*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

A mod has already posted about how people and there opinions have brought this thread down. His post must be about 2 or 3 pages back.

And yet people still feel they need to post in here about how bad they think the game is.
Well i am now level 20... playing an imperial dragonknight in the pact.

So far i am really enjoying it.... i am a 7 year wow player and also played warhammer and anarchy online, eq2 and age of conan so i have played a fair few mmos.

Its not skyrim, but its not that far away in in my opinion. There is less dungeon crawling but the game world is immersive and fun to explore... the random treasure chests are a nice feature and reward you for looking everywhere :p

The crafting is slow to start but comes into its own after level 15ish when you start to find more green items to learn traits from.

At the beginning i was a bit lost because this game doesnt hold youre hand like wow does at the start... but to be honest i think it is better for it.

There are a few little niggles, the lack of bag/bank space is very annoying, yes you can buy upgrades but they really are tiny and very expensive early on. I would have prefered a system like in skyrim where you have a carry capacity based on weight?

The main thing for me is that the story unfolds well, is immersive and more to the point actually keeps you playing because you want to see what the next area reveals. As for bugs, i have not come across a single one thus far... on occasion the game will hang when zoning.. i am not sure wether it is the game or the server. This will maybe happen once in a 4 or 5 hour session so i dont mind much, gives me a bio break anyway :p

Now in beta i was not impressed, but i took a chance and got the game cheap ( £15 ) and i am glad i did.
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The gold sellers and dungeon bots are starting to wear me down. It can be very difficult to get the dungeon achievements as you have to fight a dozen bots to get the boss and I seem to spend more time ignoring and reporting than I do playing at the moment. That really needs to be sorted.
The gold sellers and dungeon bots are starting to wear me down. It can be very difficult to get the dungeon achievements as you have to fight a dozen bots to get the boss and I seem to spend more time ignoring and reporting than I do playing at the moment. That really needs to be sorted.

While i was online last night a big GM notice came up that announced they were live banning bots and to report any seen right away. SO some movement...

Once i moved to the 3rd and 4th zones i noticed a dramatic decrease in bots and boss farmers. The solution is easy enough... make the boss loot unique! and bound to account and worthless to vendors.
They just want to put off as many people as possible playing this and lead them to world of wildstar.

It wouldn't surprise me if that was the real reason why they are posting about how bad this game is all the time.

Playing it myself, and have my character at level 28. Really enjoying the questing and exploring in this game. And I feel like I'm in no rush at all to get to end game.
While i was online last night a big GM notice came up that announced they were live banning bots and to report any seen right away. SO some movement...

Once i moved to the 3rd and 4th zones i noticed a dramatic decrease in bots and boss farmers. The solution is easy enough... make the boss loot unique! and bound to account and worthless to vendors.

I've noticed the same myself. I've seen no bots in the single players dungeons since I've been in the level 25 plus dungeons.

I've had the odd loading bug, and not had one crash to desktop so far. Had one or two quests bug out, but all I did was reset the game. And the issues went away.
I'm a bit baffled by some of the low review scores this game got. I've been playing MMORPG's since Ultima Online and i'm really enjoying TESO. Best MMORPG since DAOC in my opinion.
Technical question..

Are the low fps in pvp to do with the game engine or the servers?
I'm currently running an i5 at 4.5ghz, 8gb ram, and a amd 6950 and I suffer really low frames in pvp. I was thinking of changing my card up a Nvidia 780 but from what I've read it's still a problem.

If it's a server problem, will this hopefully be fixed when they move the server to Europe, and do we know when that will be?
Technical question..

Are the low fps in pvp to do with the game engine or the servers?
I'm currently running an i5 at 4.5ghz, 8gb ram, and a amd 6950 and I suffer really low frames in pvp. I was thinking of changing my card up a Nvidia 780 but from what I've read it's still a problem.

If it's a server problem, will this hopefully be fixed when they move the server to Europe, and do we know when that will be?

Nah that is your PC/the engine, trying to render huge numbers of characters in detail with spell effects etc can bring even very good PCs to their knees.
They just want to put off as many people as possible playing this and lead them to world of wildstar.

This pretty much, I don't like either nor do I plan on playing either, but all of the naysayers in here seem to have a suspicious amount of posts in the Wildstar thread.
The latest knee-jerk reaction from Zenimax - http://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/2408df/aoe_nerfed_in_pts/

How will this effect end game healing i wonder? I usually always go some kind of heal spec in MMOs i play but so far haven't bothered with ESO, just sticking to hitting things hard, as the randomness of the healing distribution seems like it takes an essence of skill from it.
Anyone here got any experience of the larger group content in regards to healing? Is it 'smart' healing? e.g. would an aoe heal the 6 lowest HP people, or would it just heal 6 people at random?
Having fought with and against the batswarm aoe bombs it's due for a fix for sure. I'm not sure if this is an over reaction and most abilities already had a cap according to ZOS.

"To add a little explanation, all area-of-effect abilities in ESO--except a few edge cases (the ones we fixed)--have always had some sort of a cap. We simply fixed the handful that did not, and were supposed to. We haven't touched any of the others. We're editing the note to make it a bit more clear." - ZOS_JessicaFolsom

Personally just a small damage nerf to most aoe abilities and higher ultimate for batswarm would make a big difference. I wouldn't want to nerf healing at all if possible, it's already pretty difficult
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