*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

I reckon it will be CS only in Ireland, theres a few reasons for this, WHO CS was in Ireland, my mate was one of the lead CS there and now works at Jagex doing CS and stuff, said they are really setup there for CS type stuff

Secondly, the female irish accent is the one thats used for english on a lot of satnavs like tomtom etc, as apparently they have the clearest sounding english accent for non english to understand. which i find believable as the kids round here cant speak english unless "ya get me, innnit blud" is english, im not 100% sure.
Turn it all off! You can remove all quest markers (and I assume everything bar direction from the compass) which will go some way to making life infinitely more interesting. I know it's one of the first things I'll be doing :)
Confirmed release schedule

For 5 day early access:

North America (East): 7:00 AM EDT, Sunday March 30th--
UK/IE: 12:00 PM WEST, Sunday March 30th--
Central Europe: 1:00 PM CEST, Sunday March 30th--
Sydney, Australia: 10:00 PM AEDT, Sunday March 30th--
Singapore: 7:00 PM SGT, Sunday March 30th --

For 3 day early access:

North America (East): 7:00 AM EDT, Tuesday April 1st--
UK/IE: 12:00 PM WEST, Tuesday April 1st--
Central Europe: 1:00 PM CEST, Tuesday April 1st--
Sydney, Australia: 10:00 PM AEDT, Tuesday April 1st--
Singapore: 7:00 PM SGT, Tuesday April 1st--

...and for launch:

North America (East): 7:00 PM EDT, Thursday, April 3rd--
UK/IE: 12:00 AM WEST, Thursday, April 4th--
Central Europe: 1:00 AM CEST, Thursday, April 4th--
Sydney, Australia: 10:00 AM AEDT, Thursday, April 4th--
Singapore: 7:00 AM SGT, Thursday, April 4th
Just wanted to put this out there (there hasn't been a question yet):

Your beta account is your live account, you won't need to create a new one when the servers go live on the 30th (for pre-purchasers).

Also, if you have been in the beta and are going to play when ESO launches, don't uninstall the game - when the servers go live, just run the same patcher as you always have, and any delta files will be downloaded from there. You don't need a clean install. This will save you lots of time over completely re-downloading the game.
As soon as the dust settles from launch, we'll get to work on migrating the EU megaserver over to it's permanent home in the EU. We'll have lots more info about this when it happens.

There will be details about Imperial City released....later. ;)

After ESO ships we're not done with PVP or Cyrodiil as we'll be paying close attention to what the players ask for. If it's Arena, more expansions of Cyrodiil, or simply adding more PVP Ranks we'll be listening to the players!

You gain Alliance War Ranks (there are 50 of them currently) and Alliance points which you can spend on gear or weapons. Also note that you get XP for players you kill and capturing keeps so you can level up in PVP. There are 2 skill lines focused on PVP as well you unlock when you enter Cyrodiil (Assault/Support) which have abilities that are focused on PVP.

To become Emperor there is a leaderboard per alliance within a Campaign (based on alliance points earned), and if you're on top of that leaderboard when the 6 Keeps around Imperial City are captured for your Alliance, you become Emperor!

To lose Emperorship however, all 6 keeps have to be captured by the opposing Alliances, by either both enemy Alliances or a single Alliance...in which case they would crown their own Emperor!

You can expect poisons to become a part of alchemy before long. More details to come!

Yes, we'll continue to balance after launch. A good number of our most recent changes have been focused on fixing issues that come up in our soon-to-be-released high end content, but I know that me and our ability balance guys, Floyd and Eric, are extremely excited to improve some of our abilities that are unpopular and/or under performing.

A Nightblade support build is one that we have read a good deal of concerns about, so I'd expect some changes on the horizon.

"Can you explain the guild stores a bit more? Do I have to be a member of a guild to buy from it or is it a public store in which a guild of crafters and merchants offer their products? Will I be able to set my own prices or would this be regulated by the guild leaders? – By John Connor

You will need to be a member of a guild to use its guild store; right now, there isn’t a public storefront for them. If you have permission (configurable by the guild leader) to sell items on the guild store, you’ll be able to set your own prices."


