Well i am now level 20... playing an imperial dragonknight in the pact.
So far i am really enjoying it.... i am a 7 year wow player and also played warhammer and anarchy online, eq2 and age of conan so i have played a fair few mmos.
Its not skyrim, but its not that far away in in my opinion. There is less dungeon crawling but the game world is immersive and fun to explore... the random treasure chests are a nice feature and reward you for looking everywhere
The crafting is slow to start but comes into its own after level 15ish when you start to find more green items to learn traits from.
At the beginning i was a bit lost because this game doesnt hold youre hand like wow does at the start... but to be honest i think it is better for it.
There are a few little niggles, the lack of bag/bank space is very annoying, yes you can buy upgrades but they really are tiny and very expensive early on. I would have prefered a system like in skyrim where you have a carry capacity based on weight?
The main thing for me is that the story unfolds well, is immersive and more to the point actually keeps you playing because you want to see what the next area reveals. As for bugs, i have not come across a single one thus far... on occasion the game will hang when zoning.. i am not sure wether it is the game or the server. This will maybe happen once in a 4 or 5 hour session so i dont mind much, gives me a bio break anyway
Now in beta i was not impressed, but i took a chance and got the game cheap ( £15 ) and i am glad i did.