*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

So, I read a little fishing guide this morning and they mention that you can fish up chests and rare recipes, and that fish can be used in Alchemy and Provisioning. Now when I tried fishing last beta (badly I may add :o) I did manage to catch a couple of fish, but they just showed up as trophies, and you couldn't do owt with them but sell them to merchants.

Anyone have any better experience than me? I did read someone say they were trying for the Stros M'kai fishing achievements, didn't get any rare fish but did pull up a bag filled with gems and money a few times, so I'm hoping the chest/recipes thing is true.

Sounds good to me, always a fan of stuff like this, i loved Archeology in Wow, and fishing.
So, I read a little fishing guide this morning and they mention that you can fish up chests and rare recipes, and that fish can be used in Alchemy and Provisioning. Now when I tried fishing last beta (badly I may add :o) I did manage to catch a couple of fish, but they just showed up as trophies, and you couldn't do owt with them but sell them to merchants.

Anyone have any better experience than me? I did read someone say they were trying for the Stros M'kai fishing achievements, didn't get any rare fish but did pull up a bag filled with gems and money a few times, so I'm hoping the chest/recipes thing is true.

The more people you have at a fishing spot the better the 'loot' increases. I think you have bait quality, so the better the bait, the better the loot. And the harder the zone the better chances too.

I've heard you can use them for cooking and Alchemy but you need certain types of fish. I'm guessing to start with you fish junk fish and progress from there.
So, I read a little fishing guide this morning and they mention that you can fish up chests and rare recipes, and that fish can be used in Alchemy and Provisioning. Now when I tried fishing last beta (badly I may add :o) I did manage to catch a couple of fish, but they just showed up as trophies, and you couldn't do owt with them but sell them to merchants.

That kind of reminds me of UO where you could fish up treasure maps as Messages in a Bottle, then you would work out where the treasure map location was, go dig it up, defeat the monsters which spawned when you dug it up and claim your loot :)
Saw this post over on Bethsoft forums. It's a lot of text so I've spoilered it, but it may be useful to some peeps looking at beta for the first time this weekend. Obviously some of this stuff may be outdated if patches have changed things this weekend, but there is a lot of general handy info too.

