**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

I didn't even have to exit my power armour for the glitch to hit as I was trying to get the remainder of the 4 quests given by the Grafton mayor and after I looked through my pip boy I found myself ejected from my power armour (or frame as all I found was a frame and only have one piece of armour for it) and the aforementioned item vanished from view which at least didn't happen when I was swarmed by unsavoury pests that would only want to omnom on my hide given the chance, but at least the recall did work and I did managed to get back in to not being as encumbered as I was (at least until I got back to somewhere where I could scrap all the junk I had collected and put it into storage).
This game is dead to me after struggling with the ridiculous I Am Become Death.
This constant spawning of enemies was an absolute nightmare for me but got as far as to replace the mainframe cores when the server died and when I went back I was to to start this rubbish all over again except this time I have no stimpaks.

Who ever thought this was fun, I had been quite enjoying the game even with its annoying bugs but this has killed it off for me.
This game is dead to me after struggling with the ridiculous I Am Become Death.
This constant spawning of enemies was an absolute nightmare for me but got as far as to replace the mainframe cores when the server died and when I went back I was to to start this rubbish all over again except this time I have no stimpaks.

Who ever thought this was fun, I had been quite enjoying the game even with its annoying bugs but this has killed it off for me.

If you are up for another go tomorrow I'm more than happy to drop in and help to get you past and get it done fella. Got well over 100 stimpaks and over 100 super stimpacks so can give you some meds and chems.
It's entirely possible to do solo (I've launched 5 nukes solo so far), reckon I've even got a full set of power armor you can have depending on your level.

Just hit me up @Kurtz207 when you are logged in dude, I'm not doing anything tomorrow. Worked away all from home all week so it's just me and Sat afternoon TV footy planned!
If you are up for another go tomorrow I'm more than happy to drop in and help to get you past and get it done fella. Got well over 100 stimpaks and over 100 super stimpacks so can give you some meds and chems.
It's entirely possible to do solo (I've launched 5 nukes solo so far), reckon I've even got a full set of power armor you can have depending on your level.

Just hit me up @Kurtz207 when you are logged in dude, I'm not doing anything tomorrow. Worked away all from home all week so it's just me and Sat afternoon TV footy planned!
I was wearing a T60 PA and and am level 60+ although hard for me, don't think I have the correct weapons, the whole continued spawning of robots etc was really super annoying particularly when there is so much wandering around trying find where the hell you need to go and what you need to do.

I will look for you tomorrow but to be honest I really think this quest killed the game for me.

I was wearing a T60 PA and and am level 60+ although hard for me, don't think I have the correct weapons, the whole continued spawning of robots etc was really super annoying particularly when there is so much wandering around trying find where the hell you need to go and what you need to do.

I will look for you tomorrow but to be honest I really think this quest killed the game for me.


Yeah understand, the first time you do it it's like wtf, where do I go...what do I do....it's definitely better when you know what to do, you should be able to get through them though with your level.
I have a 3* Troubleshooters Super Sledge with 40% extra power attack damage which when mixed with the right perk cards and necked chems can 1-2 hit most level 68 and below bots. Assaultrons take about 3-4 though they do mash me up quickly as well and I'm lvl 128.

Anti armor Gatling and Miniguns shred them as well as does the Gatling Plasma, if the rage has calmed down tomorrow dude hit me up. I've got 2 Nuclear Keycards doing nothing so we could Nuke the bog and do Scorchbeast Queen run for some added frustration :D. I'll probably be doing it anyway because I've about 50 Plasma cores that need using!
If you are up for another go tomorrow I'm more than happy to drop in and help to get you past and get it done fella. Got well over 100 stimpaks and over 100 super stimpacks so can give you some meds and chems.
It's entirely possible to do solo (I've launched 5 nukes solo so far), reckon I've even got a full set of power armor you can have depending on your level.

Just hit me up @Kurtz207 when you are logged in dude, I'm not doing anything tomorrow. Worked away all from home all week so it's just me and Sat afternoon TV footy planned!
I am going to spend sometime beefing up my weapons, collecting stimpaks before having another go but would be grateful for your back up when I do.
Look out for Gengiscant looking to friend you or whatever it is.
Thanks again.
I am going to spend sometime beefing up my weapons, collecting stimpaks before having another go but would be grateful for your back up when I do.
Look out for Gengiscant looking to friend you or whatever it is.
Thanks again.

No worries fella, make sure to make use of the Purveyor sale for some Legendary weapons and my advice is buy 2* not 3* weapons as the 3rd star buff is not really a make or break thing.
No worries fella, make sure to make use of the Purveyor sale for some Legendary weapons and my advice is buy 2* not 3* weapons as the 3rd star buff is not really a make or break thing.
What is a Purveyor sale and where do I find it?

