*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

Those that bought the physical copy, are there much updates to get after installing? I've got my copy and am just wondering if I will get to play it later on or will I have to download 5000 terabytes of patches.
Last question guys is there much lag in the pvp as that is where I'd spend most my time in the long run.

As I've probably spent more time pvp'ing than most people on here I'll give my two cents. I find pvp in ESO to be extremely smooth, certainly less laggy than most MMOs I've ever played. My connection is fairly poor and my PC is very low spec yet it still performs very well even during 3 faction keep sieges.

Hopefully they boost the amount of xp you can can earn from PvP as despite having played for as much time as most of my guild I am a much lower level than them because they have done far less PvP(although I do have some seriously nice gear)

Is there any way we can have more hotbars or are we stuck with only having 5 skills at a time?

Until you reach level 15 you're stuck with just 5 skills at one time. Then when you reach level 15 you can swap weapons during combat and so you then can swap from one group of 5 skills to your other set of 5 skills.
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Let me qualify by saying I really love this game.

But find it strange/amusing that people used the skill limit to bash gw2 but with this gave and even less skills people are embracing it :confused: :p
Let me qualify by saying I really love this game.

But find it strange/amusing that people used the skill limit to bash gw2 but with this gave and even less skills people are embracing it :confused: :p

With GW2 you basically only had 5 skills to choose from with each weapon though. On here, you get weapon/class/guild/ skills to use which lead to more customization. Plus the morphing of skills for slightly different abilities.
It will be like that unfortunately, for a while.
Servers are in US and it's launch day, so there is a lot of traffic.
Leave it running over night and it should be done by morning.
Hope someone can answer this! if I buy elder scrollAnnoying then when the console version comes out do you think I would be able to use the same account or do you think it'll be separate as a lot of my friends would play on console as there pcs are uncapable any ideas?

found my answer online you have to pay for 2 subs. Annoying
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Still only level 6 because of all the downtime leaving me unable to play, bit irritated and head start was a waste of time but looking forward for a chance to actually play again!
Oooing and ahhhing as to wether get this or not...just watched the newest cinematic trailer and it looks good. Love the look of the huge open field battle but i bet their will never be moments anything like that ingame :(.Also that huge guy in the armour with the white beard(one of themain characters in the trailer) looks awesome think ide make my character to look similar tbh.

So how is the game? Isit just a bunch of kids running around in groups killing players on their own? Or is there a lot more working as part of a group?
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So how is the game? Isit just a bunch of kids running around in groups killing players on their own? Or is there a lot more working as part of a group?

It may well take a little more time for the working in groups type of gameplay to surface in PvP. MMOs in recent years have reinforced the "mindless zerg" mentality and thats going to take a little time to iron out and bring people back to a more Daoc-style of mentality. Its happening here and there but I think it will take a little longer to come fully to fruition.
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