**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Thanks, but they're standard, right? You can't craft legendary armour, can you? I'm aiming to collect 3* Legendary armour that's also one of those types for more res.
Yes they are only standard you can craft higher stat armour & weapons if you have a very high INT perk. I think with perks & buffs & mutations its possible to get around 34 or 35 INT but that is still not legendary level with the added buff. I can only get my INT up to 24-25 (I have 15 INT as standard because I am a Power Armour only player).

I have been visiting many player shops in the wasteland since they 1st appeared the other day & can tell you many players are hoarding & selling 2 + 3* Legendaries for big caps like up to 18000 Caps some are even higher so you can either buy one of those wait for the LEG vendor to appear on tuesday or just get your own eventually but its something like 1 in 500 LEG drops to get 2-3* most are only 1* ;)
is this worth picking up? i seen all the bad publicity it got after launch and it put me off.

Most of it was and is deserved, but (a) it has been improved since release and (b) there were and are good aspects to it as well as bad ones.

I'd say it's not worth picking up at full price, but it's selling for <£10 now and I'd say it's worth a punt at that price. That's its true market value. There are quite a few bits of a good Fallout game in it. Overall, it's not a good game but it is a Fallout game and it's not utterly terrible. A fundamentally flawed compromise design trying to mash SP and MP together using an engine badly suited to the job and making something that's worse at both SP and MP. A dead gameworld. A lot of grinding. A lot of naked greed from a company that's blatantly deriding its customers. Unreliable servers. Many bugs. But it's not utterly terrible. The designers of the gameworld did a very good job. I think the environment is the best so far in a Fallout game and the environmental storytelling is up to the standard I expect from a Fallout game. There's also some good storytelling in notes and terminal entries.

I think that there's a fair chance that a person who really likes the Fallout setting will find FO76 an inferior but tolerable entry in the series. Enough of a chance for me to say it's worth chancing a minor amount of money on it. I bought my copy about a week after release, so I had to pay £27 for it. I think it's been worth that much to me and is has got better since launch. Some of the balance changes are debateable (e.g. the huge decrease in the viablity of power armour caused by simultaneously greatly decreasing how common fusion cores are in the gameworld and greatly increasing the rate at which fusion cores are drained by power armour) but there is more stability and a bit more content dribbling out. None of the new content is anywhere near as good as many of the mods for Fallout 3/NV/4, but it's something.

[..] I have been visiting many player shops in the wasteland since they 1st appeared the other day & can tell you many players are hoarding & selling 2 + 3* Legendaries for big caps like up to 18000 Caps some are even higher so you can either buy one of those wait for the LEG vendor to appear on tuesday or just get your own eventually but its something like 1 in 500 LEG drops to get 2-3* most are only 1* ;)

I wouldn't bank on the purveyor for obtaining a 3* legendary you want because the cost is very high and the degree of randomness is very high.

Say you want a ranged weapon (as I will) and want it to be 3*. All you can choose from the purveyor is "3* ranged weapon", no more precise than that. There are about 40 different ranged weapons, so you have a 1 in 40 chance of getting the type you want. Assuming that there isn't any biasing in the lists, which I am going to do.

Then there's the prefix legendary effect. There are about 25 of those. So that's a 1 in 1000 chance of getting the type of ranged weapon you want with the prefix legendary effect you want.

Then there's a major modifier. 6 of those for ranged weapons. So that's a 1 in 6000 chance of getting the type of ranged weapon you want with the prefix and major legendary effects you want.

Then there's the minor modifier. 8 of those for ranged weapons. So that's a 1 in 48000 chance of getting exactly the 3* legendary ranged weapon you want.

That's assuming that every 3* legendary item bought from the purveyor is at maximum level (which of course you definitely will want). If not, the chance could be close to 1 in 200,000.

Given that it costs 100 scrip for a 3* legendary, you're not likely to get the exact 3* legendary ranged weapon you want with less than a couple of million scrip. Which is several hundred thousand legendary items worth of scrip since most of them are worth ~5 scrip each. That's a lot of runs round the Whitespring!

The purveyor is another route to a legendary you actually want, but a very long way from a certain way to get it. If I see a legendary I want for sale for mere caps, I'll buy it. It's much easier to make caps than scrip.

