Lakeland, I've being doing research into these kits and I before I order two of them I was wondering whether you could confirm something for me. I haven't yet tried the software but I will be doing so tonight, but would I be correct in saying that I could program the chip to convert the output from one of the potentiometers included into a different value ie. input x3 or whatever?
I found the techincal data sheets on the site not to be very helpful unfortunately and can't find any useful dimensions for the kit and there's a pretty terrible clarification of what you actually get in the kit. Am I right in saying that included are:
- 1 lcd display
- pcb
- firmware ic
- 14-pin DIL socket
- 10-way SIL connector (x2)
- 4.8mm spacers (x4)
- 10k ohm pot
- 10k ohm resistor
I rang their helpline and I thought the guy was going to look in the kits but it turned out he was looking at the same site as me and that was it.
Sorry to bombard you with questions! And thanks in advance for your help, it's very much appreciated
If everyone else wouldn't mind answering a couple of questions also that would be really helpful. I'm trying to do my research here but I just need to confirm things before I purchase the kit.
When buying a dc power supply, I just need to match the voltage required for the circuit board 4.5-5.5v in this case, so am I right in saying that
this 3.8mm 5v dc supply would be fine? I'm going to have a much better search when I get home from uni later but I can't seem to find a 3.8mm socket/have no idea what it's actually called so if someone could let me know the name of it that would be great!!
Also, I need to have the pcb away from the screens a little bit so I'll be needing to use a ribbon. The LCD is 14-way so would
this ribbon be the right one to use? With
this connector?
Once again, thanks in advance for any help! I'm trying my best but I just want to be sure on everything. I'm spending the university's money, not mine, and they need to know that everything will work!!