**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

I think i have neglected my armour so will spend a bit time sorting that out, need to go rummaging for screws as I never seem to have enough.

Everyone has that problem in the early game. Screws and springs are the main two. It helps if you go into your inventory, switch to component view and tag screws (and anything else you need) for search. That way, any lootable item in the game world that contains one or more screws (or whatever you tag) shows with a magnifying glass next to it. That makes choosing what to pick up much easier. I have ~1000 screws spare now. I sell them to vendors. Once you have your kit finalised, you only need a few for repairs.

The key thing is to craft new armour as you level, if you can. It makes a difference. Craft at the highest level you can, add whatever useful mods you can. L25 studded leather armour is extremely better than L1 leather armour, for example.

As yet i have not been making stimpaks, trying to play without using them to often but that ain't working so will get onto that today.

The main bottleneck for making stimpaks (assuming you have learned the plan to make them) is blood packs. They're relatively rare. If you play in the forest zone, you should quickly acquire a multitude of stimpaks. I took to selling them when I had >40. I have only made a stimpak once or twice, to complete a challenge. However, since switching from shotgun+rifle to heavy weapons, I need stimpaks more. My damage output is higher, but I'm taking more damage because of the vastly reduced staggering.

I have plenty of power armours and armour pieces but as yet have not the frame to use them, I actually gave a PA to someone on level 2 yesterday, lol.

Odd. You usually find armour pieces on a frame. You must be taking up a lot of your carry weight and/or stash with PA pieces. They're very heavy off a frame.

If you find a PA frame in the gameworld (there are maps showing where they spawn and they're quite common), the way to take it is simply to enter it and then exit it (by holding the use button, default 'e' on keyboard). That marks it as yours. You can put it in your inventory by looking at it and collecting and if you don't it will be returned to your inventory in 90 seconds anyway. If you can't enter the frame because it has pieces on it that are above your level, look at it, select 'Transfer', transfer the pieces into your inventory and then you can enter the frame.

Fusion cores can be found on PA frames in the gameworld, in some fusion power generators in the gameworld, in some containers in the gameworld, just lying around in the gameworld, at some player vending machines and as a possible reward for some quests and events. You should be able to find enough to keep yourself supplied. I have ~40 at any one time, which is probably too many (they're quite heavy).

If you're >L25 (as I think you are), you will have some option for PA. There are L25 T-45 pieces. Maybe you've got a set already. Maybe you can search the PA spawn points in the forest to find a set. Or maybe you've already scrapped lots of unpowered armour (you should have done) and learned lots of mods for it so you can craft yourself some new unpowered armour at the maximum level and then mod it with useful mods to increase protection.

Same for weapons, of course. I only used rifles and shotguns until I switched to heavy guns recently, so I'm not the right person to ask unless you're using rifles and shotguns. Which is a great combo, in my opinion, but that's at least in part because it suits the way I like to play.

Perks matter a lot too, as I mentioned. It helps to plan your build beforehand, so you can raise your stats and choose your perk cards to suit.

Can you be a bit more detailed with the mod thing I would love to sort out the carry weight thing and tidy up the inventory a bit and anything else you might consider useful?

I don't know of a mod to change anything to do with carry weight. I wouldn't use one anyway, as I'd see it as cheating. FO76 mods are very limited in scope.

There are three steps in modding FO76:

1) Download the mod file. I use the Nexus website and I use the BA2 versions of the mods, so this is for mods in BA2 format. Unzip the compressed file you downloaded to extract the BA2 file, if necessary.
2) Put the mod file in your FO76 data subdirectory. Bethesda.net Laucher/games/Fallout76/data, wherever that is on your PC.
3) Put an entry referencing the name of the mod file (not the name of the mod itself) in a valid entry in Fallout76Custom.ini in your FO76 ini subdirectory, wherever that is on your PC. My Documents/My Games/Fallout 76 on my PC. If you don't have a Fallout76Custom.ini file in there, make one. It's better to not edit the Fallout76.ini file, though that would also work. Stuff in the custom ini will take priority over settings in the ordinary ini file, unless Bethesda have hard coded it not to (which they have for a few entries).

