I found a furious handmade gun, so I switched to full auto for fun. I've bought dozens of 3* legendary ranged weapons from the purveyor and the only weapons I've used are ones I got as loot from the Whitespring. 3 out of the 4 weapons I use are 1* (and the 4th may as well be a 1* because the other 2 effects are irrelevant). Full auto handmade gun with relevant perks is fun, but no more effective than semi auto and it really chews through ammo. I routinely run out of steel despite scavving huge quantities of it. It also reinforces how effective shotguns are with the right perks. The key thing is stagger and to a lesser extent cripple. A specialist shotgun build can come close to stunlocking enemies and preventing them advancing effectively even when not stunlocked. Even with maxxed stagger perk on a full auto rifle, it's not even close to as effective as a shotgun for staggering. But there's something to be said for the fun of full auto. I want a furious explosive handmade gun. I also want more perk points for perception - 15 isn't enough. There are too many rifle-related perks in perception. I can't max the damage bonus perks, for example. I have them at L2 each, not L3. +45% instead of +60%. I'd give up 3 intelligence to have 18 perception perk points.
I have been idly considering demolishing my camp, relocating it into the forest zone to make it more attractive to low level players and making it the place to buy basic plans at a very low price. Most of the plans I have are basic things that I offer for 50-100 caps. Obviously I'm not doing it for the money. It's a roleplaying thing. So I mapped out the possibility of making my camp a very basic structure with a huge sign reading "CHEAP PLANS" picked out in lightboxes. A sign starting 30 feet in the air, visible to everyone in line of sight. It would take about 40% of the camp budget by itself. But no - you're only allowed a total of 50 lights and I'd need at least 77 lightboxes even if they're programmable like they are in FO4. I then found out that there are no available lead deposits in the entire forest zone. The only 2 are in workshops, so useless for a camp. With the amout of ammo I use, my camp pretty much has to be on a lead deposit.
I'm looking for something different to do, essentially.
I think that's a good thing. If BR worked well, it would suppress proper Fallout games. Why go to the trouble of making a proper game when you can belch out the rough framework of a game and rely on players to make the game for themselves and throw vast amounts of money at you for trivial stuff your underpaid artists can make in a couple of hours? Or a couple of minutes or even a couple of seconds? If a multiplayer game is popular enough, you can prevent anyone creating free mods and charge suckers real money to change the colour of an object in the game. Buy this green hat in the game that's a green version of the blue hat already in the game! Only 200 points! (which is $2 in real world money, but creating a fake currency obscures the fact that it's using real money). The only question is where game devs go next in their insatiable greed. Charging real money to change graphics settings, maybe? Changeable field of view, only $3! Or buy the mega graphics pack on super special offer. Today only! $5 and you can change FOV, resolution, even enable widescreen support! It's only cosmetic, so it's OK don't ya know?
I have been idly considering demolishing my camp, relocating it into the forest zone to make it more attractive to low level players and making it the place to buy basic plans at a very low price. Most of the plans I have are basic things that I offer for 50-100 caps. Obviously I'm not doing it for the money. It's a roleplaying thing. So I mapped out the possibility of making my camp a very basic structure with a huge sign reading "CHEAP PLANS" picked out in lightboxes. A sign starting 30 feet in the air, visible to everyone in line of sight. It would take about 40% of the camp budget by itself. But no - you're only allowed a total of 50 lights and I'd need at least 77 lightboxes even if they're programmable like they are in FO4. I then found out that there are no available lead deposits in the entire forest zone. The only 2 are in workshops, so useless for a camp. With the amout of ammo I use, my camp pretty much has to be on a lead deposit.
I'm looking for something different to do, essentially.
[..] As for BR the hacking is now so rampant not much point even playing anymore. I got to level 16 which unlocked a few decent items. 24 is the next level to reach to get a few more but its almost 4 mins to enter a game & you have little chance of surviving more than a min or so due to how many hackers can see you as soon as you spawn & either 1 shot kill or take all your health away leaving you no chance to grab any items to survive as the camp at spawn points waiting to pick you off.
Bethesda should stop BR until they can stop the hacking as there is no anti-cheat & no bans right now. Its a bit of a farce as the only ONLY reason the BR is continuing beyond the original 17th June trial end is to push more sales of the broken game when the free trial ends![]()
I think that's a good thing. If BR worked well, it would suppress proper Fallout games. Why go to the trouble of making a proper game when you can belch out the rough framework of a game and rely on players to make the game for themselves and throw vast amounts of money at you for trivial stuff your underpaid artists can make in a couple of hours? Or a couple of minutes or even a couple of seconds? If a multiplayer game is popular enough, you can prevent anyone creating free mods and charge suckers real money to change the colour of an object in the game. Buy this green hat in the game that's a green version of the blue hat already in the game! Only 200 points! (which is $2 in real world money, but creating a fake currency obscures the fact that it's using real money). The only question is where game devs go next in their insatiable greed. Charging real money to change graphics settings, maybe? Changeable field of view, only $3! Or buy the mega graphics pack on super special offer. Today only! $5 and you can change FOV, resolution, even enable widescreen support! It's only cosmetic, so it's OK don't ya know?