**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Purveyor=what an absolute joke :rolleyes:

For my 1000 Scrip (which I could have sold for about 2000 Caps!) I got 10 x 3* melee weapons which were either axes, pitchforks or gauntlets. Absolutely pathetic :eek: :rolleyes: I will not bother again its not even worth the effort may as well sell as I did before to Vendor Bots and exchange the caps for materials to do the challenges for Atoms you can actually use to buy stuff with ;)
Purveyor=what an absolute joke :rolleyes:

For my 1000 Scrip (which I could have sold for about 2000 Caps!) I got 10 x 3* melee weapons which were either axes, pitchforks or gauntlets. Absolutely pathetic :eek: :rolleyes: I will not bother again its not even worth the effort may as well sell as I did before to Vendor Bots and exchange the caps for materials to do the challenges for Atoms you can actually use to buy stuff with ;)

The purveyor is gambling. Like all gambling, it's rigged in favour of the house. In this case, it's very heavily rigged. It's worse odds than scratchcards! You will probably need to sell tens of thousands of legendary items to vending machines before one of your 100 scrip legendary item gambles gets you a 3* legendary you really want and hundreds of thousands before you'll get exactly what you want. The rough top of my head estimates I did a few posts back were ~50,000 to 1 to get a specific 3* legendary ranged weapon. Even at 60 scrip a go(*), you're going to need 1,500,000 scrip to stand a 50/50 chance of getting a specific item. Which is about 300,000 legendary items sold to vending machines. Not really going to happen. But hey, it's a new thing in 76. A trivial new thing, but a new thing.

Hmm...melee weapons...gauntlets aren't really classed as melee weapons in the game (melee weapon perks have no effect on them) so it's a bit dodgy that they're in that category in the purveyor.

There are no end of other things you can sell to vendor bots for caps and selling legendary items to them generally doesn't get you many caps anyway. You can get as little as 3 caps for a legendary item and that's with Hard Bargain 3 on. Most legendary items have a low caps to weight ratio when sold to vendors. I think it's worth selling them for scrip and selling any of the multitude of other stuff for caps. With your >500 carry weight and Hard Bargain 3 on, you shouldn't have much trouble scavving or crafting 1400 caps worth of stuff per day. Now that you can sell it all in one place, it's relatively convenient. I think it's worth keeping the legendaries you find to sell for scrip and having a gamble with it every now and then. Like any gambling, it shouldn't be taken seriously and you shouldn't have any expectation of winning. The only reason I'll be doing it in 76 is because I consider almost all of the legendary items I find to have no other use on the basis that I can easily hit the 1400 caps/day limit selling other stuff to vendors.

On the plus side, I found 7 fusion cores yesterday just in normal play and bought 8 more from player shops. A strange day for fusion cores. I was finding them in safes, tables, random boxes. Usually I find 1 or 2, usually in power armour suits just hanging around. I don't server hop and farm for them. I've only ever server hopped to find a specific critter for a challenge. I also did some tinkering with my farm, maxing out my remaining budget on water purifiers, tatoes and mutfuit. I can now make 12 starch per cycle, which usually becomes 15-18 with Super Duper 3 on. 30 adhesive isn't much, but it's something. Corn doesn't need to be farmed in camp - there are at least a hundred corn plants in a pre-war farm. I could maybe do the same for tatoes - I know of a location with at least a dozen tato plants - but I'm going to be limited by water purifiers anyway. Now it's time to make a start on crafting 152 L1 leather armour items and modding each one once in order to complete 2 more challenges and get 80 atom points with which I can buy nothing at all. 80 atoms points is about a fifth of a hat. Wow, such compelling endgame content! :)

I suppose I could enter the extremely dreary task of trying to arrange multiplayer I really don't want just so we can each die in water and be revived by the other in order to complete two Pioneer Scout objectives. I can't even start on the Possum badges until I revive someone. The "funny" thing is that I happened to revive a random stranger a couple of days before the scout thing came out. That would have done for the main quest in the scouting thing.

I think I have 500 scrip. That would be enough for 7 silly gambles on the legendary lottery. Get 5 useless items, scrap them for 200 scrip, get 2 more useless items.

