*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

It's great reading the Bethesda forums about this game. The game is broken because my 'warrior' can't reach that Sorcerer who is keeping at ranged and hitting me from afar (no, he didn't have a gap closer on his ability bar). It's not like WoW! This game is going to die if it doesn't get a mini-map! There aren't enough quests, why should I have to go look for them? Cyrodiil is boring. It's just zerg zerg zerg - what do you mean there are PvE objectives, scouting missions, dungeons, bounty boards and other objectives to take over? It's too hard and the computer isn't blocking for me; and on and on and on it goes.

If this game fails, it'll be because they try to pander to the people above. Those that have no imagination and no patience to play the game. They want everything spoon fed to them and they want it done yesterday. It's so depressing reading some of it.

Ultimately the blame for this lies pretty much with WOW, Pre WoW games were a lot harder with a lot less handholding, a steeper learning curve, less pandering to the masses of whiners and less fast track gimme it now features.

Don’t get me wrong though, WoW brought a lot of good to the MMO market but it was also responsible for bringing a lot of bad, due to its success it has been dumbed down to make it accessable to anyone with a PC pretty much, if you have the ability to flick a switch and turn a pc on, then your pretty much set to play WoW. Im not just hating on WoW as i played it for a good few years and had a lot of fun, its just that its handholding has dumbed down the genre a lot and made people lazy.

People that played EQ / AC / DAOC etc are more used to less features and handholding, the DAOC people will thrive in this game i bet, when it comes to pvp especially they will terrorise people that are used to arena style pvp.

Its going to be fun :)
Ultimately the blame for this lies pretty much with WOW, Pre WoW games were a lot harder with a lot less handholding, a steeper learning curve, less pandering to the masses of whiners and less fast track gimme it now features.

Pre WoW MMO's werent 'hard', more time consuming? yes. More punishing upon death? yes. Harder? No. Raiding pre-WoW, was a joke, Stand here and se up a cheal rotation on the tanks, ooooh difficult.

WoW is probably responsible for making the genre more acceseable true, but thats massively different to easier. Go do some heroic raiding at the time that raid is launched and now go play EQ from 2000 and tell me which is more 'difficult'..it wont be EQ I'll tell you that.
Ultimately the blame for this lies pretty much with WOW, Pre WoW games were a lot harder with a lot less handholding, a steeper learning curve, less pandering to the masses of whiners and less fast track gimme it now features.

Don’t get me wrong though, WoW brought a lot of good to the MMO market but it was also responsible for bringing a lot of bad, due to its success it has been dumbed down to make it accessable to anyone with a PC pretty much, if you have the ability to flick a switch and turn a pc on, then your pretty much set to play WoW. Im not just hating on WoW as i played it for a good few years and had a lot of fun, its just that its handholding has dumbed down the genre a lot and made people lazy.

People that played EQ / AC / DAOC etc are more used to less features and handholding, the DAOC people will thrive in this game i bet, when it comes to pvp especially they will terrorise people that are used to arena style pvp.

Its going to be fun :)

I never played UO or DAoC but I cut my MMO teeth on SWG so I'm used to games making it hard for you :D

And you're right. WoW has brought a lot of polish, money and awareness into the MMO genre but it has also brought lots of mollycoddling, impatience and rudeness. My biggest wish is developers stopping chasing the WoW player and instead making their MMO the best it can be. You'll never pull the WoW player away from WoW because they don't want anything else and don't like MMOs as a rule; they want instant, instanced lobby entertainment which is the complete opposite to me.
Is there world PvP in this? Can I go around PKing people?

Nope, I'd love an open world PvP server, but I cannot see that ever happening in ESO. Cant see how it would work successfully given the phasing thats used. So my UO style PvP is a no go here, thankfully though my Daoc style PvP is a go, so thats ok :)
Rolled a new char for this beta weekend and dinged level 10 yesterday so gave PVP a bash.

Both times got into a good organised group and assaulted our objectives pretty well. Have to say the scale is awesome (Cyrodil is massive!) and it felt pretty epic when we had 100+ fighting it out with 15+ siege weapons hammering the keep.

Looking forward to head-start now!
I enjoyed the weekend playign this. Spent most of it playing a Breton Templar which is nice. Never used any healing skills as of yet. It seemed all the good skills use magic and the Stamina based ones seem a bit meh.

I tried a Khajit Nightblade for a little bit after Latex recommended it :p , seemed a little bit squishy at early levels compared to the Templar. May have been due to skipping the starter island and having no gear though.

I had a last role of a Dark Elf Sorcerer. I normally role a healer type character as my main so i had to give it a go. I quite enjoyed it. Haveing the summoned familiar made survivabilty pretty good. I found this class the hardest to chose on how to morph my skills. Do I go AoE ot go for Mana saving. I wanted AoE but went mana saving as it was useful at this level and gear. If mana was plentiful later on, can you reset the morphing with a re-spec?

I normally book a few days off work when a new mmo has a headstart. Im not sure if I should with this as there were so many broken quests stopping progression.
Pre WoW MMO's werent 'hard', more time consuming? yes. More punishing upon death? yes. Harder? No. Raiding pre-WoW, was a joke, Stand here and se up a cheal rotation on the tanks, ooooh difficult.

WoW is probably responsible for making the genre more acceseable true, but thats massively different to easier. Go do some heroic raiding at the time that raid is launched and now go play EQ from 2000 and tell me which is more 'difficult'..it wont be EQ I'll tell you that.

