Still pootling around, currently trying to catch whoopsies, the most elusive of diseases. Had a nicely civilised player interaction - I saw a player perched on a wall by the Whitespring car park, making the vehicles explode. That brings out any nearby feral ghouls, so I was involved too. One was a legendary, so I shot it once or twice and then ran around taking the hits until the other player noticed and killed it, so that we could both get a legendary from it. Good wasteland manners

A few minutes later, I was out on the golf course looking for stray ferals when I saw the "come here" emote and went over. It was the same player, who'd found a legendary feral, sniped at it, checked the map to see if I was near and called me over so I could kill it so we could both get a legendary from it. So much better than people griefing and shouting abuse at each other, which seems to be common in "social" games.
Now, back to the hunt for whoopsies.
EDIT: And back to normal for FO76. Whoopsies is caught from diseased mirelurk hatchlings, so I went to a place that has several clutches of eggs, triggered the eggs and ended up with 2 diseased mirelurk hatchlings amongst the half a dozen or so that spawned. Killed the rest while letting the diseased hatchlings attack me repeatedly, popped a radaway and removed my vaccinated perk to increase my chance of getting infected. No. Exited my power armour, took my hazmat suit off, stood there in my undies letting them chew at me. No disease, though I was taking damage quite quickly. Got back in my power armour to keep the rate of damage down as this looked like it could be a long job. No disease. Twiddled my thumbs for a bit. No disease. Went into my inventory to drink something...and the game crashed.
Woo! Went back in, ended up in the same server, the 2 diseased mirelurk hatchlings came to chew at me again...and I caught whoopsies almot immediatly. Just swamp itch now, which should be easy.