*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

I'm torn on class too. I really want to go healer but my last dungeon experience with one wasn't a particularly good one. It seems a large percentage of the playerbase will think dumping Blood Font down before every fight (yay, a massive red aoe squirting blood particles makes it super easy to see where I'm laying down my healing aoes!! ) is the limit of them needing to look after themselves.

Of course this could just be standard PUG behaviour but it has made me a touch wary, I must admit.
Don't know that much about this but am pretty interested. Obviously it's an mmo, but how big is the game world compared to say GW2? Is it primrarily a PvP game at max level or will it be dungeon/raid focused, or a mix of the two?

I'd check the website but I'm at work and it's blocked.
but how big is the game world compared to say GW2?

I would say its larger, but its very subjective until you can find actual km measurements.

The open world PvP zone is about 3x larger then GW2

Is it primrarily a PvP game at max level or will it be dungeon/raid focused, or a mix of the two?

You have the huge open world PvP at end game, you have 16 veteran dungeons (heroic dungeons), 2 raids I think and an adventure zone which is a zone entirely aimed at group and raid play with dynamic events and non instanced dungeons for single players and groups. At launch they only have 1 adventure zone.

Takes around 100 - 120 hrs to reach 50 and then you have the veteran ranks which you earn through doing group content like PvP and raids and quests in other faction zones. They are called 50+ and 50++.
Don't know that much about this but am pretty interested. Obviously it's an mmo, but how big is the game world compared to say GW2? Is it primrarily a PvP game at max level or will it be dungeon/raid focused, or a mix of the two?

I'd check the website but I'm at work and it's blocked.

The majority of their focus is PvE based, you do have the massive PvP zone however and its big as people have said (not always a good thing I might add, lots of nothing to do in there). Their end game was under wraps until recently and still is essentially as its not been tested thoroughly.

All in all the PvP is much better than the PvE, but its still needs a fair bit work in my opinion.

Plenty of info out there, the ESO reddit is quite informative (reddit is also not blocked in a lot of work places :))
I'm torn on class too. I really want to go healer but my last dungeon experience with one wasn't a particularly good one. It seems a large percentage of the playerbase will think dumping Blood Font down before every fight (yay, a massive red aoe squirting blood particles makes it super easy to see where I'm laying down my healing aoes!! ) is the limit of them needing to look after themselves.

Of course this could just be standard PUG behaviour but it has made me a touch wary, I must admit.

Heh, I had pretty much exactly the same issue. Love playing healers, but think I'm going to need to find myself a decent guild because PUG's right now are your typical cluster-**** of players running about thinking they can offload all their dps with no consequence and then blame the healer when they turn into a sticky mess on the floor.

The dungeons appear to be tougher than your typical new MMO, which means PUG's will be even worse - I predict decent healers in PUG's will be scarce! :D
Is there exp spots in the PVP zone? in DAOC some of the best PVE exp was had by exping in the PVP frontiers ;)

There is towns dotted around the PvP zone that give pve quests if you control the keeps in them areas.

Also dungeons too.

If you look at a map of Cyrodiil from Oblivion, the main towns are the towns where you get quests from. Oh and the zone is larger then the one in Oblivion too.
Yes Cyrodiil in TESO is bigger than Cyrodiil in Oblivion to be honest.

There are gazillion things to explore also, quests, dungeons as on the "safe side". Also 45 or so Skyshards. (15 per side, so you need to be sneaky to get to the 30 of them).

However you might encounter some enemies of the alliance that might hunt PvE players, as of course you can do the same to them.

After level 10 you can live in Cyrodiil and not look back, even if PvE is your main thing.
So what's the word on raids and battlegrounds. Will there be pve content for groups of more than 5 people, will there be instanced battlegrounds or Cyrodiil 3 faction map is the only instanced pvp?

How does Cyrodiil faction war feel, is it similar to eternal battleground in GW2? Does pvp actually feel fun? I've played two beta weekends and I find it difficult to think that pvp with such clunky combat could feel pleasant, is it about getting used to this combat dynamic or "love or hate it" type of deal?
Will there be pve content for groups of more than 5 people

Yes there is 2x 12 man raids, IIRC.

will there be instanced battlegrounds or Cyrodiil 3 faction map is the only instanced pvp?

Cyrodiil is the only place for battleground style pvp, its HUGE though.

How does Cyrodiil faction war feel, is it similar to eternal battleground in GW2?

According to a lot of the DOAC crowds, its very similar to that and GW2. Apart from larger?

Does pvp actually feel fun?

Subjective, loads of people find it fun. Some don't.

is it about getting used to this combat dynamic or "love or hate it" type of deal?

I guess its about getting used to the combat. As with any MMO that is trying to be somewhat different, you have to adjust to the differences. If you want a game that feels familiar, then i don't think you'll like this game.

This weekends beta has the Combat Feel and starter zone overhaul. So combat should feel better for the people that had issues.
Right now, I would say it is leaning a lot more towards DAoC over GW2, which is a good thing because PvP in GW2 is rather bland and uninteresting.

That's extremely encouraging. It should be big enough that a single zerg can't possibly dominate, i think that's why in DaoC you got a lot more smaller roving warbands, and moving through the zones solo was extremely tense, but perfectly possible if you were careful.
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