Thanks to the recent massive nerfing of power armour viability, I'm back to seriously considering unpowered armour. I sold some good legendary unpowered armour to robot vendors for mere dozens of caps apiece just to clear some space in my stash because I thought I'd never need unpowered armour. So I want about eleventy million scrip :)
Thanks to the recent massive nerfing of power armour viability :)

What did they do, other than fusion core consumption?

I must admit, I think I had more defense from my X-01 until recently - I feel more squishy and I think the def stats are lower now you mention it?

I guess they want people to use normal armour now to grind legendary scrip, which you've described depressingly well...
This is one of the big issues right now :eek: Clearly this player (do not know who they are either) is manipulating the game data somehow to bypass the limits or using new exploits & bypasses. No wonder the servers crash tracking all of these items in accounts as well as legit accounts items.
What did they do, other than fusion core consumption?

That was what I was referring to. From normal playing, I can no longer sustain PA use solely because of the huge increase in fusion core consumption that wasn't even mentioned in patch notes.

Initially, it was a bit silly. Fusion cores all over the place and they lasted for ages. I rarely even picked up fusion cores I found - I had too many in my stash as it was.

Then they greatly reduced the spawn rate of fusion cores and that balanced it out. With normal play, mostly walking and a bit of running and not specifically playing to get cores, I was slowly using up my stash of cores. Fine - I'd let it run down to a couple of dozen and then go looking for cores the way you're supposed to look for anything you want in FO76 - server hop over and over again because that's so much fun.

With the latest huge increase in the rate at which power armour drains fusion cores, that's not going to work. Even though I have now have Power User 3 on all the time (a perk I'd never used at all before), the cores still drain much faster than they did. The rate of draining has more than doubled. A major change that wasn't even mentioned in the patch notes.

I must admit, I think I had more defense from my X-01 until recently - I feel more squishy and I think the def stats are lower now you mention it?

I also feel more squishy. I haven't checked my defence stats, which vary quite a bit over time anyway as armour is damaged and repaired. I had thought that I was taking more damage because I was being reckless. My combat style in FO76 now is perhaps best described as "stand and bang" :) Stand still at close range, fire shotgun as required. Works well enough except for the few serious enemies.

I guess they want people to use normal armour now to grind legendary scrip, which you've described depressingly well...

It's not even close to being viable though, as there's only 1 area where farming for legendary scrip makes any sense - Whitespring. Even with the very low number of players the game has, that's still almost always picked clean soon after respawning. Maybe The Burrows? I haven't tried farming it because I didn't like the area. Poking around dark underground areas doesn't appeal to me, so I've only been there a few times. But it still wouldn't be close to being viable even if every player had their own copy of the Whitespring and a respawn button in it so they could constantly farm the place for legendaries. You'd probably need literally hundreds of thousands of legendary items to equip yourself with legendary items you actually want. The purveyor is more of a lottery than an investment.

This is one of the big issues right now :eek: Clearly this player (do not know who they are either) is manipulating the game data somehow to bypass the limits or using new exploits & bypasses. No wonder the servers crash tracking all of these items in accounts as well as legit accounts items.

I think that if the game is so badly made that it crashes because someone has 4000 radaway rather than 100 radaway, that's not completely the fault of the player.

So someone has too many chems for sale and as a result they might get more caps they probably don't have any use for and might well not actually get anyway (according to the patch notes, if you have 25000 caps and your vending machine sells something then the caps from the sale are just discarded). I don't see that as "one of the big issues right now".
I think that if the game is so badly made that it crashes because someone has 4000 radaway rather than 100 radaway, that's not completely the fault of the player.

