**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

I'm surprised seeing AWPC play this, he's usually very fussy with games, surely they can't have a big user base as it was a pure train wreck of a game :)
10\10 to Bethesda for the 76 game world & the way the landscapes stream in seamlessly for most of the time its a decent technical achievement considering how old the game engine is now.

But the lack of Solo player content & trying to still force MP, Co-Op & MMO lite down players throats with new MP focused weak content is why the player base is dropping & once the usual autumn-winter games rush starts I think 76 will lose a lot more players & if they launch on Steam in its current state the refunds will make Steam remove the game fast ;)

I like the game world ;) but hate most of the non solo player gameplay :(
I'm surprised seeing AWPC play this, he's usually very fussy with games, surely they can't have a big user base as it was a pure train wreck of a game :)

A lot of people really like Fallout games. Fallout 4 grossed US$ 750M in 1 day. More than double any film. At one point it had ~500,000 people playing it at the same time while having the Steam client in online mode. There are countries with a smaller population than that. Fallout 4 wasn't even especially good at launch and didn't really shine until some of the key mods were created. Fallout is (or maybe was) that popular.

I very rarely buy a game until it's been out for at least 6 months, often more. In my entire life, I have bought 3 games on release day and pre-ordered only 2. After the first one I pre-ordered (Test Drive Unlimited 2), I intended to never pre-order a game again. It was released as version 0.7x and simply didn't work at all until a week later and wasn't an actual release version until several patches after that. But I pre-ordered FO4 sight unseen and pre-ordered (and paid in advance for) all the DLC for it without any information about what any of the DLC would be or when it would be available, because it was Fallout.

I won't be pre-ordering the next Fallout game unless it's not made by Bethesda. Fallout 76 and the subsequent incompetence, greed and fraud from Bethesda has seriously tarnished the Fallout franchise, but it's still a very popular franchise and could still be recovered.

As for FO76 itself, the gameworld is still properly Fallout. All the (many and varied and serious) flaws are in the game, not in the gameworld. What the game could have been is still in there, buried in the ordure.

10\10 to Bethesda for the 76 game world & the way the landscapes stream in seamlessly for most of the time its a decent technical achievement considering how old the game engine is now.

But the lack of Solo player content & trying to still force MP, Co-Op & MMO lite down players throats with new MP focused weak content is why the player base is dropping & once the usual autumn-winter games rush starts I think 76 will lose a lot more players & if they launch on Steam in its current state the refunds will make Steam remove the game fast ;)

I like the game world ;) but hate most of the non solo player gameplay :(

I'd say the same, although I don't know for sure that the player base is dropping or by how much.
I actually played this today for the first time in months, didnt have a single issue amazingly! (Well other than not being able to use the launcher and having to launch from the game folder, still).
I has another go at soloing Vault 94 Dead in the Water mission on novice. Got mashed again. I don't think I can do it. Since it's pointless (you only get 2 vault steel for doing it on novice, no chance of any of the new armour plans), I'm out. I was only doing it because it's not supposed to be possible and so it was a real challenge (unlike "destroy 20,000 robots with 20 different weapons"), but I'm not up to it.

On a more amusing note, I got killed by an ant at the power substation near Watoga. I'd gone there to kill the deathclaw for some meat for the cook at Hemlock holes, killed it and tabbed out to find which cabins place had yao guai in it. I remembered one always spawned on the road by a cabin, but couldn't remember which one. While I was in another window, an ant killed me. <10s and I was in power armour. SuperAnt!
I has another go at soloing Vault 94 Dead in the Water mission on novice. Got mashed again. I don't think I can do it. Since it's pointless (you only get 2 vault steel for doing it on novice, no chance of any of the new armour plans), I'm out. I was only doing it because it's not supposed to be possible and so it was a real challenge (unlike "destroy 20,000 robots with 20 different weapons"), but I'm not up to it.

On a more amusing note, I got killed by an ant at the power substation near Watoga. I'd gone there to kill the deathclaw for some meat for the cook at Hemlock holes, killed it and tabbed out to find which cabins place had yao guai in it. I remembered one always spawned on the road by a cabin, but couldn't remember which one. While I was in another window, an ant killed me. <10s and I was in power armour. SuperAnt!

Probably a 5* Legendary Ant carrying an Anti Armor Explosive 2 Shot Fatman....
Hey, the next patch has some new single player content :)

You'll be able to see how many mods you've learned for something and how many mods you have left to learn for that thing. So you can learn all the things!

Well, it's the best new single player content so far.
A consequence of the player count dropping rapidly is that now you cannot server hop as much because the number of AWS servers drops with the player count as it scales downward perfectly :rolleyes: but cannot scale in the other direction hence so many server disconnects :mad: (this weekend there were loads).

The Outer Worlds - although a slightly different type of game is coming out soon & will take some more players away from 76 along with all the other upcoming autumn-winter rush of new releases.
A consequence of the player count dropping rapidly is that now you cannot server hop as much because the number of AWS servers drops with the player count as it scales downward perfectly :rolleyes: but cannot scale in the other direction hence so many server disconnects :mad: (this weekend there were loads).

