**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Turn them in how? Bear in mind that, as I said, the forbidden knowledge quest has never spawned for me. Is there some other way to turn in technical documents?

It should auto start once you pick up any Technical Document. I presume you have completed Defiance Has Fallen because that to be complete first.
Also dont turn in more than 2 docs at a time it's a waste of time as there is no benefit.
Well I've tried 94 on Novice now 5 times now solo and got utterly rinsed all 5 times, used 40 Stimpaks on the last run and went with Exterminator and Autostim Armor on which seemed to make no difference.
Not having another go until go in with a team as I've got to build my Ammo / Chems and Health item backup now, used just about everything for no reason it seems....
We need to get an OCUK squad in there this weekend ;) but the rewards are really poor unless you do it on the highest difficulty!
It should auto start once you pick up any Technical Document. I presume you have completed Defiance Has Fallen because that to be complete first.
Also dont turn in more than 2 docs at a time it's a waste of time as there is no benefit.
4 does give a bit more XP but there does not appear anyway to store Technical data or drop them so not sure how you move them elsewhere it seems a little broken still!
Has this game improved since launch or still garbage?

Yes it has improved greatly but if that is enough very much depends on your point view but you are also probably asking the wrong people. Most of us have hundreds of hours spent in the game so if we thought it was garbage we wouldn't have spent that long in there.

I do still think you really have to love the Fallout universe to like it though, which I do. If you like lore, don't mind reading and listening to back story and history of the location and are after an interesting world to roam around and waste some time then yes, you can happily drop hours and hours into it single player, the map is massive and it takes quite a while to see and explore it all. 99.9% of my time in the game has been on my own with only a couple of missions that I've joined a team to do.

However it is still buggy, irritatingly so to be honest at times with silly bugs hanging around (fast travel and PA bugs) that Bethesda seem to ignore or cannot fix and it still performs pretty turd at times.
If you look at the game like a looter shooter (which is essentially what the game is) then it's a grind for sure and some of the mechanics a bit rng for my liking but there is still some laughs to be had.
It should auto start once you pick up any Technical Document. I presume you have completed Defiance Has Fallen because that to be complete first.

Should have done, but didn't. I completed all the questlines months ago apart from launching a nuke, which I did a week or two ago. The BoS questline was one of the first I completed.

Looking back later, when I was wondering what (if anything) to do with the technical documents I was picking up, I found out that the BoS questline had skipped a bit for me and had occured out of order. I think the cause was the fact that I play Fallout games primarily as exploration games and don't simply follow questlines. As a result of that and of bugs in the game (which might have been fixed since), I triggered BoS quests out of order (which shouldn't be possible, hence it's a bug).

So instead getting and doing the quests in this order:

Defiance has Fallen
Back to Basics
Recruitment Blues
Belly of the Beast

I got this:

Back to Basics (triggered and completed)
Defiance has Fallen (triggered, not sure whether or not I actually completed it)
Belly of the Beast (triggered and completed).

Completing Belly of the Beast ended the BoS questline for me. I vaguely recall that it showed some status message about some other quest completing, maybe Defiance has Fallen. I never got the Recruitment Blues quest, which I only knew existed weeks or months later when I went looking online to see what to do with the technical documents.
Yes it has improved greatly but if that is enough very much depends on your point view but you are also probably asking the wrong people. Most of us have hundreds of hours spent in the game so if we thought it was garbage we wouldn't have spent that long in there.

I do still think you really have to love the Fallout universe to like it though, which I do. If you like lore, don't mind reading and listening to back story and history of the location and are after an interesting world to roam around and waste some time then yes, you can happily drop hours and hours into it single player, the map is massive and it takes quite a while to see and explore it all. 99.9% of my time in the game has been on my own with only a couple of missions that I've joined a team to do.

However it is still buggy, irritatingly so to be honest at times with silly bugs hanging around (fast travel and PA bugs) that Bethesda seem to ignore or cannot fix and it still performs pretty turd at times.
If you look at the game like a looter shooter (which is essentially what the game is) then it's a grind for sure and some of the mechanics a bit rng for my liking but there is still some laughs to be had.