* You can sell a 3* legendary for ~40 scrip in a vending machine and there's one right there, just outside the train station building the purveyor is in. So the cost per gamble is effectively ~60 scrip rather than 100. I'm idling wondering if it's better value to go for a 2* instead. I'm thinking probably not, but it depends on how much scrip you get for a 2*. I think it's ~15, which would make the effective cost for a 2* gamble ~50 scrip. Not cheaper than a 3* by enough, I think.
The purveyor is gambling. Like all gambling, it's rigged in favour of the house. In this case, it's very heavily rigged. It's worse odds than scratchcards! You will probably need to sell tens of thousands of legendary items to vending machines before one of your 100 scrip legendary item gambles gets you a 3* legendary you really want and hundreds of thousands before you'll get exactly what you want. The rough top of my head estimates I did a few posts back were ~50,000 to 1 to get a specific 3* legendary ranged weapon. Even at 60 scrip a go(*), you're going to need 1,500,000 scrip to stand a 50/50 chance of getting a specific item. Which is about 300,000 legendary items sold to vending machines. Not really going to happen. But hey, it's a new thing in 76. A trivial new thing, but a new thing.
Silly me I expected something more for my 1000 Scrip! Never again.

There are no end of other things you can sell to vendor bots for caps and selling legendary items to them generally doesn't get you many caps anyway. You can get as little as 3 caps for a legendary item and that's with Hard Bargain 3 on. Most legendary items have a low caps to weight ratio when sold to vendors. I think it's worth selling them for scrip and selling any of the multitude of other stuff for caps. With your >500 carry weight and Hard Bargain 3 on, you shouldn't have much trouble scavving or crafting 1400 caps worth of stuff per day. Now that you can sell it all in one place, it's relatively convenient. I think it's worth keeping the legendaries you find to sell for scrip and having a gamble with it every now and then. Like any gambling, it shouldn't be taken seriously and you shouldn't have any expectation of winning. The only reason I'll be doing it in 76 is because I consider almost all of the legendary items I find to have no other use on the basis that I can easily hit the 1400 caps/day limit selling other stuff to vendors.
I made a note of the value of these items before I converted to scrip. Some of the weapons were worth 648 Caps (high spec modded gauss rifle & a Fatman+). Not going to sell a single thing again to the purveyor its ridiculous just a casino spin on the wheel all for a slightly better weapon or piece of equipment you can also find ingame for free!

On the plus side, I found 7 fusion cores yesterday just in normal play and bought 8 more from player shops. A strange day for fusion cores. I was finding them in safes, tables, random boxes. Usually I find 1 or 2, usually in power armour suits just hanging around. I don't server hop and farm for them. I've only ever server hopped to find a specific critter for a challenge. I also did some tinkering with my farm, maxing out my remaining budget on water purifiers, tatoes and mutfuit. I can now make 12 starch per cycle, which usually becomes 15-18 with Super Duper 3 on. 30 adhesive isn't much, but it's something. Corn doesn't need to be farmed in camp - there are at least a hundred corn plants in a pre-war farm. I could maybe do the same for tatoes - I know of a location with at least a dozen tato plants - but I'm going to be limited by water purifiers anyway. Now it's time to make a start on crafting 152 L1 leather armour items and modding each one once in order to complete 2 more challenges and get 80 atom points with which I can buy nothing at all. 80 atoms points is about a fifth of a hat. Wow, such compelling endgame content! :)
Been spending 1000s of Caps from my player vendor shop on all the materials to complete most of the Atoms challenges for repairing weapons & armour. Your not going to want to hear it but once you complete the first batch of these 40 Atoms challenges the next batch of challenges are more of the same repair 76 legs, 76 chest pieces, 76 arms etc etc! Silly Bethesda its effectively giving away a lot of Atomic Store content for nothing as long as you have the stamina. No longer any point even doing the daily challenges unless they are simple ones just concentrate on the Combat challenges they are preprogrammed & 1000s of Atoms worth to farm!! I have made about 1000 Atoms alone in the last week doing this strategy ignoring most of the other time consuming challenges!
As for Fusion Cores they appear to have been quietly nerfed back into the game no shortages anymore & when you take them the charge says 25 but in your inventory after a bit they recharge magically to almost 100%! The utter cynic in me thinks this is because Bethesda cannot sell many power armour paintjobs if no fusion cores to power the suit can they :rolleyes:;)
As for Fusion Cores they appear to have been quietly nerfed back into the game no shortages anymore & when you take them the charge says 25 but in your inventory after a bit they recharge magically to almost 100%! The utter cynic in me thinks this is because Bethesda cannot sell many power armour paintjobs if no fusion cores to power the suit can they :rolleyes:;)

