*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

When you load the launcher, it will detect that you should be playing on the EU megaserver and do you want to migrate to that now.

CLICK DECLINE and DECLINE again, otherwise you will download the entire game again.

After you have clicked decline, go to "x:\xxxx\Zenimax Online" (xxx is where you personally installed it) and check you have the folder called "The Elder Scrolls Online" and its 30gb in size.

Then just copy and paste it to the same location. You will get 2 folders then "The Elder Scrolls Online" and "The Elder Scrolls Online - Copy". Now all you need to do is rename "The Elder Scrolls Online - Copy" to "The Elder Scrolls Online EU" and reload the launcher.

If it asks you to migrate DECLINE it again, it'll download a small patch and then your done.

To check your game is working OK, click the cog wheel in the top right, make sure it says your on the European Megaserver. Apply and click play.

Enter in your personal details and it should say it can't find any servers. This tells you your client is fine.

If your concerned you can run the repair tool to check your installation too. The above process i followed and mine is working fine.

Also BTW its running a really up to date client. I think they are throwing everything at us this beta.
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Cash shop mount confirmed: http://www.zam.com/story.html?story=33999

Have to say, I'm not too bothered about this, but seems lots of people are pretty angry, given that the developers stated it would only be for account services and cosmetics (as it's P2P anyway...).

Well I'm shocked, hang on. No I'm not. Incoming CE races :) Mounts are pretty much a staple part of any cash shop these days anyway.
imperial edition.

just bought elders scrolls imperial edition for £56.00
put code in the elders scrolls online. says i have the elders scrolls explorers pack. says nothing about imperial edition is this right, thanks in reponse ..
but does say 5 days early access.
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just bought elders scrolls imperial edition for £56.00
put code in the elders scrolls online. says i have the elders scrolls explorers pack. says nothing about imperial edition is this right, thanks iin reponse ..

Perfectly normal so don't worry. Only people who bought from the Zenimax store got instant access to the Imperial edition. Everyone who purchased the Imperial digital edition from anywhere else has to wait until closer* to launch, when they'll be emailed the codes to enable the full Imperial edition.

*I don't believe they've stated when this will be. I'll be keeping an eye on the forums to see if there is any news about it.
Meh, it's another reason (any reason) for him to put the boot in. I wonder what sort of response WS doing this would yield from him, not the same I'd wager.

How have I boot the put in? the people up in arms and 'angry' about it are the ESO fans that have bought the game lol. After all Paul Sage confirmed it would just be account services :rolleyes:

Go back a few pages when we were discussing Cash Shops and I said I expected there to be mounts and pets, but as usual was shouted down a by one or 2 ESO'ers.

Oh and I fully expect there to be a cash shop with mounts and pets in Wildstar, anyone that doesnt expect that in a modern MMO is a fool.
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Who gives a monkeys really? i mean come on, what does it matter if you can buy a mount? do you use them in pvp? or in raids? dungeons? they are a little quality of life improvement for travelling around, and maybe a small epeen extension for some odd folks.

But in reality it matters little
The Elder Scrolls Online - FAQ
Below is a run down of the most common questions and queries asked regarding The Elder Scrolls Online:

Does it use Capsule:

This title will not use Capsule. You will be able to download, install and play this game via a service supplied by Bethesda.

Mac Version:

Yes, there is a Mac version which you will be able to download after registering/creating an Elder Scrolls Online account with your key.

Purchased the Imperial Edition, activated the key and the Standard Edition is shown:

Don't worry, the key we have sent you is correct and will grant you the correct length of Early Access and you will receive your full game key closer to or on the release date.

How many days access do I get?

With the Standard edition you will get 3 days access. Imperial edition will give you 5 days access.

I received an Explorers pack, what is this?

All pre-orders will unlock an Explorer's pack as a bonus. This pack is a digital bundle that includes:

The ability for the player's characters to join any alliance, no matter which race you choose
The Scuttler , a tiny but loyal vanity pet
Four bonus treasure maps that will lead the player to loot.

When will I receive my full game key?

As with all pre-purchase games keys for this game will be released on or in special circumstances shortly before release date as shown on the product page.


Green Man Gaming Customer Service

found that all is ok..
Meh, it's another reason (any reason) for him to put the boot in. I wonder what sort of response WS doing this would yield from him, not the same I'd wager.

The mount is in response to people being upset with the CE only mount.

All it does is offer you the chance to "upgrade" to get the mount (Which you can get in game) at a reduced price and earlier.

The public wanted it, they gave them it.
I wish that games never brought this option in really, I remember when you would get that rare drop for the mount and everyone was like...where can I get one of those!

Now its just a simple click and everyone has it....But if that is the way things go now then there is nothing you can do about it. Just don’t buy it :s
Wow has been selling mounts & pets for years. Why would anyone bother getting upset over this?

Probably because Paul Sage stated that there would be no cash shop at launch, it would just be account services you paid for.

It's not a big deal for now, but it was probably always in the works. As I stated some pages back, there are no mainstream MMO's without cash shops, Eve being the exception.

The worry is what will appear in the cash shop when it goes f2p (which it will). So long as it doesn't ruin PvP, I'll be happy.
When you load the launcher, it will detect that you should be playing on the EU megaserver and do you want to migrate to that now.

CLICK DECLINE and DECLINE again, otherwise you will download the entire game again.

After you have clicked decline, go to "x:\xxxx\Zenimax Online" (xxx is where you personally installed it) and check you have the folder called "The Elder Scrolls Online" and its 30gb in size.

Then just copy and paste it to the same location. You will get 2 folders then "The Elder Scrolls Online" and "The Elder Scrolls Online - Copy". Now all you need to do is rename "The Elder Scrolls Online - Copy" to "The Elder Scrolls Online EU" and reload the launcher.

If it asks you to migrate DECLINE it again, it'll download a small patch and then your done.

To check your game is working OK, click the cog wheel in the top right, make sure it says your on the European Megaserver. Apply and click play.

Enter in your personal details and it should say it can't find any servers. This tells you your client is fine.

If your concerned you can run the repair tool to check your installation too. The above process i followed and mine is working fine.

Also BTW its running a really up to date client. I think they are throwing everything at us this beta.

Urgh. Mine keeps checking the download until it gets to 8% and then starting to download the rest of the client.

EDIT: How big are each of the folders for everybody else? As mine are 42gbs each despite not playing the game yet.. Seems oddly large.
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