1. You can travel between wayshrines for free, you only pay to travel to one if you're not at another
2. You can feed horses (like levelling) to increase speed, bag space and sprint
3. You can reset your skills for gold, there are locations to do this for each faction (thought to only be in live not beta)
4. There are hints for finding Skyshards built into the UI (Press J (opens quest journal) > Click "Achievements" Tab > Click "Skyshards" Tab > Select the zone you want to find Skyshards in > Read the hints they give you.)
5. You can level multiple different armors at the same time by mixing up what you wear, however each one will level slower than if you have a full set of light/med/heavy
6. Crafting armor and weapons is the best way in the early game to get the best stuff
7. If you buy the Imperial edition your horse will be available to all your characters (Launch only if from 3rd party)
8. You need to complete the 'welcome to cyrodiil' quest first before the boards become active.
9. You can get PVP quests in Cyrodiil by visiting the notice boards e.g kill enemy players, scout area, attack keep etc.
10. The NPC-owned towns in Cyrodiil have repeatable PVE quests
11. The parts of the map with skull and cross-bones are veteran areas and are extremely tough without a group, even the mud-crabs are twice as deadly!
12. Soul-stones can be used to revive ally players and yourself (note you can't revive yourself in the Alliance War).
13. You can level a skill line by having an active ability slotted on the hotbar, even if you never use that ability
14. You get a big chunk of XP from completing quests, so to level up a 2nd weapon skill, switch to it before turning in a quest
15. At the very start of the game when you have empty hotbar slots, add the Soul Trap spell to your bar. It's a reasonable dot and even if you never use it, you start to level up the Soul Magic skill line
16. Recommend Soul Trap from the Soul Magic skill tree as your first skill point. Get as many Soul Gems as you can afford as early as possible. They are invaluable for self-resurrection from the same spot you died, resurrecting others or charging certain weapon enchants. It is cheapest and quickest to fill empty Soul Gems by nuking 1HP criters, like rats, sheep, etc. Empty or full Soul Gems can be obtained randomly from loot drops or by buying them from the Mages Guild or some ‘mage’ vendors
17. You get upgrades to stamina, magicka and health at every level even if you never put points into them. So for efficiency it's a good idea to put some class skills that use magicka and weapon skills that use stamina so you can make use of both pools. At least early in the game anyway.
18. You only get one point to spend in one magic/health/stamina tho. The increase in pools of each are just because you are a higher level character and skills cost more of each. Its not related to how much you use each one.
19. Killing many of the level 1 mobs such as rats & spiders give fishing bait. Collecting insects like butterflies also.
20. You can create any of the tier1 crafted items without investing a single skill point
21. In order to create tier 2 of ANY of the six disciplines, you have to spend a skill point IN THAT DISCIPLINE to create tier 2 stuff. (IE to create tier 2 across all six disciples will require investing 6 skill points, one in each line.)
22. Eating an alchemy ingredient will reveal one of it's properties: Question asked: There are 4 four effects for each herb in alchemy, so can you learn more than first affect buy continuing to eat an ingredient or is it capped at the first ability? Answer: Capped at the first.
23. You can craft at a crafting station with materials stored in your bank.
24. Any merchant can repair your gear.
25. Speaking to random npc's can reveal locations on your map.
26. You gain more crafting Exp from breaking down gear others have created than the ones you create.
27. Looting Barrels, Crates, Back Packs give Provisioning mats such as grain, malt, water, and recipes.
28. Looting Wardrobes, Nightstands, Drawers, Dressers give you lock picks, crafting racial stones, and racial motif books (used to craft in different racial style).
29. When using a Bookshelf, there is a chance of reading a book that will raise one of your skills with 1 level.
30. Don't rush out of the tutorial area (the prison). Loot everything you can. You will end up with some armor, weapon, dozens of lockpicks, at least 1 racial motif book and all sorts of other loot.
31. The Achievements tab in the Journal lists the titles of the zone-specific Lorebooks so you can refer to it to determine if you have found all of the lorebooks found only in that zone.
32. Mundus stones offer buffs to your character which can be changed by visiting other stones. There is a complete set of Mundus stones for each Alliance so get exploring to find out what they do.
33. Also, you can boost the Mundus stone's effect on your character if you wear equipment with the relevant trait on it.
34. You can go into interface settings and turn of glow, action bar, and quest tracker and health bars to make it more like a TES game. This really makes it feel more like skyrim.
35. You can type /fps in the chat to see your frames per second.
36. You can also turn on autoloot and AE loot in the options.
37. Under settings there is an option to hide your helmet
38. Check your keybinds; Some keybinds are unbound by default, such as Toggle UI.
39. You can mail excess items to an alt character. They don't count toward your bag space until the mail is opened. Unless something has changed in the last build, this one is incorrect - you cannot mail anything to your alts, only to players on another account.
40. You can buy glyphs to enchant your armor, weapons and jewelry cheaply. Armor glyphs are for max stamina, magicka, and health, and there are 8 with a shield.
41. There are only 3 jewelry slots, and those cover regen, resistance, and other modifier buffs. Plan accordingly!
42. Receipes are more reliably found in desks, cupboards, wardrobes, and other non-provisioning containers.
43. "Heavy Bags" contain random crafting materials, up to and including legendary tempers. These spawn like chests, and when looted they disappear.
44. Remember that there are "Set" Armor crafting stations. Try to research the traits needed for these if you want a set. It will take 18 hours of research per piece if those are the only two traits you unlock.
45. All stations have the same research options, but Set stations will allow you to craft Set bonus items if you have the 2 required traits for each set researched on the armor pieces you want to make.
46. Plan on crafting gear every 2 levels in the early leveling stages. That way you'll always have best gear available for the most part, and never run around gear-less. Weap upgrades every 2 levels is huge too for damage output.
47. Monsters in Cyrodiil can drop set items which are scaled to your current level. They drop more often from "named" mobs inside of caves, also these "named" mobs drop soulgems of your current level frequently.
48. All caves in Cyrodill have a skyshard inside of them. (At least the ones i've been in all had one)
49. Explore. Most things are off the routes to quests.
50. Boss mobs in dungeons can be killed multiple times. They spawn when a new player or group moves through the dungeon. You can assist them, and get loot. Over time the loot quality diminishes to white loot, but each boss will have a blue item that you will get as a reward. I'm not sure about the trigger on that, either total damage done or starting the fight. It is only awarded once.
51. You can only have 1 provisioning effect on at a time.
52. Third person view is usually the most effective in AvA (PVP)
53. If you plan to AvA, then PvE like you would AvA.
54. AvA melee targeting is difficult, because your opponent is going to be running around like a rabbit. Most in the Beta used ranged weapons due to this difficulty. Therefore you must master CC if you wish to melee in AvA.
55. Know when to run in AvA. If you get in sprint range, expect to respawn. Try not to stream singly into a fast moving zerg.
56. When entering a contested keep, sneak when going through a postern and door. You don't know what's on the other side.
57. Oil can be poured on the floor the pot is sitting on, causing an aoe hit to anyone in the damage radius.
58. Use ballistas on the walls to defend, trebs on the ground to attack.
59. Keep a seige shield up on the ram when it's on the door. It'll batter through before oil kills it and the drivers.
60. Set items drop in Cyrodiil that are scaled to your level that are different from the crafted sets.
61. Resource nodes that spawn Runes will randomize between the three types when they spawn.
62. Breakdown and extract all loot you don't plan to use. You'll get tempers, trait gems, racial materials, and the processed resources sell for more than the item.
63. Expect stealthed opponents when you follow the standard reinforcement line to a fight. Going out of your way a little bit might get you there in one piece.
64. Alternately, run magelight and bring a friend, and hunt the hunters.
65. Boss Mobs in dungeons will drop potions and a filled soul gem appropriate to your level. You can farm the boss for a bit to build up a supply.
66. There's a guild that you can join called "The Undaunted" much like the mages or fighters guild. It's usually in an Inn in your starting city.
67. You have to buy your IE horse at a stable for 100g (at any stable) Your vanity pet is in a mail you will receive.
68. PvE quests are usually around the "miscellaneous" icons (tree icon and so forth) on the map. Completing the quests near the icon will turn it white.
69. When casting magelight, it stays visible even when you are sneaking.
70. Swimming can be deadly. You may get slaughtered if you swim in a spot you're not supposed too.
71. Pets do not stealth with you
72. Press T to cycle through your quests in the quest tracker.
73. You have to discover your faction's dungeon before the dungeons of the other factions will appear on the map (ie. you have to discover Spindleclutch by traveling to it before you will see Banished Cells or Fungal Grotto).
74. The wayshrines to get out of Cyrodiil are at the gates.
75. The easy way to interrupt is to click and hold the right mouse button, then click the left mouse button. If you interrupt the target, using heavy attack while the target is disoriented will knock the target down.
76. There are places on the map and things to do that no quest is going to lead you to, so get out there and explore.
77. When you find a lore book, it doesn't go to your inventory. You can find it on the "Lore Library" tab of your journal (it is the second tab, next to "Quests").
78. Some AvA quests ala capturing a scroll do not have to be completed by you personally just your faction. So if you see a scroll moving head to the board and cycle through them all till you get the one for that scroll.
79. You can pick up a deployed siege engine after you deploy it by pressing 'x'.
80. Always carry around a stone treb to break down walls and doors quickly. Always carry a fire ballista for "other targets".
81. As you get points you will receive mails from your alliance with level appropriate greens on them. Easy way to quickly gear up if you complete AvA quests.
82. All classes can stealth by crouching.
83. Book cases offer XP based on the book inside.
84. Can confirm coldhourbor has at least 1 racial motifs, most i have gotten in a single run was 3. the tutorial not the questline.
85. PvE in cyrodil, monsters will say level 50 but they scale to your level.
86. Press and hold Q to open quickslots for potions
87. Siege weapons must be put in quickslot to be used
88. Swimming in deep water brings the wrath of the slaughterfish.
89. If a quest fails to spawn a mob for completion, relog to fix the issue.
90. Use the WAYSHRINES to leave Cyridiil, not the Transite shrines.
91. Equip your siege weapons in your quick slots to use them, same as your repair kits.
