*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

As we reach the four-week mark of ESO and are about to embark on our first major update, now is a good time to talk about what we’ve been doing for the game in the past month, what we’re working on currently, and what exciting new content and systems we plan to add over the next few months.

First and foremost, as I posted in my mini-update last week, we’re working every day to reduce gold farming and botting, which detract from the gameplay experience for everyone. You may have seen Customer Support GMs in the game over the last week actively banning bots in dungeons. We’re also doing a lot of work behind the scenes to keep the game honest and will continue to do so. Please keep helping us by reporting botting and spamming activity in-game.

We’re also continuing to fix bugs as we find them and as players report them to us. In a world as large as ESO’s, with endless variations of gameplay by players, it is impossible for QA to identify all bugs before launch, but we’re working hard to find and close them quickly. We’ve fixed many quest blockers, especially in zone, NPC guild, and main story quests, but we know there are still others. These affect far fewer players, but they’re annoying when encountered and we will address them. Fixes are getting patched in during our regular weekly updates, and of course Update 1 (see below) will contain many more.

As you may have seen from the patch notes on PTS (Update 1 has been available to our PTS players for a week), the first update contains much more than just Craglorn, our first Adventure Zone. It also contains lots of tweaks and bug fixes above and beyond what we’ve been doing on the live servers. Keep in mind that the PTS patch notes aren’t final—more changes will be made as we continue testing. Here’s a summary of what’s new in Update 1:

Craglorn, the first Adventure Zone, specifically created for groups of Veteran Rank 1 and above characters

Trials, which are 12-player “raid”-type instances for Veteran Rank characters, featuring completion time leaderboards

Death recap: you can now see who killed you and what ability they were using. This is invaluable information in dungeons, PvP, and Craglorn

Underdog bonuses in Cyrodiil—you’ll get more Alliance Points and XP while fighting for an alliance with a lower population in your campaign

Animation tweaks and polish

Combat ability balance changes and fixes

Class ability tweaks and updates

Content bug fixes, especially edge cases where quests could become de-synced

And much, much more—check out the final patch notes when they are posted in the forums
Update 1 will hit the live servers as soon as testing is completed on PTS. Stay tuned for news about the exact date you’ll be able to play it.

ESO Reviews
As those who follow ESO closely know, a wide range of reviews have been posted for the game, with scores ranging from 90s to 50s. ESO generates strong emotions in gamers—both positive and negative. While I obviously don’t agree with the more negative articles, the reviews are out there, and we read them to determine if there are legitimate complaints that we should address. We are gratified by the many positive fan comments—the love that those fans express for ESO motivates us to keep working to make this the best MMO ever. Some of the negativity in reviews comes from bugs. As you can see, we’re hard at work addressing them and will keep rolling out fixes. The important thing for you, the community, to know is that we’re looking at ALL the feedback (from critics and from players), we’re addressing any shortcomings, and we’ll continue to do so. This game will get better and better every week.

The true measure of ESO is what players in the game think. We’re starting up several community programs that put you in the spotlight and ask you to submit your builds, guilds, screenshots, and more—the chronicles of your life in Tamriel—for us to share. Games like ESO are very, very large and have enormous breadth, and sometimes you’ll find that watching videos and reading stories by other players about the fun and interesting things they’ve done in-game will lead you in a different direction to try new things. You can find a link to information about some of these programs here.

Coming in Future Updates
Along with fixing bugs, combatting black market gold farmers, and balance tweaks, we have a long list of features and updates we’re working on that will be coming throughout 2014 and beyond. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s coming up. For most of these, we don’t know yet which update they’ll be in, but they’re under active development right now:

A system that allows grouped players to see each other even when they’re in different phases

A justice system—steal from and kill NPCs and deal with the consequences if you are caught

Migration of European Megaserver to our European datacenter.

Field of View (FOV) adjustment

Armor dyeing and

Two new Veteran Dungeons: Crypt of Hearts and City of Ash

New region of Craglorn with a new Trial (the Serpent)

Increased ability to pick up items in the world

Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood storyline and quests.


Horse Racing

Dragonstar Arena—similar to Trials, but built for a group of four

Improvements to fishing

Crafting system improvements

Improved Looking for Group system
Better NPC facial animations

Guild functionality updates: guild store interface updates, customizable guild insignias, tabards, and guild ranks, and Guild Kiosks—guild stores open to everyone that are available to the highest-bidding guild.

