I did say scrip are worthless
I spent 1000s never ever got a single item worth having or even been able to sell for a few caps! Its a worthless system they should give players the best ingame weapons possible for a few scrips not make them 0.003% drop rate items which they currently all are
(someone data minned all the leg & scrip drop rates they come out at an average 0.003% which is the lowest possible drop rate). 0.003% is about 1 in 500 drops and that is ONLY if you get anything as all drop rates are subject to server timeouts where it talks back to the Bethesda server for verification so you also have a chance of nothing!!
The Wastelanders PA paintjob is the pathetic looking one with plants tacked onto it not sure its worth even spending a single second acquiring as it looks so feeble & tacked on
when I watched the stream a few weeks ago of the 4 dev leads they were utterly tone death to the lack of audience, lack of audience enthusiasm for what they were announcing future content wise & doubled down on many currently broken or needs urgently changing gameplay mechanics cannot easily be fixed so we are stuck with them for a long time to come 
Only thing at the end which seemed to get their attention was people walking out early in disgust or general apathy
& even then the 2 PR girls tried to pivot onto something else to take the attention away but you could see it all in HD video the puzzled & concerned looks on some of the dev leads 
This game has a massive perception problem. I do not think putting the launcher on Steam in a few months or persisting with these MMO lite based events is going to make up for the player base dwindling as existing players leave few will replace them as all cheap keys have long since sold out its now £15.99 to get the cheapest key.
I did say scrip are worthless

The Wastelanders PA paintjob is the pathetic looking one with plants tacked onto it not sure its worth even spending a single second acquiring as it looks so feeble & tacked on

This game has a massive perception problem. I do not think putting the launcher on Steam in a few months or persisting with these MMO lite based events is going to make up for the player base dwindling as existing players leave few will replace them as all cheap keys have long since sold out its now £15.99 to get the cheapest key.