92. Trebuchets are best for damage to walls
93. Ballistae for damage to siege weapons
94. Catapults for damage to enemy players
95. The more skills from the same tree you have on your active hotbar, the faster that skill tree gains XP.
96. Weapons with a glyph enchantment to do additional elemental (fire, frost, disease, etc.) damage use soulstones to recharge. Item traits enhance the damage of enchantments or the time between recharging.
97. Trying to recall to a wayshrine immediately after recalling a previous time will cost several hundred gold. The amount of gold required to recall again will reduce by 1g a second.
98. Healing damage caused by enemy players in AvA will award Alliance points and XP.
99. Increasing your critical hit chance will also increase your critical healing chance, i.e. healing for far more than normal.
100. You can set a keybinding to toggle the entire UI on or off quickly, including the compass and chat window. When combined with turn off the glowing outlines it made for a bit more immersive playing experience.
101. In some/most cases you CAN recharge your weapon using a level appropriate soul gem. HOWEVER, soul gems are expensive. If you have some weapon runes, they will just replace the depleted charge with a new effect and not cost you a soul gem.
102. To rez another player, the soul gem needs to match the level of the person DOING the rez, NOT the person being rezed. So, if you are level 20, you cannot rez anyone until you fill a level 20 soul gem. The level 10-19 gems will not rez a level 3 player if you are level 20 either (moderator has stated it needs to match the level of the person you're rezzing - so this needs to be checked)
103. If you want to pve in Cyrodiil and REALLY dislike pvp, find a empty campaign and sign in as a guest.
104. Spiders feed off corpses to heal themselves, interrupt them by clicking both mouse buttons at the same time.
105. By pressing L and R mouse buttons at the same time you can snap out of disorient and off-balance effects for 30% stamina cost.
106. Intimidation and persuasion are passive skills from the fighter and mage guilds skill line
107. Skills can be morphed once you level them up enough, to upgrade it you have to use one skillpoint.
108. The biggest thing players should keep in mind when starting out is that experience is tied to what's on your skillbar, so you want to try to have a skill on your skillbar from every class tree and your weapon tree while you level, and only focus on min maxxing much later in the game.
109. Pick up materials and actually craft, its not super lame like every other mmo
110. Keep a weapon in your inventory for a ranged attack if you are melee. Either a staff or a bow. If you're having trouble defeating a mob (like Gutsripper) you can kite it.
111. If you choose a DPS melee class, you're going to need multiple anti-kiting tools such as snare, teleport, fiery chain, stealth. Bow users have a lot of options to snare, knockdown, kite and put out extreme damage - a lot will be naive enough to spec for maximum damage, because there are even more naive players who will feed their XPs by not being kite-ready.
112. If you are crafting your own medium armor, level up with light armor and save your leather pieces for actual armor, the only way to get the sub-component is through dis-assembly or drops off of animals.
113. Bank all gear with researchable traits and the trait stones. Constant uptime on your research is the optimal way to go.
114. You need 10 accounts in a guild to unlock the guild bank with 1k spaces
115. Start your 12 hour research right before logging at night if you can time it right.
116. Your first three skill points should go into each of your classes' tree so they will all level up. If you don't do this one of your trees will stay at 0 until you start to invest a point there otherwise they will all level up a bit even though you never have an ability from one tree slotted.
117. You have to put the soul trap spell on your bar. Cast soul trap right before you kill an enemy and if you have an appropriate level soul gem it gets filled. However, After a while I was just finding both empty and full soul gems throughout the world.
118. Begin crafting early. You can make much better gear than the overpriced junk offered by shops
119. Deconstruct everything when first starting out. You can sell unwanted materials for much more than early-game gear.
120. Have a separate moveset for PVP. The best strategies against NPCs (unload all of your highest damaging skills in a row) don't work on players who do more than rush in for melee hits. Moves that immobilize, negate skills, or prevent damage are so much more useful.
121. You enchant by right clicking an item in your inventory... I can't be the only one who was scratching their heads at the enchanting table...
122. Enchants are applied to items directly.
123. Dont be afraid to spend Alliance Points in PVP, your total accumulated number will not decrease. So you dont have to worry about dropping in the leader boards if you want to buy equipment.
124. 10 minutes running along the coast instagibbing mudcrabs gave me more rawhide than I knew what to do with.
125. To quickly and easily fill petty soul gems kill critters. Soul tap does all the work.
126. Not all quest givers stay put. Many quests will have the quest giver move closer if not right to you when you complete the quest. Caused much back tracking when I wouldn't catch it.
127. When you run out of magicka and stamina before your opponent is even down to half health in PvP, you begin to see the wisdom in assigning every single attribute to health.
128. Don't pick a home campaign early on the first night of the beta. Wait and make sure you're not in a 10:1 odds fight before committing.
129. Btw the best way to level is to wait to 50 and extract level 50/veteran gear (doesn't mean don't do it before - just good to know)
130. You can see quest status by the colour of the icon on the map. If it's white, it means you completed the quest for that area, if it's black, you haven't. It's quite easy to overlook if you don't know about it.
131. In dungeons, there are chests that have loot that goes to only the person who opens the chest first (or interacts with it and opens it first, rather). Try to spot them in corners of dungeons to snag em.
132. Go off the beaten path. Don't just go from quest to quest. Walk around a little bit, go explore. There are a ton of locations that offer books, containers, chests, world bosses, and more.
133. The sneak mechanic - If you use sneak before entering combat with a bow and charge up a full attack, you will 100% crit with it unless you are seen. This also applies to weapon skills. You can charge a bow attack and immediately cast a weapon skill to crit on both attacks. It helps a lot when soloing content.
134. The more points you have in stamina, the more damage your stamina skills will do. The more points you have in magicka, the more damage your class and magick skills will do.
135. You have several options for selling crafted items: 1. Through mail, you send the item you want to sell with a COD ( cash on delivery) attached. Easy, fast and the worst possible way for trade. Since each mail you send takes about 10% of the total value (10% of the item value and 10% from the cod) 2. Guildstore, not sure if guilds can make it so that they recieve a percentage of the profit..i personally never tried this. 3. Trading in person. The most easiest way of selling stuff without any loss of profit. Make sure they give you the right amount of gold though. I prefer this since i will not lose any profit.
136. For researching traits to put on a bow, you need to research a bow with the trait you want (not e.g. a staff)
137. Each trait you research of one item ( a bow for example) takes longer then the last. It starts a 6 hours ( i think), next one is 12 hours etc.
138. You can research one trait at a time for each crafting skill, which means that you can research multiple things at once as long as they aren't from the same crafting line.
139. To make ingots of a certain type of metal you extract the ore material, there is no smelting in ESO - needs 10 ore to make some ingots.
140. The edges of rivers and lakes spawn water solvent nodes needed for alchemy. Water solvent can also be found in waterskins near camps.
141. You get gear when you pvp, it is basically the same as pve gear, you can also buy gear in the pvp area, that is basically the same as pve gear, there are a few set bonuses that give bonuses to pvp (have to have the set of 3 ot 5 pieces), i've seen one that gave 5% extra damage against players, not sure what else is out there, its not a trait that you can research and put on every piece of gear.
142. Roll your main but if you tend to insist on more than 2 crafts; roll an alt bankbot right away. Don’t spend too much money on bag/bank expansions for at least a few weeks. Not all crafting is created equal and provisioning will require more space than blacksmithing, woodworking, or tailoring. When you are rich and have less inventory issues, you can always delete that bankbot to make space for legitimate alts. The bankbot will use their own inventory as a temporary bank.
143. If you are not adverse to external websites, get crafting guides. It doesn’t do you much good hanging on to a tier one crafting item if you are doing level 30 type stuff. Currently there are no tooltips that guide you adequately. For instance; I used thin broth a lot starting out. 3 weeks later while struggling to find bank space (yet again) I discovered a stack of 96 of them that I did not even realize I had stopped using a few weeks before.
144. Crafters: spending skill points on the right things at the right times is more challenging to you than a non-crafter. The two specs in most craft lines that should be considered for investing in very soon after rolling is your companion (they often send better items than what you can acquire easily in the world) and the “Keen Eye” skill (It really does help a lot)
145. You can move while using a skill with cast time on it - you don't have to stand still for it. It slows you down a bit while moving but don't worry about stopping and being rooted. This was in the Nightblade line. Maybe not all classes react this way but for sure I overlooked being able to move when using them because in other games you usually had to be stable. There are a few games that let you cast while moving but it's far from all games.
146. You can drop items into the bank and it will auto stack them. You can split the stacks when you remove them from the bank.
147. You can leave items in a chest for others to take if two of you are nearing the chest and you opened it first. They can also take your chest items the split second you open it so be fast if you want it all.
148. Try right clicking in the game in places, often there are menus.
149. IIRC - you use P for party to leave a group.
150. You can adjust the millisecond timing of your dodge when you double-top WASD keys in settings to suit how fast you press keys.
151. You can see buffs on you at the bottom of the character screen C key by default. I did not notice this and would often check it when someone ran past me and gave me a buff to see what it said. I used that to see which heals worked on myself and not just a group so that I could plan my bar better. There is a heal that says it heals players in front of you but it heals you too when alone, you don't have to try to get ahead of yourself (if that's even possible).
152. If you plan on joining multiple guilds, you can color the chat of each different by using right click on the chat tabs. There are lots of other settings there including creating tabs. By default all 3 guilds I joined were the same color text.
153. If you want to walk you can, but it is not mapped. You have to go to the options and pick a key for it.
154. Use 'V' or mouse wheel, to go between 1st and 3rd person.

