4 top. Who knew that tactic would work?
Ti4, here we come.
4 top. Who knew that tactic would work?
Would be interested to see that - can you link the replay please?
Not possible unless Anuraj played Weaver
Armlet toggling
By turning on the armlet you will gain 475 hp due to the strength it gives you. You lose the health again when you deactivate it, but you cannot go below 1 hp. This can be used to your advantage. If you are below 475 hp, you will lose all but 1 health. When you activate it again (quickly, so the enemy won't have time to kill you when you're at 1 hp) you will end up with 475 hp, more than what you had before. This can make you survive much longer. Remember that when you've toggled it twice there's a two second cooldown. http://dota2.gamepedia.com/Armlet_of_Mordiggian
Really need to put a cool down on armlet toggling people are using scripts now.Seen all types of heros running around with armlets it's becoming a joke.Somebody made a post about it on reddit already today.
Anyone new to dota who does not understand read below
Thats why you don't play with randoms
The amount of Russians is unbelievable. Why are they in the English speaking western Servers? :/
Whats wrong with playing vs nobs? All the more fun to beat them and give a bit back