**Official Duke Nukem Forever Thread**

Everything i've read about this has been slating it.

Is it worth 14 years of development?

14 years my pants! I cant believe people pre ordering this tripe without even a single review, and having to actually pay for it to play a demo stank to high heaven.. Hence i didn't buy it - But many suckers did lol
i thought it was 12 years ? , i got the game but am no sucker . unless you got the full game you cannot say what it is like tbh , it is not the best game in the world but it was never sold as it either (maybe a little overpriced but it is funny in parts) . it is an old school shooter nothing more nothing less
i thought it was 12 years ? , i got the game but am no sucker . unless you got the full game you cannot say what it is like tbh , it is not the best game in the world but it was never sold as it either (maybe a little overpriced but it is funny in parts) . it is an old school shooter nothing more nothing less

~Honestly, if this tripe took 12 years to make then i'll gnaw my own arms off. Its natural for people who pay for this kind of con before even knowing what the game is like to try to somehow justify wasting money on it. Put it this way - There are so many other fps games out there, budget priced with better mp and sp experience. No sucker? That contradicts everything i've seen, heard, read of the game.

I so wanted this game to be good, i loved Duke 3D - This game should have been groundbreaking, amazing, fun and basically the talk of the gaming community.. It only delivered the latter in a bad way.
i think everybody expected to much from this game tbh , most should have known what it looked like etc from the later vids on youtube . as i said it is not the best game but it is not the worst game in history either
It is about expectations.

If someone expects a game that will make 14 year old development worth it, they will not get it. No game ever would be worth THAT MUCH TIME.

But if someone expects classic oldschool Duke Nukem action with passable graphics and fun gameplay, that is what they will get, and what I got.

And thing to remember, this version of DNF has only been developed since 2006 or so....all the previous work was discarded.
It is about expectations.

If someone expects a game that will make 14 year old development worth it, they will not get it. No game ever would be worth THAT MUCH TIME.

But if someone expects classic oldschool Duke Nukem action with passable graphics and fun gameplay, that is what they will get, and what I got.

And thing to remember, this version of DNF has only been developed since 2006 or so....all the previous work was discarded.

It doesn't have passable graphics, the gameplay isn't fun, and its absolutely shocking in quality for a 2 year old game let alone a 14 year old game.

The excuse makers keep saying no game would be worth 14 years as if being a pathetic game is completely fine. its not, theres so so many better games.

People keep going on about old school fps, yes, older games were less complex, dafter AI, less complex set pieces, less complex scripting, more basic guns, basic graphics. IT ticks all those boxes and more, theres a reason newer games are more complex, game developement has come on leaps and bounds. The graphics are actually shocking, hell, its pretty hard these days to find a game where cars, even beaten and battered ones, don't look fairly detailed. The absolute flatness of walls, the often painted on detail to ceilings rather than depth, almost all the textures are embarassing.

The wit and "funny" stuff, about 2 lines have been half funny rather than good, most has been dull and with really poor delivery. What on earth have then been up to for the past 4-5 years. You'd think they essentially have to start from scratch every 4-5 years due to the sheer age of the engine but, the one they've settled on looks insanely dated, the AI is abysmal, the individual work/quality of textures/characters/guns/everything is so poor, seriously what have they actually been doing for years. Just paying a lot of very incompetant very old programmers who didn't move on with the times?

Just about any other company could knock out and "old school shooter" in a very short time, with basic AI, basic everything it wouldn't take long, the point is gaming moved on, other companies put a LOT more time into making a game more complex, I honestly don't know where the time went on this game.
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It doesn't have passable graphics, the gameplay isn't fun, and its absolutely shocking in quality for a 2 year old game let alone a 14 year old game.

The excuse makers keep saying no game would be worth 14 years as if being a pathetic game is completely fine. its not, theres so so many better games.

People keep going on about old school fps, yes, older games were less complex, dafter AI, less complex set pieces, less complex scripting, more basic guns, basic graphics. IT ticks all those boxes and more, theres a reason newer games are more complex, game developement has come on leaps and bounds. The graphics are actually shocking, hell, its pretty hard these days to find a game where cars, even beaten and battered ones, don't look fairly detailed. The absolute flatness of walls, the often painted on detail to ceilings rather than depth, almost all the textures are embarassing.

The wit and "funny" stuff, about 2 lines have been half funny rather than good, most has been dull and with really poor delivery. What on earth have then been up to for the past 4-5 years. You'd think they essentially have to start from scratch every 4-5 years due to the sheer age of the engine but, the one they've settled on looks insanely dated, the AI is abysmal, the individual work/quality of textures/characters/guns/everything is so poor, seriously what have they actually been doing for years. Just paying a lot of very incompetant very old programmers who didn't move on with the times?

Just about any other company could knock out and "old school shooter" in a very short time, with basic AI, basic everything it wouldn't take long, the point is gaming moved on, other companies put a LOT more time into making a game more complex, I honestly don't know where the time went on this game.

What he said :)
I was playing this game most of yesterday and i have to say i have been enjoying it. But then i started playing games on a spectrum and c64 many years ago so something would have to be really bad for me to dislike it. I would agree this isn't a triple a title worthy of the price you'd pay for something like call of duty but also not as bad as some people are making it out to be.
Still shocked by all the tears over this.

