That's what I'm hoping. Some of them though, like random huts with nothing in at all do just seem like space fillers and I'm not sure why it warrants a marker on the map but I'm sure it will all make sense by the time I've finished
I only realised earlier that LB activated that special V.A.T.S mode, at no point did the game tell me about this. Perhaps I'm just used to hand holding in games now but some of the stuff is not very obvious. I'm really disliking the inventory system as well. I get that it's all on the pip boy and is stylised, but it doesn't make for a very user friendly experience.
I really hope I get more into this, kind of regretting buying it already to be honest.
What is the point of the settlements? I haven't really dkne anything with them other than basic water/defence needs to keep people happy - and i've ONLY worked on sanctuary.
I have found the dog on the roof once. The game has lots of clipping and weird character actions.
My PIP Boy vanished last night. Could still hear the sound effects from changing tabs, but the graphics just wouldn't show. Save and reload fixed it, as with most of these little quirks.
You have to find some dirt and plant it yourself. Create a nice veg patch and then allocate settlers to look after it.
There's a house in sanctuary that already has a little patch growing behind it in an enclosed fence area. That's where I grew mine.
Except the game does tell you about VATS when you are leaving the vault at the beginning. The section directly after leaving the overseers office!