I am shocked by your cynicism! Oh wait, no I'm not :) I think it was probably a mistake on Bethesda's part, a bodge when merging changes to produce the last patch, but I said then that nerfing cores might have been a ploy to push people out of power armour to sell more outfits and other stuff for non-PA players. So it could go either way.

I had a bizarre run at the Whitespring just now. Strolled in, place was packed with ghouls and no other players. Lots of legendaries for me. Then I accidentally shot a robot helping them fend off a supermutant attack at a gate (I was using a shotgun and the spread got the robot too), which turned all the Whitespring robots aggro. So I had to server hop...and ended up at the tail end of a nuked Whitespring. It was only a nuked zone for a few minutes after I entered...but all the ghouls had spawned while it was nuked, so it was crawling with glowing ghouls...and no other players until I was most of the way through. I ended up with 36 legendary items - 35 1* and 1 3*. Two were potentially useful - L50 Vanguard Robot armour pieces that might be useful if I ever go to unpowered armour. I had so many legendaries (I already had some from yesterday) that I couldn't scrap them all at a vending machine.

Scrapping those I could took me to 645 scrip, so I bought 6 3* ranged because why not?

Anti-armour Gatling gun with 25% faster fire rate and 25% less AP cost in VATS. Might possibly be useful, maybe. I have excess lead, so I might try auto for jollies.
Furious Gatling Laser with 90% reduced weight and 40% extra bash damage. Might be worth putting in my vending machine when I make it. I'd consider using it if it didn't use fusion cores for ammo.
Instigating pipe pistol with exploding bullets and 25% less AP cost in VATs. Might try converting it to a pipe rifle. Pipe rifles are surprisingly not bad sniper rifles if hardened and modded appropriately and instigating is a good legendary effect for sniping.
Junkies Ultracite laser pistol with 250 energy resistance while reloading and 10% extra damage when aiming. That'll be scrapped tomorrow for the scrip.
Mutant Slayer's black powder pistol with 15% faster reload and +33% VATS hit chance. Scrap for scrip. 15% faster than uselessly slow is still uselessly slow and who cares about extra damage on super mutants anyway?
Mutant Slayers' black power rifle with +10% damage while aiming and 25% less VATS AP cost. Scrap for scrip.

So 2 maybe slightly useful ones from 6. Much better than I had expected.
"Your not going to want to hear it but once you complete the first batch of these 40 Atoms challenges the next batch of challenges are more of the same repair 76 legs, 76 chest pieces, 76 arms etc etc! "

I'm already onto the 76 ones and have done some of them. The modding ones are easy - craft 76 L1 leather items, mod each one into boiled leather. Only takes 76 adhesive that way. Similar process for modding weapons - craft lowest possible level, mod. Repair challenges require far more because you're going to be finding L50 stuff and the cost is dependent on the level of the item.

I scrapped another 150 scrip worth of legendaries and had another go on the legendary lottery. bug-killing tesla rifle with limb damage and something else useless. Scrap that tomorrow. Also, I found that the instigating explosive pipe rifle I made from the pistol has insane recoil even with all the recoil-reducing mods. It might serve for a sniper rifle as it does 348 damage to a mob with full health. Snipe a head shot from concealment and you could be doing over 1000 damage. It's a very good sniper rifle, but that doesn't suit my preferred "stand and bang" style of play. Maybe 20s to solo a landed L80 scorchbeast. Furious faster fire rate combat shotgun modded to the max with shotgun and damage perks on top works wonders on mobs with high HP. Sure, they damage me. But I have far too many stimpaks anyway.

Incidentally, I have found that you don't need flux to repair power armour pieces modded with mods that require flux. So have at it with abandon. Calibrated shocks on everything.
Easiest way to get all the mod challenges is just mod the paintjob!