My Fallout76Custom.ini file contains only these settings:

sResourceIndexFileList = BetterInventory.ba2, Power Armor Clean HUD.ba2, IntRaw.ba2, BetterPALight.ba2

That loads the 4 mods I use and forces the game to save my game every 2 minutes instead of every 10 minutes. Given how unstable the game is, I think that's a good idea.

Better Inventory is great for inventory management. It's one of those "that's how it should be in the vanilla game" mods. Power Armour Clean HUD removes the opaque grey plastic parts of the PA HUD, which I like because I find them annoying and pointless. You can change the PA HUD in game settings since the last patch, but I haven't tried it to see what that's like. Oooh baby I like int raw is purely for camp builders. It shows the camp budget as the integer value it really is and not just the vague bar. Does a potted plant take up more building budget than a carrot? You can find out with that mod. It helps when trying to make the best use of the very limited building budget. Better PA light is a vast improvement over the poor quality torch that's the default PA light. Which is far better than the original default PA light, which was so bad I considered stopping playing because of it.

Perk Loadout Manager comes highly recommended. I really should get around to installing it. It allows you to save collections of perk cards, which makes swapping between them far less inconvenient. So, for example, you could put your normal play perk cards in play, save that as 1, then swap in your crafting perk cards (removing other cards as required) and save that as 2. Then swap in your hacking and/or lockpicking cards (if you don't have them in your normal hand) and save that as 3. After that, you just load set 1 for normal play, load set 2 or 3 as required and then reload set 1 when you've finished crafting/hacking/lockpicking. Much less bother than swapping cards individually.
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Is this game still a load of rubbish?

It's better than it was. It's still not a good Fallout game, but it's definitely a significantly less bad one. I think it's worth maybe £20, if you really like Fallout games.

Has there been much new content since release (as in things to do)?. It looks like they are putting most of their effort into PvP.

I don't think they really are. It looks that way, but I think that's more an attempt to get some attention. PvP is, utterly unsurprisingly, broken. It's also very boring. Here's an example...you can make a camp in adventure mode, blueprint it and use it in Battle Royale mode. So boom, you start each BR game with a keypad-locked fortress that has a top notch sniper point in it, make a quick run around to find any weapon you can snipe with, run into your fortress and wait there to snipe anyone who comes within range. Place it near the middle of the shrinking safe area in the moving ring of fire and everyone will have to come within range sooner or later. Congratulations, you've won that round or at least made it to the last few. How exciting is that?

As for things to do...I've played entirely solo for ~300 hours and I have just about finished everything reasonable to do. I have played with another player exactly once, for a few minutes and only to meet two challenge objectives that required multiplayer (revive someone else, revive someone else in water). A less weird player would probably have ~100 hours of things to do, if they're the sort of player who likes Fallout games. There is quite a lot of world to explore, places to see, notes to read. There are also lots of quests and lots of events to do. Events repeat, so you can do them more than once.

A forthcoming patch looks very promising. The Wastelanders patch adds, well, Fallout to Fallout 76. NPCs, quests, factions, all the good stuff. It's due next month, IIRC. Maybe September.

FO76 is OK. Not good, definitely not good, but OK. For people who like Fallout and have played at least FO3, FO:NV and FO4. If you like Fallout and you haven't played any of those 3, they're a better buy than FO76.
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Well since the last patch my games is crashing for fun, either a straight CTD when fast travelling or a lock up with a Fallout76.exe error...

GG Bethesda, I see the usual quality control measures have resumed normal service.
Well since the last patch my games is crashing for fun, either a straight CTD when fast travelling or a lock up with a Fallout76.exe error...

GG Bethesda, I see the usual quality control measures have resumed normal service.
Its super unstable right now random crashes for everyone whatever your doing but especially in grafton & whitesprings. Game is close to unplayable thanks to the random crashing which are most likely a direct cause of allowing all the dupers back on who are carrying millions of items in their inventory thanks to ever more ingenious ways they find to duplicate inventory items making the game unstable for everyone on the server!

