*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

It's actually amazing how much you miss without Keen Eye even though I thought i had a pretty keen eye for spotting nodes when harvesting!

high grade iron and orichalum are harder to spot then regular iron.
Guys, because they took the EU server down last night (3h), tonight (3h) and not 3 nights like someone said, Zenimax made that post tonigh.

We want all of you to know that everyone who was part of Early Access will be granted an extended grace period until Sunday at 8AM EDT/12PM (noon) GMT before being required to transition your account to live. This will cover those who purchased ESO from an online retailer and won't be getting your box shipped in time and also gives anyone in Early Access who purchased digitally more Early Access time.

Yup this sucks balls. Both yesterday and today I've finally sat down at around 9pm to play, and the server says no. Disappointing to say the least.
For christ sake, every time the launcher 'updates' it just goes to repair then wants to download another 5GB a time... sigh.
I guess this first 30 days will be like constant beta weekend, with lots of server downtimes etc.
Visuals look flat fantastic, but a lot of bugs really start to annoy me.
Like in cyrodil 2 days ago.
We had a group doing shards, invited a guildie who was outside of cyrodil and whole group crashed instantly. Every zone in to a dungeon resulted in mass crash as well.
If you have to re-connect 20 times during one evening, it really breaks the mood.
This should have been fixed long time ago, there was enough time.
My launcher is being a ****.

It wants me to download the entire game again. Going to figure out how to fix it and post it here for future reference.
Bank Account Being Charged?
ZOS_JessicaFolsomZOS_JessicaFolsom Administrator, Moderator admin
12:03AM edited 12:10AM in Customer Support - English
Upon setting up your subscription plan you may see an initial transaction against your account however this transaction is only temporary. The charge represents an authorization check against the account provided and will be removed once the authorization check is complete.

Exceptions to this general rule are Webmoney, ideal, PaySafeCard, and Giropay.
Post edited by ZOS_JessicaFolsom at 12:10AM
Jessica Folsom
Community Manager (English) - The Elder Scrolls Online
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Yeah, mine was fine too. Small patch and then it was good to go.

Thanks for the heads up on the Nuuvem key! Saves me waiting all day for an email. Now I can redeem Mr Pinchy my faithful mudcrab :D
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