Some commands that people might find useful

/bug = report bugs
/feedback = report feedback
/p = party chat
/z = zone chat
/s = say
/t or /w = tell or whisper chat (same thing, just different commands)
/g1 - /g5 = guild chat, since one can be in 5 guild at a time thus g1 = guild, g2 = guild 2 .. g5 =guild 5
/emote_command = the different emotes one can do, one have to use web site to find the commands, just the way one inputs the command.
/played = total time played
/reloadui = reset the UI if one gets trap in the interface after crafting or talking to a NPC
/stuck (/unstuck?) = it kills your char and sends you to the nearest wayshrine -- used for the reason as /reloadui
You can hit the "." (period) key to show the cursor. Handy for chat.
Q (hold) – Open quickslot radial menu
Q (press) – Use selected slotted quickslot item
Left Mouse Button – Attack with equipped weapon. Tap to execute a light attack, hold down for a heavy attack
Right Mouse Button – Block
Right Mouse Button + Left Mouse Button – Perform a bash, interrupting some enemy attacks
Hold Right Mouse Button + Click Left Mouse Button – Break crowd control effects
/jumptofriend - The slash command to jump to the wayshrine/graveyard closest to a named friend.
/jumptogroupmember - The slash command to jump to the wayshrine/graveyard closest to a named group member.
/jumptoguildmember - The slash command to jump to the wayshrine/graveyard closest to a named guild member.
/jumptoleader - The slash command to jump to the wayshrine/graveyard closest to the group leader.
/yell or /y - The slash command to set the current chat channel to Yell. The following text will be sent to all players in your local vicinity, wider ranging than /say but not zone wide. Followed by a space, and then the text to send.
/chatlog - The slash command to toggle chat logging on or off.
/invite - The slash command to invite another player to your group. Followed by a space, and then the group-invite-target's name. (Account name can be used with an @ symbol before the full name.)
/fps - The slash command to toggle the display of current framerate.

One more way to exit the interface if one gets stuck in a NPC dialog or crafting -- just click on the mail icon and will let one exit

/help = help screen (another way for feedback, bug reports or a wiki)
Cheers Latex. I didn't know having more people in the same spot yielded better results. I knew about location and bait, but I'm not sure what constitutes good bait. I never caught anything with butterflies or guts, only crawlers, but I'm sure there must be some better stuff out there than that?

It's nice just lounging around, doing a spot of fishing in a nice secluded location, listening to the sound of seagulls and breaking waves all while the sun sets (I really do love Stros M'kai).
Dont think its been mentioned here yet, but both the US server and the EU server will be up this weekend.

If that's true, then you DON'T need to download the EU client, just rename The Elder Scrolls Online to "Elder Scrolls Online EU". Then load the launcher and repair it to make sure its OK.
If that's true, then you DON'T need to download the EU client, just rename The Elder Scrolls Online to "Elder Scrolls Online EU". Then load the launcher and repair it to make sure its OK.

Definitely true, I opened the launcher up just now and put it on EU and after a little patch, it came up with with a message saying that both US and EU were up this weekend. It also said that you can continue with last Betas character on either server of your choice, so you can use your US server beta characters from last weekend and continue with them on the EU server this weekend.
Definitely true, I opened the launcher up just now and put it on EU and after a little patch, it came up with with a message saying that both US and EU were up this weekend. It also said that you can continue with last Betas character on either server of your choice, so you can use your US server beta characters from last weekend and continue with them on the EU server this weekend.


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Patch notes:

The Elder Scrolls Online v0.18 presents new features in addition to tons of fixes and improvements to existing content based on tester feedback, and focuses on stability at high peak user load as we prep for launch day. Here’s a brief overview of what awaits you in this test:

Streamlined and made modifications to the tutorial. It should now be faster to complete and have more interesting encounters.
Now after the tutorial completion, new characters will go directly to first alliance city where you will then have the choice to go to the starting islands.
Starting leveling is slightly quicker, while higher-level is a bit slower.
Implementation of Molag Bal’s newest threat – Dark Fissures, smaller version of Dark Anchors.
Player to NPC collision.
Improved server performance in Cyrodiil.
Thousands of fixes for quest issues across the entire game.
More orchestral music across all zones.
Many gameplay improvements, including balancing and polish to class and weapon abilities.
Many updates and improvements to the UI.

During this test, you will have access to the following areas:

Khenarthi’s Roost
Stros M’Kai
Bleakrock Isle
Bal Foyen


For this test, we have a few goals we’d like you to try and reach while playing the game.

Start a new character, and provide feedback on the tutorial and the new starting location experience.
Find and defeat a Dark Fissure and let us know what you think!
Travel to Cyrodiil and participate in the Alliance War.


New Post-Tutorial Experience

In order to give new characters more freedom of choice, we’ve made a change to the way that characters move between the early zones. With this change, after you complete the tutorial and escape from Coldharbour, you will now arrive in the starting city for your alliance. You will have the option to visit the original starting areas, or just go forth and start adventuring immediately. Content in and around each of these cities has been adjusted to be more easily performed by characters of levels 3-6.