Bethesda do not even permaban them either which is even more worse & why the game is heading downhill rapidly as server stability = players give up & do not want to earn or buy any Atoms. Bethesda should cancel any future content updates until the game is made stable & forget selling on Steam in a few months as the refunds will be flying in all day long if its this unstable!

I found the only way to play & not get kicked from the server is no fast travel & avoid grafton & whitesprings areas.
This is the upcoming content update from quakecon a little while ago:


As expected most of it is NW based very little for solo players as the vault 94 raids appear to be 4 players only which is yet another stupid design choice! The muted audience reaction was very telling I hope the dev leads got the correct impression many players are deeply unhappy right now :(

LOL have to laugh several people just walked out in the twitch stream the reaction the team leads got was so muted & underwhelming they did not even appear to notice either or just ignored it.

Lots of info was dropped though not sure I care for most of it especially the equalise all events for all level players in November when the game gets rebalanced sounds like they are nerfing higher level players & making everyone have the same capabilities which is really pathetic. That new PA suit with plants growing on it is so weak looking whoever designed that needs to have another go it looks terrible.

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@Kronos I thought of something today that might be relevant to you, since you wrote "I have plenty of power armours and armour pieces but as yet have not the frame to use them". Those "power armours" you have might be frames. In FO76, Bethesda took to calling them "chassis" instead of "frame". I'd forgotten that, because they've always been called "frame" before. So if you have a chassis, that's the frame.

Come to think of it, "chassis" is a better word to use for what they are.
@Kronos I thought of something today that might be relevant to you, since you wrote "I have plenty of power armours and armour pieces but as yet have not the frame to use them". Those "power armours" you have might be frames. In FO76, Bethesda took to calling them "chassis" instead of "frame". I'd forgotten that, because they've always been called "frame" before. So if you have a chassis, that's the frame.

Come to think of it, "chassis" is a better word to use for what they are.

I don't have a chassis in my camp yet as I have not the plans to build one. But I did take you up on earlier advice and use a 'Chassis' I found to completely build a Raider power armour and nearly all the bits to a T45. I did discovered yet another annoyance yesterday, I took off the Raider armour and it returned to my inventory and foolishly I added it to my stash, I say foolishly as there is no way to see which power armour is which so I had to transfer them one by one to my inventory, take them out to what I had then I scrapped them until I hit the Raider one.

But I managed to finish the quest I was having problems with and now I am pretty much farming for screws and stimpaks the the latter seem very scarce hopefully I can trigger the Miner Miracle quest so I can get the Chassis plans.
I don't have a chassis in my camp yet as I have not the plans to build one. But I did take you up on earlier advice and use a 'Chassis' I found to completely build a Raider power armour and nearly all the bits to a T45. I did discovered yet another annoyance yesterday, I took off the Raider armour and it returned to my inventory and foolishly I added it to my stash, I say foolishly as there is no way to see which power armour is which so I had to transfer them one by one to my inventory, take them out to what I had then I scrapped them until I hit the Raider one.

But I managed to finish the quest I was having problems with and now I am pretty much farming for screws and stimpaks the the latter seem very scarce hopefully I can trigger the Miner Miracle quest so I can get the Chassis plans.

You can rename them to make it easier to find the armour you want
Didn't know that, cheers.

It's one of the things Bethesda added in a patch in response to player's comments. They genuinely are trying to improve the game, at least to some extent. Like most things in the game, it's undocumented so it relies on word of mouth. Which works nowadays, I suppose, with the internet.

I was collecting PA suits before that patch. At one point I had 6 frames - the 1 I was wearing and 5 in my stash. Every time I found a piece I wanted, I had to deploy all 6 of them to find the one that the piece I'd found went on and get it on before the frames were auto-recalled to my inventory :)

[..] But I managed to finish the quest I was having problems with and now I am pretty much farming for screws and stimpaks the the latter seem very scarce hopefully I can trigger the Miner Miracle quest so I can get the Chassis plans.