I'm loving it, plenty of great humour there's a lot of subtle stuff as well as the in your face stuff, I'm guessing people just aren't looking round very hard. The gameplay is simple, but it's actually fun, all the little mini games and things you can pick-up and do are great, I've spent ages playing pin ball alone, don't get that crouching behind a rock shooting your hundredth Russian terrorists in other games.

As for the graphics, they may not be the most up to date, but they're colourful at least the art directions far more interesting to me to all the generic grey modern FPS games that I'm dead bored of.

Given that the majority of shooters that come out atm are all trying to compete for the same territory and out do each other, I'm glad this ones different.

~Honestly, if this tripe took 12 years to make then i'll gnaw my own arms off. ... This game should have been groundbreaking

Wait... were you actually under the illusion that they've placed 12 years of work in this finished product, and are therefore disappointed because it's not the second coming of gaming Christ...? :confused:

It's not exactly a secret that it's been restarted several times to keep up with the available technology.
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Its ok but certainly not 12 years of development. I was expecting it to have a new groundbreaking engine and blow me away in terms of graphics. Similar to what Unreal 1 did after 7 years of development

They should have kept it similar to duke 3d in terms of levl design and general gameplay. I dont like diving straight in with rocket launchers, it should be built up. I would have liked to have seen less waiting around and cutscenes. Duke 3d was all about the action. In Duke Forever, the action is slowed down when you have to wait for videos or something else to happen
They should have kept it similar to duke 3d in terms of levell design and general gameplay. I dont like diving straight in with rocket launchers, it should be built up.

One of the first weapons you could get in duke 3D was a rocket launcher :p

But anyway, i finished it and i thought it was pretty good. Cant wait for the next Duke game, lets just hope it don't take as long to be released this time ;)
Has anyone noticed the difference with ingame colour between the console and pc versions? The PC seems to have a more atmospheric green/blue colour tone in certain areas - I particularly noticed it on the EDF guys.
The wit and "funny" stuff, about 2 lines have been half funny rather than good, most has been dull and with really poor delivery. What on earth have then been up to for the past 4-5 years. You'd think they essentially have to start from scratch every 4-5 years due to the sheer age of the engine but...

This is essentially what happened Drunkenmaster...

When you complete the game there are a lot of videos, two of which I had never seen before from 2003 and 2006, both using different variations of Unreal Tech and looking like different games.

3D Realms became too obsessed with the interactivity and trying to build around the most recent tech.

They moved to Unreal Engine 2.5 in 2007 I believe with production ceasing in 2009, pretty much what Gearbox did was fill in the gaps left and release a game as it was from 2009.

Yes it looks dated etc, but nobody knows how much Gearbox paid for this, rushing this out will probably get them a good bit back of that price but they purchased the rights to the licence, it will be interesting to see what they do on their own for the next game...

and yes there will be another :p
They should have kept it similar to duke 3d in terms of levl design and general gameplay

Have you even played duke3d? The first level alone featured 3 rocket launchers, the jetpack, the holoduke - in fact pretty much half of dukes aresnal all which could be reached literally within seconds if you knew what you were doing. There were loads of secret areas and alternative routes you could take too throughout the game - not like this new one, which is basically a bland linear console shooter.
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Bought from GmG, downloading at 1MB/sec. Can't wait to get stuck into this. :D

I see Drunkenmaster's peddling his usual rubbish, I just wish he'd keep it to the Football forum so that it's isolated.
It doesn't have passable graphics, the gameplay isn't fun, and its absolutely shocking in quality for a 2 year old game let alone a 14 year old game.

The excuse makers keep saying no game would be worth 14 years as if being a pathetic game is completely fine. its not, theres so so many better games.

People keep going on about old school fps, yes, older games were less complex, dafter AI, less complex set pieces, less complex scripting, more basic guns, basic graphics. IT ticks all those boxes and more, theres a reason newer games are more complex, game developement has come on leaps and bounds. The graphics are actually shocking, hell, its pretty hard these days to find a game where cars, even beaten and battered ones, don't look fairly detailed. The absolute flatness of walls, the often painted on detail to ceilings rather than depth, almost all the textures are embarassing.

The wit and "funny" stuff, about 2 lines have been half funny rather than good, most has been dull and with really poor delivery. What on earth have then been up to for the past 4-5 years. You'd think they essentially have to start from scratch every 4-5 years due to the sheer age of the engine but, the one they've settled on looks insanely dated, the AI is abysmal, the individual work/quality of textures/characters/guns/everything is so poor, seriously what have they actually been doing for years. Just paying a lot of very incompetant very old programmers who didn't move on with the times?

Just about any other company could knock out and "old school shooter" in a very short time, with basic AI, basic everything it wouldn't take long, the point is gaming moved on, other companies put a LOT more time into making a game more complex, I honestly don't know where the time went on this game.

Couldn't agree more, it's shocking that this is full retail price.

GFX are worse than Doom4 and the post effects are outrageously badly done, gameplay is boring, repetitive and dialog gets old after the first few levels. Let's not get all sentimental becuase it's DN, don't let it blind you from the truth that DN is a poor game.

Out out 10 I give it 3 and I don't recommend it at all until it hits the bargain bin at £5 or less.
Couldn't agree more, it's shocking that this is full retail price.

Out out 10 I give it 3 and I don't recommend it at all until it hits the bargain bin at £5 or less.

I gota agree with this the game is dire !

At best if should have been released as a budget release. I mean this type of gameplay got tired back in the Doom days, run down corridor get locked in room with wave after wave then run down another corridor to poorly done set peice.

Anyone thinking of buying then save your pennies.
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