It depends on your definition of difficult really. WoW raiding is so clinical, it becomes a matter of simply watching timers and not standing in fires. Are the actual fights tactically more involved, of course they are - but everything is enclosed in a nice little bubble where you can just fail over & over and keep trying until everyone is watching the timers correctly and moving about in unison - it's very sterile and boring.

The difficulty in the early raid days of EQ, wasn't in the fight itself, but in the organisation of 50+ people getting to the fight before some other guild did, and then having to have maybe just 1 shot to get it right before the other guild takes the mob from you. If you played on TZ/VZ like I did, you had the problem of another guild rolling in and actually killing you whilst you were in the middle of a take down.

You simply couldn't have had the complexity and tactics involved in raid bosses from WoW in a game like EQ where all raid bosses were contested, or indeed where you could be killed by other players whilst raiding.

Both games are equally difficult, they just approach it in very different ways.
You take that back! I seriously love Stros M'kai. The setting, the Dwemer ruins, the amount of crafting mats you can get (:D). It's just such a well put together, beautiful zone. All sand dunes and sunsets followed up by the never ending rain of Manchest I mean Glenumbra :D

And I will get across that rope bridge one day!

For me I love them, but they did get some hate. All of it completely unwarranted, as the developers have already stated their reason behind them. Testers felt too overwhelmed playing ESO, so they had to slow it down and ease people in.

Just goes to show how far wow and its accessibility damaged the MMO genre.
It depends on your definition of difficult really. WoW raiding is so clinical, it becomes a matter of simply watching timers and not standing in fires. Are the actual fights tactically more involved, of course they are - but everything is enclosed in a nice little bubble where you can just fail over & over and keep trying until everyone is watching the timers correctly and moving about in unison - it's very sterile and boring.

The difficulty in the early raid days of EQ, wasn't in the fight itself, but in the organisation of 50+ people getting to the fight before some other guild did, and then having to have maybe just 1 shot to get it right before the other guild takes the mob from you. If you played on TZ/VZ like I did, you had the problem of another guild rolling in and actually killing you whilst you were in the middle of a take down.

You simply couldn't have had the complexity and tactics involved in raid bosses from WoW in a game like EQ where all raid bosses were contested, or indeed where you could be killed by other players whilst raiding.

Both games are equally difficult, they just approach it in very different ways.

Played on RZ for a few months :) Totally different ball game though throwing PvP into the equation. I fondly remember my experiances with world bosses on TN in vanilla WoW (would argue that even those had 'harsher' mechanics than the majority of EQ bosses) and the alliances that would spring up between guilds to negate opposition PvP Guilds, great times!

Even on PvE servers in EQ you would have others guilds c*ck blocking progression for other guilds, thats the problem with having open world raiding. Instanced/non-instanced raiding or content is a totally different discussion to how 'hard' MMOs are now when compared to previous iterations.
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Played on RZ for a few months :) Totally different ball game though throwing PvP into the equation. I fondly remember my experiances with world bosses on TN in vanilla WoW (would argue that even those had 'harsher' mechanics than the majority of EQ bosses) and the alliances that would spring up between guilds to negate opposition PvP Guilds, great times!

Even on PvE servers in EQ you would have others guilds c*ck blocking progression for other guilds, thats the problem with having open world raiding. Instanced/non-instanced raiding or content is a totally different discussion to how 'hard' MMOs are now when compared to previous iterations.

Yeah the problem is currently, we have no contested raid based MMO's to compare - even EQ has gone the instanced route, allowing much more complex fights that require many, many attempts before you get it right.

I am hoping we are going to see some simple mechanic raid based anchors in Cyrodiil, that just require decent numbers to take down, where the difficulty comes in protecting your raid force from enemy players - that would be most excellent!

Nothing like a good guild race to a mob, some gentlemanly words about who will have first attempt (read, kill them all!) and then a boss to contend with when half your force has died :D
I enjoyed the weekend playign this. Spent most of it playing a Breton Templar which is nice. Never used any healing skills as of yet. It seemed all the good skills use magic and the Stamina based ones seem a bit meh.

I tried a Khajit Nightblade for a little bit after Latex recommended it :p , seemed a little bit squishy at early levels compared to the Templar. May have been due to skipping the starter island and having no gear though.

I had a last role of a Dark Elf Sorcerer. I normally role a healer type character as my main so i had to give it a go. I quite enjoyed it. Haveing the summoned familiar made survivabilty pretty good. I found this class the hardest to chose on how to morph my skills. Do I go AoE ot go for Mana saving. I wanted AoE but went mana saving as it was useful at this level and gear. If mana was plentiful later on, can you reset the morphing with a re-spec?

I normally book a few days off work when a new mmo has a headstart. Im not sure if I should with this as there were so many broken quests stopping progression.

Have to agree with the Dark Elf Sorcerer, I have been playing the same all the way through & have enjoyed being a healer, summoning a Clannfear & have some nice spells to some nice damage.

Was experimenting a lot with crafting and enchanting (gathered a lot of Jute, iron ore, created glyths etc) & must say I found it very fun, was nice to tailor armour specifically to what I wanted + trading with others for raw items and creating new armour, I made a fair bit of money!

Looking forward to the full game.
How do you go about collecting mats?

I spent majority of my time as a DK but thinking a ranged/caster nightblade a main to pick people off in pvp :)
It has improved a lot since I first played it a few months back. Still more work though.

I will play this until Wildstar launches as I felt I had more fun with WS.
There are times...when you think that your staff is a little bit outgunned..

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