Auto-leveling dungeons that level to your group leader

Awards when you repeat dungeons

Imperial City PvP dungeon (darkness falls????)

We recognize that some of the launch issues—especially black market botting and spam, de-synced quests, and the disappearing bank slot bug—affected the early gameplay experience of a number of players. Fixing these problems required us to take the megaservers offline, costing players time in the game. In recognition of this experience and to show our gratitude to everyone who supported the launch, we are giving an additional five days of included game time to every ESO player who set up an active account prior to 8pm EDT Thursday May 1st and who are currently enjoying their 30 days of included game time. If you’re eligible to receive the five additional days, a confirmation will be sent to your account’s registered email address. For further details, please visit help.elderscrollsonline.com. This is a small gesture to show our thanks for being part of the ESO community while we work to make this extraordinary game and service even better.

As we end this first month of our journey together, we want to express sincere appreciation to our loyal fans. Be assured that we are working diligently to keep ESO balanced, stable, and fresh for veteran players. We’ve gotten through our launch month well and are heading towards our first update soon. After that, expect many more good things in ESO. Thank you so much for your support and continued enthusiasm about the game—now I’m off to level my Nightblade.

- Matt
All those updates are looking good. I haven't had any bugs (that i've noticed) in the past few days.

I got my wood elf nightblade to level 16 last night - will try and get to 18 tonight if I get time.
Tombstone, that is definitely a Darkness Falls type DAoC thing, as Matt was talking to a fan in a Q&A months back and he was asked this questions specifically. To which he said "A darkness falls type area is coming"
Just a quick note of thanks guys - this thread has had very little problems since I posted up a warning, I have been keeping a close eye (When I can) and I appreciate you all getting back on topic and arguing over the game in a fair and pleasant manner.

As mentioned, I love a heated debate, but when that debate turns personal, or people on here decide to troll threads, then it's when I have to step in.

So thank you - Carry on enjoying the game :)
I think I'll wait for this update before I play it any more as I'm not liking it at the moment but maybe the update will change my mind if it follows through with its content, as it seems to address my main gripes with the game at this point.
Wow, some nice updates planned there. Still want them to get rid of the damn bots though. Despite all the talk I'm still coming across them.
From the Reddit AMA: (Bolded the parts i thought where the most interesting.)

Summary (work in progress)

New Content/Features

Patch cadence is going to be update every 4-6 weeks with weekly patches currently to fix issues and get the service stable.

They all won’t be as big as the Craglorn one (with a complete zone and tons of other stuff), but they’ll all have a mix of new content and fixes/balance tweaks.

Achievements will unlock new dyes when dye system goes live

Chat bubbles will be introduced soon

Guild Store search function can cause issues but have plans to make it easier to find stuff

Guild Kiosk will be available at major cities with a seller vendor NPC. Guilds will be able to bid on each kiosk and the highest bid will have their guild store accessible to everyone who interacts with the NPC. Guild Kiosk lasts for 1 week.

More guild ranks and customizations coming this year

Justice system will involve players stealing/killing NPCs and incurring a bounty if they are caught. Guards will give you a chance to pay the bounty or kill you on sight if your bounty is too high. Players could also become guards

Thieves Guild & Dark Brotherhood will have their own skill lines

No underwater content anytime soon

Spellcrafting – you can rediscover traditional Elder Scrolls school of magic – alteration, destruction etc

Guar mounts coming soon but no timeline

Console information in the future

Planning to do housing but want to do it right, no time frame yet

No specific timeline for the guild tabards crests, but they are in the "sooner" end of the list.


Quest achievement bugs will be fixed when Craglorn goes live (and given retroactively to players)

Plans to add new quests to existing zones

Having all the zones scaled to VR10 when you reach VR10 is an interesting idea we are looking at right now.

For the Veteran Content, we thought it was much better to allow players to experience all content with oen character than force them to roll alts.

You can go to Craglorn at VR1 but it will be hard since it is VR11 and VR12 monsters

Our plan for updates is that it will be varied in what sorts of gameplay is offered

We have talked about different rulesets for campaigns as well as having a dungeon experience which has PvP enabled.

With the raise of VR cap from 10 to 12, there will be new gear to craft but currently they do not require additional skill points.


There are some changes to heavy armor coming that will make you generate ultimate more quickly when playing defensively.

