Thanks guys, went and bought it yesterday but have only just left the vault thus far and picked up a few guns whilst making my way to the overseers camp. Looks really nice I must admit.
I’ve owned it for months, but ignored it until yesterday.
Made level 8 yesterday, really enjoyed it so far.
No issues. Looks stunning, creepy setting in places. Will definitely keep me busy for a while.
The first issue I have is I do not understand the 'Move Camp' challenge which us pretty much the first one and one I gave not done. Google has not helped much.
Second issue I always seem to be overweight, do you need to stire allmyiur scrap/ resources in work benches?
I seem to have acquired lots if guns, do you scrap the surplus or store?
Cheers mate very useful.Scrap guns, all of them when you are low level, any Pipe gun, pipe revolver and hunting rifle just scrap. There are loads everywhere so there is no need to store them. Also scrap junk when you are near or come across workbenches in the world, simply visit it, scrap all junk, done. Don carry heavy melee weapons or heavy guns they weigh loads and when low level dont really offer anything other than limitations.
Store you junk in your stash as its available whenever you visit a workbench, it does not need to be on your person. To build up carryweight get the the strong back perk to the highest level, use Buffout and Alcholic drinks (make sure you have Addictol as well) and equip Pocketed (+5 for each piece) or Deep Pocketed (+10 for each piece) armor pieces if you find them or build them if you have the plans.
The area around Pleasant Valley Cabins and Pleasant Valley Ski resort often spawns Pocketed and Deep Pocketed plans for various armor pieces so its a good place to server hop around.
Dont carry loads of guns or ammo though, at low level I would recommend melee with maybe a long range rifle .308 calibre. I then re-specced my build later on for Heavy Guns. Dont waste resources on building a big CAMP early on, use it on making Armor and Weapons instead and level up quicker by doing the quests as well as the events.
At Level 25 you can do the mission which allows you to build and equip the Excavator Power Armor which adds +100 carryweight and then add Calibrated Shocks for another 100 but the plan for that cost a bomb and the materials to make them a pain then rear.
The first issue I have is I do not understand the 'Move Camp' challenge which us pretty much the first one and one I gave not done. Google has not helped much.
Second issue I always seem to be overweight, do you need to stire allmyiur scrap/ resources in work benches?
I seem to have acquired lots if guns, do you scrap the surplus or store?
So where did you find your first p8wer armour, I found one pretty early but the game inexplicably froze, when I went back to the building it had vanished though the bits I had taken from it were stil in my inventory?
After moving it only 21 times it now tells me I have to pay 160 Caps every time I want to move it. For the Atoms I am never going to move it & pay that much its just soNote that you have to pay every time you place a camp and the cost increases depending on the number of times you have moved the camp. It costs about 10,000 caps to move a camp 76 times.
From your main pip-boy screen, you get the option to place your camp. It's Z by default on PC. That will bring up the CAMP device, which you can move around and place like you do with items you build in your camp or a workshop. That moves your camp to that location, with the CAMP device being the centre of the camp. You can pick up and move the CAMP device itself in building mode, like any other item in your camp. Done that way, it will not move your camp. Moving your camp only occurs if you choose to place your camp from within the main pip-boy screen. There are some restrictions on where you can place a camp - it can't be too close to another camp or in some areas of the map. The CAMP device will show red if you can't place it there, green if you can.
If you place a camp and then place a camp again somewhere else, you have moved the camp. Note that you have to pay every time you place a camp and the cost increases depending on the number of times you have moved the camp. It costs about 10,000 caps to move a camp 76 times.
Not in work benches. You have a stash, but it's only 800 units. You can access your stash from any train station, any red rocket station or from any stash container built in your own camp or from any stash container built in anyone else's camp (it will link to the stash of the player using it, not the stash of the player who owns the camp). The default is a Vault-Tec stash box, but there are other stash boxes that can be built in a camp. Wooden chests, lockers, all sorts of containers.
Another thing you can do to reduce weight is to bulk scrap at a tinker's workbench. That uses a small amount of plastic and reduces the storage space requirements by a small amount. It's well worth doing, especially for denser scrap like lead and steel. Note that the bulked scrap will be moved to your inventory, even if the loose scrap was in your stash. So you'll have to do a bit of management to transfer stuff between the stash and your inventory. Bulked scrap of any type can also be sold to vendors, whereas only some types of loose scrap can be sold to vendors. The reasoning is presumably that what's usually called the weight of stuff is actually a combination of weight, volume and general encumbrance, so loose stuff has a higher "weight" than neatly packaged stuff.
Scrap except in the following circumstances:
1) It's an equipment item that I might want to use in the future. For example, if I found a L10 weapon of a type I wanted to use when I was under L10, I would have kept that.
2) It's a saleable item that is worth more whole than its scrap value and I don't need the scrap material and the weight isn't important. For example, a silver fork sells for more than the silver scrap you get from scrapping the fork. The fork doesn't weigh much. I have more silver scrap than I need and it's quite common anyway. So I usually keep silver forks (and knives and bowls, etc) to sell them to vendors rather than scrapping them and selling the silver scrap to vendors for less money).
