Well considering you really want to bring the drama to the forums from your last posts maybe it should be explained. For those that were not there to see it, Aedus is referring to last night where he played wisp in a 5 man AP, never warded despite several reminders and then never ganked at 6. At this point they then pushed hard with their earlygame advantage (our team needed more space to be effective) and I admit I raised my voice and called him a bad player because in every game when he's been on my team as support he has done the same thing. Ultimately we can assume he is either incapable at learning from his mistakes or just doesn't ward to grief us but either way, the result is the same.
Aedus got unhappy at this and then because he is wisp ported me to the enemy pool (except for the time he made a hash of it and I ran out - gotta get better at griefing as well as supporting I guess).
I then called him a chump for being passive aggressive because his only way of return to my comments was his attempts to try and kill me (although I'm sure he would claim the same of me by calling him out for his bad play) and a while knight came to his defence and said how much he had improved etc... and asked that I leave - so I did.
I don't think I'll ever really want to play with you again so I just deleted the OCUK group I had, it only had about 5 people in it. I don't personally think this is an "austic bitch fit" but as you're frothing at the mouth over it I guess it must have meant more to you (but I don't think you were even on my friends list anyway....). While I thank you for the slightly stalkerish comments I think I'll be OK administering my own friends list.
I think the best bit of your comment though is that it shows your total lack of understanding for the game and inability to learn it. Vision is the key to dota yet you can't manage to understand this basic requirement, forsaking it for an item in this game, which you had no chance of getting. You rage against tryharding, the good old timely defensive play whenever someone else calls you out. You think I'm tryharding because I called you out on warding? Why did you even pick support? You also claim i'm not very good which you're entitled to but I know I play in v high for solo/groups unless I'm queuing with lower tier friends so I must be doing something right and dotabuff says I'm within top 5% so I can be fairly confident I am - if you have something to show I'm not, show it.
No one disagreed with my remarks about lack of warding, they were unhappy in the way I exercised the point. You didn't need to bring this to the forums, the matter existed between us and not others. I am sorry you are so bitter about me deleting people from my own friends list but as I'm not likely to play with you again it just seemed easier. You can still stalk me on dotabuff if you'd like I guess.
Only 1 report works if you're grouped and do multiple reports - this has been in since the May update to the reporting system.
Double click self cast is a toggle option in settings.
ideally you should never double click bink dagger as it will not move 1200 units home, it will only move 960. Same applies if you try to blink further away than 1200 (you'll move upto 960 and then blink)
In fact I was porting Pudge around to attempt ganks, which didn't go according to plan, but your whole point of not attempting ganking at 6 is wholey irrelevant. Same goes for wards, let me point out, no-one the entire game asked me to ward, and if they did, I didn’t hear them, I've played many games where all I've done, solely, is ward. I’m still unsure exactly what a team wants from me, but apparently since I was the only support, so I had the job not only of ganking, but of warding, a bit much of an ask for someone who has not even played 3 weeks? But keep going off on your tangent about me not knowing how important wards are, because it is really ridiculous. Many are witness to me warding and playing properly, more-so than the few times you’ve played with me since they play with me all the time but apparently you know best.
Let me point out, how it kicked off is, and I quote: “Go and buy some ****ing wards!”, I then said “Since you asked so nicely Myshra, how could I refuse?” in a sarcastic tone, he then flipped out, calling me a bad player as is in his post in a few more words, getting extremely angry like he couldn’t control his temper, over a game. What he doesn’t point out is no porting occurred until he flipped out and went on one of his famous rants, same as which he did when Calabi (Another new player) was playing Morphling in-house. By the way, he died 3 times from being ported, so there was no “attempts”, he was probably turning red in the face while trying to keep it cool on mic, calling me passive aggressive. I love how Myshra likes to think I was “Frothing at the mouth” when he was the one raging last night for about 20 minutes, and everyone on TeamSpeak was witness to this. I didn’t attack you verbally once, it was only when James told you to **** off did you receive anything back for your ranting.
You either have some form or autism, or you don’t know how to talk to people, because it’s not just me you’ve done this to. I’ve had enough of your ****, as others have. Let me point out when you leave the chat, people (Not naming any names) have something negative to say about you, whether it’s just the way you talk to people, or your attitude in general. Believe me, I’ll never want to play a game with you again, nor will many others, you think this is just between us, but you’re wrong, more people think you’re a ****ing idiot than they do me, I admit I’m a bad player, but at least I don’t have some attitude problem, I fully take the blame if something goes wrong and don’t palm it off on to someone else like you do, since you can’t ever accept doing anything wrong.
I don’t hate you, no matter how much abuse you hurl, or how autistic you are, but if you were to drop dead tomorrow, I wouldn’t care.
It's people like you that ruin Dota, tryhards who believe they are the best when they clearly are not and fail to learn from basic mistakes.
I don't even know who the hell you are. But I'm laughing at you calling me a tryhard. A noob tryhard, that's hilarious.