**Official Duke Nukem Forever Thread**

Surely no one was expecting a good game were they??! :p

It's bound to see very dated (poor AI and such) the only part of the game that will feel fresh is the constant over the top humour of Duke and his universe.
Massive fail if it stays that way. They're just following the trends of all the other recent naff shooters. Best thing about the old Duke was being able to carry a shed load of weapons, and mix it up..killing enemy in various different ways - quickly.

Gotta agree there. I don't see any point at all in only allowing 2 guns when Duke of old would carry about 10 of them to annihilate things on demand.
There are certainly a lot of mixed reviews about the demo, I certainly never expected the game to live up to the hype but it's DUKE NUKEM guys, a game that has been in production for over a decade, we all know it would never live up to the hype. I think Gearbox knew they had to get the game out asap and as such the game is nowhere near what it could have been. I can only hope that they will be making a sequel (and not taking another decade in the process). Will I cancel my BOS preorder, no, because a true Duke Bro always bets on Duke and from what I've seen of the demo it should atleast be some good immature fun.
There are certainly a lot of mixed reviews about the demo, I certainly never expected the game to live up to the hype but it's DUKE NUKEM guys, a game that has been in production for over a decade, we all know it would never live up to the hype. I think Gearbox knew they had to get the game out asap and as such the game is nowhere near what it could have been. I can only hope that they will be making a sequel (and not taking another decade in the process). Will I cancel my BOS preorder, no, because a true Duke Bro always bets on Duke and from what I've seen of the demo it should atleast be some good immature fun.

Pretty much bang on imo. If you dug into the forums and found the first post announcing it's return I seem to remember my thoughts being pretty similar.

I couldn't care less about less than perfect gameplay, or a slightly dated engine / graphics.

All I want to do is laugh, and I know it'll deliver.
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Played the demo.

This game is about 10 years too late. I guess it makes sense since the design was made in he late 90's... but why not just scrap that and make it a modern fps game? Its so 90's. lol.
I'll still be buying it, yes its old school, but I like old school. Yes its like something from the 90s, but some of my best gaming came from the 90s. It'll be nice to be the Duke one more time :)
There are certainly a lot of mixed reviews about the demo, I certainly never expected the game to live up to the hype but it's DUKE NUKEM guys, a game that has been in production for over a decade, we all know it would never live up to the hype. I think Gearbox knew they had to get the game out asap and as such the game is nowhere near what it could have been. I can only hope that they will be making a sequel (and not taking another decade in the process). Will I cancel my BOS preorder, no, because a true Duke Bro always bets on Duke and from what I've seen of the demo it should atleast be some good immature fun.

People really do need to quantify what they say. A game can both, fail to live up to the hype and still be a decent or even good game, or it could fail to live up to the hype and also be the worst game ever made. So far, it frankly looks like the later.

The fundamental parts of the game, design, mechanics, cool idea's(admited which wouldn't all come out in the demo, but a lot would), should essentially have been there years ago. Reskined, retextured and being rendered in new engine after new engine. Some epic stuff should really still be there with 12 years work on it.

Its in a pretty pathetic and sorry state, even if they scraped completely everything at started fresh say 4 years ago, what they have there is a joke, a complete joke.
I don't see any point at all in only allowing 2 guns when Duke of old would carry about 10 of them to annihilate things on demand.

Probably because console gamers are used to only being able to carry a couple of guns at the same time. I blame Halo and CoD.

Or maybe they think it will add some sort of strategic element whereby you have to think about what weapons you want to take into battle. :p
Well, I played the demo.

It wasn't anywhere near as good as I thought, going by all the videos and hype for such a long time. However, I did enjoy playing it, even if it is over a decade too late. I like that it doesn't take itself too seriously or try to be like other games, but then I suppose the game got more and more geared towards that route when there were so many engine revamps and problems making it.

I sometimes wonder, what DNF would've been like if they actually finished and released this version of the game back in 2001:

Back then in 2001, the whole thing just looks more epic from its time, and like it was going up against other heavyweights like HL and Quake to retake the FPS crown. Then years later after development problems, that idea was vetoed.
Pretty annoying I pre ordered this and don't get to try the demo and it isn't getting great reviews.
I'll get around to trying the demo some how and consider my pre order then, it is annoying that demos are no longer released like they use to so you can get a good feel of the game before you buy.
Basically buying a game comes down to brand name which is why there are so many rehashes people know it will be something like they already have so play it safe!
This is the same demo they had showcased back at the gearbox announcement, they say latest build but that was probably just to add on the buying the game part at the end, got my pre-order and will certainly be keeping it for this little bit of history ;)

Used the DNCLIP cheat to get into the penthouse, was pretty fun to see :) Really looking forward to next week to play the full game. What do I expect? Well to have some good fun and some good laughs next week when I finally get my hands on it.

Yes it's dated, yes it's taken way too long but hell I'm still looking forward to it :D
Well, I played the demo.

It wasn't anywhere near as good as I thought, going by all the videos and hype for such a long time. However, I did enjoy playing it, even if it is over a decade too late. I like that it doesn't take itself too seriously or try to be like other games, but then I suppose the game got more and more geared towards that route when there were so many engine revamps and problems making it.

I sometimes wonder, what DNF would've been like if they actually finished and released this version of the game back in 2001:

Back then in 2001, the whole thing just looks more epic from its time, and like it was going up against other heavyweights like HL and Quake to retake the FPS crown. Then years later after development problems, that idea was vetoed.

I had never seen that before, wow i want that instead of this one lol.
Uninformed opinion is uninformed.

This is 3D realms game. All Gearbox have done is polish it and get it ready to ship.

You're missing the point, however.

If 3DR had continued developing the game, they might have continued to work on it for another year or more.

Hell, they might have abandoned the current build and started from scratch again!
You're missing the point, however.

If 3DR had continued developing the game, they might have continued to work on it for another year or more.

Hell, they might have abandoned the current build and started from scratch again!

Not really missing the point when there isn't one...

Like it or not, this is still a 3D Realms game. Your post saying...

This is Gearbox's imagining of Duke4.

Is nonsense. The game is the same game that 3D Realms created, not one that Gearbox have just created with the rights to the franchise.
Not really missing the point when there isn't one...


So you can tell me with 100% certainty that this is the game 3DR would have released had they been able to.

That they wouldn't have added or tweaked or removed or changed anything.

You can tell me this with 100% certainty because you are George Broussard, right?
In my opinion they could have picked a better location for the demo, just didn't sell it to me at all. Won't stop me playing it to try more and see.
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