This game better be good or this is going to be one of the biggest marketing failures in history. Quite impressive what they have pulled off so far, would love to know what their marketing budget is! They seem to be going from strength to strength, bodes well for the next elder scrolls game.
100% no season pass in the collectors edition. You probably just saw a leaflet that advertises it
Nope, it's 100% in there.
Dev budget on this is massive probably high 8 figures or thereabouts
They have been working on this for at least 3-4 years fulltime with a massive team of developers & artists.
It was confirmed ages ago that it wouldn't have it.
Plus if you're watching the Xbox One version unboxing, it includes a download code for a backwards-compatible version of 3.
EDIT: Review embargo lifts Nov 9th @ 5 am PST (!game/1508/fallout-4)
Dev budget on this is massive probably high 8 figures or thereabouts
They have been working on this for at least 3-4 years fulltime with a massive team of developers & artists.
Tens of millions isn't exactly uncommon for a "AAA" game. GTA 5 was well in to 9 figures.
I've watched a PC one that shows the card.
The PC leaflet seems to have adverts inside for other Bethesda games, Dishonored 2, Doom etc. There's no season pass code, you'll need to buy that separately. Pete Hines has confirmed many times on his Twitter that it will not come with the season pass and it was never advertised as such, so hopefully nobody is surprised.
I did, but to put a slip in it that looks like a season pass card is just some seriously bad judgement.
I can see there being some backlash from this.
tell you what I'm surprised at the lack of editions released, usually you get game having one preorder bonus, amazon with another etc, even stuff just like a bobble head or something, but nothing with this.
Probably a good thing tbh though