*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

I wouldn't be surprised if they implement their own ingame combat log type thing and something buff/debuff related also.

I'm not too concerned at the moment, I did fine in Daocs RvR with pretty much nothing more than the Daoc combat log. Too many addons get in my way and make me end up feeling like I am watching and playing numbers rather than watching and playing the game, I also don't like ending up in that situation that I've encountered in some MMOs where I have been refused to join a group because I am not using addon x, y and z.

They do definitely need to do something to provide some basic information feedback though, a combat log and something to give better dynamic info regarding buffs and debuffs. I just don't want to end up in a WoW type situation where my monitor is 85% addons and I am playing the game in a 3 inch window in the middle of the screen :D
I wouldn't necessarily say it'll require more skill. You'll still need to avoid obvious skills and areas of effect abilities, but being able to look at your log after a death and go "Ok, that massive amount of poison damage killed me, I could probably mitigate that with the relevant resistance" is what will make the difference between being able to adapt to a fight, rather than just blindly applying resistances until you luck out and get the right one.

I too don't like the way a lot of MMOs force you to rely on a multitude of addons to progress, but having even basic information such as this available to you is surely needed for any guild trying to be competitive in a PvE environment.

WoW has made the looking at logs almost a norm for modern MMO's and that's a really bad thing. I don't want to have to look over some numbers because I died. So long as there are sufficient visual cues and/or emotes, you shouldn't need logs to know some specific kind of damage.
It's more than that though. Damage types, critical numbers, ability orders. You just get used to seeing that kind of information in games so you can learn and adapt to improve your character.

After playing so many other MMOs in the past, it's going to be strange to not being able to see buffs and debuffs.

Just teasing :p
I respectfully disagree latex,In the two betas I've played I've played multiple characters and non going above level 7 and I have enjoyed the game very much and reading that it gets much better after level 10 -15 will only make it a better experience for me,I like the massive open world and exploring it and enjoying the pve that's what I enjoy but I will also be putting a lot of time into PvP it looks amazing from what I have seen and I'm very excited about it but I myself will not be rushing through the game for the purpose of just getting into PvP or just to level fast for the sake of saying I'm this level after such little time I see why people do it its just not for me,I want to take in everything they have taken there time building for me to enjoy.

I can respect that others feel differently about this and that's what makes life interesting variety.

Sorry i was talking in reference to treating the game like Skyrim and Oblivion. How ever you play it or what ever is your choice. I just feel if you decide to play it like Skyrim and Oblivion you might be disappointed.
Sorry i was talking in reference to treating the game like Skyrim and Oblivion. How ever you play it or what ever is your choice. I just feel if you decide to play it like Skyrim and Oblivion you might be disappointed.

No need to say sorry latex,I understand what your saying and my wording of playing it like skyrim,oblivion was the wrong thing to say really meant it differently to the way you took it.
Let's think of it as us both being winners here just slightly misunderstood hahaha
I'm looking to pick this up, I've tried to search and saw there was a way of picking it up cheaply (Nuvam or something) but can't find the actual post detailing how to do it. Can someone help me out please?
I wouldn't be surprised if they implement their own ingame combat log type thing and something buff/debuff related also.

I think the patch notes i posted on the previous page contained something about a Combat Log / Combat text.


Updated Active Combat Text to better indicate that to Interrupt an enemy, you must first press the Right Mouse Button then Left Mouse Button, in that order.

Active Combat Text now prompts you to use the Command key to Interrupt, which is mapped as an alternate keybinding by default on the Mac client.

Maybe its not the same thing?
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I think with ESO its about the mindset you approach it with, if you go in with the WoW mindset of MUST LEVEL and get to MAX LEVEL asap and skip quests and just run instances to get to the mighty max level I think you'll find that ESO isnt a satisfying experience. If you are a more old school RPG player and MMO'er and you take the view its about the journey and take time to wander off explore, learn a craft and soak up the lore on your travels you will get more from ESO.

Thats the way I am approaching it its not a WoW clone and it is trying to so something a little different. I shall be applying to ToG this afto to as I do like a grown up mature community when I am gaming...the most helpful and supportive one I have found so far has been TSW which has some really good people in it.
Latex posted the instructions previously. Use Chrome, get the extension called Hola go to the Nuuvem, click on the Brazil flag in the top right of Chrome (courtesy of Hola) and then use Paypal to buy.

After that check on your newly created Nuuvem account and you'll have the key ready and waiting for you. Add that key to your Bethesda/Zenimax TESO account and you'll have it registered, easy as pie. Then all you have to do is wait for Zenimax to send out the Imperial keys to their digital distribution partners and check your emails.

All for the princely sum of £38 (£40 with Paypal currency conversion costs) :)

I am trying to do this but it's saying "This product is not available to purchase in your region". The Brazilian flag is showing in the top right hand corner in chrome (Hola). Any ideas?
I am trying to do this but it's saying "This product is not available to purchase in your region". The Brazilian flag is showing in the top right hand corner in chrome (Hola). Any ideas?

You might need to reload the page.

Seems they might have stopped it. Still trying to figure it out.
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Worked for me with Hola on Sunday morning, glad I took the plunge then before they blocked it if they have :( Maybe its just Hola's proxy/vpn that's blocked I am sure there are other services that do the same thing.
Worked for me with Hola on Sunday morning, glad I took the plunge then before they blocked it if they have :( Maybe its just Hola's proxy/vpn that's blocked I am sure there are other services that do the same thing.

I thought that and i bought premium membership with Hola! just to check.

It does seem to be only ESO though, i can add any other game i want from their site.
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