I just had an 81 minute game as Leshrac, entire team was complaining constantly at me for not warding when they were dewarding, whilsn't I was farming mek.
they were more than sorry when I had sheepstick, aga and bloodstone at the end though . Destroy those creepwaves!
This guide lists some of the heroes you most likely want to avoid as a new player and which you may want to favour towards. It's also a great guide so well worth reading through.
Good luck getting into the game it takes a while but its well worth it. The community can be terrible at times but it can also be great.
I'm determined to get into a MOBA now, I've always been put off of them because of the **** communities, but I'm going to give it a bash and try not to feed too much. I get the basics of them now, before I was running around trying to bash heroes all the time, some guides pointed me in the right direction.
Anyone who i can have some games with? Even v.s. some bots I don't care.
Also best heroes for a noob? Tried Sand King, Tide (Something), Sniper. Heard Lich is meant to be good so will give him a bash later.