**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Fortnite 76 I think you busted Bethesda there that is exactly what they appear to be aiming for :rolleyes: which is just exasperating on so many levels not least the game engine is not suited to anything other than Solo play !
As for the new events grind they must be on some seriously strong something or other ;) when did the already should be common ingame drops become the main rewards for the endless grind of the new event :eek: that makes Bethesda seem like the utter Grinch's they are & there is no-one coming to save the day either :( Wastelanders is not going to be anything more than a few hours content the base game should have had since day one anyway! But most of the team are working on it even the core people from Starfield have been redeployed to get it finished (I guess so they can then EOL 76 after it launches on Steam same time as Wastelanders arrives).
Excavator Power Armour got nerfed in the new patch so instead of +200 carry weight bonus its now only ever +100 as apparently 1 server had the old code so they updated that to vanquish the extra +100 penalising the player yet again instead of fixing things that did need fixing like the countless plans not dropping except in a 0.003% fashion :rolleyes:
Fortnite 76 I think you busted Bethesda there that is exactly what they appear to be aiming for :rolleyes: which is just exasperating on so many levels not least the game engine is not suited to anything other than Solo play !
As for the new events grind they must be on some seriously strong something or other ;) when did the already should be common ingame drops become the main rewards for the endless grind of the new event :eek: that makes Bethesda seem like the utter Grinch's they are & there is no-one coming to save the day either :(

Since they either ran out of ideas or ran out of the resources to implement ideas.

Wastelanders is not going to be anything more than a few hours content the base game should have had since day one anyway!

Probably, but it might be as good as a free mod for previous Fallout games. That would be something.

But most of the team are working on it even the core people from Starfield have been redeployed to get it finished (I guess so they can then EOL 76 after it launches on Steam same time as Wastelanders arrives).

They're not going to EOL Fallout 76 unless they have another Fallout game to replace it. The Fallout IP is still worth money despite the damage FO76 has done to it.

Excavator Power Armour got nerfed in the new patch so instead of +200 carry weight bonus its now only ever +100 as apparently 1 server had the old code so they updated that to vanquish the extra +100 penalising the player yet again instead of fixing things that did need fixing like the countless plans not dropping except in a 0.003% fashion :rolleyes:

It was always supposed to be +100. It was always stated to be +100. Fixing a bug that sometimes made it +200 is not nerfing it and is not "penalising the player". The bugged carry weight bonus certainly wasn't the most important bug to be fixed, but it was a bug to be fixed.
There is a new mini quest subtly added to Grafton connected to Wastelanders. Look for the Grafton Pawn shop enter it & you get a mini quest which leads to a new locked Vault door ;)
Morgantown High School is the 6th map piece location required for Vault 79. Without a guide you will not find it for weeks the map pieces are in 6 different locations no way could anyone find this without the help of the community as no clues whatsoever
to this mini quest!!! Fallout 76 community is generally really great :) Bethesda do not deserve them though :mad::rolleyes::(
Morgantown High School is the 6th map piece location required for Vault 79. Without a guide you will not find it for weeks the map pieces are in 6 different locations no way could anyone find this without the help of the community as no clues whatsoever
to this mini quest!!! Fallout 76 community is generally really great :) Bethesda do not deserve them though :mad::rolleyes::(

Well that's something. Maybe I'll do it. Thanks for the heads up, I'd never have known about it otherwise.
For someone that doesn't use a Mic, and doesn't play with others, is this still worth getting?
Yep right now especially as the price has dropped near the all time low again. If player numbers go back up the price does as well until recently it was close to full price again! You will easily get your moneys worth & marvel at the game world & some of the lore ;)
Well that's something. Maybe I'll do it. Thanks for the heads up, I'd never have known about it otherwise.
Same & I mean how on earth is anyone supposed to know to go to 6 random locations & see these new map pieces just lying there when there are no clues whatsoever pointing you in the direction :eek::( The Vault 79 location is also buried in a mountain top right hand side of the map just above the last near center hut on the map!! The actual Vault 79 entrance has a few looked doors you can open plus a few moody looking scenes so its well worth doing the quest plus the Grafton Pawn shop also has a fair amount of content inside & looks mysterious.
Why on earth Bethesda hide this away is just so bizarre as the adventure mode is starved of any new content for almost 3 months now :rolleyes:
Same & I mean how on earth is anyone supposed to know to go to 6 random locations & see these new map pieces just lying there when there are no clues whatsoever pointing you in the direction :eek::( The Vault 79 location is also buried in a mountain top right hand side of the map just above the last near center hut on the map!! The actual Vault 79 entrance has a few looked doors you can open plus a few moody looking scenes so its well worth doing the quest plus the Grafton Pawn shop also has a fair amount of content inside & looks mysterious.
Why on earth Bethesda hide this away is just so bizarre as the adventure mode is starved of any new content for almost 3 months now :rolleyes:

My guess is that there might be some indication at some point in the future when vault 79 is opened. I don't know why they'd enable this bit now by itsellf.

Or maybe it was something intended to be found by accident by players exploring and spread online. New players in particular would be sure to find the pawn shop when they explored Grafton.
For someone that doesn't use a Mic, and doesn't play with others, is this still worth getting?