Edit: Ignore the above.
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This game is dead to me after struggling with the ridiculous I Am Become Death.
This constant spawning of enemies was an absolute nightmare for me but got as far as to replace the mainframe cores when the server died and when I went back I was to to start this rubbish all over again except this time I have no stimpaks.

Who ever thought this was fun, I had been quite enjoying the game even with its annoying bugs but this has killed it off for me.

I am going to spend sometime beefing up my weapons, collecting stimpaks before having another go but would be grateful for your back up when I do.
Look out for Gengiscant looking to friend you or whatever it is.
Thanks again.

That's the key, I think. I recently bothered to get around to doing that quest for the atom points more than anything else and I just found it a bit tedious finding all the mainframe sections, destroying them, finding all the cores, going back to all the sections and replacing the cores. My current build is maybe a bit overpowered, though I can still be mashed by something like the fake sheepsquatch. I tried that event again a couple of days ago - half a dozen people pointlessly shooting at the invincible cloaked fake sheepsquatch while the game told them what to do in voice and in instructions on-screen, with me being the only conduit for a pylon and thus getting chased down by the fake sheepsquatch. Frustrating.

If you fancy a brute force approach, using power armour in the way it was designed for works well. Heavy weapons, with the key perks being the 3 heavy gunner perks, stablised and one gun army. Bear arms is useful, as it makes heavy weapons weigh 90% less. I'm liking a gatling gun for the usual weapon. Although a gatling gun maxxes out at 28 shots per minute (20 stock +4 for the faster firing legendary effect +4 for the faster firing receiver mod), it does quite a bit of damage per shot (158 with those perks and a L50 gatling gun) is very accurate when in power armour with maxxed stablised perk (I sometimes snipe with mine) and has little recoil. My usual weapon is an anti-armour faster firing gatling gun with a 3rd effect I can't remember. The 3rd effect on a 3* legendary is always a minor effect and generally pretty much irrelevant. Faster reloading on that gun, I think. But I can fire it continously for more than a quarter of an hour without reloading and reloading a gatling gun takes a a few seconds anyway. I have a Zealot explosive gatling gun too, but I've never used it. The DPS is about the same (slower fire rate offsets the extra damage from explosive bullets) and the exploding bullets are an inconvenience. The only other weapon I use is a Zealot explosive 50 cal machine gun. Much less damage per shot, but a vastly higher rate of fire so at least double the DPS. I use it mainly against scorchbeasts.

No worries fella, make sure to make use of the Purveyor sale for some Legendary weapons and my advice is buy 2* not 3* weapons as the 3rd star buff is not really a make or break thing.

I agree. The three weapons I mentioned above are all 3* and I don't even know what the 3rd effect is on any of them.

There's a list of legendary effects here:


The 3rd star is always a minor effect. And very minor it is too.

I saved up some scrip for the purveyor sale...then I realised that there is nothing I want to buy. There isn't any legendary power armour, I don't want unpowered armour and I can't think of a weapon that would be better than the ones I already have for the build I currently use and am content with.
Someone gave me a Vampire double barrel shotgun yesterday which though slow to load is quite effective.
Also got Vampire axe which again is slow but pretty useful.
I looked at the purveyors sale but unless I am missing something I did not know what I had bought until I had paid for it as there us only a generalised description.
Will be going back today to offload some legendary bits of armour I do not need.
Someone gave me a Vampire double barrel shotgun yesterday which though slow to load is quite effective.

Quad capacity is a very useful legendary effect on a double barrel shotgun. Having to load every 8 shots instead of every 2 makes the weapon a great deal more practical. If you're going to make heavy use of shotguns, the Enforcer perk in agility is worth considering. Stagger is a major advantage of shotguns. When I was using a rifle+shotgun build, I was able to get close to stunlocking most mobs most of the time with my shotgun. I preferred combat shotguns, but I did use a quad capacity double barrel as well.

I looked at the purveyors sale but unless I am missing something I did not know what I had bought until I had paid for it as there us only a generalised description.
Will be going back today to offload some legendary bits of armour I do not need.

You haven't missed anything. The purveyor is a gamble at enormous odds. You can only choose a random melee weapon, a random ranged weapon or a random piece of armour. The chance of getting what you want is infinitesimal. I've gambled away thousands of scrip, maybe as much as 10,000, and I don't recall getting anything I use from her despite the fact that I was only choosing ranged weapons. I might have got 1 or 2 weapons I use(d) that way, but I think I got all of them from Whitespring runs. But it's something to do with the hoard of useless legendaries you acquire and there is a chance of getting something useful.

