**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

I found a furious handmade gun, so I switched to full auto for fun. I've bought dozens of 3* legendary ranged weapons from the purveyor and the only weapons I've used are ones I got as loot from the Whitespring. 3 out of the 4 weapons I use are 1* (and the 4th may as well be a 1* because the other 2 effects are irrelevant). Full auto handmade gun with relevant perks is fun, but no more effective than semi auto and it really chews through ammo. I routinely run out of steel despite scavving huge quantities of it. It also reinforces how effective shotguns are with the right perks. The key thing is stagger and to a lesser extent cripple. A specialist shotgun build can come close to stunlocking enemies and preventing them advancing effectively even when not stunlocked. Even with maxxed stagger perk on a full auto rifle, it's not even close to as effective as a shotgun for staggering. But there's something to be said for the fun of full auto. I want a furious explosive handmade gun. I also want more perk points for perception - 15 isn't enough. There are too many rifle-related perks in perception. I can't max the damage bonus perks, for example. I have them at L2 each, not L3. +45% instead of +60%. I'd give up 3 intelligence to have 18 perception perk points.

I have been idly considering demolishing my camp, relocating it into the forest zone to make it more attractive to low level players and making it the place to buy basic plans at a very low price. Most of the plans I have are basic things that I offer for 50-100 caps. Obviously I'm not doing it for the money. It's a roleplaying thing. So I mapped out the possibility of making my camp a very basic structure with a huge sign reading "CHEAP PLANS" picked out in lightboxes. A sign starting 30 feet in the air, visible to everyone in line of sight. It would take about 40% of the camp budget by itself. But no - you're only allowed a total of 50 lights and I'd need at least 77 lightboxes even if they're programmable like they are in FO4. I then found out that there are no available lead deposits in the entire forest zone. The only 2 are in workshops, so useless for a camp. With the amout of ammo I use, my camp pretty much has to be on a lead deposit.

I'm looking for something different to do, essentially.

[..] As for BR the hacking is now so rampant not much point even playing anymore. I got to level 16 which unlocked a few decent items. 24 is the next level to reach to get a few more but its almost 4 mins to enter a game & you have little chance of surviving more than a min or so due to how many hackers can see you as soon as you spawn & either 1 shot kill or take all your health away leaving you no chance to grab any items to survive as the camp at spawn points waiting to pick you off.

Bethesda should stop BR until they can stop the hacking as there is no anti-cheat & no bans right now. Its a bit of a farce as the only ONLY reason the BR is continuing beyond the original 17th June trial end is to push more sales of the broken game when the free trial ends :rolleyes:

I think that's a good thing. If BR worked well, it would suppress proper Fallout games. Why go to the trouble of making a proper game when you can belch out the rough framework of a game and rely on players to make the game for themselves and throw vast amounts of money at you for trivial stuff your underpaid artists can make in a couple of hours? Or a couple of minutes or even a couple of seconds? If a multiplayer game is popular enough, you can prevent anyone creating free mods and charge suckers real money to change the colour of an object in the game. Buy this green hat in the game that's a green version of the blue hat already in the game! Only 200 points! (which is $2 in real world money, but creating a fake currency obscures the fact that it's using real money). The only question is where game devs go next in their insatiable greed. Charging real money to change graphics settings, maybe? Changeable field of view, only $3! Or buy the mega graphics pack on super special offer. Today only! $5 and you can change FOV, resolution, even enable widescreen support! It's only cosmetic, so it's OK don't ya know?
The next patch looks like some actual DLC...and it looks like an actual Fallout game. I'm cautious about being hopeful, but it does look promising. The Youtube video requires logging in, so I'll link to the Bethesda page as that doesn't.


NPCs, dialogue (although obviously minimal - it's been a while since we had proper dialogue choices without mods), new quests, new kit (I want the bow shown in the trailer - probably impractical but could be fun), new enemies, actual factions, some sort of settlements (though it's not known if the player can do anything with them).
Yeah when it arrives in about 2-3 months it should improve things little by little.

Next thing I am looking forward to is the double XP starting later this week so I can go up another 20-30 levels to get closer to my goal of upgrading all Perk Cards :p
Yeah when it arrives in about 2-3 months it should improve things little by little.

I think it has the potential to improve things a lot. NPCs, factions, quests, dialogue (and much better than vanilla FO4 dialogue). It's good evidence that Bethesda is paying some attention and cares to some extent. Presumably it will be a new mode, since it can't be integrated into the current mode.

Next thing I am looking forward to is the double XP starting later this week so I can go up another 20-30 levels to get closer to my goal of upgrading all Perk Cards :p

That's fine if you never change your build. If you do, you'll probably need to use some cards at less than max rank due to the stat limitations. Is there a way of downgrading a perk card?

I think I still have about 40 unused perk card points. I used some to respec to full auto rifles and some to get rank 3 pharmacist perk to get the medic badge, but I had about 50 before. I'm not sure what level I am now. 150? 160?

