I just played through the demo and ok, its quite good. Judging by the demo which apparently is representative of the full game. It needs a bit of polish so hopefully the mod scene will sort this out in due course or if the developers update with a patch.
The demo lets you fight a boss in the football stadium with a rocket launcher (very easy), drive a monster truck through the desert (quite short and the controls are so-so with the truck) and then a bit on foot where you get to find assorted weapons laying around to fight the pigs and some aliens in the mines. You go in the mines to find fuel and drive a mine cart for like 5 seconds. Thats the end of demo, the demo also has lots of videos (intro and trailer)
What I didnt like considering this is a Duke game(!) (and unfortunately this is due to current gen FPS's and although some may disagree, the console audience developers have to cater for) you can only carry 2 weapons and health is regenerating. Come on developer, this is Duke ffs. Its meant to be over the top and silly, so he should be able to carry 9 or 10 weapons and I still remember playing the golden oldie FPS's where your running around on like 3 points of health trying to find health packs and avoid getting killed. For these reasons its lost some of the Duke essense. But, as said I have no doubt the modders out there will soon change this.
Not all things in the game have physics either which is annoying, you cant just pick stuff up and throw it or melee things - again, 'console corridor gaming'. Only certain things you can interactive with like turn on a tap or throw a turd (!?).
Graphics wise its not amazing but its also not ugly. Im running it on max settings and 1680x1050 res with XP / DX9. I dont know if the game engine has extras for DX10 etc but there arent any settings I could see in the options menu.
Im sure the full game is good fun and loyal fans will love it. Would I go out and pay £30 for it today? No, I'd rather wait till it drops in price and some patches/mods become available to make it a bit better and more 'Duke'.