3) It's something I'll just drop instead because I'm encumbered and want to fast travel.
Otherwise, scrap. Scrapping is especially important early on because that's how you learn most mods. Every time you scrap an item, you have a chance to learn one of the mods for that item. For items I used a lot, e.g. hand made gun, I crafted dozens or hundreds of them solely for the purpose of immediately scrapping them to learn mods. Even if it's not a gun you have any intention of using, it's still worth learning mods for it partly just in case and partly because there's at least one challenge for learning plans related to weapons.
Err...I think it was in a farm to the west of the forest zone. Silvia holding? There's a Mr Handy there and an event to protect it while it sprays toxic chemicals over parts of the farm. There's a barn with a power armour spawn point in it. Or maybe it was Point Pleasant. There's a PA spawn point on a rooftop there, by the bridge.
The way power armour works is that there are various places where a power armour frame spawns and semi-random parts will spawn on it. However, if another player has been there recently and taken the frame, it won't be there until it respawns. That's probably what happened to you. If you really want to find a PA, you can go to a PA spawn point and repeatedly quit to main menu and reload, i.e. server hop, until you get the PA and all the PA pieces you want. FO76 strongly encourages server hopping and makes it essential for some things. It's an odd design choice, IMO. It's boring to players and makes no money for Bethesda, so why make it that way?
There are maps available online showing known PA spawn points.
As an aside, it's almost always a bad idea to have PA parts in your inventory or your stash. They're very heavy. It's far better to store them on a PA frame, where they magically weigh nothing.
To quote myself:
"As for the power armour, the method goes like this: Find a frame, remove any pieces from it, enter the frame. The frame is now yours. Exit the frame, put the pieces on it, collect the frame. You now have a PA frame in your inventory with pieces on it and the whole lot weighs only 10 units so it's no problem to stash it or carry it around until you're a high enough level to use it."
After moving it only 21 times it now tells me I have to pay 160 Caps every time I want to move it. For the Atoms I am never going to move it & pay that much its just so![]()
That question you asked earlier about the hits with the weapon for the Simple Weapon weekly challenge Grognak Axes counted for me.
This is a wonderful response, very detailed and very comprehensive. Thanks for taking the time it must have taken you to type all this out.
Will have it to hand when I go back into the game later.
Thanks again.
Next patch contains a lot of Power Armour related stuff (not quite sure why there are not many fixes it actually requires vs ALL of the other fixes the game needs urgently!). If you have a few PA frames (like me & a few other long term players) be afraid be very afraid as it sounds like there could be some major duplication issues when this patch drops as Bethesda do not usually do any noticeable QA[..]
So I have got my hands on my first power armour and got it back to camp, which I discovered yesterday can be damaged by enemies shooting at my storage chest, poor placement was at fault and not expecting a bunch of enemies to respawn after I had cleard the dam.
Anyway what should be my plan now that I have a power armour?
They will respawn repeatedly. They can also be spawned by you visiting your camp or by any other player visiting your camp.
Try to gather a complete set of L25 T45 parts before you reach L25, stashing them on your frame as you get them. Also, gather a few fusion cores. Perhaps get another frame or 2 to hold other PA parts. The frame itself, without armour parts, isn't much use. Some, but not much. At L25, with a L25 T45 PA set, you will probably be able to do the quest to learn how to make Excavator power armour. I forget the details, but you start it by reading a poster about the armour. You can find a few in the Ash Heap area for sure. Since the quest starts at Garrahan Mining HQ and there's an excavator PA poster there, it's a good place to go for the quest. You can find more details online, of course. Many players, myself included, use Excavator PA exclusively despite the fact that most other PA gives more protection against ballistic and energy attacks. A full set of Excavator PA gives +100 carry weight and that's useful. Also, it gives a lot of protection and some players (myself included) consider it enough and consider the extra carry weight more useful than the extra protection. It's also by far the easiest and cheapest (it's free) PA to learn to craft yourself, so you don't have to rely on finding parts. You can craft new, significantly better, Excavator PA at L35 and L45. I am still using L45 Excavator PA (with calibrated shocks for another +100 carry weight) exclusively, despite having a full set of L50 X-01. I scrapped my full set of L50 T-60. You'll need some Black Titanium to make it - that can be mined by claiming a workshop with a black titanium deposit or scavenged from killing mole miners and scrapping loot from them. Welch is probably the best early location to do that. Excavator PA is also very durable and so rarely needs repairing.
Some players don't use PA at all. Heavily modded max level legendary unpowered armour can provide enough protection and it's much nicer to move in it. Without the right legendary effects, though, it's pants compared to PA, even Excavator PA.
Bottom line is, do what you find fun. It might not be the most efficient method, but having fun is the point. Run around in your underpants with a fancy hat if that gives you a laugh.
Thanks mate.
Can you explain what you mean by frames?
Thanks mate.
Can you explain what you mean by frames?
I think I still need a plan/blueprint for a frame as it has a lock icon in my workshop thing, cheers.Power Armor Frame, you need one to stick Power Armor pieces to. You get inside the frame to operate within the Power Armor.
I think I still need a plan/blueprint for a frame as it has a lock icon in my workshop thing, cheers.