Thanks for the kind offer buddy but I no longer need any
I finally managed to find 3 scavving then bought 2 from a player a few weeks ago so got the badge & my high capacity backpack mod then!
I'm not buying anything with my badges. I'm getting them because they're there
I only have a few left to get. Chemist and musician, obviously. Codebreaker because I haven't yet launched a nuke. Something to get around to doing, but it's a bit of a job doing it solo and I
always play solo. Entomologist because I won't kill the friendly Mothman and I never encounter a hostile Mothman. Collector because it would take years of server hopping to find 5 specific issues of a specific magazine.
Which reminds me...swamp plants. I still haven't found one. I looked online and it seems that it's an extremely rare spawn on an extremely rare plant. So years of server hopping there too. I've done most of the challenges, apart from the broken ones (visiting locations that don't register when you visit them), almost all of the couple of dozen "kill 1100 robots with a very specific type of weapon" ones (completing one unlocks more, e.g. killing 1100 robots with a rifle unlocks one to kill 1100 robots with an assault rifle), the silly ones (build 7600 structural items at a camp...build 7600 decorative items at a camp...build 7600 functional items at a camp) and the magazine ones. Plus, of course, the recipe one because I started playing early and Bethesda decided to make that one impossible for players who started early. Oh, and I've only learned about 55 qualifying armour plans and I still need to repair another couple of dozen pieces of chest armour (I never have enough ballistic fibre and I can't be bothered to farm low-level mobs for chest armour of a low enough level to not need ballistic fibre to repair).
As always with 76 then I also found another 2 scavving
which I just gave 1 away to another player who helped me get an ultra rare plan then I realised I needed it myself to get the badge as it does not register if you buy from a player shop!
Fortunately I then found another so its all good until the next broken challenge!! (they are supposed to be fixing these in this weeks patch)
That was a bug. While
finding items shouldn't count if you buy them,
scrapping items should. I bought a deathclaw hide, scrapped it and it counted.
Try to sell in your player vendor shop I paid 2200 each so that seems to be the going rate they do not stay in stock long either!
The price will be 1000 in my bargain shop. That's what I paid for mine and it's far more than anything else in my shop. Most of my stock is plans or recipes at 50 or 75 caps. I don't care about the money. It's more of a public service thing.
My player shop is now so badly broken it keeps resetting all items for sale so they are not active I then have to spend about 30 mins manually adding each item again & setting the price
Having done this about 5 times in the last week means I will get around to it sometime or not and just scrap my stores as soon as I have all items from vendor bots (I am only about 20,000 Caps away from buying all plans from all vendors now!).
I've simplfied my camp hugely and even removed the barriers preventing attacking mobs from just running into my building in case some new players didn't realise you had to jump over them to get into the building and access the vending machines. If it wasn't for the lead deposit, I'd relocate to the forest area so I'd get more low-level players visting. It's perfectly safe to teleport to my camp - the 7 missile turrets deal with any attacking mobs - but it's not the the Forest zone (it's in the Savage Divide) and that probably puts off some low-level players. If there was a lead deposit I could build a camp around in the forest zone, I'd move there.
Mirelurk queens and Sheepsquatch are exactly what I tend to use it against!
The real sheepsquatch is far, far easier. I can easily solo the real one. The fake one always kills me at least once. Mirelurk queens reduce my stimpak stock. That poison attack is harsh. Also, even my shotgun build couldn't reliable stun them and that could reliably stun scorchbeasts.
And I use it fairly rarely because it does indeed eat through the ammo. It's a bit of a luxury item to carry around really. But I tend to explore mostly in normal armour with what I'm carrying very minimised. So that allows me the luxury of switching to power armour when I'm getting a bit too heavy with scavved stuff (or if there's a lot of mobs around).
I'm always in Excavator power armour with calibrated shocks for the +200 carry weight bonus. I'm a scavver at heart, even in FO76 where there's no need to scav loads of resources for building settlements. Besides, using full auto means there is need to scav as much lead and steel and acid as possible and that's heavy. Especially the steel, which I use huge quantities of. Even with ammosmith 3 and super duper 3, having a full auto weapon as your main weapon requires boatloads of lead and steel, especially steel. I think the machineguns would probably be unsustainable as a main weapon. Gatling guns have a slower rate of fire and more damage per shot, so they use less ammo. I think it'll be sustainable. I've found that I don't need the rifle I'm carrying - with the perks I have, a gatling gun is accurate enough to use at a far enough range for me. I don't do sniping - my rifles were for mid-long range and a gatling gun will work for that. It's a shame I can't put a sight (EDIT: scope - it has a sight mod that I can put on it, but it's worse than useless because it distracts you away from the path of the bullets when you're not specifically aiming and it's worse than using the reticule when you are aiming) on it.
By the way, power armour and the stablised perk (in Intelligence) does wonders for the accuracy of heavy guns. It might be worth swapping that perk in on the occasions you do switch to power armour and a heavy gun.
A question for heavy gunners:
I have heavy gunner 3, expert heavy gunner 3, master heavy gunner 3, bear arms 3, stablised 3 and one gun army 3. Am I missing any important perks for heavy weapons use? The faster reloading one doesn't matter to me - a gatling gun with a 500 round drum rarely requires reloading even with a speedy receiver and a magic fire rate bonus and it doesn't take long to reload anyway.