*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

Except you've not been proven true. So stop coming in here to cause arguments with people who actually want to play the game.


Have you even read the thread at all? If you had, you'd know I've pre-ordered the Imp edition, and am seriously looking forward to the game. You'd know that a cash shop was confirmed from the links in this thread.

You'd know that peoples' throats have been jumped down in a very aggressive fashion for daring to suggest things that have subsequently been proven to be fact, again with links.

Get your facts right before posting, I'm sick to my ******* teeth of being told what I can and can't say in this thread.
Nah, I think its quite funny when I'm bang on the mark. I'll be back everytime something else I've said is proven correct - so you can expect that to be a lot :)

Edit - Maybe if certain posters in here hadnt been so hostile I would just take quiet satisfaction in what I said being proven to be true, but as they weren't, I'm not going to be (loud and proud dudes).

I'd suggest winding it in a bit, antagonizing other members isn't the way forward here.
same goes for the rest of you! Be civil please, keep discussions polite - I don't care if they're heated, it breeds discussion. But jut keep it civil.
Also here is some important API changes:

They removed API features:

you can only see your own damage numbers now

you can see how much damage you take, but not what kind of damage (no spell info) or from who (which player hit you). What kind of damage might seem obvious, but in this game, there is for example a fireball spell that does not do fire damage...

you can no longer see your Resistances, spell penetration, critical damage...etc. They restricted character information.

You can no longer see enemy cast bars

You can no longer see your own buffs (short buffs), in a buff window (the buff animations are still there) ie: lightning form, critical surge, mutagen (you can see food buffs, and it seems, buffs that last a minute or more)

You can no longer see what any other player picks up (loot window is restricted)

While I could understand a few of these changes I'm just wondering how it'll effect end-game PvE?
Now obviously I haven't played any of the endgame yet, but if every other MMO is anything to go by there's going to be at least a few bosses that'll have some kind of elemental attack that you'll need to gear your resistances accordingly around? Not knowing which kind of damage keeps killing you is going to be a major source of frustration for a lot of guilds if it stays that way surely.

Also the fact you can't see your own character information will mean that you'll be unable to min/max your build as there's bound to be some optimal stat threshold in regards to Penetration etc?

I'm still probably going to pick this up alongside Wildstar and then decide on which to pay the additional sub for, but these points are worrying to someone such as me who primarily focuses on the PvE side of MMOs
While I could understand a few of these changes I'm just wondering how it'll effect end-game PvE?
Now obviously I haven't played any of the endgame yet, but if every other MMO is anything to go by there's going to be at least a few bosses that'll have some kind of elemental attack that you'll need to gear your resistances accordingly around? Not knowing which kind of damage keeps killing you is going to be a major source of frustration for a lot of guilds if it stays that way surely.

Also the fact you can't see your own character information will mean that you'll be unable to min/max your build as there's bound to be some optimal stat threshold in regards to Penetration etc?

I'm still probably going to pick this up alongside Wildstar and then decide on which to pay the additional sub for, but these points are worrying to someone such as me who primarily focuses on the PvE side of MMOs

I'm really in two minds about this whole API lark. I can totally understand the desire to see what abilities are doing what - and from a personal POV it'd be nice to not have to hit 'C' to see when I need another bowl of goat bone soup - and you bring up a very valid point Crpwned about needing potentially needing to buff resistances. I don't think they'll require any special loadouts to face specific bosses as I'd guess most mechanics won't be of that nature, more like kill adds, avoid red circles and joust AOEs ect.

I don't really buy the argument that they need to stop it all for the atmosphere and immersion because people can choose to use them or not. I do agree though that the use of APIs and stuff can very negatively impact games (look at WoW for instance and the fact it's almost a requirement to be running some form or advanced UI and/or macro).

I think the way forward would be some form of combat log, so you can see what is doing what mechanics wise and a toggle-able switch to see your own buffs and such; that is as far as it needs to go IMO.
My plan is to play this like I would skyrim enjoying the experience,exploring everywhere getting all the shards and just taking my time to enjoy the game,quests and surroundings tbh and will do some PvP here and there (the PvP looks awesome but I'm not going to rush through the game ruining the pve experience for myself its gonna be around for a long time no need to rush in my opinion but then I'm not a PvP orientated player,that could change though as the PvP looks awesome!)
I'm coming from the other side here - the API changes don't bother me and I'm all for removing anything that makes it harder to exploit in PvP or turn PvP into a timer watching experience.

I find ESO a very strange game the more I think about it. The overland PvE is mediocre at best - if that was the bulk of my play time I certainly would not be purchasing. However, the PvE dungeon crawls (from the few I tried) were above average and pretty challenging, especially for a start up. And then there is the PvP, which I find superb and will be the main reason for me playing and the main reason I like a locked down API.