So, yes, in short we will not have a multiserver-wide auction house. Guilds will have their own guild store where they can buy and sell items with each other. Since you can be in five guilds, we do hope that people will set up trade guilds.

Please keep in mind this system is still a work in progress and we may make changes.

Popping in real quick to verify that this is correct. If you were to purchase a PC version of ESO and a PS4 version, your characters would be tied to the version of the game you purchased. They will not be interchangeable across system platforms.

I can confirm there are over 300 skill points. Remember with 50+, 50++ content and Cyrodiil there are many skill points available.

Terrain Draw Distance:

I wish this were as easy as just making the distance farther, but we run into tech restrictions very quickly if we set view distance farther than it can go now. I 100% understand what you (and many others) are saying, but believe me, if it was easy to do this we would have done it already. We'll do what we can, but not any time soon.

So I have a few questions about the interface and any planned changes:

Are there plans to expand the organization within the guild such as the amount of available ranks?
What is the purpose of the 10% "house cut" in guild shops, and why can't guilds set their own "cut" that they can actually receive?
Will guilds ever be able to have an internal treasury to store and use gold for the guild?
Is the ZOS team aware of the guild bank bug where items don't stack properly?
Another bug is where the guild shop's "Materials" search field returns items of all kinds, and doesn't give options for sorting craft professions?

The best answer for this is we are absolutely looking at guild interface, store, and other improvements for guilds soon, including better communication tools for large guilds.

Yes to more ranks.
It is a gold sink. We are evaluating it, but it was something to help keep the value of gold up.
It can certainly cause arguments, but I think we will likely add something like this.
Yes. Working on a fix.
We are going to redo categorization of items to make sure they are more easily searchabl

Starter Islands: We made this decision to give the players lots more choice in the early moments of the game. Not being able to leave the starter islands was too much on rails. So, we made the starter islands just "islands" and let players explore them when they want, along with other level 3-8 content. But after (much) feedback, we made it too hard to find the quest giver to send you to the island, so we are making one more change before launch: now, you’ll find a questgiver directly outside your front door to direct you to the islands. You don’t have to go there, but you can if you want. Choice.

Explorer Pack Bonus: playing any race in any alliance is a pre-order perk. We have no plans to offer this bonus in any other way.

Feedback about our starting area was is that it was one of the most negatively perceived areas of the game in our recent round of media and beta tester previews. No one loves the starter area content more than we do, but the feedback was overwhelming that players felt locked in and “on rails” because they had to complete the content sequentially.

If we just put a NPC on the start island and said “you can skip this”, it would be very confusing to new players – how would they know what it is they were skipping? So, we decided to keep the content, but make it just part of the 1-10 leveling experience by making the (former) starting areas explorable areas of the game.

The feedback on the change – once people played it – was that they didn’t understand why we made it so difficult to find the islands. So, by launch (going to PTS early next week), we’ve slightly tweaked the starter experience again to more explicitly vector players to the islands. This way, if you are an ESO veteran, you can go to the islands when you want, and if you are a new player, you can just follow the quest and go there.

We also are tweaking the tutorial to offer more explicit weapon types to choose from. Our goal is that through weapon drops, lootable chests, and this choice you should be able to find any weapon you want by the time you exit Coldharbour.

We had to make decisions that were based on trying to make sure competitive elements of the game, both PvE and PvP had as level of a playing field as possible. As our API was in Beta, it exposed certain functions that made ‘macro programs’ much easier to abuse. Also, there were functions which were exposed that let the API display information not readily available to the normal game client, thus making some players feel they would be forced to use add-ons to remain competitive.

While we are very aware this was going to hurt some add-ons, we felt these decisions were necessary. We certainly tried to keep in things which would still allow for damage numbers to be seen, and what was happening to your character to be seen. As we get deeper into launch, we can always re-evaluate what is available and what isn’t.

PVP in Elder Scrolls Online has been noted as the type of PVP people have been waiting for, for a long time, espeically the old school DAOC crowd. I’m happy to report that many Beta players were specifically looking for this type of PVP and they had great stories and nostalgia about their fights in Cyrodiil, just like their fights in the past. I hope we get the same Alliance pride and angst between the Dominion, Pact and Covenant just like the old days, and that will translate to great PVP stories to come!