Aldmeri Dominion

New characters leaving Coldharbour will now arrive in Vulkhel Guard instead of Khenarthi’s Roost. Razum-dar will be waiting for you in Eagle’s Strand when you take the quest Storm on the Horizon from Captain Tremouille.
There is now a ship that will ferry you to Khenarthi’s Roost from Vulkhel Guard.

Daggerfall Covenant

New characters leaving Coldharbor now arrive in Daggerfall instead of Stros M’Kai. Kaleen will be waiting for you in Port Hunding when you take “The Broken Spearhead” from Mihayya.
There is now a ship that will ferry you to Stros M’Kai from Daggerfall.

Ebonheart Pact

New characters leaving Coldharbor now arrive in Davon’s Watch instead of Bleakrock. Rana will be waiting for you in Bleakrock when you take “A Beginning at Bleakrock” from Riurik.
There is now a ship that will ferry you to Bleakrock from Davon’s Watch.

Dark Fissures

Molag Bal has stepped up his attacks, and Dark Fissures are opening throughout Tamriel! These are smaller events than the larger Dark Anchors. To close a Dark Fissure, several Daedra will emerge from a fissure and must be slain. They are designed for solo or a small group.

NPC Collision

In order to make the world feel more substantial, you will now collide with NPCs, including collision with NPCs in combat. We’d appreciate everyone’s feedback about how this changes the way the world - and especially combat - feel, and of course any bugs you find with this new feature. Please note that this will not affect PvP combat with other players; collision is only on NPCs.

Additional Digital Content

This weekend, you will have access to the items contained in the Imperial Edition and the Explorer’s Pack, plus you’ll be joined by a pet monkey while on your journey!

Known Issues

NPC VO will be missing or off in the starting experience.
For some people, the game will freeze for 4-6 (actually 4-11 or so) seconds at irregular intervals. During this time nothing updates - the screen locks until it comes back from this issue. If you have your task manager open you will see the CPU go to 100%. We are aware of this issue. We don't have a fix yet, but we're working on getting a fix out for it as soon as possible.
If you are in any player guilds, you will see them in your guild list the first time you launch the client. If you log out to character select and back in with any character, your guild list will appear empty, but your guilds are not gone. Closing and restarting the client will populate the list again.


Alliance War

Experience awarded for player-character kills has been increased.
Battle bolstering now properly sets Spell Skill and Attack Skill values.
In Cyrodiil, red circles will now appear around enemy damage spells, and green circles will now appear around ally heal spells.
One Mystic apiece has been added to the Daggerfall Covenant and Aldmeri Dominion entry gates in Cyrodiil (Northern High Rock Gate and Western Elsweyr Gate, respectively). Ebonheart Pact already had one at their entry gate (Southern Morrowind Gate).
Capturing/influencing a flag now has sound associated with the visible effects.
Alliance War NPC Guards now properly reflect their difficulty on their unit frames.
Elder Scrolls will now properly “snap back” to a keep after 60 minutes if they were last held in a stasis platform within a keep and not captured in a Scroll Temple or other keep. Before this change, this was properly working for Elder Scrolls removed from Scroll Temples, but not for those removed from keeps.
Achievements have been added for killing any Emperor, and for killing an Emperor in your home Campaign.
Keep bonuses no longer display in your Character panel. They are still visible in the Alliance War Bonuses panel.
The “inspect keep” UI has been updated. When you click on a keep or resource on the map, it will now show its upgrade and level status on the left side of the map.
Mender and Honor Guards at keeps and resources now cast Negate Magic as part of their abilities.


Experience granted for completing quests that originated in Bruma, Cheydinhal, Chorrol, Cropsford, and Vlastarus has been increased.
Quests that originate in Bruma, Cheydinhal, Chorrol, Cropsford, and Vlastarus can now be completed once per 24 hour cycle (resetting at 6:00 AM EST).
The amount of Alliance Points awarded for completing Scout and Capture quests has been increased.

Siege Weapons

Siege weapons will no longer disappear when mailing them to other players.
Siege weapons can now only be used by characters that are of the same alliance as the weapon. For example, you can no longer put an Aldmeri Dominion siege weapon in your bank, and use it with an Ebonheart Pact or Daggerfall Covenant character.

Art & Animations

Fixed a number of issues with NPC appearances.
Fixed issues with the red “missing” boxes and NPCs with red faces.
Fixed issues with some monster and quest-specific animations.
Updated and improved several character animations for the start of the game.
Fixed an issue where the animation would stutter while riding your horse.
Fixed an issue where the animation would stutter while in stealth.
Fixed a rare issue where art would be missing in some areas.
Fixed an issue that was resulting in some quest scenes having incorrect or missing effects.


More NPC dialog has appropriate voiceover (this is an ongoing effort).
More zones and areas have their orchestral music (this is an ongoing effort).
Audio and sounds have been improved across many aspects of the game.
Some overall mix and balancing sound work has been done (this is an ongoing effort).
Fixed a number of issues with audio from UI and monsters.

Combat & Gameplay

You can now skip the tutorial with new characters if any of your characters have completed it already. When you click “Create” on the character creation screen, you will be presented with a pop-up which will ask you if you wish to skip the tutorial or not.
NOTE: Pre-existing characters before this patch do not qualify; you must complete the tutorial one more time before you are able to skip.
We are aware of the issues brought up by some of you regarding magicka and stamina regeneration. We are continuing to look into this issue, and a number of fixes included in this patch may address this problem. Please keep us posted on whether this patch fixes, improves, or does not change anything for those of you experiencing it.
Fixed an issue that was causing some players to become permanently invisible. This may still occur in very rare cases, so be sure to keep an eye out and /bug anything you come across.
Health enchants are now 50% more effective than before.
Health picks grant less health than before.
Marginally reduced base magicka and stamina regeneration at higher levels. The change of base regeneration is exponentially less with lower level players.
Reworked the re-spec cost to 100 gold per skill point. This results in a very similar cost as the old formula for the first 60 skill points, and a significant reduction in the cost beyond that.
Fixed an issue that was preventing battle leveled characters from getting critical strikes.
Made some modifications to the XP sharing system to fix an issue with power leveling.
Fixed an issue when the reticle would flash red, confirming a hit, even though the target dodged the attack.
You will now accelerate when approaching max speed, and decelerate when stopping.
When changing direction of movement, the acceleration is instantaneous.
Effects from enchantments on bows now trigger properly when a heavy attack is used.
Slightly increased the difficulty of monsters beginning at level 5.
Updated camera shakes for all light and heavy attack impacts or projectile launches. They should generally be slightly larger than before.
Light and heavy melee attack animations and impacts have been improved.
Adjusted the difficulty of several bosses in the Main Quest and Mages Guild quest lines.
Fixed an issue where you would deal damage with charge abilities without actually moving to your target.
Fixed an issue where many abilities were not properly obeying line of sight rules.
Fixed an issue where the Restoration Staff heavy attack beam could get stuck on a monster after the attack was complete.
Fixed an issue where you could appear to be permanently invisible after being killed by the ability Disintegration, and later reviving.
Monsters will now properly work together to use synergies against you.
Increased the damage caused by humanoid monster special attacks (attacks that can be blocked or dodged).
Logging out with a disguise equipped should no longer break the disguise.


