*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

Anyone else finding this game tough?

Admittedly I'm not used to MMO's but got my char to level 9. Now he's just too squishy for the quests available to me (all in orange writing). I'm using an Orc in heavy armour with 2 handed weapon.

Any pointers?

I had problems with Gutripper due to my gear being poor for my level, but changed tactics and gave him the runaround. There was also a later main mob that healed itself using bubbles and root ability, but same thing once I figured tactics out. I think they were both orange at the time so probably just quest difficulty for level/gear?

I'm playing an Imperial templar healer at the moment (mix of destruction/healer really) @afraser2k if there's an OcUK guild going?
Anyone else finding this game tough?

Admittedly I'm not used to MMO's but got my char to level 9. Now he's just too squishy for the quests available to me (all in orange writing). I'm using an Orc in heavy armour with 2 handed weapon.

Any pointers?

I am using the same thing, only level 5, but i am managing to survive against two/three level seven mobs.

What way have you assigned your skill points so far? I am using dragon knight and have put points into heavy armour, two handed and orc racial skills.
I am using the same thing, only level 5, but i am managing to survive against two/three level seven mobs.

What way have you assigned your skill points so far? I am using dragon knight and have put points into heavy armour, two handed and orc racial skills.

I've put some into armour and lots into the Earth knock down one and fire weapons. Also using spike armour that I cast before every fight.

Was kinda going for big damage/armour guy (lol).
So, did anyone buy a pre-order from any of the CD key sites? CD Keys has it for roughly £25 and cjs-cdkeys for £31. I'm just unsure as to whether I will get it instantly, even though it says I will :p.
So, did anyone buy a pre-order from any of the CD key sites? CD Keys has it for roughly £25 and cjs-cdkeys for £31. I'm just unsure as to whether I will get it instantly, even though it says I will :p.

Gamekeysnow sent me the 3 day early access code straight away. Retail key will be sent 03.04.
Anyone else finding this game tough?

Admittedly I'm not used to MMO's but got my char to level 9. Now he's just too squishy for the quests available to me (all in orange writing). I'm using an Orc in heavy armour with 2 handed weapon.

Any pointers?

Yea it is pretty tough in places, especially since many pulls can have 2-3 mobs and if they are higher level than you hit hard.

Did you do the starting island, there are so many quests plus exploration xp that I'm surprised you have ran out of equal level quests at 9.

Block everything - when fighting high level mobs or groups take it slow, block normal attacks as well as special attacks and fight like block-skill-block-attack-block-etc. This way you can take down even high level mobs, albeit slowly.

Skill some CC (I assume your a DK?) - choking talons is amazing, root the group then kill any ranged/casters first. Stone first is also good for cc'ing ranged guys. Magma armour is great for boss fights.

Craft - anyone can craft early level gear. Craft some heavy armour, health potions and max stam/mana/hp foods.
Gamekeysnow sent me the 3 day early access code straight away. Retail key will be sent 03.04.

OK, took a punt and ordered from there. It said the order went through successfully, although not had an email just yet. How long was straight away if you don't mind me asking?
Yea it is pretty tough in places, especially since many pulls can have 2-3 mobs and if they are higher level than you hit hard.

Did you do the starting island, there are so many quests plus exploration xp that I'm surprised you have ran out of equal level quests at 9.

Block everything - when fighting high level mobs or groups take it slow, block normal attacks as well as special attacks and fight like block-skill-block-attack-block-etc. This way you can take down even high level mobs, albeit slowly.

Skill some CC (I assume your a DK?) - choking talons is amazing, root the group then kill any ranged/casters first. Stone first is also good for cc'ing ranged guys. Magma armour is great for boss fights.

Craft - anyone can craft early level gear. Craft some heavy armour, health potions and max stam/mana/hp foods.

Yeah think I did everything on the starting island. I'll go back and check.

Is it possible to re-assign skill points?
Dazboots blame yourself not like there ware 3 free beta weekends... Cant wait for tommorow to start playing. Got rest of week off so let the quest grind begin like in the old days :D
Apparently, so long as you can round up enough mobs and burn them down, grinding is still the way to go. Seems there are some very good spots for this type of play which are currently being used by the ex-beta testers.

This is separate to the quest exploiters, if there are even any - could just be a case of spouting nonsense.
I was going to ask how this was possible(!) Questing isn't a particularly fast way to level in this game, and grinding mobs is hopeless due to gimped xp.

There is a dungeon/quest in Cryodiil that scales with level and you just repeat that.

I would personally classify it as exploiting.

First L50. There is some talk of ex-closed beta people exploiting certain quests that they didn't bother reporting - not sure if this is one of them or not.

Anyone know what that little info bar addon is at the top of their screen?

Someone always blitzes like that in every MMO. Then they are always the ones who run to the forums moaning that there isn't enough content and leave the game etc. Personally I think they do it as a money making scheme, blitz to 50, sell the account for money while the price is at a maximum.
There is a dungeon/quest in Cryodiil that scales with level and you just repeat that.

I would personally classify it as exploiting.

It's not really an exploit if you are playing within the games rules. Game design 101 here. Players will take the fastest route, regardless of tedium. They should have known players would do this and put a lockout on that type of quest/dungeon.

He's doing nothing different than how you level in WoW, which is basically repeat the same set of dungeons over & over. In his case, it was just the one :D
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