Indeed, on top of all of that I decided to try out some shotgun action last night as I managed to RNG a nice Anti Armor Explosive Pump I specced it up, dropped a few shotgun perks on only to find that the old shotgun bug where the enemy health bounces for fun back only when using shotguns has returned......from somewhere....somehow.......sigh...
Bethesda has no idea how to support a game and/or insufficient resouces assigned to doing so. As a result, patching is done on an ad hoc basis without any testing and without even keeping track of file versions. New content is re-introducing old bugs, repeatedly. It's not a one-off. It's a fundamental problem. There is neither the will, the skill nor the resources for the job.
Perhaps it's because in the past Bethesda have always relied on fans for both bug-fixing and new content, so they've never seen the need for anything other than a few DLCs, simple projects that can be managed easily. The company is simply not up to the job. It must be galling to the actual game devs who work there because they'll know much better it could be and what's being done wrong and they can't do anything about it as the orders come down from above them in the organisational hierarchy.
I'm hoping Bethesda will licence the upgraded game engine to some devs to make a better designed game in a competent manner. FO76 is a bad game in a good gameworld. It's not awful, but it could easily be so much better. The biggest strength of the old game engine is how well it suits modding, but Bethesda's management chose to **** away the biggest advantage the company had in order to try to manipulate people into paying lots of money for ingame outfits hastily made by overworked and underpaid artists and which can't even be worn by most players anyway.
Maybe Wastelanders will be suprisingly adequate. Perhaps.
I'm looking for 3 things to complete my scout badge collection:
1) Plan for hallucinogen grenade
2) Plan for plasman grenade
3) Hostile mothman (not queen of the hunt daily event - that never spawns for me and that's a known but unfixed bug)
Then I'm completely done apart from the silly "challenges" that are just a test of willingness to grind and server hop.