Reduced the cost of Petrify.
Slightly reduced the cost of Take Flight.
Slightly increased the damage return on Spiked Armor.
Slightly increased Dragon Blood healing.
Increased regeneration of Green Dragon Blood.
Reduced the crit bonus for Molten Armaments.
Made improvements to Deep Breath, including increasing the final explode damage, and causing enemies you interrupt to go off-balance.
Increased the cost of Magma Armor.
Increased the damage from Shackle.
Increased the bonus damage from Liquid Lightning.
Significantly reduced the resource restore for Battle Roar.
Fixed an issue where the molten weapons FX could get stuck on your weapon permanently.
Fixed several visual issues with the dragon leap ability.


Fixed an issue with Path of Darkness that could sometimes cause the damage to end earlier than intended.
Increased the morph damage of Twisting Path.
Updated the attack animation for Shadow Image. He is now immobile and shoots a bow.
Increased the cost of Rank 1 Malefic Wreath.
Sap Essence should now correctly heal you if there are no allies nearby.
Reduce the damage of Strife Healing.
Reduced the base snare of Cripple.
Increased the movement speed bonus on a concealed weapon.
Increased the healing from Hidden Refresh.
Reduced the spell damage and weapon damage of Siphoning Strikes, and increased the amount of resources restored.
Significantly increased the stamina regeneration from Focused Attacks.
Weapon Damage now properly updates in your UI when using it on multiple targets.


Fixed several issues with Charged Lighting
Slightly increased the damage-per-second of Twilight attacks.
Increased the pet damage bonus for Empowered Ward.
Increase the strength of Conjured Ward.
Reduced the armor bonuses and damage from Lightning Form.
The summoned Storm Atronach now has a different appearance, including glowing Daedric runes on him.
Fixed an issue where Lightning Flood III was doing several million more damage than intended (whoops!)
Fixed an issue where Ball of Lightning was not absorbing projectile attacks from some monsters.
Bolt Escape now decreases out-of-combat magicka recovery for 4 seconds.


Increased the radius of Spear Shards.
Updated Ritual of Rebirth so it now casts faster.
Slightly reduced the heal of Lingering Ritual.
Edited the tooltip text for Restoring Aura.
Slightly increased value of Remembrance, and the bonus damage taken now applies while channeling.
Added a 50% health requirement tooltip to Honor The Dead.
Slightly increased the cost for Focused Charge.
Adjusted Aurora Javelin and Binding Javelin so they have the same damage values.
Redesigned the Restoring Spirit passive ability. This now reduces all magicka, stamina, and ultimate costs.
Slightly increased the Aura Javelin damage bonus.
Increased the shield value per enemy hit for Radiant Ward.
Increased the angle distance for Puncturing Strikes.
Reduced the cost of Healing Ritual for Light Weaver.

Weapon Abilities

Sparks now only applies to melee attacks.
Significantly decreased the chance to apply a status effect against vulnerable monsters when using Force Shock and Impulse.
Fixed an issue with Force Shock, which has resulted in a slight increase to damage.
The maximum health reduction in Pulsar no longer applies to bosses.
Increased the “bleed” chance from axes from Heavy Weapons.
Increased the “bleed” chance from axes from Twin Blade and Blunt.
Removed the cast time for Power Bash, and added a feature where you can stun your target for 2 seconds before it disorientates them.
Increased the damage done with Snipe.
Elemental Susceptibility now has a flat value instead of a percentage, which will allow destruction staffs to trigger elemental effects.
Increased the cost of Force Shock.
Decreased the cost of Force Siphon.
Significantly increased the initial damage from Cleave.
Increased the cost of Cleave.
Significantly increased the heal from Rally.
Increased the cost of Hidden Blade.
Reduced the global cooldown of Flurry.
Increased the healing from Blood Craze.
Increased the damage of the Unstable Wall of Elements explosion.
Increased the cost of Reverse Slash.
We decreased the light attack speed for all staves, and increased the damage to compensate. The damage-per-second should be the same, but individual attacks will hit for more damage.
Fixed an issue with Fire Touch occasionally not knocking back your target.
Properly removed the cast time from the Power Bash ability.
Fixed an issue with Wall of Elements that could sometimes cause the damage to end earlier than intended.
Decreased the cost of Wall of Elements.
Increased the range of Destructive Reach.
Increased the duration of the Twin Slashes damage-over-time, resulting in an increase of damage per cast.
Increased the overall damage from Flurry, though the final hit damage remains unchanged.


Increase the cost of Meteor.
Burning damage should no longer have a chance to cause additional burning damage.
Reduced the damage for Dawnbreaker.
Slightly increased the cost of Silver Bolts.
Fixed an issue where you could use Caltrops to generate too much Ultimate.
Fixed an issue where you could stack multiple ranks of Rapid Maneuver to gain a huge speed bonus.
The Soul Shatter passive now requires you to have a Soul Magic ability slotted for the explosion on death to occur.


The amount of XP needed to attain the next level has been adjusted across the board. Many skill lines and ability progression lines have had their XP values adjusted as well.
Increased XP for player kills.

Crafting & Economy

Edited the names for crafting resources and the resulting items for smithing, tailoring, and woodworking.
Fixed an issue where some smithing stations were not interactable.
Fixed additional issues with crafting nodes that would instantly respawn.
You will now occasionally see the next tier of harvesting material in each zone.
Hirelings now send you more appropriate items in their mails.
Clannfear and Netch monsters now drop leather.
Edited names for some crafting materials.
Fixed an issue where monsters would drop leather inappropriate for their level.
Crafted set items now have their visual tints scaling correctly.
New in-game training manuals have been placed near starter area crafting stations.
Fixed an issue that was causing some jewelry enchantments to temporarily stop functioning after you were killed.
Fixed an issue with the Bash Damage enchant that was causing it to have half the intended effect.

Dungeons/Group Content

Dungeon bosses and mini bosses now properly reflect their difficulty on their unit frames.
Fixed several instances of missing icons for enemy abilities used in dungeons.
Iterated on Dark Fissures to make them soloable.