1 – We are going to be adding population bonuses for scoring benefits into Campaigns for underpopulated Alliances over time. Currently we have scoring imbalance benefits that persuade the two losing alliances to gang up on the winning alliance, but again, population imbalance bonuses are going to be added.

2 – The only lock on Campaigns are based on your Characters to ensure you don’t have a Dominion, Covenant and Pact character all in the same Campaign. For launch we are going to relax the 24 hour lockout for switching campaigns to a smaller window and the cost, but we are aware of possible guild flooding and will be looking into those issues as they arise.

3 – We have Alliance points attainable by healing players besides just killing them so in terms of individual class imbalance (which usually means ‘why do healers always get screwed!’) players are on equal footing depending on their loadout. Also note this pool can be drained as points come out of them so it’s self balancing. Now if you’re concerned about simply one class leading the boards vs. another, we’ve had many campaigns where across all three Alliances, the leaders were each different classes.

We have a CS team dedicated to finding anyone that uses third party cheating programs but also many in game measuring metrics to find these when used. Cheaters are found and dealt with =)

Anything is possible with people 24/7 playing a character, however that player has to be able to acquire alliance points to be on the top of the leaderboard and hold the keeps around Imperial city to do so. It’s quite difficult to hold all 6 of those keeps with just a few people.
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All sounding pretty good, more high end PvE and a heavy focus on Cyrodiil is exactly what I want to hear!

Can't wait until next weekend :)
Let’s face it, an MMORPG that has a leveling cap, the end game is where the game itself should shine. As much as the leveling experience needs to be great to keep the player playing, it is nothing compared to the time we spend at end game. We’ve all played them, MMORPGs with leveling caps, WoW, SWTOR, DAoC, GW2,

I can go on for a while listing them but you get my drift. How much play time was during the leveling experience? Very little, right? Most of your time playing was at “end game” or level cap.

This week I want to take a step back from all the hype of the Elder Scrolls Online launch and talk about something that might be over looked, the longevity of PvP in ESO.

We know that a lot of the developers that have worked on The Elder Scrolls Online came from Dark Age of Camelot. A game that, in a way revolutionized the MMORPG genre. It showed that PvP can be more than just a 1v1, 2v2, etc, type of system.

Massive scale battles are possible. If you talk to anyone who played DAoC during its prime, they’ll tell you that they had one of the most fulfilling and enjoyable PvP experiences that no other game has been able to repeat.

With the developers of ESO being the ones who created such a ground breaking game, it would be safe to say that ESO will be able to repeat the success that DAoC has, right?
As it stands right now, I don’t think we can expect anything similar to DAoC’s success. Stay with me here, I have valid reasons.

A lot of you are thinking I’m completely wrong and the PvP in ESO is the best part and will be the feature that makes ESO a successful MMO. That opinion is based off the few beta tests you’ve had the opportunity to play in.

A state of mind I like to call the honeymoon period. Everything is great at the start but once it is over you start to see that once perfect, beautiful game in a whole new light. You start to see all the imperfections, this is how I am seeing ESO PvP right now.

DAoC still has thousands of people playing, and paying the subscription fee, but what does it have that ESO doesn’t? A near endless progression system. Dark Age has Realm Ranks. When you kill people, take a keep, or a relic, you’d earn Realm Points. Now these Realm Points (or RPs) are the same thing as Alliance Points in ESO, but they differ in how they are used.

In Dark Age, these points were used as a type of leveling system. Realm Rank 13 being the highest which required 66,181,501 Realm Points. Not exactly something you can earn in a week or month. Each Realm Rank consisted of 9 mini levels within it. An example would be someone who is RR8L4, meaning they are Realm Rank 8, 4 levels into it. Each level earned you one Realm skill point that you could use on new abilities.

As you progressed through the realm abilities, they became more and more expensive forcing you to save those precious points. There was always something for you to spend your Realm points on. Either a new ability or passive or an upgrade on an existing one, which cost additional points on top of its previous cost.
As complicated as this system sounds, it really wasn’t hard to understand.

But this system is what kept people engaged in PvP, if you spent one hour or 11 hours in PvP you felt like your time in the game was rewarded. This system made it so players didn’t ever feel like they completed the game, something a lot of MMOs don’t offer.
ESO doesn’t have this feature, sure it has Alliance Points, but it doesn’t have the near endless progression that DAoC uses.

