*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

with respect to the addon thing, i played DAOC for many many years without any form of addons and it did not affect my ability to pvp effectively or in my case often ineffectively haha.

Occasionally i would scroll through my combat window to see what i got hit for, but more often than not i was too intent on getting back into the thick of things to worry about logs and parses and whatnot.

Looking forward to this aspect of TESO, not looking forward to the multitude of whine on the forums though from the wowbabies who need this stuff to feel effective, those types are the ones looking for "optimal rotations" because they are usually too inept to play the class without such handholding. Shame cos those are usually the easiest to kill, gotta love free Rp's :)
I just managed to add it with Hola!

Just keep changing the servers in the addon.

Click hola and then click Not working try another server.

Phew, for a moment there I was worried that if they had blocked it, it would mean that I wouldn't get my second code from them for the imperial stuff at release if they realised that I got my copy from them before it was blocked.
with respect to the addon thing, i played DAOC for many many years without any form of addons and it did not affect my ability to pvp effectively or in my case often ineffectively haha.

Occasionally i would scroll through my combat window to see what i got hit for, but more often than not i was too intent on getting back into the thick of things to worry about logs and parses and whatnot.

Looking forward to this aspect of TESO, not looking forward to the multitude of whine on the forums though from the wowbabies who need this stuff to feel effective, those types are the ones looking for "optimal rotations" because they are usually too inept to play the class without such handholding. Shame cos those are usually the easiest to kill, gotta love free Rp's :)


Anything that gets us as far away from how WoW plays is a good thing. Really don't want what happened to Rift to happen to ESO.
I think that's ok, I've only received my early access code so far from GMG. Real key should be sent out closer to release.
I love the names of the builds that some people come up with on the TF forums.

Mageplar, Bowplar, Pyroknight and Gankblade are a few of the gems. I'm going to trademark Warblade before anyone else gets in on it :D
Is there any clear info as to when the EU server will actually be in Europe as opposed to the US?

No info as to when, but it will be.

My gut is telling me we'll start on a American EU megaserver and once the real EU server is ready, they'll migrate us across during maintenance.
Yeah, they've already stated that'll be the case Latex.

Someone (apologies for forgetting the posters name) posted in this thread that ZoS were hiring lots of support staff in Ireland for this. I hope they don't follow SWTOR and base the server there. Much better to stick it in Germany or Holland IMO.
Yeah, they've already stated that'll be the case Latex.

Someone (apologies for forgetting the posters name) posted in this thread that ZoS were hiring lots of support staff in Ireland for this. I hope they don't follow SWTOR and base the server there. Much better to stick it in Germany or Holland IMO.

I've heard the EU megaserver will be in Berlin as its pretty central for Europe. And to be honest, the Germans are bloody good and building stuff, so these servers should be pretty good. If not, i wont be happy.

I have a Miele hoover and it sucks better then my wife......ahem. Moving on.
Yeah, they've already stated that'll be the case Latex.

Someone (apologies for forgetting the posters name) posted in this thread that ZoS were hiring lots of support staff in Ireland for this. I hope they don't follow SWTOR and base the server there. Much better to stick it in Germany or Holland IMO.

Yeah that was me, they're hiring 250 support staff in Ireland, so I'm guessing that's where the servers will be located.
What's wrong with Ireland? Do we not have big pipes over to there?

They do, but they get clogged up with potatoes ;)

Seriously, its location isn't the heart of Europe and neither us (the UK) nor Ireland are renowned for our amazing internet infrastructure. Germany, the Netherlands or even one of the Nordic countries would be a much better choice as they all pee over our pipes.
Ah we're not that bad! Retail internet might be 10 years behind the curve but there's some pretty serious commerical backbone in place. Google and Paypal don't have their European headquarters here for nothing.
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