You might find it useful to put the stimpak perk on, maybe only 1 rank. IIRC it's called First Aid. It's in the intelligence stat. It makes stimpaks more effective, so you'll use fewer of them. Might be useful if you have an Int point spare. I wander around with it on at rank 1.

Doing the Miner Miracle quest won't get you a plan to make a PA chassis. As far as I know, there isn't any such plan and the only way to get PA chassis is to find them in the gameworld. Doing the Miner Miracle quest will give you the ability to build a power armour workstation in your camp (or a workshop you temporarily own). It's not a plan per se - you just learn how to do it. IIRC. Maybe it was an actual plan. But anyway, it's not for the chassis. That quest also gives you the knowledge to make Excavator power armour, which is handy. Although generally less protective than the military spec T-xx PA suits, it's still very good protection and you can simply craft better versions as you level up (there are L25, L35 and L45 versions) rather than having to scour the world for them, server hopping between PA spawn points. It's also quite a bit more durable than the military PA suits, so it rarely needs repairing, and if you have a complete suit it adds 100 to your carry weight in addition to any other carry weight bonuses like the +100 from calibrated shocks.

Triggering the Miner Miracle quest is something you can do deliberately (i.e. it's not a random event type of thing) and unlike too many things in FO76 it actually works as intended. I'm assuming you don't want a "go here, do this" spoiler because if you did you would have already looked it up, so here's a hint in a spoiler tag:

The Excavator Power Armour was intended to be used as mining equipment. South of the forest zone is what used to be the main mining area in the region. Developing a new PA system is very expensive, so it was done by a large mining company. It was a trade secret, so the details about how to make it were kept close to hand for that mining company
I think a day of farming us called fir as I never seem to have enough screws.
I was doing a quest yesterday and was set upon by a legendary mutant and a couple of things I found anjiying, getting into cover seems pointless as they just keep coming at you and can even shoot round corners but worse was this one regenerated its health after a while, I gave up on him and legged it.
Picked up a large hunch of weapons I cannot use yet as I need to be at level 50, still handy finds.
I think a day of farming us called fir as I never seem to have enough screws.

Everyone's been there. A broken desk fan can easily be more valuable to a player than a magic weapon. It stops being a problem once your equipment loadout becomes more stable. Right now, you're crafting and modifying equipment and that's what uses loads of screws.

It's such an issue that there are hundreds of web pages and videos on farming screws in FO76.

I'm Soloman1862 ingame. If you like, I can give you hundreds of screws. Just let me know. Give me your ingame name, send me a friend request, however it's done. I have no idea because I have no interest in multiplayer. If you can arrange to be at a stash box at the same time as me, you're welcome to a bunch of screws. I don't even know how many I have spare - it was about 900 the last time I happened to notice. I've done some selling and some repairing for challenges since then, but I probably still have 500 spare. @AWPC is probably the person to ask - they helped me with the forced multiplayer challenge objectives, so they know how to arrange it.

I was doing a quest yesterday and was set upon by a legendary mutant and a couple of things I found anjiying, getting into cover seems pointless as they just keep coming at you and can even shoot round corners but worse was this one regenerated its health after a while, I gave up on him and legged it.

Legendary mobs should always regen their health 1-3 times. Once per star, I think. On the plus side, they should drop a legendary item. There are bugs, of course, but it usually works.

Most normal FPS tactics are pointless in FO76. It's not a FPS game. It's an exploration game with some shooting tacked on. Fallout games are like that. I'm not sure that there's a cover system at all. I've never used one.

Picked up a large hunch of weapons I cannot use yet as I need to be at level 50, still handy finds.

What weapons are you using/want to use? Scrapping some of those weapons might still be useful for resources, saving weight and (most importantly) learning mods. If you do a lot of scrapping (or trading for plans) you may well learn how to make those weapons at L50 from raw materials. Or maybe not - some of weapon plans are very rare.