Whitespring runs (golf club, chalets, maintainence building and its car park) are the best way to farm for legendaries, if you can do a Whitespring run easily and it's not too crowded. A run will usually get you a few legendaries and even 3* ones are not rare there. It's bugged, of course. Expect some of the ghouls to attack you while still in their sleeping position, which makes them very hard to hit outside of VATS. Expect some occasions in which every one of the couple of dozen ghouls in the golf club will rush out en masse to attack you in the car park before you even get to the door, with some still in their sleeping position. That bug managed to kill me this week.

I finally killed a scorchbeast queen tonight. Man, they take some killing. At least a dozen players turned up, geared up to the max. I used ~1500 rounds from my max level zealot explosive 50 cal machinegun. 106 damage per shot normally and it should have been 30% more as the scorchbeast queen should count as scorched. I did a small portion of the damage done. The difference was particularly striking when I switched to clearing some of the horde of other mobs that were swarming around. High level scorched everything, but even things like deathclaws took no more than a few seconds.

Annoyingly, it didn't count towards the "kill tough monsters" challenge. 12/13, only a scorchbeast queen left. Well, I killed one and it didn't count. I'm mainly playing for the few remaining challenges now, so that was annoying.

The reward from the quest and loot from the SBQ corpse yielded 1 plan I didn't already have - a prime capacitor for a laser weapon. Tiny woo.

I think I'm going to acquire a set of max level legendary unpowered armour, mod it as much as I can and see how it compares to power armour, just for something to do. Bethesda has greatly increased the rate at which fusion cores drain in PA again, so I'm using them faster than I can find them without a lot of server hopping. Probably a mistake - they did that before and fixed it with the next patch. SOP for Bethesda - most patches (re)introduce bugs.

EDIT: By the way, you can offload legendaries for scrip at any train station. There's a legendary "scrap for scrip" machine at every one. You don't need to go back to the train station the purveyor is at.
Scrip is a total waste of time IMO. The odds of getting a decent drop are 0.003% which is the rarest drop rate as per someone on reddit reverse engineering the games files. Its not even worth exchanging a single weapon either just sell for caps its way more use to you.

The broken challenges I doubt they will ever fix as that would mean giving a few dollars worth of free content away & Bethesda are never happy in that respect the well over a billion they made from Fallouts 3, 4, NV & 76 is just not enough for them & their obscene corporate greed :rolleyes:

Some of the new content arriving on Tuesday with the Vault 94 patch is so uninspiring it must have taken all of a few seconds to create an atoms expensive power armour paint job which uses plants stuck on at an awkward angle :rolleyes:
If I get the time I am going to solo vault 94 as I doubt its that hard & its instanced per player so I get to keep all the loot myself!

Moved the game install from a SSD-HD hybrid to an M2 PCI-E Gen 3 Samsung Nvme & there is very little difference loading wise but a slight difference to textures streaming in faster so less objects suddenly appearing in front of you which cannot be picked up!
Quad capacity is a very useful legendary effect on a double barrel shotgun. Having to load every 8 shots instead of every 2 makes the weapon a great deal more practical. If you're going to make heavy use of shotguns, the Enforcer perk in agility is worth considering. Stagger is a major advantage of shotguns. When I was using a rifle+shotgun build, I was able to get close to stunlocking most mobs most of the time with my shotgun. I preferred combat shotguns, but I did use a quad capacity double barrel as well.

You haven't missed anything. The purveyor is a gamble at enormous odds. You can only choose a random melee weapon, a random ranged weapon or a random piece of armour. The chance of getting what you want is infinitesimal. I've gambled away thousands of scrip, maybe as much as 10,000, and I don't recall getting anything I use from her despite the fact that I was only choosing ranged weapons. I might have got 1 or 2 weapons I use(d) that way, but I think I got all of them from Whitespring runs. But it's something to do with the hoard of useless legendaries you acquire and there is a chance of getting something useful.

Whitespring runs (golf club, chalets, maintainence building and its car park) are the best way to farm for legendaries, if you can do a Whitespring run easily and it's not too crowded. A run will usually get you a few legendaries and even 3* ones are not rare there. It's bugged, of course. Expect some of the ghouls to attack you while still in their sleeping position, which makes them very hard to hit outside of VATS. Expect some occasions in which every one of the couple of dozen ghouls in the golf club will rush out en masse to attack you in the car park before you even get to the door, with some still in their sleeping position. That bug managed to kill me this week.

I finally killed a scorchbeast queen tonight. Man, they take some killing. At least a dozen players turned up, geared up to the max. I used ~1500 rounds from my max level zealot explosive 50 cal machinegun. 106 damage per shot normally and it should have been 30% more as the scorchbeast queen should count as scorched. I did a small portion of the damage done. The difference was particularly striking when I switched to clearing some of the horde of other mobs that were swarming around. High level scorched everything, but even things like deathclaws took no more than a few seconds.