The Alliance Points in ESO aren’t connected to any form of progression they are solely used as a currency to purchase gear (which is not any better than the best PvE gear), potions, and Siege weapons. In my eyes the Alliance Points are just added fluffy currency.
Of course there is the prestige title of becoming Emperor.

But honestly, only the people who dedicate the most time in PvP will be on the top of the charts and have a chance at the title. Perhaps months down the road when PvP has calmed down a bit we can see a few casual PvPers claiming the title but not anytime soon. However, for the sake of argument, let us say we earned the title. We now have a new skill tree that we can put our skill points into and level it up.

If you’ve been in the beta, one thing you might have noticed is it doesn’t take a long time to level skills to the point where we can morph them. Perhaps you’re a very casual player and it takes you a week to do it. After that week, then what?

Once you’ve earned the title of Emperor, what other goals are there within ESO PvP that are in place to keep players wanting to go into Cyrodiil. MMORPGs should feel endless, and sadly ESO’s PvP feels as if it ends. Worst of all, it doesn’t take much time to get there.
So does ESO have longevity in its PvP? No, least not as it stands right now.

If the system stays as it is right now I foresee a large portion of the PvP fans losing interest in ESO PvP and going back to their previous game. Zenimax needs to develop a progression system. It doesn’t have to be like DAoC’s (it’d be awesome if it was though), but it does need to make the player feel like they have something to work towards.

I hope I was able to shed some light on a big concern of mine and I hope that Zenimax releases something that will make Alliance Points more valuable to the player than just a simple currency.

Interesting review.
Umm i dunno why people are so hot on adventure zones for launch, not like your at the level cap on day 1 with enough other people to go do them??? i thought the adventure zones were designed for multile max level people / groups / raids? if thats the case aslong as they are available within the first month i see no issue? people always rant and rave xxx end game content isnt available day one.. who cares? you cant go do it day one anyhow, not unless you use some kind of exploits to get to max level.

The obsession people have with max level content on day 1 is absurb if you think about it, no one is max level day one, NO ONE. Not even day 2 or 3 usually, most people take a good few days and even those that setup a team who take shifts to level 1 character to max take a few days to do it. Just to be the 1st, kinda sad and pointless, then they come to forums and whine theres nothing to do, ******s.

Just enjoy the game as its meant, gobble up the content when its available, and stop looking for reasons to knock games because you dont fancy that game.
Just enjoy the game as its meant, gobble up the content when its available, and stop looking for reasons to knock games because you dont fancy that game.

Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like fun. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch games burn.
The only part of that review a few posts ago that I would take issue with , is this :

But this system is what kept people engaged in PvP, if you spent one hour or 11 hours in PvP you felt like your time in the game was rewarded. This system made it so players didn’t ever feel like they completed the game, something a lot of MMOs don’t offer.
ESO doesn’t have this feature, sure it has Alliance Points, but it doesn’t have the near endless progression that DAoC uses.

Whilst that may very well apply to some people, it doesn't to me. It was in no way the RR system in Daoc that kept me engaged in PvP. What kept me engaged in PvP for 4 years in Daoc was that it was fun and I enjoyed the PvP. I did feel that my time in the game was rewarded, but my reward was having fun, not that I got realmpoints.

It should also be remembered that when Daoc first released, the realm rank system was a mere shadow of what it eventually became, it was far from implemented fully at the time of release and largely did nothing at all at release, and as I recall it only had 5 realm ranks at release too, not anywhere near the developed system that it went on to become.

Whilst its entirely possible to speculate whether or not the PvP in ESO will develop over time, its not something that we can categorically say one way or the other. Maybe it will , maybe it wont...however, to quote that review :

"So does ESO have longevity in its PvP? No, least not as it stands right now."

Well actually, I disagree with "no , least not as it stands right now" , maybe it doesn't for people who require a "material" reward for the pvp, for whom the fun of the pvp alone isn't enough, but for me, I pvp for years and years in UO without getting points or ranks for it, I did it because it was fun. I do many things in life because they are fun, I am someone who does not require any reward beyond enjoyment in order to do something.
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