*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

Ahh does the loot scale with level so like if i open one at lvl10 i get level 10 loot? or is it scaled to the zone? if it scales with level then you could run around at lvl50 and get lots of level 50 items? where as if its tied to the zones level then you might aswell get it while in the zone?
I think I'll give this another go this weekend. I really didn't get on with a couple of months ago but I can see there's been a load of changes so I'll check it out again.

Anyone tried the MAC client?
I've got 2 codes available for anyone who still wants to try it out, just shout.

It's vastly improved since the first beta weekend but give it at least until level 10+. It really does steadily improve once you get weapon switching and pvp going on. The main zones are also much better than the starter islands
The main zones are also much better than the starter islands

Stros M'kai is great! I wish everyone wasn't so eager to skip it. It's such a beautiful zone, with the rolling sand dunes, clear warm water, Dweamer ruins, ample livestock to indiscriminately kill and mudcrap fights!

It's also one of the best zones for Jute gathering so I'll definitely be spending a lot of time there in some capacity :)
This weekend will be my first taste of the game, so it'll be interesting to see how it holds up against the criticisms and praise so far :)

A lot can change between an early beta and release, and the current build must be pretty close to being the launch build at this stage. Going in try to go in without preconceptions
This weekend will be my first taste of the game, so it'll be interesting to see how it holds up against the criticisms and praise so far :)

A lot can change between an early beta and release, and the current build must be pretty close to being the launch build at this stage. Going in try to go in without preconceptions

For you that will be impossible, because you have already expressed an opinion of dislike and as such will enter the game in that way.

Its the same in real life, "let's wipe the slate clean", its impossible because of all the things that have happened before. In 30 years of being alive I have never seen anyone able to "wipe the slate clean" and I suspect I never will.

Not trying to be offensive, but as explained above, I think the notion of what you have said is impossible.
For you that will be impossible, because you have already expressed an opinion of dislike and as such will enter the game in that way.

Its the same in real life, "let's wipe the slate clean", its impossible because of all the things that have happened before. In 30 years of being alive I have never seen anyone able to "wipe the slate clean" and I suspect I never will.

Not trying to be offensive, but as explained above, I think the notion of what you have said is impossible.

Jesus Christ, he has said that its his first go at trying this game.

You shoot him down before he has had a chance to try this out and change his mind. Its like you are trying to pre-empt him saying that his game is bad!
Lol LateX is a bit over fanatical when it comes to anything even remotely negative in this thread, its quite comical but kinda scarey too.

Its a game folks, people like and dislike them all the time, sure no one likes blatant trolling but equally no one likes die-hards who try to snuff any kinda opinion that doesnt match theirs.

I'd say chill a bit LateX were all keen to see ESO do well bud, and those that arent, well if you dont feed them they will get bored and leave.
Lol LateX is a bit over fanatical when it comes to anything even remotely negative in this thread, its quite comical but kinda scarey too.

Yeah, he's definitely the white knight of this thread! There is a lot I would like to post regarding the negatives I personally feel are wrong with this game, but I haven't bothered as it becomes a war of attrition. I'm sure he will be all geared up ready for Monday's assault of, "this game's crap" posts :D
Yeah, he's definitely the white knight of this thread! There is a lot I would like to post regarding the negatives I personally feel are wrong with this game, but I haven't bothered as it becomes a war of attrition. I'm sure he will be all geared up ready for Monday's assault of, "this game's crap" posts :D

Nah, I will place a 100g bet to everyone who plays it the following will happen over the weekend.

1. People who already hate/dislike this game will play it again and still hate and dislike it.

2. The OCUK bandwagon of hate will effect new players from even giving the game a chance by spreading incorrect statements and lies.

3. Players who already like it will still like it, but with the overwhelming bandwagoning they'll get drowned out.

4. Some new people avoiding this forum will actually enjoy it, come to post and see the bandwagon and then start hating it even if they enjoyed it.

I could go on, but I'm not going to. Some of these are immeasurable, but those that are I bet you it will happen. And as such will fulfill my pledge.

All of the points above I can show you where they are in this post and probably point you to the exact post.

The thing is I've been posting on this forum for 10 years on different accounts and this is the single worst forum for negativity. Its downright depressing at times to read some threads as they are just filled with hate and trolling. Its like a moderated version of 4chan, just the mods let there mates do the trolling.
I am.

He's expressed his dislike for the game, going into a game already disliking it generally ends up with you disliking it. :confused:

I expressed extreme dislike of your behaviour in this thread, not the game. I really thought you got that :rolleyes:

And lo and behold, here you are proving me right.

If you think I spent €50 on a pre-order just so I could tell you I hate it, you have a serious over-estimation of your own importance.
I thought we was done with this argument thought we'd moved on! :mad: People are entitled to think what they want about this game, people aren't as easily swayed to play a game or not (especially gamers, we're are a hard bunch to please)

If your happy playing it then play it, if your not then don't! If your on the fence, then try it! It's as simple as that!
Another 1/2 page derailment :rolleyes:


I'm still really struggling on deciding what class and build to to play but learning towards dk. Probably a standard 2h dps tank while leveling morphing into a pbaoe style battlemage for PvP once i get higher.

I'm really not interested in the mega theorycrafting going on in the tamriel foundry forums since i suspect it'll all change by the time i get to lvl 50 with 300+ skillpoints!
I think i'll be going with Nightblade, something similar to what this guy has done! Really like the play style and ability to solo really well.

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