I'm going to demolish Soloman's Shed. I'm so hard up against the budget that I can't craft a pot plant. So I'm going to say "sod it" and revert to a simple single storey barn with a workshop, vending machines and nothing else. Maybe the game will let me blueprint that. Then I can make some security lights, some signs and maybe even more missile turrets. I like missile turrets - they're the only thing that gets the job done. I had a pack of high level glowing radrats attack yesterday and those things are hard to kill, but it only took the two missile turrets guarding the rear of my shed.
Your right no way to downgrade a perk card I have also respecced a few times. Still waiting for the promised Legendary Players Perk cards feature wherever that is!

Watch out when scrapping your CAMP. Been finding out the frustrating way a lot of budget got reduced so lots of CAMP items I had sitting there happily had to be scrapped when I bought 1 little cosmetic item from the Atomic Shop as no budget so I had to scrap 30% of my base & found there has been a lot of drastic reductions in some CAMP areas which is so frustrating & time consuming to work around.

My current CAMP is 30% smaller & has less content so I wish I never changed it to accommodate the cosmetic item I earned in Nuclear Winter...a tiny little Bronze pipboy statue for reaching level 16 cost me 30% of my old CAMP & a lot of heartache & hassle :(

On the upside I am only 3 x T45 Plans away from owing all T45,T51b,T60,Excavator & X01 plans. All I then need is to grind out the caps to buy the remaining Raiders PA plans to have the complete set!!
@Angilion [..]
Watch out when scrapping your CAMP. Been finding out the frustrating way a lot of budget got reduced so lots of CAMP items I had sitting there happily had to be scrapped when I bought 1 little cosmetic item from the Atomic Shop as no budget so I had to scrap 30% of my base & found there has been a lot of drastic reductions in some CAMP areas which is so frustrating & time consuming to work around.

My current CAMP is 30% smaller & has less content so I wish I never changed it to accommodate the cosmetic item I earned in Nuclear Winter...a tiny little Bronze pipboy statue for reaching level 16 cost me 30% of my old CAMP & a lot of heartache & hassle :(

"so frustrating and time consuming to work around" is exactly what I expect from camp building in FO76. It's an achievement of sorts that Bethesda have managed to make building in FO76 worse than the very badly implemented building in vanilla FO4 despite being shown how it should be done by various mod authors.

I'm intending for my new camp to be much smaller and have far less content. Just a simple barn to hold workbenches and vending machines. I'm done with wrestling with the abysmal building system to make something decent. I'm going to roleplay my camp as my business premises and imagine my home is somewhere else. So the camp will be just a lead extractor, a water supply, a few razorgrain to make soup, a workshop and vending machines...and missile turrets.

More Wastelanders info here direct from the development directors mouth!

How can changes to the world as a result of a player's choices be instanced to the player in a multiplayer game? One player chooses the raider faction, so raiders become the dominant faction and make raider bases. Another player chooses the settler faction, so settlers become the dominant faction and make settlements. How can both those things exist in the same gameworld? It'll be interesting to see how Bethesda try to square the circle of having a multiplayer gameworld instanced to each player while the different players are playing in the same gameworld.
Someone datamined the rare masks from the recent Fasnact event you had a massive :rolleyes: 1 in 50,000 or 100,000 chance of ever getting 1 of the 2 rare masks :o that is so poor on Bethesda part no wonder very few gamers actually got one at all :(

As for CAMP builds I have seen some amazing work recently not sure how these players are getting around limitations but they are! Saw one earlier today 3 stories tall made of steel & taking up a large area with loads of space & items inside cannot figure it out it looked well beyond the current tiny CAMP limits :eek: I server hop a lot now to friends who are not based in the EU that way you get to see players in USA or Asia & get different drops as well from events :eek: its so bizarre Bethesda chose to restrict by default your servers to only EU for us Ukers for instance. You must join a friend in another region to see what its like on other servers some are very interesting as the drops are so different as are the players CAMPS!
As for CAMP builds I have seen some amazing work recently not sure how these players are getting around limitations but they are! Saw one earlier today 3 stories tall made of steel & taking up a large area with loads of space & items inside cannot figure it out it looked well beyond the current tiny CAMP limits :eek: I server hop a lot now to friends who are not based in the EU that way you get to see players in USA or Asia & get different drops as well from events :eek: its so bizarre Bethesda chose to restrict by default your servers to only EU for us Ukers for instance. You must join a friend in another region to see what its like on other servers some are very interesting as the drops are so different as are the players CAMPS!

When you say "the drops are so different", do you mean that there are different items in different regions?

Maybe some people have found a way of circumventing the camp budget limit. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a bug that can be exploited to do that. I've seen some excellent camps, but nothing that I thought looked well beyond the current 10,000 unit camp limit.
What I mean is when you server hop to join someone on a server in another region outside the EU the drops from events & items you find in containers can be different as you are joining a different region server so the instancing is different to the EU. This is something I have found when I have done this it seems to give you a different throw of the wonky Bethesda 1 in 100,000 odds RNG dice !
Bored...bored...bored. I am server hopping repeatedly in the forlorn hope of finding 3 pieces of royal jelly so I can make blackcurrant honey crisps (which don't have any honey in them) to tick off one more part of one more badge.