So someone has too many chems for sale and as a result they might get more caps they probably don't have any use for and might well not actually get anyway (according to the patch notes, if you have 25000 caps and your vending machine sells something then the caps from the sale are just discarded). I don't see that as "one of the big issues right now".
I agree the game is badly made but these dupers are also causing the server crashes & other issues. For instance, some have millions of items in their inventory as they have found a way to bypass the ingame limits (most likely dev mode access or similar). Clearly these people are way more skilled & gifted at getting around these limits than Bethesda are. They also have multiple accounts so meet each other ingame to ensure they keep the 25K caps. I just think they need to patch this out fast as its making issues for everyone else & right now the game is more unstable than ever you can exit your PA frame if the game crashes before it goes back into your inventory you lose that PA frame forever :eek:

Its not just chems either, its millions of fluxes, bobbleheads, every single item you can think of clearly they have go back into the dev room & duped everything many times over :eek:

I have lost both items & caps from these server crashes in the last few days so to me this is a big issue right now! For sure Bethesda will be hotfixing soon as tomorrow I think is the leg vendor live date.
On an unrelated note, is there any way to solo the "kindness" part of the pioneer scout quest? Life-saving gear, maybe? I'm pootling around doing the badges while gathering adhesive and being unable to do the main scout quest niggles at me a bit. Besides, I might move to unpowered armour at some point and then I'd want the backpack.
Returned to this after a long time away from it due to busy with life / other games.

Feels like a different game! have Bethesda redeemed themselves?

Things I noticed,

More loot, much better performance so, good things
On an unrelated note, is there any way to solo the "kindness" part of the pioneer scout quest? Life-saving gear, maybe? I'm pootling around doing the badges while gathering adhesive and being unable to do the main scout quest niggles at me a bit. Besides, I might move to unpowered armour at some point and then I'd want the backpack.
You need to find someone to revive you then return the favour. Me & prasman eventually did it by going to shallow water naked then 1 player drops plasma grenades on themselves until they die (it takes about 3 grenades) the other player rushes down to revive them & vice versa you return the favour. Find somewhere shallow its not hard you just need to find someone to do it with who understand what to do.

When you complete the first 3 badges for tadpole it unlocks a further 16 or so challenges & each one has about another 10-16 sub goals :eek: when you beat all of those (some take many hours to do) it unlocks an even higher number of challenges & sub-challenges. I see some players have done nearly all of them now but its taken them a large number of hours to do so :eek:

I think I will just do them as & when as many get unlocked as you play naturally only some require you to do specific things. 1 thing Bethesda confirmed is right now all clothing only gives +1 resistance to DMG instead of up to +9 & they are looking to patch this in the next patch this week I think.
is this worth picking up? i seen all the bad publicity it got after launch and it put me off.

Yes definitely, depending on what you are after of course. :)

Even at a normal retail price of £40-£50 you will get your value and at a tenner it's a no brainer. You have to take some of the negativity with a pinch of salt. Lot of commentators out there saying it's not worth this or that but have put dozens if not 100's of hours into it. Say's more about what they consider value than anything about the game.

It's not perfect, it's could be considered grindy (although I haven't found it so as just exploring the world is so fun) and there are bugs. If you are looking for an immersive Fallout experience though with an interesting world to explore then yeah, it's great.
It's not even close to being viable though, as there's only 1 area where farming for legendary scrip makes any sense - Whitespring.

Returned to this after a long time away from it due to busy with life / other games.

Feels like a different game! have Bethesda redeemed themselves?

Things I noticed,

More loot, much better performance so, good things

I agree Tom.

With re: both these quoted comments - I'm actually surprised at how frequently legendaries are dropping for me now. Even standard mobs are sometimes dropping them.

I don't agree that Whitespring is the only viable place for farming legendaries.

Here is where (I think) I'm getting all mine from:

1) Whitespring (of course!)
2) Uranium Fever event (this is probably THE best event for legendaries)
3) AWOL Armaments event
4) Bots on Parade event
5) Sheepsquatch event (not the boss - just the Gutsy's)
6) Leader of the Pack event (although low level)

Plus, there is this INSANE spreadsheet that someone has put together - I have NO idea how they logged all of that - hopefully using some sort of automated tool! Even as a spreadsheet geek myself (e.g. every workout in the gym for 9 years logged, e.g. monthly net worth update for 10 years, e.g. weekly body weight logged for 9 years!), that it EPIC! :D
Plus, there is this INSANE spreadsheet that someone has put together - I have NO idea how they logged all of that - hopefully using some sort of automated tool! Even as a spreadsheet geek myself (e.g. every workout in the gym for 9 years logged, e.g. monthly net worth update for 10 years, e.g. weekly body weight logged for 9 years!), that it EPIC! :D
They datamined the game files to get most of the data exported into Excel then got players to provide some of the rest but its not updated enough & also not very accurate anymore as the original person behind it has not really been active lately.
Any of you read the info on this game causing potential damage to your pc?