The Outer Worlds - although a slightly different type of game is coming out soon & will take some more players away from 76 along with all the other upcoming autumn-winter rush of new releases.

F76 with the engine makes me carsick so it was a no go.
However looking forward the other worlds now.
F76 with the engine makes me carsick so it was a no go.
However looking forward the other worlds now.
It looks ok but no replayability factor like a Fallout game once you completed the missions apparently. At least as MS now own the developer its a launch title on PC Game Pass so effectively almost free ;)
Had a laugh at myself yesterday. For a while now, I've been trying to find the plans for hallucinogen grenades as crafting 3 of them was one of the two objectives I hadn't completed for the chemist badge. Yesterday I found out that they're crafted at the chemistry workbench, not the tinkerer's workbench where all the other grenades are crafted. I'd read the plans who knows how long ago and could have done that objective any time :)

Just plasma grenades and mothman wing left now, neither of which seem practical. I've got all the other scout badges. Still stuck on 58/76 armour, so I suspect that's bugged. Kill 13 tough enemies is definitely bugged - I've killed the scorchbeast queen at least a dozen times and it hasn't registered. Ditto for the "discover 5 locations in cranberry bog" - abandoned bogtown doesn't register. And, of course, forbidden knowledge doesn't trigger. I even tried visting the DMV with my soldier certificate to see if I could trigger that quest. No go - my number is called, but bot B2 just keeps saying the "wait for your number" dialogue.

I had someone buy 15 plans from my vending machines in one visit. That's 675 caps! :) Cheap plan shed - almost all are 50 caps each. Maybe I should relocate to the forest area, but I'd miss the lead deposit. I'm down to ~10,000 rounds after doing Scorched Earth twice in one session and lead is the bottleneck.

I'm still having some fun with FO76, popping on every now and then for some scavving and waiting to see if Wastelanders is better than rubbish.
Still pootling around, currently trying to catch whoopsies, the most elusive of diseases. Had a nicely civilised player interaction - I saw a player perched on a wall by the Whitespring car park, making the vehicles explode. That brings out any nearby feral ghouls, so I was involved too. One was a legendary, so I shot it once or twice and then ran around taking the hits until the other player noticed and killed it, so that we could both get a legendary from it. Good wasteland manners :) A few minutes later, I was out on the golf course looking for stray ferals when I saw the "come here" emote and went over. It was the same player, who'd found a legendary feral, sniped at it, checked the map to see if I was near and called me over so I could kill it so we could both get a legendary from it. So much better than people griefing and shouting abuse at each other, which seems to be common in "social" games.

Now, back to the hunt for whoopsies.

EDIT: And back to normal for FO76. Whoopsies is caught from diseased mirelurk hatchlings, so I went to a place that has several clutches of eggs, triggered the eggs and ended up with 2 diseased mirelurk hatchlings amongst the half a dozen or so that spawned. Killed the rest while letting the diseased hatchlings attack me repeatedly, popped a radaway and removed my vaccinated perk to increase my chance of getting infected. No. Exited my power armour, took my hazmat suit off, stood there in my undies letting them chew at me. No disease, though I was taking damage quite quickly. Got back in my power armour to keep the rate of damage down as this looked like it could be a long job. No disease. Twiddled my thumbs for a bit. No disease. Went into my inventory to drink something...and the game crashed.

Woo! Went back in, ended up in the same server, the 2 diseased mirelurk hatchlings came to chew at me again...and I caught whoopsies almot immediatly. Just swamp itch now, which should be easy.
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I didnt even know Whoopsies existed so thanks for that, I'm going to try that.
On another point I last night downloaded a complete map to my tablet for something to do and compared it to my in game one, it turns out there were 23 marked locations that I'd not been to or haven't marked if I have been there so when I log in again this weekend I'm going to visit them all!
I didnt even know Whoopsies existed so thanks for that, I'm going to try that.

It's extremely difficult to catch.

It can only be caught from diseased mirelurk hatchlings and the chance of infection is extremely low. Your best bet is to find mirelurk egg clutches, trigger them, use VATS to kill any hatchlings that are not diseased, take radaway to reduce your disease resistance, remove any perks that increase resistance to catching disease from attacking animals and then just stand there with the diseased hatchlings attacking you, taking a stimpak as needed. I went to a swamp location that spawned a a mirelurk queen and two mirelurk kings...and 3 clutches of eggs. It was extremely close to the Highland Marsh location. Very slightly NW of it, IIRC, but I can't swear to that.

Bizarrely, I am now unable to catch swamp itch. It should be much easier - it's caught by sleeping on a mattress or sleeping bag on the ground - but I have not been able to catch it. I've tried a sleeping bag on the ground in my camp and a few I happened to find while playing. Stripped to my undies, slept, nothing.

Swamp itch is the last disease I need for the "catch all 22 diseases" challenge. That's another 80 atom points to add to the ones I'm not spending on things I don't want in the atom shop :) The only thing I sort of want at the moment is a different skin for a gatling gun and AFAIK there aren't any. More importantly, I have almost all of the unbugged challenges and I want to finish them off.