After >2 hours, I have found 1 piece.

My oh my, what fun!
Royal Jelly for that badge I followed this guide recently it does work just keep server hopping the same area (with the 3 honeybeasts) you do eventually get the required 3.

Todays patch ONLY really brings fixes to Nuclear Winter still not a single Possum Challenge fix for the almost 2 months now broken challenges :rolleyes:

Recently I have finished buying every single possible Plan in all vendors except for some of the remaining Raiders PA plans (which are a very low priority to me as I never use Raider PA).

Found someone keeps finding & selling for big caps some rare Marine Armour & underarmour plans I have never ever seen or heard of before! Also finding some of the Civil War costume plans which also leads me to never before seen plans & a few other little notes & audio recordings (part of the 15 random drops these areas contain which is why I have never come across them before!!).
Royal Jelly for that badge I followed this guide recently it does work just keep server hopping the same area (with the 3 honeybeasts) you do eventually get the required 3.

I'm guessing: Middle cabins by the grave, Tanagra Town at the top in the bathtub and the road just south of Lady Janet's soft serve, in the box next to the skeleton on the road. That's where I've been looking. I got 1 piece in the box by the grave in ~2 hours with innumerable server hops. Tanagra Town is too much bother for me (I don't like platform games) that I only went there once and the skeleton in the road had nothing on the few times I went there.

Yes...but I was looking at the wrong skeleton. It's further south than the skeleton I was looking at. Although apparently it's the junk version anyway. Wrong bathtub too, but I'm not going to platform my way up there anyway.

At least the royal jelly you can use doesn't decay. So eventually I'll get 3.

I'm stuck on the robot arms plan as well, unsurprisingly.

Todays patch ONLY really brings fixes to Nuclear Winter still not a single Possum Challenge fix for the almost 2 months now broken challenges :rolleyes:

Well there's a surprise!

Recently I have finished buying every single possible Plan in all vendors except for some of the remaining Raiders PA plans (which are a very low priority to me as I never use Raider PA).

Found someone keeps finding & selling for big caps some rare Marine Armour & underarmour plans I have never ever seen or heard of before! Also finding some of the Civil War costume plans which also leads me to never before seen plans & a few other little notes & audio recordings (part of the 15 random drops these areas contain which is why I have never come across them before!!).

I'd be interested in the notes and recordings, though not enough to server hop hundreds of times to get them. Are they available on a website anywhere?
AWPC: Thaniks for the offer of the royal jelly piece. By chance, I'd just found a 3rd piece and I'd returned to camp to cook the blackcurrant honey crisp I needed. I tried to drop it to show you, but mistakenly ate it instead :)
No problem I picked it up the other day! if you see me online & you happen to find the Flatwoods monster please let me know I cannot find the little blighter anywhere & have spent 3 days looking for him & server hopping 100s of times :eek:
No problem I picked it up the other day! if you see me online & you happen to find the Flatwoods monster please let me know I cannot find the little blighter anywhere & have spent 3 days looking for him & server hopping 100s of times :eek:

I saw it once, close to when I started playing the game. It's rarer than deathclaw hide! :)

Thinking of deathclaw hide, yesterday I found a piece in a box in the Whitespring fire station. That's 3/5 now.

I just demolished my camp and spent ~10,000 caps repeatedly moving it around in order to get the "make 76 camps" challenge for 40 atom points. I've been intending to make a simpler camp for a while, so I decided to get those points before rebuilding. I tried to demolish it piecemeal in place and rebuild from the ground floor, but Bethesda's scarely believeably bad implementation of building prevented me from scrapping the upper floors, insisting that doing so would make part of the building inaccessible despite the fact that there were no walls and no roof and nothing there apart from the floor sections I wanted to scrap. It's at times like this I miss FO4 and Place Everywhere.

When you move your camp apparently you gain up to 20% build budget back that you lose over the course of adding stuff to it :eek: I did not think of doing that moving it like you did with caps but will now as Atoms are Atoms ;) (next week someone already datamined several USA themed items coming to the Atomic Store!) my camp is going to get moved & slightly downsized as well soon I fancy a nice place over looking a massive drop with a nice mountain vista background & minimal walls (except a few to hang my neon lights on :p) :D
I just reinstalled after a few months of not playing. I tried to move my camp but it wont let me. The blue print goes green as though its ok to place it but keeps telling me it needs support. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? The camp has a concrete base. I guess there have been a few updates that may have changed the way camps work.
I just reinstalled after a few months of not playing. I tried to move my camp but it wont let me. The blue print goes green as though its ok to place it but keeps telling me it needs support. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? The camp has a concrete base. I guess there have been a few updates that may have changed the way camps work.
Try storing any items you want to keep first. Also, they changed it a little many patches ago several areas do not allow CAMPS now either because they are planning to add new content at that location in a future update or its been flagged as somewhere no-one can add CAMPS to for gameplay reasons.
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