If you reach Whitesprings at the right time after a nuke you can often get ghouls & no other players. You arriving into the nuke zone seems to spawn the ghouls again & again ;)

As for Legendary's Bethesda have clearly turned up the drop rate again. Finding a lot of low quality LEG right now & all yesterday most I scrap as they nerfed the value so most are now worth under 10 Caps to force you to exchange them instead of sell :rolleyes:
I am convinced the Legendary shop is ONLY selling items players already turned in somehow :rolleyes: Not seen a single Legendary which I had not already seen ingame before.

You never needed Fluxes to repair mods which require them to build but it also depends on your perks & the items condition if it gets real low & close to breaking you may need 1-2 fluxes. Player vendor shops are selling all the fluxes now anyway for @ 100 Caps each. I have calibrated shocks & jetpacks on nearly all my 20 PA frames now :eek: that took a lot of effort I can tell you ;)
Well I wasted 1000 scripts (or whatever the currency is) . Received really bad legendaries and going to recycle them.
On a plus I bought a exploding pump shot gun for 1k and sold it for 10k.
Easiest way to get all the mod challenges is just mod the paintjob!

Still takes 1 adhesive IIRC and I have very few paintjobs. No BoS ones because the forbidden knowledge quest never triggered for me and almost none from the Atom shop. I bought one for a gun once, but that was a mistake because it was for a hunting rifle (which I don't use) and I thought it was for a handmade gun (which I do use).

If you reach Whitesprings at the right time after a nuke you can often get ghouls & no other players. You arriving into the nuke zone seems to spawn the ghouls again & again ;)

As for Legendary's Bethesda have clearly turned up the drop rate again. Finding a lot of low quality LEG right now & all yesterday most I scrap as they nerfed the value so most are now worth under 10 Caps to force you to exchange them instead of sell :rolleyes:
I am convinced the Legendary shop is ONLY selling items players already turned in somehow :rolleyes: Not seen a single Legendary which I had not already seen ingame before.

Maybe, but maybe it's just that it's drawing from the same source as the game so it's effectively like finding a 3* legendary in a drop. If you've seen a lot of 3* legendaries in the game you're likely to see a lot of the same.

You never needed Fluxes to repair mods which require them to build but it also depends on your perks & the items condition if it gets real low & close to breaking you may need 1-2 fluxes. Player vendor shops are selling all the fluxes now anyway for @ 100 Caps each. I have calibrated shocks & jetpacks on nearly all my 20 PA frames now :eek: that took a lot of effort I can tell you ;)

When I asked the question, you told me that flux was required to repair items modded with flux:

[..]Do you need flux to repair PA that has a mod on it that required flux to make?

@AngilionYou need whatever resource you gathered to build a plan so yep if it needs that you need it to repair.

My PA rarely gets much below 100% condition - I craft it with maxxed perks and repair it with maxxed perks and my int is 10, so it goes well over 100% and I repair it as soon as I notice it's under 100%. I have only seen 1 player vendor shop selling violet flux. Many selling other types, but only 1 selling violet. I bought all 8.
Had about 5 hours of it trying to find a world for me this afternoon.

Finally got on and visited the purveyor. Spent about 1000 scrip. Got... nothing worthwhile. :(
Started recycling them for scrip again, going to take a couple of days.
Is it just me, or are gatling guns rubbish? I got one that looked sort of promising from the purveyor, modded it a bit and gave it a try. Aiming is impossible because the gun and sight obscures the target. Damage seems to be meh, even on a L50 one. I pootled around with an non-legendary MG-42 for a bit and while it wasn't very effective it was fun. The gatling gun was neither effective nor fun.

I want to set up some vending machines at my camp, but I'd have to scrap my adhesive farm to do so and I'm still grinding through the numerous repair 76 items and mod 76 items challenges, so I need a huge quantity of adhesive. But now I have about 100 spare plans/recipes and a few legendaries that might sell. I also want a vending machine full of beer and whisky to go with the lounge area I made in my camp and I want to put missile turrets in so mobs spawned by visiting players don't destroy my camp. I have a heavy laser and 3 heavy machineguns, but it's not enough. So what I really want is another ~20% on the building budget. My camp won't blueprint, so there's no way I'm changing it.