You pretty much have to specialise in a weapon type because of the perk system. There aren't very many practical combinations of weapon types for which you can have perks for both types in play and you will want to have the relevant perks in play. That's one of the reasons why rifle+shotgun worked well for me - most of the shotgun perks are in strength and most of the rifle perks are in perception, so I could have both on at once and be effective with either. Rifle long range, shotgun short range, either for medium range. Often both - shotgun at medium range to stagger and cripple, switch to rifle to do more DPS. I didn't really do sniping, mainly because I wanted to loot all the corpses so I didn't want them too far away. In Fallout games, I'm a scavver at heart. I got a top quality sniper weapon from the purveyor, which is odd because the purveyor is a way of converting lots of useless magic items into one useless magic item to sell back to the purveyor. L50 instigating explosive pipe pistol...but pipe pistols can be modded into hardened pipe rifles, so I ended up with an extremely accurate very long range rifle that did double damage to a mob with full health and extra damage for exploding...and +60% damage from rifle perks and +15% damage from the bloody mess perk and more than double damage for a stealth shot and a whole bunch more damage for a headshot. I tried it out and it was a one shot kill on most mobs, but I sold it for some caps because sniper really doesn't suit me. I hope whoever bought it from my vending machine liked it more.

Melee is probably still the most effective weapon type, but it doesn't suit me. All that running around. I've switched to heavy weapons now, using a gatling gun. Although I'd like to be using a heavy machine gun, Bethesda chose to make it unrealistically weak. If I could have a gatling gun with a scope (with the stabilised perk on at rank 3, gatling guns are very accurate) and a faster rate of fire (my main gatling gun is 28 rounds per minute, which is as fast as gatling guns can get in FO76 and it's not really fast enough) I'd like it better. But I'm finding it fun and it's good for screenshots. Coal black Excavator armour and carrying a gatling gun...looking good, Fallout style!
Everyone's been there. A broken desk fan can easily be more valuable to a player than a magic weapon. It stops being a problem once your equipment loadout becomes more stable. Right now, you're crafting and modifying equipment and that's what uses loads of screws.

It's such an issue that there are hundreds of web pages and videos on farming screws in FO76.

I'm Soloman1862 ingame. If you like, I can give you hundreds of screws. Just let me know. Give me your ingame name, send me a friend request, however it's done. I have no idea because I have no interest in multiplayer. If you can arrange to be at a stash box at the same time as me, you're welcome to a bunch of screws. I don't even know how many I have spare - it was about 900 the last time I happened to notice. I've done some selling and some repairing for challenges since then, but I probably still have 500 spare. @AWPC is probably the person to ask - they helped me with the forced multiplayer challenge objectives, so they know how to arrange it.

What weapons are you using/want to use? Scrapping some of those weapons might still be useful for resources, saving weight and (most importantly) learning mods. If you do a lot of scrapping (or trading for plans) you may well learn how to make those weapons at L50 from raw materials. Or maybe not - some of weapon plans are very rare.

Will look into trying to friend you or add to team or whatever it is called and thanks for the offer on the screws.

I use a modded ski sword Black Diamond as my weapon of choice, but a simple pipe gun does for scorchers pretty nicely and perfect storm is also effective but I also use a decent hunting rifle and shotgun, the sniper gun I have got is pretty under powered but on occasion has taken out a high level target in one shot with a sneak bonus.

As for the weight of all my new weapons they are all in my stash so not an issue though I might well get rid of the two mini guns.
@Angilion Friend request sent from me Gengiscant.
I might add I pretty much only play in the afternoon but on occasion I start AM if I have nothing else to do. The benefit of being retired.:D
After a few hours of not really accomplishing much I happened upon a Gaus gun and a black powder musket and a 50 cal gun.
But the frame/chassis for working on PA is a pain as although i have come upon a few remembering where they are is a pointless necessity though I think I have found one and noted its location as I have enough stuff to build a T51 that is when I now have to hunt silver which I have been selling not thinking it would be needed to repair armour, really?
After starting a new job recently I find myself less & less inclined to spend much time in 76 anymore :(

The direction its taking (evermore overpriced Atomic shop cosmetics - most of which look terrible- another large batch will drop tomorrow!) & the development directors total lack of empathy towards the player base (they cannot fix many things as they are too time consuming & complex according to the Doomcon stream :rolleyes:).