That's my take on FO76 too. If it wasn't Fallout, I wouldn't still be playing it. But it is Fallout. The gameworld is very well made, a proper Fallout gameworld. The flaws are in the game itself, both in design and implementation. The design is fundamentally flawed because it's trying to mash multiplayer and single player together in a fundamentally single player game engine and type of game. Adding two different multiplayer game modes (survival and nuclear winter) and mostly removing PvP from the main game mode helped a bit, but the game is still an awkward chimera. The multiplayer still intrudes into the main game even if you have pacifist mode on because you can never be sure if a place you explore doesn't have lore or if it does have lore but another player has picked up the notes and other lore items. The bugs are still worse than any professionally produced game should have at launch, let alone after a dozen patches. Expect the game to crash, because it will. But the gameworld is very well made, so it has that "what's over there?" thing that's the core of open world games. Much of the most entertaining gameplay I've had came from glimpsing something probably artificial in the distance, using the scope on my gun as a telescope to get a better look and then walking there to explore it. A decaying prewar house. A crude postwar shelter. Whatever it is, it's something to explore. What happened there? Did anyone leave any notes? What do the remaining objects tell me about this place and what happened there?
Well to say I'm a little mad is an understatement....
Did an event last night which gave me a shotgun and put me overweight, went to my inventory to drop it but accidentally clicked my Anti Armor explosive handmade. As it wasn't fav'd it dropped immediately, before I could pick it back up the ******* server crashed.....

Now lost forever and they are like unicorn crap in terms of rarity.....
Well to say I'm a little mad is an understatement....
Did an event last night which gave me a shotgun and put me overweight, went to my inventory to drop it but accidentally clicked my Anti Armor explosive handmade. As it wasn't fav'd it dropped immediately, before I could pick it back up the ******* server crashed.....

Now lost forever and they are like unicorn crap in terms of rarity.....

That's very bad. I've lost stuff that way, but never anything irreplacable like that. I've played for >400 hours and I've spent thousands of scrip (probably over 10,000 as I often spend almost 300 per day as I end up immediately scrapping as many of the legendaries I buy as possible and buying some more) on buying legendary weapons as well as frequently farming Whitespring for legendaries and I've never had that weapon. You probably wouldn't get another in a year of playing.

You could try asking Bethesda to undo the loss caused by their game being so buggy, but that's a long shot even if any person ever looks at your request (rather than it being "dealt with" by a bot).
Have they introduced a whole heap of new server side issues since the last patch?

Every game Ive played recently has resulted in a server crash and kick, didnt see one for week before that.
Have they introduced a whole heap of new server side issues since the last patch?

Every game Ive played recently has resulted in a server crash and kick, didnt see one for week before that.
Game has been like this since day 1 whenever more players join the cloud servers they rent from AWS to host the game do not scale so it just crashes & you lose anything not in your inventory at the time even complete PA frames which are fully modded! :rolleyes:
Have they introduced a whole heap of new server side issues since the last patch?

Every game Ive played recently has resulted in a server crash and kick, didnt see one for week before that.

Probably. They've made a significant change. The chance of them doing that without messing other things up was always going to be small. Although the game has always been prone to crashing, so I can't say for sure that it's been any worse recently. I am fairly sure it gets worse over time and that's why it needs to be frequently taken down for maintainence.

I'm a little put out now. I've seen the stats for the Strangler Heart vault armour and it's the new best power armour. I'd like it. I play exclusively in first person, so its appearance wouldn't be much of a problem to me. However, soloing Vault 94 on standard or advanced difficulty would be. I watched a video of someone doing it and I am certain that I couldn't. Novice, maybe. Probably, if I was a little more cautious than I usually am. But there's no way I could solo that mission in the time allowed on standard, which is the minimum requirement for getting the armour plans. Doing that requires an organised group or a single player with way more resistances and DPS than I have and a lot more AP and more AP regen because you have to run from objective to objective to beat the clock, without even stopping to kill mobs. The player I watched was just taking hits while at terminals because even with extra time for repairing extra pipes there wasn't enough time to clear the area. They were killed at the final terminal after they initiated the emergency protocol that's the final objective but before they got the quest completed notification, so I don't know if they got the reward. But I do know I couldn't have done that well.
Probably. They've made a significant change. The chance of them doing that without messing other things up was always going to be small. Although the game has always been prone to crashing, so I can't say for sure that it's been any worse recently. I am fairly sure it gets worse over time and that's why it needs to be frequently taken down for maintainence.

