the rest of my team are screwing up I soon get annoyed.

It's part of the fun though. When people give you grief just ignore it :-)
Definitely need to get myself involved with people in the OcUK channel/guild.

I usually just throw out a message to see if anyones free in the chat channels before I go searching for a game, but solo queueing is really destroying my soul now haha!
Well just opened my immortal relic and got ... the Abbadon mace, fml.

So I got the worst of all 5 items, at least the other ones look cool and have different animations. All this does is look stupid.
I was going normal CM support until I was around 10-0-7 and tune kept setting up kills for me. So I thought lets have some fun :p

I got to the point where I could just force staff into them and crystal nova then ult and kill them all.
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