Dark Anchors

More monsters will now spawn at the beginning of the Daedra wave, and they will spawn faster during the event.
Overall difficulty has increased with monsters spawned in during the final boss portion.
Fixed an issue where a Dark Anchor could get stuck in a state where it is incomplete, but has no Daedra present.
Fixed an issue where the effects around Dark Anchors would only appear for players who were nearby when the anchors were triggered. You should now be able to see them from a greater distance.

Exploration & Itemization

More areas have lootable barrels, chests, and crates to pillage!
Fixed an issue where clickable fixtures would not spawn correctly in the tutorial.
The Guar vanity pet now has the correct item icon.
Fixed an issue where you could not loot an item in the tutorial if you already had it in your bank.
Updated the location for the Elden Root Shrine of Mara; it is now just east of the Elden Root Wayshrine.
Decreased the sell values of raw and refined materials.
Updated the sell values of potions and trash items so they sell for at least 1 gold at low levels.
Increased and standardized the sell value of weapons and armor. The old values were a bit inconsistent, so the amount of increase varies depending on the item.
Decreased the cost to buy items from vendors. The old values were a bit inconsistent, so the amount of decrease varies depending on the item.

Inventory & Bank

Increased the starting bank size by 30. We removed 3 potential bank upgrades, and increased the cost of the later bank upgrades to account for this.
Increased the starting inventory size by 10. We removed 1 potential inventory upgrade, and increased the cost of the later inventory upgrades to account for this.


Enemy loot drops now take your level into account, providing loot that is more level-appropriate. If your level is higher than the enemy’s level, loot received will be of that enemy’s level.
Items obtained by interactable objects, such as barrels and crates, now have a sell value of 0 to prevent looting exploits.
Known Issue: As a side effect, some low level items now incorrectly have a sell value of 0.
Items obtained from monsters in Cyrodiil are now capped at level 50.
Kargan’s Helmet can no longer be double enchanted.
Vendors should now be showing the correct stores.
Empty interactable objects should appear empty.
Multiple quest rewards in Coldharbour now have enchantments.
Fixed a number of items which could be double enchanted.
Equipping bind-on-equip items will give you a tutorial describing the behavior.
Reduced the quality of the items dropped in the tutorial area.

Mac Client

Fixed an issue where copying one character out of a block of text would instead copy the entire block of text.
Fixed an issue where copy/paste keyboard commands were causing the game to occasionally freeze.
Fixed an issue where players with Iris Pro GPUs were seeing many copies of every NPC on-screen.
Fixed an issue where only the first letter of a copied text block would paste when attempting to paste text into the chat window in-game.


One Time Password functionality is now live. Untrusted devices will be prompted to enter a one time password - provided via email - in the same way that the Account website challenges untrusted devices.
Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when using a crystal shard, jumping into water, using social jumps, or traveling via wayshrines.
Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when a quest portal teleported you to a location below the world.
Fixed an issue where the game could crash if you had an effect on you while you had a food buff or held item.


We have fixed thousands of issues with quests and content in the game.
Fixed issues with disguises disappearing or preventing quest progression.
Fixed several quests that could not be completed once you finished the area they were intended to introduce.
Many followers should be better at following you.
Visuals for interacting with and destroying various gems across the game have been improved.
Fixed an issue where ship doors caused you to go to an incorrect location.
Many voice-over mismatches and typos have been fixed.
Known Issue: If you have not completed the quest Soul Shiven in Coldharbour, you will be moved back to the beginning of the quest.


Fixed an issue that was preventing Mages Guild achievements from properly granting upon completion.
Gutsripper is no longer quite as fearsome as his name, and his difficulty has been adjusted.
Fixed an issue with the quest Glade of the Divine.

Main Quest

Adjusted the difficulty for a skeleton in the tutorial so he can now be killed.
Segments of the tutorial have been removed to improve pacing.
Weapon racks were removed from the tutorial and replaced with a table full of swords.
Fixed an issue in the tutorial where Cadwell’s song was no longer being played when you approached him.
Fixed several issues with skeleton animations in the tutorial to stop pops and stutters.
Interactable objects were added to iron maidens, wheelbarrows, buckets, and skull piles in the tutorial.
Lyris Titanborn now respawns reliably when you log out on any step of the tutorial.
The Harvester at the end of the tutorial was replaced with multiple skeletons, followed by a Bone Colossus.
Molag Bal’s appearance at the end of the tutorial was re-worked with new effects and VO.

Starter Islands

Fixed an issue where Razum-dar did not go to the proper location once you spoke to him in the quest Storm on the Horizon.
Compass pins were added for both the Bosun and Razum-dar for the quest Storm on the Horizon.
Malareth’s compass pin has been updated to her new location.
Holgunn has been moved to a more conspicuous location in Davon’s Watch.
Niima now gives an appropriate response if you have not come from Bal Foyen.
Fixed an issue to increase the reliability of refugees spawning in the quest Last Rest on Bleakrock.
Fixed an issue to increase the reliability of Deathclaw spawning when there are many players in Bleakrock.
Fixed an issue in Carzog’s Demise where the spirit would not follow you when it should, blocking the quest.
Quartermaster Oblan should now appear, which will unblock the quest Cast Adrift.
Fixed an issue in the quest Tormented Souls where Drusilla Nerva would not spawn.


The braziers in Torinaan should be easier and more reliable to light.
Fixed an issue where Tancano was not spawning in the Phaer Catacombs.
Fixed an issue in the objective Silsailen to make the quest more group friendly.
Fixed a blocker in Vulkhel Guard where the marines in front of the door prevented you from entering the Manor.
Fixed an issue in the quest The Unveiling where Malanie would not appear.
Fixed an issue in the quest Harsh Lesson where you could not spar with the proctors.

Bal Foyen

The gate to Stonefalls is now unlocked.


A boatswain is available on the docks to take you to Daggerfall immediately.
The Abomination of Wrath (and other such bosses) should now spawn more reliably.


Molla of Underfoot should now appear more reliably.


Fixed an issue at the Beldama Wyrd Tree in the quest Reclaiming the Elements which prevented you from talking to the Guardian of Air and completing the quest.
Fixed an issue in the quest Champion of the Guardians where you were unable to interact with Wyress Ashtah.
Foulwing in the Shrieking Scar should now spawn correctly.


Fixed an issue in the quest Rare Imports where you could not interact with the cooking fire to advance the quest.

Khenarthi’s Roost

The lever in the Temple of the Mourning Springs should be more reliable.
The trail in Mistral should be visible to everyone on that quest step.
The Perils of Diplomacy is no longer reliant on completing Shattered Shoals or Temple of the Mourning Springs.