EDIT: I saw the fastest SBQ takedown I've seen so far today. About 10 seconds between getting the "kill the scorchbeast queen" start of quest message and the "the scorchbeast queen's reign of terror has ended" end of quest message.
When I asked the question, you told me that flux was required to repair items modded with flux:

My PA rarely gets much below 100% condition - I craft it with maxxed perks and repair it with maxxed perks and my int is 10, so it goes well over 100% and I repair it as soon as I notice it's under 100%. I have only seen 1 player vendor shop selling violet flux. Many selling other types, but only 1 selling violet. I bought all 8.
That is correct also you see it seems that if the condition of your items created with fluxes is kept high enough you never ever need to use fluxes to repair. The trick seems to be keep repairing when the condition is high. If you let it almost get to broken status or it breaks then you need fluxes but it also depends greatly on the mod or piece of PA. For instance Jetpacks never seem to require much maintenance nor do the PA helmets. Its mainly arms, legs & torso.

There are many player shops now selling 100 x fluxes (except for violet that is super rare in player vendor shops) but the prices are quite high as you can imagine.

Adhesive for repairs I just bought 1000s of caps worth to do all those challenges its way cheaper when the shops sell for between 6-10 caps per bulk 10 but they sell out fast you get a lot of trade failed on server messages!

SBQ are still being 1 shotted with super weapons from players who acquired them by questionable means this sometimes stops you getting any rewards as the body never lands :eek: if the SBQ DMG counters goes down fast be prepared to not receive all the usual rewards!
Is it just me, or are gatling guns rubbish?

That's strange because ever since I found one, I've loved mine!

Currently running an Anti-Armour with the following mods:

Speedy Receiver
Long Barrel
Extra Large Mag
Front Sight Ring

Together with all the heavy gun perks, bloody mess and nerd rage, it's doing 272 dmg per shot and cuts through things like butter!

It's brilliant against players too and is currently my main PvP weapon and ranged weapon.

You just need to get used to the lack of reticle - the front sight helps a tiny bit.
I did a *rough* spreadsheet for the defensive perks:


Evasive, Barbarian and Ironclad seem to be the most res per perk.

Fireproof is pretty awesome too - I'm pretty much impervious to explosions like cars and mutant suiciders now! Helps with SB sonic attacks too.

[This is assuming maximum points from the SPECIAL attributes, which I always have due to Unyielding]
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@ prasman

Thanks for your help on the atoms photo challenge ;) I also managed to get the weekly all 8 scorched photos in the SQB event as well @ Cranberry :D
That's strange because ever since I found one, I've loved mine!

Currently running an Anti-Armour with the following mods:

Speedy Receiver
Long Barrel
Extra Large Mag
Front Sight Ring

Together with all the heavy gun perks, bloody mess and nerd rage, it's doing 272 dmg per shot and cuts through things like butter!

It's brilliant against players too and is currently my main PvP weapon and ranged weapon.

You just need to get used to the lack of reticle - the front sight helps a tiny bit.

Mine is also an anti-armour, with faster fire rate and another legendary effect I've forgotten.

I think I'll stash it until I make an alternative perk set geared towards heavy weapons and automatic weapons. My current weapon perks are for non-auto rifles and shotguns, so mine only does ~90 per shot. Bloody mess would be the only perk that affects it.

That instigating explosive pipe rifle I made from a pipe pistol is a riot for sniping. Creep up with stealth, headshot, headless body falls over, other mobs look around wondering what happened. A shame I don't like playing as a sniper. Also, I feel strange being "stealthy" in hulking power armour that bangs about with the slightest movement. Mine is painted black, but that really shouldn't help significantly with the stealth thing.

Tonight's job is to find a cat to photograph for the mammalian tadpole badge. Oh, and more brahmin to milk. The ones in Flatwoods are almost always already milked when I go to them.

Also, if anyone would like to get themselves dead in front of me so I can revive them for the Scout quest, I'd appreciate it. This 20 year old stimpak I found rusting in a drawer somewhere is fine to use, honest! :) If you like, we can each drown ourselves to get both the "hey, screw you, you must play multiplayer" tasks. Hard to arrange without ingame chat, but I'm up for trying. I'm Soloman1862 ingame.
Ah, OK - makes sense then.

