You misunderstand me, Mr. Burnsy. There are currently ten different types of kit listed, a short while ago there were eleven.
When I looked at the detail of the "IN-8-2 Nixie Tube Clock Kit With Tubes Included" kit, it said "1 unit in stock". I bought that.
Now there are only ten different kits listed (again).
If you don't get round to making it I'll buy it!
A good find there, I might email them to see if they have more in-8 tubes.
we might have to amend the rules of the MM to allow the selling of Nixie-tube paraphernalia![]()
Oh this will be a project that will be completed and it'll be completed pretty quickly. I've printed off the instructions and it looks very simple indeed, nothing like any tricky coils or inductors to wind.
/edit - No custom titles or selling outside MM
The kit worked out at just over £80 including postage.
This is the PSU i'm using:
Oh yes, forgot to say - I'll be using a feed from my Daiwa 25A PSU. That should be enough!
It looks like this, it's not exactly this model but it's close enough.
I'll let you know if there's any noise on HF from it. It might need some screening. Have we worked yet?Does it put out much electrical interference?