I'm a little put out now. I've seen the stats for the Strangler Heart vault armour and it's the new best power armour. I'd like it. I play exclusively in first person, so its appearance wouldn't be much of a problem to me. However, soloing Vault 94 on standard or advanced difficulty would be. I watched a video of someone doing it and I am certain that I couldn't. Novice, maybe. Probably, if I was a little more cautious than I usually am. But there's no way I could solo that mission in the time allowed on standard, which is the minimum requirement for getting the armour plans. Doing that requires an organised group or a single player with way more resistances and DPS than I have and a lot more AP and more AP regen because you have to run from objective to objective to beat the clock, without even stopping to kill mobs. The player I watched was just taking hits while at terminals because even with extra time for repairing extra pipes there wasn't enough time to clear the area. They were killed at the final terminal after they initiated the emergency protocol that's the final objective but before they got the quest completed notification, so I don't know if they got the reward. But I do know I couldn't have done that well.

I'm the same, I've given it another go on Novice and got mashed again last night on the 3rd section, used 50+ Stimps as well.
I'm specced for Power Armor and Big Guns which don't seem to stand up well so I guess I'm going to have to have to spec my character which honestly I dont think I cba to do.

I've tried 5 runs now, used over 200 stimps, 100 radaway, 3000 rounds and got nothing for it so I'm done with Vault 94 and outside of grinding for stuff and caps there is nothing left in the game until NPC's drop for me so I may uninstall until that happens. Pretty disappointed as 99% of the Fallout player base play in single player mode yet the 1st Vault raid they release is virtually nigh on impossible to do solo so it's again Bethesda not listening and not knowing their core player base and forcing ways of playing down people's throat that we just don't want.

Would it have been so hard to scale the difficulty to the number of player entering the vault?
I'm the same, I've given it another go on Novice and got mashed again last night on the 3rd section, used 50+ Stimps as well.
I'm specced for Power Armor and Big Guns which don't seem to stand up well so I guess I'm going to have to have to spec my character which honestly I dont think I cba to do.

I may have another go tomorrow. I have ~15,000 rounds going spare and a plan. Probably not a successful plan, but I may give it a go. Nothing lost, anyway. I'm also specced for power armor and big guns, so I doubt if I'll fare any better than you have. It is possible to solo the vault 94 dead in the water mission on novice, but it's extremely difficult.

It's also useless, since novice level doesn't give any plans anyway. All you get is a random 3* legendary (which you could get far more easily and far more quickly by farming the Whitespring) and 2 vault steel (which serves no purpose at all without the plans). The only reason I'm even thinking about having another go is for the challenge.

I've tried 5 runs now, used over 200 stimps, 100 radaway, 3000 rounds and got nothing for it so I'm done with Vault 94 and outside of grinding for stuff and caps there is nothing left in the game until NPC's drop for me so I may uninstall until that happens. Pretty disappointed as 99% of the Fallout player base play in single player mode yet the 1st Vault raid they release is virtually nigh on impossible to do solo so it's again Bethesda not listening and not knowing their core player base and forcing ways of playing down people's throat that we just don't want.

Would it have been so hard to scale the difficulty to the number of player entering the vault?

No, but that would go against "forcing ways of playing down people's throat that we just don't want." Which is what they want.

I'm just a bit put out. Not much. The content they've added is useless to me, but that's just the game being effectively unchanged for me. What niggles at me is that I'd like the strangler heart power armor and they've chosen to make it available only to people who play multiplayer regularly enough to have an experienced, co-ordinated group (the timing is pretty tight - the group must be well co-ordinated). You can't even buy it from someone who plays that way - it's not tradeable. It also further unbalances PvP, but that's not a big deal as PvP is thoroughly broken in FO76 anyway.
Strangler heart power armor requires 33 Vault Steel as well so that's at least 40-50 successful 94 raids on the highest difficulty :rolleyes: they can keep it so few players are ever going to bother with the grind its unstable as well if the terminal lags at the start quit & server hop until you get one without lag otherwise later in the raid it becomes unplayable (after you have wasted loads of resource on it!).