Annoyingly, it didn't count towards the "kill tough monsters" challenge. 12/13, only a scorchbeast queen left. Well, I killed one and it didn't count. I'm mainly playing for the few remaining challenges now, so that was annoying.

The reward from the quest and loot from the SBQ corpse yielded 1 plan I didn't already have - a prime capacitor for a laser weapon. Tiny woo.

I think I'm going to acquire a set of max level legendary unpowered armour, mod it as much as I can and see how it compares to power armour, just for something to do. Bethesda has greatly increased the rate at which fusion cores drain in PA again, so I'm using them faster than I can find them without a lot of server hopping. Probably a mistake - they did that before and fixed it with the next patch. SOP for Bethesda - most patches (re)introduce bugs.

EDIT: By the way, you can offload legendaries for scrip at any train station. There's a legendary "scrap for scrip" machine at every one. You don't need to go back to the train station the purveyor is at.
Cheers, useful info on Whitesprings as I was unaware of that and I am not ready to repeat the frustration of I Am Become Death just yet even with the kind offer from @Columbo who I managed finally to friend yesterday.
I am interested how many hours i have been playing this but unlike Steam I can see no details on Bethesda.net. Is this info available?
Scrip is a total waste of time IMO. The odds of getting a decent drop are 0.003% which is the rarest drop rate as per someone on reddit reverse engineering the games files. Its not even worth exchanging a single weapon either just sell for caps its way more use to you.

That's a fair point if you're struggling to acquire 1400 caps worth of scav per day. If you aren't, it doesn't matter. You can't sell more than 1400 caps worth per day. The cap value of legendaries is trivial, so it makes little difference. I find that I can easily acquire 1400 caps worth of scav per day (using Hard Bargain 3 but not using grape mentats), so selling legendaries for caps is pointless for me. It just means that I have to drop some other stuff as I can't sell it. So I scrap all my legendaries for scrip apart from the odd one I might have a use for.

The broken challenges I doubt they will ever fix as that would mean giving a few dollars worth of free content away & Bethesda are never happy in that respect the well over a billion they made from Fallouts 3, 4, NV & 76 is just not enough for them & their obscene corporate greed :rolleyes:

They fixed the broken musician scout badge challenge and...er...that's the only one they've fixed, I think.

I finally got around to killing 1011 robots with a shotgun. That unlocks another challenge! Kill 1011 robots with a heavy gun. Yay! I'm all up for that! Er, no. All I have left now are broken ones that can't be done, killing ludicrous amounts of robots with every type of weapon, catching every disease (the 3 I haven't had can only be caught by being attacked by a very specific diseased mob and getting "lucky"), collecting wood 7600 times (that'll take a couple of years), 76 recipes (not even possible for people who have been playing from the start, due to an early bug that Bethesda fixed but chose not to apply to existing players), 76 armour plans (I think I could get that if I spent ~100,000 caps buying all the power armour plans, maybe) and collecting magazines (insane amount of grinding and server hopping required).

Some of the new content arriving on Tuesday with the Vault 94 patch is so uninspiring it must have taken all of a few seconds to create an atoms expensive power armour paint job which uses plants stuck on at an awkward angle :rolleyes:

A few seconds seems to be what's allocated for development, but that is a new low. Who is going to spend real money on that?

If I get the time I am going to solo vault 94 as I doubt its that hard & its instanced per player so I get to keep all the loot myself!

I suspect that only novice level will be possible to do solo because the two higher levels are on a timer and I suspect it won't be possible for 1 person to complete the mission in that time. I hope I'm wrong because there is new armour that can only be obtained by completing vault 94 missions on the two higher levels. No trading for it, nothing. Only from the vault 94 missions.

I think the instancing is more for Wastelanders and vault 94 is at least partly a test of it. I wouldn't bet on it working. Even the blurb from Bethesda doesn't seem optimistic about it working.

one of the achievements is something like spent 7500 hours in Appalachia - it will tell you your progress! ie 666/7500

It's 7600, but yes. That's another "challenge" I haven't got and probably won't ever get. I don't recall which challenges submenu it's in, but it's there somewhere. Right above collecting wood 7600 times.
I just bought 14 3* legendary ranged weapons at the purveyor and all were completely useless to me. One was a pipe pistol, several were energy weapons. I suppose an explosive executioner's combat rifle would be useful if I still used rifles. Maybe.

Where do I find this information?

Esc to bring up map screen, Z to bring up menu, challenges submenu, character sub-sub menu. It will probably be at the top. 420 hours for me. Guess I got my money's worth!
Esc to bring up map screen, Z to bring up menu, challenges submenu, character sub-sub menu. It will probably be at the top. 420 hours for me. Guess I got my money's worth!

Thanks will have a look later.

I got a explosive ranged weapon and a machine gun that does extra damage to robots so hopefully useful when I go back to the I Am Become Death quest.
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