**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

If Outer Worlds was on open release, I'd be playing it now. Instead, I'll be watching videos on it. I'd like to play it and I'm willing and able to pay for it, but I'm not willing to compromise my principles to do so. That's how publishers get away with what they've done and what they will do - people will put up with bad things to play a game.
Sooner or later you need Win 10 may as well get it now & get Game Pass sub for a few £ literally you get access to a lot of high quality games (all the Halos remastered are coming to PC as well in the near future).
What do you mean by open release?

When it's not a closed release, i.e. only available from a dodgy publisher with a particularly strong habit of peddling spyware, such abysmal service that they can't even be bothered to make a fully functional shop and not even vaguely trustworthy security. All the while trying to further close and fragment PC gaming, which I would prefer to be an at least somewhat open platform.

As I said, I'm not willing to compromise my principles that far, helping them make PC gaming worse, just to play a game I want to play. I'm under no illusions that they'll care about losing that sale, but I'd care if I gave in to them. So no Outer Worlds for me.

I'm still not decided what to do about the end of support for Win7. There are no good options, just a choice of bad ones. Which one is least bad? I haven't decided yet. I know that my dislike for spyware and rootkits is very old fashioned nowadays, but I've never been bothered about being fashionable.
When it's not a closed release, i.e. only available from a dodgy publisher with a particularly strong habit of peddling spyware, such abysmal service that they can't even be bothered to make a fully functional shop and not even vaguely trustworthy security. All the while trying to further close and fragment PC gaming, which I would prefer to be an at least somewhat open platform.

As I said, I'm not willing to compromise my principles that far, helping them make PC gaming worse, just to play a game I want to play. I'm under no illusions that they'll care about losing that sale, but I'd care if I gave in to them. So no Outer Worlds for me.

I'm still not decided what to do about the end of support for Win7. There are no good options, just a choice of bad ones. Which one is least bad? I haven't decided yet. I know that my dislike for spyware and rootkits is very old fashioned nowadays, but I've never been bothered about being fashionable.

There are a number of programs that will disable any spyware you don't like on Win 10.

I was reluctant to go to Win 10 as well, but wanting DX12 forced my hand.

I've found it to be pretty good, actually.
How rare do you think it is to find someone that:
Pre ordered the special edition game for £200
Bought the nuka vodka thing for like £80
Bought the subscription for £100

And is still really happy with their experience?
How rare do you think it is to find someone that:
Pre ordered the special edition game for £200
Bought the nuka vodka thing for like £80
Bought the subscription for £100

And is still really happy with their experience?

Clearly not rare enough, whales and those of a particular inclination towards fandom (which honestly i'm starting to think is a mental illness) will always have numbers that justify stupid ****. But eventually you start putting a lot of people off incrementally and it add's up, after all these folks need company.
When it's not a closed release, i.e. only available from a dodgy publisher with a particularly strong habit of peddling spyware, such abysmal service that they can't even be bothered to make a fully functional shop and not even vaguely trustworthy security. All the while trying to further close and fragment PC gaming, which I would prefer to be an at least somewhat open platform.

As I said, I'm not willing to compromise my principles that far, helping them make PC gaming worse, just to play a game I want to play. I'm under no illusions that they'll care about losing that sale, but I'd care if I gave in to them. So no Outer Worlds for me.

I'm still not decided what to do about the end of support for Win7. There are no good options, just a choice of bad ones. Which one is least bad? I haven't decided yet. I know that my dislike for spyware and rootkits is very old fashioned nowadays, but I've never been bothered about being fashionable.

Ah ok, didnt realise you were still on Win7.
I've found Windows 10 to be great, I had the same privacy concerns too but I just use WPD to disable all of the Microsoft tracking and privacy stuff and it's been fine plus Game Pass for £3.99 p/m is worth the price alone.

For a while I was actually dual booting Win7 / Win10 and only using Win10 when I absolutely needed to but once I'd found the WPD app I've made the move over completely.

Oh there is plenty of tracking stuff baked into Windows 7 as well so even if you don't move over I'd still give WPD a try on Win7.
Ah ok, didnt realise you were still on Win7.
I've found Windows 10 to be great, I had the same privacy concerns too but I just use WPD to disable all of the Microsoft tracking and privacy stuff and it's been fine plus Game Pass for £3.99 p/m is worth the price alone.

For a while I was actually dual booting Win7 / Win10 and only using Win10 when I absolutely needed to but once I'd found the WPD app I've made the move over completely.