94 joins a long list of new content deserted shortly after launch due to how utterly lame & poorly conceived it all is :(
Strangler heart power armor requires 33 Vault Steel as well so that's at least 40-50 successful 94 raids on the highest difficulty :rolleyes: they can keep it so few players are ever going to bother with the grind its unstable as well if the terminal lags at the start quit & server hop until you get one without lag otherwise later in the raid it becomes unplayable (after you have wasted loads of resource on it!).

94 joins a long list of new content deserted shortly after launch due to how utterly lame & poorly conceived it all is :(

Have to agree with this. I was excited for 94 until I learned it was a team based thing and later that there was more pipes to fix.....I mean seriously Appalachia needs a good plumber and nothing else given the number of pipes we've all fixed during the events. It's just such a lazy and boring thing to do. I'm also not sure if they have made it so grindy and stingy in order to make it last until the next content drop but the pessimist in me thinks that its a way of getting people to use resources and get them to buy repair kits.

I guess we'll have to see what Wastelanders brings but if the grind of Vault 94 is anything to go by I'm not holding out any hope.
Have to agree with this. I was excited for 94 until I learned it was a team based thing and later that there was more pipes to fix.....I mean seriously Appalachia needs a good plumber and nothing else given the number of pipes we've all fixed during the events. It's just such a lazy and boring thing to do. I'm also not sure if they have made it so grindy and stingy in order to make it last until the next content drop but the pessimist in me thinks that its a way of getting people to use resources and get them to buy repair kits.

I guess we'll have to see what Wastelanders brings but if the grind of Vault 94 is anything to go by I'm not holding out any hope.
Every single piece of new content is pretty much a grind feast or underwhelming so I do not think Wastelanders will be much different.

10\10 to Bethesda for the 76 game world & the way the landscapes stream in seamlessly for most of the time its a decent technical achievement considering how old the game engine is now.

0\10 for how poorly Bethesda post launch have patched, fixed or broken things even further & failed to create any content worth spending much time on :rolleyes:

Nice empty game world still waiting for some decent solo player content :( :eek:
Indeed, on top of all of that I decided to try out some shotgun action last night as I managed to RNG a nice Anti Armor Explosive Pump Action.....so I specced it up, dropped a few shotgun perks on only to find that the old shotgun bug where the enemy health bounces for fun back only when using shotguns has returned......from somewhere....somehow.......sigh...
Indeed, on top of all of that I decided to try out some shotgun action last night as I managed to RNG a nice Anti Armor Explosive Pump Action.....so I specced it up, dropped a few shotgun perks on only to find that the old shotgun bug where the enemy health bounces for fun back only when using shotguns has returned......from somewhere....somehow.......sigh...

Bethesda has no idea how to support a game and/or insufficient resouces assigned to doing so. As a result, patching is done on an ad hoc basis without any testing and without even keeping track of file versions. New content is re-introducing old bugs, repeatedly. It's not a one-off. It's a fundamental problem. There is neither the will, the skill nor the resources for the job.

Perhaps it's because in the past Bethesda have always relied on fans for both bug-fixing and new content, so they've never seen the need for anything other than a few DLCs, simple projects that can be managed easily. The company is simply not up to the job. It must be galling to the actual game devs who work there because they'll know much better it could be and what's being done wrong and they can't do anything about it as the orders come down from above them in the organisational hierarchy.

I'm hoping Bethesda will licence the upgraded game engine to some devs to make a better designed game in a competent manner. FO76 is a bad game in a good gameworld. It's not awful, but it could easily be so much better. The biggest strength of the old game engine is how well it suits modding, but Bethesda's management chose to **** away the biggest advantage the company had in order to try to manipulate people into paying lots of money for ingame outfits hastily made by overworked and underpaid artists and which can't even be worn by most players anyway.

Maybe Wastelanders will be suprisingly adequate. Perhaps.

I'm looking for 3 things to complete my scout badge collection:

1) Plan for hallucinogen grenade
2) Plan for plasman grenade
3) Hostile mothman (not queen of the hunt daily event - that never spawns for me and that's a known but unfixed bug)

Then I'm completely done apart from the silly "challenges" that are just a test of willingness to grind and server hop.
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