I'm melee / heavy guns - something like this.

I'd have to give up my shotgun collection, which is getting quite large. One of the shotgun perks, which I mainly took for the faster reloading speed, reduces the weight hugely. My heaviest shotgun weighs 1.68.

I should cut the collection down a bit. I have 3 combat shotguns and a double barrelled shotgun, but they each have strengths and weaknesses. Ghoul slayer combat for ghouls, furious faster fire rate combat for everything else, quad capacity double barrelled because it does more damage on the first few shots and the quad legendary effect makes it practical and now a two shot combat I bought tonight. It does 247 damage compared with the 206 from the other combat shotguns, but its accuracy is 10 compared to their 44. 2 of them are 3*, but the other effects are trivial things. I could just use the furious faster fire rate, I suppose.
I wish they had some sort of repec for SPECIAL points.

Melee is awesome for PvE but close to useless for PvP.

Rifles seems to rule for PvP, but I'd had to level a new character to realistically go that route.

I also fear that Survival being in beta means that they will continue to tweak things such that rifles may no longer be the PvP king as it currently is, so even if I levelled another character, by time I'd collected all the currently good stuff, it would get nerfed!

On the other hand, if they make PvP more balanced (i.e. I'm tired of getting one-shotted out of nowhere), that might be a good thing for average PvP'ers like myself.
I wish they had some sort of repec for SPECIAL points.

Melee is awesome for PvE but close to useless for PvP.

Rifles seems to rule for PvP, but I'd had to level a new character to realistically go that route.

There is "some sort of respec for SPECIAL points." It's very "sort of", but it's there. When you level past L50, you can move a SPECIAL point from one stat to another each time you level, rather than getting a new perk card. Or you can save that choice for later. I think I currently have 37 spare, which would allow for a fair bit of respec in my SPECIAL stats. I have no more need of perks, since I have all the ones I want and plenty more besides. How many SPECIAL points would you have to move? It might be a viable option for you.

If you do decide to swap to rifles, you might want to consider what I've done - secondary specialisation in shotguns. If you're used to melee, shotguns won't be a great deal of a change because they're best utilised at very short range with one exception - stagger. Stagger is a lot more useful than it might seem at first glance because it's both offense and defence. Staggered mobs aren't attacking or moving much. Shooting a mob at medium range with a shotgun won't do much damage, but if you've got shotgun staggering perks on it will probably keep them at distance. It's particularly useful against feral ghouls to stop their fast charges. It's also useful when soloing scorchbeasts in the air because it results in them hovering in a daze, making them much easier to shoot with a rifle or heavy weapon. It's easier if they're on the ground, but I usually kill them before they land because I don't like waiting.

I doubt if you'd notice much of a problem in PvE if you switched to rifle or rifle/shotgun. Yes, melee is currently much better for PvE (although of course that could change at any time), but rifle or rifle/shotgun is more than good enough. The only mob I find at all challenging is a mirelurk queen and that's mainly due to the poison spray. A pack of high level yao guai can be challenging because they have their own stagger attack, but I did OK against 3 high level yao guai recently while armed with an unmodified non-legendary crossbow.

I was thinking about changing to melee because it is so much more potent in PvE, but rifle/shotgun works just fine and all that running around for melee doesn't appeal to me. Each to their own.

I also fear that Survival being in beta means that they will continue to tweak things such that rifles may no longer be the PvP king as it currently is, so even if I levelled another character, by time I'd collected all the currently good stuff, it would get nerfed!

Very likely, I think. Maybe a good reason for building up a stock of spare levelling points so you can change your SPECIAL stats later if there's a balance change.

On the other hand, if they make PvP more balanced (i.e. I'm tired of getting one-shotted out of nowhere), that might be a good thing for average PvP'ers like myself.

I don't think they would manage to make PvP balanced even if they tried. Maybe if PvE and PvP were two completely different games with players having different amounts of hit points in each and weapons and armour having different stats and properties in each, perhaps. But not as it is. I think there will always been some sort of imbalance because a weapon that's effective against high level high power mobs is going to be overly effective against a player.
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