A shame you can't remove it. Adding simcity to fallout ruined it for me, I just can't get into it.
Yeah you can ignore it but it seems like they designed the game with it as a major content point. Especially if you want to play on Survival mode which turns settlements into safezones with food and beds, but it's tedious to have to build them all up. Fun the first time, but then it's basically copy-pasta and loses the novelty extremely quickly.Have you played 3 and NV and all the content-adding mods for them? That might be more fun for you than 4, which has a relatively poor main storyline anyway.
Is it actually necessary to do any settlement building in 4? What's to stop you just ignoring them or just not claiming them in the first place? The only settlement I was forced to claim was Bunker Hill late in the game, when the leader of the settlement just walked past me and made me leader of the settlement...and I've done absolutely nothing with that settlement so far. I have maybe a dozen settlements I've done nothing or very little with. Some uninhabited ones I've done nothing with and some with a few inhabitants that I've just added turrets to for defence.
I vaguely recall something about some number of settlements being needed if you do the Minuteman questline, but that was hundreds of hours of playtime ago and I'm not sure. I'd got into settlement building from the start, so if there was any requirement I'd already exceeded it.
None that I know of completely remove it. I'm not sure if that's possible. There are some mods that greatly change it, though. I can think of two possible modding approaches that might appeal to you more than the vanilla game:
1) Mod out the settlement quests as much as possible by removing the relevant Minutemen radiant quests. I can't comment much on this because I'm using a pre-CK mod that's no longer supported or recommended because it makes major changes to the way the Minutemen faction works, will break the game if uninstalled and can have adverse effects such as breaking the Minutemen quest line in some circumstances. There are post-CK mods that don't break anything, but I know nothing about them. Besides, I like the settlement building so I've spent most of my play time on it. I only installed the mod to stop the endless Preston Garvey radiant quests.
2) Sim Settlements radically changes settlement building by having settlers do the building. You can ignore the details and just assign zoning to parts of the settlement. So constructing accomodation section by section, placing furniture piece by piece, etc, can be replaced by just marking an area to be used for accomodation and the settlers will build their accomodation there. You can issue further commands to control building more if you want to (there are upgrade trees in the mod for more advanced buildings), but you don't have to. There are also lots of add-ons for the main mod that add things for settlers to build. Some add decorative items the settlers can make and some add bigger changes, such as the industrial revolution add-on which will enable your settlers to build oil wells and mines and forges and suchlike. But at the basic level you can just assign zoning and do nothing more. You might need to assign provisioners if you want settlements to share stuff. I don't know much about the mod because by the time it came out I'd already started building settlements myself in a very different style that I think is better suited to the unexplained but welcome influx of concrete in large quantities.
As an extra to either of those, there are mods that stop attacks on your settlements or change them so that your settlement will win if it has enough defence. I'd recommend that to anyone because the vanilla game is ludicrous with defended settlements. The final straw for me was when 5 raiders with pipe guns attacked my walled city at Sanctuary and the 22 heavily armed and armoured settlers behind solid walls and ~1000 defence units worth of turrets summoned me to kill the raiders. I had to go because in the vanilla game there's always a chance that the attackers will win regardless of the relevant strength of the attackers and defenders. I use BS Defence for that - if your settlement has more defence than food+water combined, it will fight off any attackers. Settlement Attacks Beyond is another useful mod in this vein. Bethesda put some of the spawn points for attackers inside settlement boundaries, so the attackers just appear inside the settlement and start attacking. This mod moves the spawn points to be outside the settlement boundaries.
good lord...just checked steam
771 hours played on fallout 4!!
Yeah you can ignore it but it seems like they designed the game with it as a major content point. Especially if you want to play on Survival mode which turns settlements into safezones with food and beds, but it's tedious to have to build them all up. Fun the first time, but then it's basically copy-pasta and loses the novelty extremely quickly.
Man I have a craving for Fallout 4 again. Does anyone know if there are any mega-mod packs? As in, a large selection of well designed mods that are all bundled together? I believe Skyrim had something like this.
The rooting out of individual mods and then trying to debug them all puts me off. Would just love to dive into a clean modded Fallout 4 from the get go.
Man I have a craving for Fallout 4 again. Does anyone know if there are any mega-mod packs? As in, a large selection of well designed mods that are all bundled together? I believe Skyrim had something like this.
The rooting out of individual mods and then trying to debug them all puts me off. Would just love to dive into a clean modded Fallout 4 from the get go.
There is expansions to Diamond City which are awesome - one covers the ramparts and one the inside of the city and makes it feel so much more realistic.
Do you want a list of some of the mods I use?? What do you want to mod?? I am sure I can make some suggestions as do a few others here too.
I mean there is even a mod where you can replicate people and make your own synths!!
I'm just looking for a mod pack that is guaranteed to work together. Like STEP for Skyrim but something for Fallout 4. Does such a thing exist?
A website attempted to do that but ended up stealing mods. I have a few 100 mods installed and its mostly fine,so ask me what you want modded and I can probably point you towards what to look for.
I want to mod everything, but don't have the patience to optimize and debug. That the thing. STEP had upwards of 200 mods. To grab 200 random mods and make them all work flawlessly isn't easy.