I'm very close to filling all 120 slots of my 4 vending machines with different plans and recipes. I have 112 filled now. ~220 plans/recipes in total, but many are duplicates. I think I'll relocate to the forest zone to see if my stock is more useful to new players when it's safely in the forest zone and they don't have to go into the savage divide. 50 caps per plan or recipe. I collect loads from scavving runs and treasure maps. I'm running a slight surplus on lead without using the lead deposit in my camp unless I do a high-level event like killing the scorchbeast queen and haul out my explosive zealot 50 cal machinegun. That chews through bullets at an insane rate, but the DPS is much higher than the anti-armour faster firing gatling gun that's my main weapon. I like a faster firing gatling gun. The rate of fire is just about fast enough (28 per minute with the ingame barrel mod) and the damage per shot is relatively high (158 with relevant perks), so it's a full auto heavy weapon you can really use on full auto without having to spend most of your time scavving for lead.

On another point I last night downloaded a complete map to my tablet for something to do and compared it to my in game one, it turns out there were 23 marked locations that I'd not been to or haven't marked if I have been there so when I log in again this weekend I'm going to visit them all!

I haven't tried that, but I think I've been to all the marked locations. Is there any way of checking other than downloading a complete map and visually comparing it with your ingame map?
That's another thing ticked off - I finally did the monster mash event enough times to acquire >5000 halloween candy and get the super top nuclear prize!

A 1* leather leg armour. Wow!
Is there any way of checking other than downloading a complete map and visually comparing it with your ingame map?

If there is I don't know it. I was just comparing different areas visually and wrote them down for when I'm back at home at the weekend.
For some hilarity I had 500 scrip doing nothing from the weekend's playing so thought I'd go to The Purveyor from some RNG rubbish, bought 10 2* ranged weapons...........

Got 4 Crossbows (4ffs!!!!), 2 Broadsiders, 1 10mm Pistol, 2 Shotguns and a Black Powder Pistol.........none of them worth anything....
If there is I don't know it. I was just comparing different areas visually and wrote them down for when I'm back at home at the weekend.

Not worth the bother for me, then, as I'm almost sure I've found all the marked locations and a visual check wouldn't leave me sure as I could miss something that way anyway. I was hoping for a count of discovered marked locations somewhere in the pipboy screen, as there was in FO4.

For some hilarity I had 500 scrip doing nothing from the weekend's playing so thought I'd go to The Purveyor from some RNG rubbish, bought 10 2* ranged weapons...........

Got 4 Crossbows (4ffs!!!!), 2 Broadsiders, 1 10mm Pistol, 2 Shotguns and a Black Powder Pistol.........none of them worth anything....

I use scrip a lot simply because I've no other use for almost all of the legendaries I acquire while playing. I hit the 1400 cap limit every day I play just from general scavving, so it's either drop the legendaries or scrap them for scrip. I've bought literally hundreds of 2* and 3* ranged weapons and IIRC I've only kept two and not used either of them. A zealot faster firing gauss rifle and a vampire explosive handmade. The Purveyor is almost irrelevant to the game. Maybe they might be of some relevance if we had a lot more stash space and so could keep weapons that we might possibly at some undetermined point in the future find of some use in a different build. As it is, the Purveyor is a lottery in which even the hyper-rare best prize won't be much more than what you already have. For my build and playing style, I'm not sure what would be better than the anti-armour faster firing gatling gun I already have. A furious faster firing one, maybe.

I finally ran out of vendor space, with 126 unique plans and recipes to sell. After moving my camp to the forest, as close as possible to Flatwoods and by the river, I got enough trade to free up some slots. It's a newbie service more than anything else - 50 caps per plan, free purified water, free workshop, free seed crops of every plantable type to get your own farm going, complete safety while you're there. 8 missile turrets is hilarious overkill for a camp in that location.

And I still can't catch swamp itch. I've no idea why. I want those 80 atoms for...nothing, actually, but I want them! :)
Patch 13 is slightly useful, fixes a few things and doesn't seem to have obviously broken anything. Best patch so far, I think.

The mire daily events now work and the daily events in other zones work better. The public events system is useful. The listing of known/total mods for weapons and armor in the modify menu at a workbench is useful. I've found far more items with mods I haven't learned yet than I was expecting to find, so there's something new to do. Must learn all the things :) I've created a document to keep track and despite alt-tabbing repeatedly the game hasn't crashed yet. It doesn't cover underamour, which is a shame.

The collectron is...something a bit different. Probably useless, but it's a new thing. 500 atom points and I only had ~1100. Now I want some more to buy the wallpapers I probably won't ever use.

So a little bit of an improvement.
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Wont be able to test until the weekend now and still no Power Armor fix ffs......
Interesting little snippet below from the notes that I found interesting

Train Stations: Atomic Shop Access Points have been removed from Train Stations.

I guess it didnt drive any more sales or traffic to the Atomic Shop or something else maybe?
2 more plans to buy as well from Watoga or Whitesprings Vendor Bots (I have all plans except for those 2 which I will buy shortly!). Travelling to events is now free as well no more wasted Caps.
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