Ideally I would love a world PvP server, but it's obvious that would be totally incompatible with their megaserver, multi-phasing tech, so it's almost like a bowl of my favourite ice cream which I can only get to through a layer of Marmite :/
My plan is to play this like I would skyrim enjoying the experience,exploring everywhere getting all the shards and just taking my time to enjoy the game,quests and surroundings

Then i don't think you'll like it.

You have to remember this isn't Skyrim, Morrowind or Oblivion. Its a MMO based in the ES universe and as such you can't play it like the previous games.
In PvP especially, it's frustrating. Not knowing how someone killed you makes for frrustration and the inability to learn from others.
While I could understand a few of these changes I'm just wondering how it'll effect end-game PvE?
Now obviously I haven't played any of the endgame yet, but if every other MMO is anything to go by there's going to be at least a few bosses that'll have some kind of elemental attack that you'll need to gear your resistances accordingly around? Not knowing which kind of damage keeps killing you is going to be a major source of frustration for a lot of guilds if it stays that way surely.

Also the fact you can't see your own character information will mean that you'll be unable to min/max your build as there's bound to be some optimal stat threshold in regards to Penetration etc?

I'm still probably going to pick this up alongside Wildstar and then decide on which to pay the additional sub for, but these points are worrying to someone such as me who primarily focuses on the PvE side of MMOs

IMO, it will make PvE harder and it'll make PvE require more player skill then staring at bars.

The thing people need to remember is ZOS never intended the LUA to be as open as it was. They opened it up to see what could be made and how well to worked with the game.

They have said all a long that they don't want you to have to get an addon to be competitive and as such i think this will reflect on the addon policy.
You lost more health then they did? :p

It's more than that though. Damage types, critical numbers, ability orders. You just get used to seeing that kind of information in games so you can learn and adapt to improve your character.

After playing so many other MMOs in the past, it's going to be strange to not being able to see buffs and debuffs.
Then i don't think you'll like it.

You have to remember this isn't Skyrim, Morrowind or Oblivion. Its a MMO based in the ES universe and as such you can't play it like the previous games.

I respectfully disagree latex,In the two betas I've played I've played multiple characters and non going above level 7 and I have enjoyed the game very much and reading that it gets much better after level 10 -15 will only make it a better experience for me,I like the massive open world and exploring it and enjoying the pve that's what I enjoy but I will also be putting a lot of time into PvP it looks amazing from what I have seen and I'm very excited about it but I myself will not be rushing through the game for the purpose of just getting into PvP or just to level fast for the sake of saying I'm this level after such little time I see why people do it its just not for me,I want to take in everything they have taken there time building for me to enjoy.

I can respect that others feel differently about this and that's what makes life interesting variety.
It's more than that though. Damage types, critical numbers, ability orders. You just get used to seeing that kind of information in games so you can learn and adapt to improve your character.

After playing so many other MMOs in the past, it's going to be strange to not being able to see buffs and debuffs.

That really only applies to class based PvP where you have very specific counter attack abilities. In ESO, where anyone can literally be anything it's not so important. Also don't forget, the bulk of the PvP in ESO is more RvR where numbers and organisation are going to win over watching what abilities your foe is using. With everyone being able to sneak and cloth wearing casters suddenly coming at your with 2H broadswords, it's going to be very different to the usual PvP.
IMO, it will make PvE harder and it'll make PvE require more player skill then staring at bars.

The thing people need to remember is ZOS never intended the LUA to be as open as it was. They opened it up to see what could be made and how well to worked with the game.

They have said all a long that they don't want you to have to get an addon to be competitive and as such i think this will reflect on the addon policy.

I wouldn't necessarily say it'll require more skill. You'll still need to avoid obvious skills and areas of effect abilities, but being able to look at your log after a death and go "Ok, that massive amount of poison damage killed me, I could probably mitigate that with the relevant resistance" is what will make the difference between being able to adapt to a fight, rather than just blindly applying resistances until you luck out and get the right one.

I too don't like the way a lot of MMOs force you to rely on a multitude of addons to progress, but having even basic information such as this available to you is surely needed for any guild trying to be competitive in a PvE environment.
Hope addons dont happen really hated them in wow also in SWTOR ruined the enjoyment for me. Just wish launch would hurry up need to play NOW!!!!!!!!!!
I think ZMO are trying to make you watch and react to the world, the animations, the effects more than just bars or floaty numbers on a screen. I this sense I do applaud them but I hope idealism doesn't get in the way of enjoyment.

It's a video game and of course that has limitations. It's hard to clearly see your group mates during a big pull in a PvE dungeon let alone in 100v100 PvP so making sure that damage shield is still up on your healer or if they are stunned/rooted via a buff window is really the only way.

Removal of self/group information is too much i think. More than happy to remove enemy information though.
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