Thank you for the detailed replies.
The only way really, at least until it gets modded is to ring the bell that you can build which brings all settlers in the settlement to you, highlight them and it highlights what they're currently working on. Still hopeless, though, but it's a start.
Well, sort of, if what they're working on is in view of the bell.
What most people seem to be doing (myself included) is to dress your settlers according to what they're assigned to. For example I put suits on all my store settlers, armor on my guards (not that I use them) and then farmers in something else (currently covenant armor cus it's what I had). This works well enough for now, I've found.
That's probably the best workaround, but it brings me to another noob question - how do I get my settlers to wear stuff? I gave armour to the settler I've assigned as a scavenger (I'm assuming that they go into the wasteland, at least in a roleplaying sense), but they didn't wear it.
Nah it's first person only at the minute I think. Not sure why they did this, but again I'm sure there'll be a mod soon.
I hope so, because it's well nigh impossible to line things up from first person. Some things snap to fit in some circumstances, but a lot has been made guesswork by the bad implementation in general and first person in particular.
No way to change the length of stairs unfortunately. What I do is have a shack foundation/wood foundation at a lower level and when you line it up right it snaps between them.
Regardless of the vertical distance? I've only found it working for shack stairwells between floors a standard distance apart.
If I understand this right, you can use the shack foundation for that (under wood->floor) as it clips through pretty much anything to a certain extent.
That would leave the foundation hanging in midair. Which might well happen, given how shonky the settlement building is in FO4. I hadn't thought to try it - I was looking for a way to build up the surrounding surface to the same height as the surface I already had shack foundation on. I was thinking of things such as extending a building past the pre-existing foundation slabs left when you scrap a derelict house.
Yeah I don't know why you have to build in single squares either. Same with fences having to build them post by post instead of just connecting two posts and having them auto complete the fence for you, that would be so much easier and more efficient.
"easier and more efficient" doesn't seem to have been part of the goal.
Yeah, as much as I've enjoyed it I feel like it's despite the controls and features instead of because of them. I feel like they saw the popularity of the New Vegas settlement mod and decided to put it in but did JUST enough to call it a feature and then let modders take it from there. Probably not a bad plan really considering the extent of their modding community and the size of the rest of the game.
I think so too, maybe combined with wanting settlement building to be inconvenient and useless so it wouldn't unbalance the game. It's certainly not part of the game - it's clearly an add-on given little thought and less development resources. I don't even think of it as a mod, since mods are usually done much better.
The harvested plants go into your workshop, not your inventory. Same with caps from stores and water from purifiers.
They do? Maybe I only think I've assigned people to farming. Or maybe I assigned people to farming and then assigned them to something else, since I've no idea who's assigned to what and no way to find out. Do I have to assign a person to each plant? Or will they automatically harvest some other plants, too? I've read from some sources that each settler can work 6 plants. Not from Bethesda, of course. They don't provide information about anything much.
Kennel is under miscellaneous in the resources tab I believe (you definitely can, I'm just not 100% sure that's where it is.
Not for me. I've also looked under miscellaneous in the wooden structures and even under beds and prefabs. I can't find it. Do I need to find the right issue of the picket fences magazine?