Yes, if you get it cheap and you don't expect much and you enjoy the exploration aspect of Fallout games, reading notes and terminal entries and listening to holotapes (although FO76 even manages to blight that, since notes aren't instanced per player so even if you explore a location thoroughly you can never know if you've found all the notes and holotapes or if another player happened to have been there and taken them and you came by before they had respawned). The gameworld is excellent. The game itself very much isn't. It also has no longevity and no endgame content and no replay value. You can't even do basebuilding to any extent because there's a very small and fixed budget in terms of number of items. You're building a camp, only a camp. Which makes sense in context, but if you liked settlement building in FO4 you'll be very badly disappointed. Also, of course, modding is extremely limited. Mainly a few texture changes visible only to you. There's a decent mod that makes the power armour headlamp less crap and one that makes the inventory screens a bit more functional (e.g. allows you to filter the stuff in your aid tab to just food items, just water items, etc). But nothing like previous Fallout games, even if you were insane enough to spend several hundred pounds a year on the game. If you do want to wrestle with the camp building, I strongly recommend the mod "Oooh baby I like int raw", which displays the building budget as the integer value it really is rather than just as a bar. That way you can tell how much each object uses and, for example, save some building points by obscuring bushes using floor decoration items costing 40 points each instead of ones costing 50 points each. In FO76, saving 10 building points matters. Because building is crap in FO76. Really crap. Worse than vanilla FO76 and horrendous compared with modded FO4.
For someone that doesn't use a Mic, and doesn't play with others, is this still worth getting?

Yes, I dont use a mic and don't play with others.
Its extremely easy to ignore the live service garbage and just complete the in game missions as none of the quests or lore are dependant upon you buying anything.

The map is huge and interesting, some of the back story is actually very good despite it being told in audio and written form and quite a few of the locations have a great atmosphere. It's just a shame Bethesda ruined all of that with their business model (but again you can complete all of the ingame story without spending anything or even visiting the Atomic Shop.
Thanks guys, I was a bit worried by bugs etc, and tbh I've never really had many friends so playing with others is a no go, more than happy by myself in games.
Thanks guys, I was a bit worried by bugs etc, and tbh I've never really had many friends so playing with others is a no go, more than happy by myself in games.

Oh, it's still very buggy. Which is a huge improvement over what it was. After 19 patches, it's stable enough to expect to be able to usually play a session without being kicked from the server.

It would probably be a good idea for you to make sure you have pacifist mode on. That's supposed to prevent all PvP outside of the battle royale mode and seems to (surprisingly) almost entirely work. You can't do any damage from shooting someone (even by mistake) with pacifist mode on and outside of battle royale mode other players can't do you any damage until after you have damaged them. So pacifist mode is supposed to completely prevent all PvP and it almost completely works. Only radiation damage isn't covered by it.

The usual etiquette for FO76 player interactions is to ignore each other or possibly wave a greeting with the emote animation ingame. Hardly anyone plays it as a multiplayer game because it's crap as one and hardly anyone wanted a MP Fallout anyway. The only other emotes I use are the "I'm offering you a present" emote I got from the atomic shop, which I use when I happen to encounter a newbie near my camp and craft some equipment for them and the "thumbs up" emote for when a few people turn up for a public event I'm doing and we complete the event. The only other usual FO76 etiquette is in killing legendary mobs - if someone else is around, it's generally considered polite to allow them to do some damage to the legendary mob so you can both loot the corpse and get a legendary item.

I forgot the most useful mod in my earlier post - perk loadout manager. Skills and perks are implemented as playing cards. You can have every card in the pack, but you can only have a very limited amount in play simultaneously and many are highly situational. So you will be swapping cards back and forth a lot. Perk loadout manager allows you to do it in user-defined groups rather than one at a time. So, for example, I have one set of cards for general play, one set for selling stuff, one set for crafting and repair and one set for scrapping stuff. The mod is deliberately restrained so it doesn't provide a serious combat advantage (not that it matters any more as mods aren't allowed in the PvP mode anyway) and shouldn't count as cheating. You still have to bring up your pipboy, open the perks/skills screen, select a loadout, close it. But it's a huge convenience for situational and out of combat stuff, like selling to vendors and crafting items. Bethesda have promised to implement a perk loadout manager into the vanilla game, but why wait when you can mod one in now and the mod will probably be better than whatever Bethesda eventually come up with anyway.

I was looking for some pics of my old camp and I found my first post about it. I think it serves as a summary of what building is like in FO76, even if you overlook the crippling lack of building budget:

**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

A small conversation about building in FO76 followed and I posted some photos of the penultimate version of my fancy camp a few posts later. I managed to wrestle the game into allowing me to wall off the doorway in the wall and I replaced the turrets with missile turrets (far more powerful) and scrapping the farm allowed me to put player vending machines at the side when they were released in a later patch, but it was just too much bother contending with the crappy building and the ludicrously small building budget. My camp now is a simple shed on the road just outside Flatwood, where I sell hundreds of plans for 50 caps each and give away water, scrap, some of every plantable crop and complete workshop use in safety as a service to other players.
Santa Scorch gifts can also be created on your own workbench but they take a lot of caps & adhesive & you have to buy the wrapping paper from vendors which is not CHEAP! But you do get a load of rare plans for sure but still no plasma grenade for me just loads of dupes of the other rare plans!!
You can also use the perks to get x2 when you make your own gifts but even then there are some 43 stuffed animal heads alone to collect :eek: and still no plasma grenade plan for me either & all my caps are gone :eek: but you do get some rare T45 or T51 PA plans which apparently have always been ingame just ultra rare to get as a drop!
Well, I have 30,000 caps I have no other use for so maybe I will. I think I have 25 bulk adhesive too. Or maybe I sold some of it. I couldn't be bothered to farm scorched. I hardly even see scorched any more. They're newbie mobs. But I might bother today. Or tomorrow. Maybe. I would like to get some plans I don't already know.

EDIT: I assume you know about the Santatron, but just in case you don't: It's like the Collectron, but free in the atomic shop. It gathers Christmas junk, but sometimes it finds a present. A few free extra chances at something worth having.
please pop by my shop when you are on I have about 60 ish rare plans which dropped for me as duplicates. I spent about 30K caps on buying the materials for the gifts to make my own as way faster than grinding the santa scorch ;)
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