Wastelanders does not arrive until late November so its still months away & in the meantime most of the essential fixes will be continually ignored in favour of Nuclear Winter (still full of cheaters & no bans either!!). NW is a pointless game mode right now cheaters can unlock everything & ruin the game for legit players with no prospect of any ban or detection!) as Bethesda mistakenly believe NW is going to get them the same player base count & income stream as Fortnite :rolleyes:
@Angilion Friend request sent from me Gengiscant.
I might add I pretty much only play in the afternoon but on occasion I start AM if I have nothing else to do. The benefit of being retired.:D

I haven't played for a few days. I play at various times, since my sleep cycle is not much of a cycle :)

I've popped on and moved 500 screws from my stash to my inventory. I had 894, so I can spare those 500 (plus whatever I happen to get from scavving as I go along). If we're on at the same time, we can teleport to each other and I'll drop the screws for you. Although I don't know how :) I know that people marked as friends (I accepted your request) can teleport to each other even if they were initially on different servers, but I don't know how. I'm purely a solo player (hence my game name).

After a few hours of not really accomplishing much I happened upon a Gaus gun and a black powder musket and a 50 cal gun.

I had an interesting find doing a Whitespring run just now - 3* L45 50 calibre machine gun with Zealot and Explosive effects (plus a useless minor effect - extra resistance while reloading). 106 damage per shot without demolition expert, 117 with demolition expert rank 5. Tying up 5 points of intelligence for that small an increase only makes sense against a super boss mob, but 106 is enough to be useful. My gatling guns do 197 per shot, but the 50 cal has more than triple the rate of fire and an area of effect (which I can double with a perk I have in perception, using stat points I'm not using for anything else). Interesting...I'm not sure which to use.

I also encounted a L12 player with a laser pistol hunting L62 scorched in the Whitespring. Optimistic!

Gauss rifles are sniper weapons. Great if that's what you want. Black powder weapons are an extreme - very high damage per shot, extremely slow rate of fire. I think 50 cal is only worth using if you're specced into heavy weapons and you do a lot of scavving for lead, steel, acid and cloth. Full auto weapons with a high rate of fire really chew through ammunition.

Hand made gun is widely favoured. It's a very versatile gun once you've learned the mods for it. You can make it anything from a sniper rifle to a machinegun with different mods and it works well for everything (especially if you have the non-auto rifle or auto rifle perk cards in play as required). Very rare find, though. If you get a chance to buy the plan to make it yourself, it's worth considering. I did that and then I made dozens of them just to scrap to learn the mods.

But the frame/chassis for working on PA is a pain as although i have come upon a few remembering where they are is a pointless necessity though I think I have found one and noted its location as I have enough stuff to build a T51 that is when I now have to hunt silver which I have been selling not thinking it would be needed to repair armour, really?

I think that a useful location for one is the garage/barn between Silvia Homestead and Billing's Homestead. They're SW of Flatwood, across the river, near the river that marks the western edge of the gameworld. Easiest way to find it is to follow the river roughly south from Flatwood until it runs into a river running roughly east-west, cross that river, head roughly west along the far bank until you find a power substation and Hillside Hotdogs. Follow the road roughly south from the hotdog place and you'll soon reach the homesteads. The garage/barn you want is in the fields between the two. One of those half-tube things that were common in the real world during/after WW2. Quonset huts, I think they're called. The only mobs that spawn near there (outside of the Project Beanstalk event that sometimes spawns at one of the homesteads) are some very low-level minor robots (liberators and protectrons) and maybe some very low level scorched. In the barn/garage itself are 3 very low level radroaches. So it's a safe spot to get to and work in.
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