Oh there is plenty of tracking stuff baked into Windows 7 as well so even if you don't move over I'd still give WPD a try on Win7.

I've been installing only security updates on Win7 since I got it, years ago. MS made that far more inconvenient later by removing security updates from Windows Update, but it is still possible with some fuss. So I don't have the spyware they added later in their "rollups".

I notice that WPD's screenshot shows a switch to the security level of spyware - is that still disabled on the Home edition? Also, is it still possible to install Windows 10 Home with an offline account, i.e. not with an always-on Microsoft account? I notice that a recent update removed that option, but I've read that it's only disabled on Home.

The reason I'm asking is that for convenience I'd prefer to do an conversion from my existing Win7 installation, which is a Home edition. As far as I know, I can only do that if I use the Home edition of Win10.
Clearly not rare enough, whales and those of a particular inclination towards fandom (which honestly i'm starting to think is a mental illness) will always have numbers that justify stupid ****. But eventually you start putting a lot of people off incrementally and it add's up, after all these folks need company.

The hope is that it will gain enough momentum to manipulate the insecurities of people who wouldn't fall for the con initially. That's why devs add stuff for the suckers who pay extra - it makes everyone else a have-not and that can manipulate some of them into paying extra to remove their have-not status. It's worked extremely well for Fortnite, but that has the advantage of targetting larger numbers of younger people, who are more easily manipulated. A very ugly system, but sadly it works.

EDIT: I also inclined to think that fandom is a form of mental illness, or maybe a symptom of a form of mental illness. Giving money to companies solely for the purpose of being allowed to be an advert for those companies certainly isn't rational.
I've been installing only security updates on Win7 since I got it, years ago. MS made that far more inconvenient later by removing security updates from Windows Update, but it is still possible with some fuss. So I don't have the spyware they added later in their "rollups".

I notice that WPD's screenshot shows a switch to the security level of spyware - is that still disabled on the Home edition? Also, is it still possible to install Windows 10 Home with an offline account, i.e. not with an always-on Microsoft account? I notice that a recent update removed that option, but I've read that it's only disabled on Home.

The reason I'm asking is that for convenience I'd prefer to do an conversion from my existing Win7 installation, which is a Home edition. As far as I know, I can only do that if I use the Home edition of Win10.

There are 2 ways as far as I'm aware to enable W10 Offline account, I think MS just hid it rather than disable it. Been a few months though since I last messed around with it so I could be wrong.

1: Enter a bogus phone number when creating the account then on the next screen you'll get the option for offline account
2: Do a fresh install from media with the internet disabled / unplugged then you'll also get the option
You can only get the game through Epic, or by the Xbox game pass, until October 2020, when it be on Steam as well. Think that's what Angilion means with open release.
Except you can buy it through the windows 10 store without having to get the game pass.
So dived in last night for a run around and was absolutely amazed at the number of Fallout 1st subscribers I saw.
I went on 4 servers and nearly everyone I saw was a subscriber.....after doing do some research it seems it's doing alright and Bethesda are happy with the sign ups.....:confused::eek::(

I mean seriously?
So dived in last night for a run around and was absolutely amazed at the number of Fallout 1st subscribers I saw.
I went on 4 servers and nearly everyone I saw was a subscriber.....after doing do some research it seems it's doing alright and Bethesda are happy with the sign ups.....:confused::eek::(

I mean seriously?
Lots of mugs around the base game is still broken in so many ways :( the 3rd party keys have dropped by over 50% recently! 76 is just Bethesda's way to milk the fanbase a little before a proper Fallout 5 arrives just after Starfield.
Lots of mugs around the base game is still broken in so many ways :( the 3rd party keys have dropped by over 50% recently! 76 is just Bethesda's way to milk the fanbase a little before a proper Fallout 5 arrives just after Starfield.

Worrying thing is that its obvious that they are seeing what they can get away with and it seems with the 1st subscription model the answer is a lot. :rolleyes:
Worrying thing is that its obvious that they are seeing what they can get away with and it seems with the 1st subscription model the answer is a lot. :rolleyes:
Bethesda & Zenimax do whatever they want when they want like so many of these faceless corporations they are tone death when it suits them :rolleyes:

