*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

Thinking about picking this game up,Think i should or wait for a bit,I've got my Eye's on the Imperial edition.

I really enjoy the Elder Scrolls series and have been really busy latly hence why i haven't already purchased it.

Quite sceptical from what i'm reading. Any help?
Thinking about picking this game up,Think i should or wait for a bit,I've got my Eye's on the Imperial edition.

I really enjoy the Elder Scrolls series and have been really busy latly hence why i haven't already purchased it.

Quite sceptical from what i'm reading. Any help?

Its probably somewhere in the middle between those that really dont like it and those that really do (just like any game really :D). Do some research, read MMO user forums. Places like metacritc are probably rather accurate in their rating imo.

If you are set on playing, honestly wait month or 2 and you'll most likely be able to pick it up much cheaper, the plentiful bugs should also have been ironed out. Maybe (probably not though :p).
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Its probably somewhere in the middle between those that really dont like it and those that really do (just like any game really ;p). Do some research, read MMO user forums

Honestly wait month or 2 and you'll most likely be able to pick it up much cheaper, the plentiful bugs should also have been ironed out.

Thanks i'll wait :)
A review can never tell you whether you will like the game. You will have to play it yourself and find out.

That's why I think all games should have demos/trials.

I've bought loads of rubbish games in the past, but I'm pleased with my purchase this time around.
Thinking about picking this game up,Think i should or wait for a bit,I've got my Eye's on the Imperial edition.

I really enjoy the Elder Scrolls series and have been really busy latly hence why i haven't already purchased it.

Quite sceptical from what i'm reading. Any help?

Ask someone you know and can trust before you leap in and buy it. Personally, I'm glad someone bought it for me as I won't be playing it past the included 30 days, all hype dare I say !! :eek:
anyone else not want to be a vampire? i don't really but seems your at a disadvantage in pvp if you don't:(
There are people on tamriel forums claiming an emperor vr10 dk vampire wiped out 40 people:eek:

Surely a DK with Fire Staff and Fighters Guild talents should have no problem.

Vampires are weak to fire, and Fighters guild talents are good v Werewolves.
I think this is a solid, well made game, but my initial enthusiasm is waning.

I'm around level 18 playing as a 2H templar with a bit of healing chucked in for good measure.

Does it get better as you make progress through the zones? I haven't yet tried PvP and have only done one dungeon run so far. I have to say the player base has been refreshingly mature so far.
Agreed. I had a read of it last night. Out of interest - how long do you think it will take an average gamer to reach VR10 just by questing & not utilising the zerging & farming strategies he mentions?
Well I'm still enjoying it a lot.

It's a fair review above if a little harsh marking it against a true TES game, there are always going to be limitations in an MMO. But i guess they should have known Skyrim would be a hard act to follow!

A push to squash these annoying quest bugs and the release of the adventure zone will really make the deal complete.

EDIT: Doc - I reckon it's about 5-7 days /played to go from VR1-10 depending on how much PvP you plan to do.
This is a very fair and reasonably accurate review of the game. At least the player actually maxed out his level and got higher then level 10.


His definition of how good an mmo is seems to be based on how quickly you can level to max. I really don't understand that mindset :confused:

I do agree with his summary though, take out the bugs and give it a bit of time to settle and it will be a really strong mmo.

The bots and spammers though, christ :( I would have held off subscribing if I'd known how bad they would be.
God this game fustrates me at times lol, managed to trade my nord motifs for redguard and breton, went into stormhaven first thing i find....another 2 nord motifs :(. Went back to daggerfall all was going okay then all of a sudden keep getting a error occured anyone else have this problem?
Angry Joe's video review of the game pretty much sums it up for me.

The game is average at best, yes it has some good bits, but it also has many bad bits.

Yep, well the people who gave me a copy have all but stopped playing it. It's like the makers didn't want people to actually play together through the content and even if treated as a single player game it fails at all levels. Elder Scrolls should have been a AAA release but Zen have managed to dilute and make a really poor buggy console attempt at an MMO.
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