Adjusted the monster difficulty in the Cave of Memories so the boss is now more difficult than the mobs before him.
Fixed an issue in Fort Virak where you could become stuck as a spirit outside of the Ruined Corridors.
Fixed an issue in Fort Arand where Ahknara would fail to appear.


Adjusted the level of the monsters in the Supernal Dreamers camp.
Moved a ship door to its proper place in Koeglin Village.

User Interface

A warning dialog will now pop up when you try to sell your horse (mount).
The text for several tutorials, including crafting and lockpicking, has been updated.
The following localized keyboards will now automatically be detected: US English, default German, and default French.
Minor improvements have been made to the loading screen layout.
New characters will no longer flicker on the first login.
In conversations, if an NPC offers you a dialogue option to access the store, the option will have the type of store appended as "Store (store type)". For example, an alchemy vendor will display "Store (Alchemist)."
Added a confirmation dialog when you attempt to convert an item's style to the Imperial racial style.
Added an option to turn off quest-giver indicators, which is located under the Interface portion of the Settings menu. This will turn off the indicators both in-world and on the compass.
Fixed many word-wrap issues where a hyphenated word was not properly wrapping at the hyphen.
Updated the art for quest compass pins, floating quest markers, waypoints, and custom waypoints.
The "Hidden" message will now properly appear if the Crouch Eye partially opens, then you return to being hidden.
While your character is dead, the purchase/morph of abilities will no longer appear to function as if your character is still alive.
Fixed an issue that sometimes resulted in a "Character Not Found" error when attempting to whisper another player using the Radial Menu.
Pressing F1 will now open the Help UI instead of going directly to the Customer Support UI.
Most error messages that appear in the top right of your screen will now play an error sound.
Many text localization tweaks and fixes have been made.
The revive prompt will now properly display immediately when you target someone you can resurrect.
Starting the tutorial will no longer sometimes show the W, A, S, D letters outside the keys.
Fixed an issue that caused the conversation camera to break when interacting with NPCs.
We have made improvements to certain triggered events in the game.
The experience bar will be shown on the top left of your screen, and sound will be heard when the following take place:
An overland boss has been killed.
An event that grants experience has been completed.
You have successfully picked a lock.
You have completed a Lore Library collection.
Text will be seen in the center of your screen when you:
Complete a Rings of Mara ceremony.
Complete a Lore Library collection.
Fixed an issue where an error would appear when using Rings of Mara with another player.
Fixed an issue where French and German words occasionally would not be properly capitalized at the beginning of the sentence.
Fixed an issue with the Customer Support window not loading properly.
Fixed an issue where the cursor would become active during lockpicking and prevent you from interacting with the tumblers.

Alliance War

A tutorial for PVP daily quests has been added.
A window to the map that shows a summary of each keep and resource’s status has been added. To show the summary, click on a keep or resource in the world map.
Added ore, wood, and food upgrade tabs to the keep information window in the world map.
Added summary, production, and defense tabs for inspecting resource keeps (farm, mine, mill) on the world map.
The icons for Forward Camps, Meatbag Catapults, Oil Catapults, Scattershot Catapults, and Siege Repair Kits have been updated.
Polished some French and German sentences in the Alliance War overview window.


An error sound will now properly play when you press the world use (default E) and player-to player-use (default F) keys and no target is selected.
Fixed an issue where Enchanting sounds were missing for Runes.
Fixed an issue where sounds would not play while Provisioning.
Fixed an issue where sound would occasionally stop playing while Enchanting.
Fixed an issue where sounds would play when choosing conversation responses; you should now not hear a sound at all.


We have added zone chat channels for English, French, and German.
You are not placed in these language-specific zone chat channels by default. You must join them. You can do this by clicking on your chat “Options” (the gear icon in the chat window) and enabling the one you want to join.
Channel colors for these new language-specific zone chat channels can be changed independently from each other through the “Social” portion of the “Settings” menu.
You will now automatically get the cursor when the chat interface is brought up (by pressing the Enter key, by default).
New default chat colors are now available. To use them on existing characters, you must reset your chat text color options to default (under the “Social” portion of the “Settings” menu).
The profanity filter is now enabled by default. You can toggle it on and off in Options (under the Social portion of the Settings menu).
You can now change the chat window transparency in Options (under the Social portion of the Settings menu).
Fixed an issue where /chatlog did not function. This is now saved to a file upon exiting the game. You can find this in \Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\Logs\ChatLog.log
Added an option under the Game Menu in Social/Settings that lets you disable the default behavior of the cursor being brought up when hitting Enter or typing into chat.
You can disable this default behavior under the Game Menu in Social/Settings.


Most crafting result messages will now appear in the center of the screen.
Added a message when an item is deconstructed but no materials are obtained in the process.
On potions, the longest ability cooldown has been moved to the last effect position. All previous effects no longer list a cooldown.
Smithing Interface Revisions:
The Extract tab has been separated out into the Refine and Deconstruct tabs. By default, you will now see the Refine tab when first interacting with this interface. The functionality between these interactions has not changed.
The ‘Have Knowledge’ filter is on by default on the Create tab.


Fixed an issue where guilds would reorder upon login, causing you to have your slash commands for chat not map to the same guilds.


The quest window’s ‘Set Focused’ function has changed.
The quest window will now open to your currently focused quest, by default.
It will now cycle through the list of quests, updating the selected quest and making it focused.
Selecting a quest manually with your mouse will automatically set the newly selected quest as focused.
We have made the following improvements to the targeting reticle:
The reticle now defaults to open instead of closed.
The reticle now closes when a target is in range of your light attack or interaction.
The targeting reticle will now briefly flash red when you hit a target.

Inventory & Bank

You can now withdraw and deposit gold from your account-wide bank.
Fishing bait and siege weapons are now located under the Miscellaneous tab instead of under Consumables.
The new indicator (!) on new items will no longer clear if a single consumable in a stack of consumables is used. The "!" will now stay on a new item until you close your inventory.


The keybind for cycling to the next focused quest now displays on the HUD in the Quest Tracker. This is only visible if you have more than one quest.
We have removed the "Target Self" keybind.
Secondary keybinds are now considered when generating automatic keybind labels.


Maps have been added or updated for many dungeons in the game.
Dungeon maps that were zooming out to the wrong overland zone have been fixed.
Roads, bridges, or small structures that were missing from the Cyrodiil map have been added.
Many issues related to the player pin in dungeons showing in the wrong location or not showing at all have been addressed.
Fixed an issue that was preventing player-set destination pins on the World Map from being visible.
Added a map tutorial prompt in the main quest.

Tool Tips

Duration numbers are now color-coded white versus the same color as the rest of the text.
We’ve fixed a variety of issues related to tool tip formatting.
Improved the messaging on the Rings of Mara and how they work.
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