Yes, we believe werewolf is under-performing right now. Expect a few buffs to help offset this. In the short run, we’re reducing the ultimate cost of the transformation itself

No plans to increase the time between vampire stages at this time

Batswarm for Vampires will be fixed in a near future patch

Looking into adjustment (nerf) Standard of Might for DKs. No timeframe yet.

For patch 1.2, we are looking especially at helping to add flexibility to builds with some buffs to the lesser used abilities. For the nightblade, this includes abilities such as Master Assassin, Path of Darkness, Incapacitate, and more.

Adding racial type to the item popup window – yes we definitely agree with this.

Group phasing fixes is one of our high priorities right now

New content will be much easier to play together as a group

Roleplay phase we considered previously is too detrimental to server performance but we are looking at ways to accomplish the same goal.

Durability damage is a bit higher than we would like it to be in group situations like dungeons, the upcoming craglorn zone, and Trial content. In Patch 1.1, you’ll take significantly less damage in group situations (whether or not you have officially formed a party)

Mentoring system is something we are working on as part of "let players find each other more easily" initiative.

Different teams handling new content and bug fixes

SLI support should be available with Craglorn update

Full screen option is coming with Craglorn

As soon as we can move on from fighting service attacks from gold farmers and fixing stability and server load issues, we’ll move the EU megaserver over to its European hosting center. There’s no exact timeline for this at the moment, but it will happen when things settle down.

We aren’t changing the XP gains in PvE any time soon, but we are looking at PvP XP gains.

There is a possibility of adding a general discussion category on the forums, and it’s something we’re discussing internally to implement in the future

An ignore feature on the forums is also something we’re looking into, and hope to have that available for everyone pretty soon.


Better Leader Chevrons to direct players in PvP coming with patch 1.2
Vampire issues in Cyrodiil is something we are aware and some changes are coming next week

Fixed the bug where multiple Bat Swarms can be stacked on the same Vampire.

Reduced the movement speed bonus durring mist form to 30% (which makes it equivalent to the "Boundless storm" morph of Lightning form)

Reduced the Vampire ability cost reduction to 7% per stage

Pacing of the war has been as expected in some campaigns and not in others. We’re aware of the issues of population and scoring imbalances and working on adjustments in future patches. All that being said, the keeps are getting a bump in difficulty in the first patch which may slow down the rate of their individual capture times.

In the US, a lot of players are using the guest pass to join any fight they can find in the higher population campaigns. In the EU server however, players are continually sticking with their home campaigns. The guest pass timers and cost for switching campaigns is on our radar and we’re monitoring it daily to make sure we don’t negatively impact how players are playing.

For the first patch we’re doubling the amount of XP that players are worth. We will be watching this data closely to see if another increase is necessary.

We are also looking at adding more Kill quests for encouraging PVP hunting of enemy players.

Looking into increase VP rewards from Cyrodiil PvE quests.

We are adding a population underdog bonus in the first patch that will give the lesser populated alliances in a campaign triple the points for owning objectives in Cyrodiil as well as 10% more Alliance points. We’re also investigating additional campaign durations and rules that may limit campaign access based on levels.

Dark talons is currently bugged and can hit more targets than intended.

We are also setting up the Elder Scroll so that Bolt Escape cannot be used by its carrier.

For now there are no plans for new siege weapons or ammo types.

No plans for small scale pvp, dueling, battlegrounds at this time. Our efforts are focused on Cyrodiil.

Looking into infinite loading screens and large group freezing/glitching

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Finally got to VR8 last night. Still got 4 full zones of quests to go :D

Changes looking good. Shame they did not give us ETA on European servers cause those lags are ****ing me off on daily basics !!!!
Looking forward to all these improvements :)

I haven't had a chance to get on this week, itching to do the VR dungeons at he weekend.
Yeah it was a bit of an error post to be honest lol , I had this page open and another forum open on another website and I was posting some helpful posts on ESO on the other forum, then I tabbed and saw that post here and posted a reply as I was in "posting mode" , didn't even notice at the time that it was here lol.

Thankfully it does seem like all the bickering and arguing over which MMO is better than which other MMO seems to have died down, so its much calmer and useful in here again now :)
Finally got to VR8 last night. Still got 4 full zones of quests to go :D

Changes looking good. Shame they did not give us ETA on European servers cause those lags are ****ing me off on daily basics !!!!

yeah the server needs to be moved like now ;) the delay on abilities is bad at times. do we know when the patch will hit ?
Are there any free trials for this? I wouldn't mind giving it a shot but don't fancy paying £20 to see if I like it or not
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