In any case this Youtuber has a very good clip on the game:

Any of you read the info on this game causing potential damage to your pc? [..]

No, and you forgot to include any links to it. I had a quick look online and found nothing.

You need to find someone to revive you then return the favour. Me & prasman eventually did it by going to shallow water naked then 1 player drops plasma grenades on themselves until they die (it takes about 3 grenades) the other player rushes down to revive them & vice versa you return the favour. Find somewhere shallow its not hard you just need to find someone to do it with who understand what to do.

So I'd have to install some form of chat software and find someone to do it with in order to get a backpack. I wouldn't be surprised if it was (or soon will be) possible to pay real money to buy a backpack from the shop.

Why shallow, by the way? Wouldn't it be easier for one person to just drown themself while the other is in power armour to revive them?

When you complete the first 3 badges for tadpole it unlocks a further 16 or so challenges & each one has about another 10-16 sub goals :eek: when you beat all of those (some take many hours to do) it unlocks an even higher number of challenges & sub-challenges. I see some players have done nearly all of them now but its taken them a large number of hours to do so :eek:

I think I will just do them as & when as many get unlocked as you play naturally only some require you to do specific things. 1 thing Bethesda confirmed is right now all clothing only gives +1 resistance to DMG instead of up to +9 & they are looking to patch this in the next patch this week I think.

It's the only endgame content at the moment, so I'll probably poke away at them as often as not. The ones that aren't impossible due to incompetence and bugs, that is.

I agree Tom.

With re: both these quoted comments - I'm actually surprised at how frequently legendaries are dropping for me now. Even standard mobs are sometimes dropping them.

I don't agree that Whitespring is the only viable place for farming legendaries.

Here is where (I think) I'm getting all mine from:

1) Whitespring (of course!)
2) Uranium Fever event (this is probably THE best event for legendaries)
3) AWOL Armaments event
4) Bots on Parade event
5) Sheepsquatch event (not the boss - just the Gutsy's)
6) Leader of the Pack event (although low level)

Plus, there is this INSANE spreadsheet that someone has put together - I have NO idea how they logged all of that - hopefully using some sort of automated tool! Even as a spreadsheet geek myself (e.g. every workout in the gym for 9 years logged, e.g. monthly net worth update for 10 years, e.g. weekly body weight logged for 9 years!), that it EPIC! :D

Events, yes. But the only place you list is Whitespring.
So I'd have to install some form of chat software and find someone to do it with in order to get a backpack. I wouldn't be surprised if it was (or soon will be) possible to pay real money to buy a backpack from the shop.

Why shallow, by the way? Wouldn't it be easier for one person to just drown themself while the other is in power armour to revive them?
I found someone in this thread ask away to find someone else you need about 3 stimpacks each as well it does not exactly go to plan and is glitchy … which is why shallow water so you can retrieve any junk you are carrying at the time! Be prepared to do it more than once until it works!

It's the only endgame content at the moment, so I'll probably poke away at them as often as not. The ones that aren't impossible due to incompetence and bugs, that is.
Also the campfires tales event has a 25% chance of giving you the wrong reward (enough badges to get the next backpack upgrade without doing any other challenegs towards it!). Until Bethesda patch it back so that is one of the more rewarding ones to do but you need the other players to be able to understand the onscreen messages which clearly say keep kindling the fire otherwise after about 18 mins of frustrating grind you all fail the challenge suddenly & have to start again in a few hours so its very frustrating & also more than a little glitchy overall.

I gave up on it for now as I cannot ever see the kindling to keep the fire going :rolleyes::eek:
Got lucky with the Purveyor!

3* Lever Action:

Faster Movement while Aiming

Also got some stuff that might sell well:

3* Knuckles:
+50% Limb Damage
90% Reduced Weight

3* Pickaxe
40% More Power Attack Damage
15% Less Damage while blocking

3* Assaultron Head
+50% Limb Damage
+1 Per

Plus some other "meh" stuff.

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