The way to seems to be working in 4 is that you'll always have a preset number of response types (...fortunately bound to each button on a controller face.) There'll be a neutral statement, questioning (request clarification), positive (kind/leaning in favour), and negative (aggressive) response.
So basically the dialogue choice will be the same everytime, and leaves little room for creative/unique responses found in previous titles such as NV. Plus it's not like NV where you can fully understand what your character is actually going to "say", unlike 4 where you base your potential response off a brief "tag".
Also not really liking the new perks thus far (if you haven't already checked it out, some guy compiled a list based off leaked gameplay of the in-game chart.) All the perks just seem to be percentage increases for your base skills, nothing too interesting or off the wall. However it's hard to tell since the gameplay showed mostly perks that had already been invested into (you can level up a perk multiple times for increased benefits), so maybe the first time you choose a perk it gives you something interesting to play around with.
I've also heard they removed weapon repairs and the karma/reputation systems entirely? Hopefully they're still there, but just as invisible stats.