I think their next SP only games Starfield & Fallout 5 will cost a lot more than the recent games probably in the £80-90 range with all DLC free. That seems to be the way the industry is going high initial price & all DLC included forcing all players to pay a higher premium rather than relying on the hardcore fanbase to get all the DLC.
Oh dear Fallout 76 is the gift which just keeps on taking :rolleyes: now apparently Starfield development is impacted by it & the base 76 game is dying rapidly its really hard to get on any server which is not based on the EU as gamers in the US are either playing on their own little 1st world :rolleyes: or have left the game forever it seems! The telltale signs are how easy it is to pick up almost any rare item which previously would have been scavved way before you even loaded the location in :rolleyes: or see how long you have to wait to get a different server now :rolleyes: the numbers have really shrunk drastically :(

76 is not coming to Steam either this year its timed to release same time as Wastelanders in the next 6 months or so :(

The Fallout 76 duplication glitch is still present in other forms now leading players who use it to dump a massive amount of radiation near other players killing them instantly :rolleyes: causing nukes & other nonsense now they removed the Survival mode for nutters to blast each other apart (to concentrate on Nuclear Winter, 1st & even more lame Atomic Shop items! Clearly the cosmetic items on sale for a few months now have had their dev budget slashed drastically they are really basic looking & quite embarrassing for such a major publisher & developer to even attempt to try to sell!

If Starfield is delayed further this also means Fallout 5 & TES6 are even further away :(:eek:
I popped on yesterday for the first time in a while, mainly because I never did reach the caps limit and felt like doing so. Also, there are still a few learnable item mods I haven't yet learned so I might carry on scavving for resources to make and scrap those items until I learn all of them. I'm also missing a couple of dozen plans, but there's no point trying to grind for those since they might not even exist any more due to the plethora of bugs introduced in patches to fix bugs (top quality quality testing there). I had a bit of sort of nostalgic fun.

As for the ludicrously overpriced stuff in the atomic shop...well, if anyone doesn't see the problem they can look at mods on the Nexus for FO3, NV and 4. Those provide far more skins for existing items (many better quality than the atomic shop offerings), far more new items (also of better quality) and a multitude of new locations, new quests, new NPCs and a few combinations of those things extensive enough to be considered good DLCs. If you paid hundreds of pounds for CAMP items in the atomic shop for FO76 you wouldn't get a quarter of the quantity or quality of settlement items in a single free mod for FO4. And no, that isn't hyperbole. I used that mod in FO4...and it's only one of many such mods.

But Zenimax might succeed in extracting enough money from people with enough of a mania for anything Fallout to make a profit. They're certainly going to try. They're desperate for Fortnite Fallout and FO76 is all they have for that. They want to kill modding entirely and that will take time in a Bethesda game. It will probably kill off Bethesda entirely, since modding has been so central to their games that they even rely on modders to do bugfixing. Also not hyperbole - there are very well maintained bugfixing mods for previous Bethesda games at least as far back as Morrowind.
The upcoming Thanksgiving event has been datamined & MIGHT contain some of the previously unavailable Plans as rewards for completing the event so keep coming back for that ;)
Here are the datamine results for the newist 2.6GB patch currently deploying:

Atomic Shop Cosmetics. Most is rubbish as usual but a few good looking items in here..only a very few though!!:

Rewards List for upcoming Seasonal events. Most of these are just Plans or Items which have been bugged & not dropping in normal gameplay :rolleyes:..Bethesda & Todd "Grinch" Howard really do take the mickey mouse making them as rewards for players grinding the new event :eek::(:mad::

Adventure Mode does not get anything whatsoever events wise for several days most of it is focused on Nuclear Winter & Fallout 1st nonsense :rolleyes:
Yay...if I grind the event a couple of hundred times I might have a decent chance of obtaining one of the dozen or so armour plans I don't already have, which would be useless as I use power armour and crafted unpowered armour is useless anyway except at the beginning because anyone using unpowered armour past the early game will be using legendary pieces they found or bought. I'd probably get a plan or two for a new CAMP item, which would be useless because of the ludicrously tiny CAMP budget.

I might pop on and do the event once or twice for the sake of it. Or I might not even bother downloading the patch. It depends how interesting I think the event might be.

[..] Adventure Mode does not get anything whatsoever events wise for several days most of it is focused on Nuclear Winter & Fallout 1st nonsense :rolleyes:

Fortnite Fallout is what they want, so the focus has to be on Nuclear Winter as that's the most Fortnite mode. It's a crap copy of Fortnite, but it's all they have. Fallout 1st will get some attention for a while because when you have suckers on a hook it's profitable to wiggle the hook now and then.

I don't think they'll licence another dev to use the new version of the engine to make a new Fallout game. The result would be far better than 76 and the only thing 76 has going for it is that it's the only current Fallout game. If another Fallout game was released, why would anyone play 76?
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