**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

@AngilionCool find that location I have not yet walked the entire map to see what else is lying around.

Neither have I. I haven't even visited all the locations that were added to the no-camp list specifically for Wastelanders and therefore must either contain new content or are planned locations for new content shortly. I was just walking to a new location, decided to look around a bit to see if there were any more new locations nearby as that area of te map is relatively empty and saw some smoke from an unmarked location so I went to have a look.

I will share this though as its such an epic grind regardless for Faction Reputation.

Everyday go to Overseers Home. Talk to Davenport to get the Daily photo challenge request & take the 2 photos. Before you turn this back in to Davenport go to the Opposite Faction you took the photos of to get Reputation with them as well as Caps & other gifts (depending on your Perk Cards). Then & only then go back to Davenport to turn the Photos in. He will grumble about you gave the photos to someone else but you still get the 3 Treasury Notes regardless just no other rewards from him. This lets you level up your Faction Reputation a little faster.

I thought you got faction rep from turning the photos into Davenport anyway. Maybe I was wrong. I wouldn't do it anyway for roleplay reasons. I'm playing an optimistic peacemaker seeking lasting peace between the foundation settlers and the crater raiders, maybe eventual unification. So I wouldn't spy on one for the other. Davenport and the Overseer (and me) serve as a neutral third party faction and I wouldn't compromise them by involving them in spying. The crater raiders are significantly unlike other raiders. They have a farm and work on it themselves. They're not insane and routinely drugged out of their minds. They're working on establishing a fishing port and they trade peacefully from it. Most of them are not habitually violent and bloodthirsty. Co-existence is possible with them.

That roleplay is causing me trouble regarding getting settler faction rep. The only daily faction rep quest from the settlers requires killing non-hostile raiders to retrieve something they stole. Something which they also need. I'm not getting an option to negotiate with or intimidate them into returning it. Killing them is the only way.

Also you can stockpile Treasury Notes so you always have the 20 you are allowed to swap daily for Gold. Just keep doing most public events & the 3 Daily mission which grant T Notes.

As you gain Faction reputation it unlocks new Plans to buy from the Faction vendors for caps. But its an epic grind & will take a long time to get them all. Another way is grind it all out in a day or so by constantly going to all the random encounter locations & do the mission (either fetch based or assassin) over & over will only take a day or constant grinding.

I bought the T65 Helmet Plan earlier for 1650 Gold. When I have a full set of T65 armour in about 5 weeks grind! it gives the best stats of any power armour around 125 higher than anything else for dmg & rads resistance.

I'm just not into grinding enough to optimise. I'm just pootling around, swinging by some public events when I notice them and decide they're not boring. I do the raider faction rep quests daily (both at Crater and at the raider fishing port) but I've stopped doing the settlers one for the above reason. So I'm going to be stuck at friendly with the settlers for a very long time.

Here's a laugh courtesy of RNG. I spent ages scavving stuff to make metal armour legs I didn't want, solely to scrap them in the hope of learning the final mod I didn't know for them. I stopped counting at about 300, probably made >400 just to scrap them. Nothing. Yesterday I was out of steel because I'd make lots of bullets, so I went scavving for weapons and armour to scrap for steel. One of the things I picked up happened to be a metal armour leg. I learned the final mod I didn't know for them when I scrapped it. That one solitary metal leg I happened to find. Not the hundreds I made solely for that purpose.

I've seen a few different kids of stash box and display cabinets. Is there any way to store items without them taking up stash space?

No. That's by design and is unlikely to ever change. Which is a shame because it blights the whole idea of displays.

Some questions of my own:

Is it possible to blueprint your entire camp? I tried and ran out of blueprint budget before I'd even done the foundation and walls. Since Wastelanders made FO76 far more popular, I usually have to server hop at least 5 times before I can place my camp. It's annoying.

Where is the storage tunnels key for Watoga Underground? What's in the storage tunnels?

Who was Anne, the corpse at Landview Lighthouse?

What happened to Frankie (Beckett's brother) and Ayla (his girlfriend)? She had plans to set up a farming settlement with Frankie and invite Beckett to stay there and set up his bar. There's a holotape ("Ayla's plans") stating exactly that. I'd like to set that up. I've searched Foundation, where Ayla is stated to live, and didn't find her there.

Where are the plans for the ammunition-making machine that's now in the buildable camp items? It's explicitly labelled as something you need plans for, not an atom shop item.

Is it something at my end or is the game much darker now except outdoors in bright sunshine?

Is everyone else finding that mobs, especially feral ghouls, are now far less responsive to surrounding actions? I used to be able to trigger every feral ghouls in the area to charge me simply by shooting at one of them or blowing up some vehicles in the area. That made scavving at Whitespring far faster. Shoot a feral in the golf club, stand by the entrance and every feral in the place comes at you. Area now clear to scav in and all the corpses are conveniently in the same place for looting them. Work round the shops and they come at you in groups so several shops are cleared at a time. Blow up a couple of cars outside the couple of bigger houses and all the ferals in them come out at you. Blow up the cars in the car park and all the ferals in the car park and utility building come out at you. Convenient. Now I go in and ferals don't rouse until I'm just about stepping on them, so I have to clear places one room at a time. It's far less convenient.
Is it something at my end or is the game much darker now except outdoors in bright sunshine?
Sometimes when I launch the game, I get black crush and the dark is much darker than it should be. I can even see it on steam overlay popup that appears when launching. I think it is caused by DSR. It only happens from time to time, when it does I quit the game and restart (I need to use DSR to downsample from 4K because it makes the game looks vastly better). Not sure if this is the problem you are talking about.
This is a bit of a vent. I was farming plastic when another player killed me in one hit. I had full health and as far as I can tell and I did not hit him at all. Whats with that? Is there some kind of exploit at the moment or did he get in my way so I inadvertently hit him (I was fighting some ghouls at the time)? I didnt see any kind of wanted label on me when I respawned. He obviously left the server straight away. I also noticed my power armour helmet was at full health but was no longer equipt.

When I respawned I also was encumbered, even though I had lost all my scrap) like my power armour stats were not working.
This is a bit of a vent. I was farming plastic when another player killed me in one hit. I had full health and as far as I can tell and I did not hit him at all. Whats with that? Is there some kind of exploit at the moment or did he get in my way so I inadvertently hit him (I was fighting some ghouls at the time)?

Do you have pacifist mode on? If you do, then you could not have inadvertently hit him. With pacifist mode on, when you hit someone you just get a message onscreen saying that pacifist mode is enabled and you're not doing any damage to other players. It's in the Game section of the settings, IIRC.

It used to be the case that claiming a public workshop made you open to attack even if you have pacifist mode on. As far as I know, it still is. This appears to be by design because it's still stated in the text when you claim a public workshop. I only claim a public workshop when doing so is one of the daily or weekly challenges and I leave the world immediately afterwards.

There probably is an exploit at the moment. There usually is.

The killing you in one hit from full health while you were wearing power armour isn't an exploit, though. PVP is that broken in FO76 and always has been.

I didnt see any kind of wanted label on me when I respawned. He obviously left the server straight away. I also noticed my power armour helmet was at full health but was no longer equipt.

When I respawned I also was encumbered, even though I had lost all my scrap) like my power armour stats were not working.

Where you actually encumbered or was it a false message? Where you wearing excavator power armour? That gives +100 to carry weight but only if you have a full set equipped. So if your helmet wasn't equipped that could explain the encumberence. As for it being unequipped, who knows? Another bug? Part of the exploit? The game's intended response to you being shot in the head?

I wasn't in pacifist mode, but lesson was learned very quickly. Turned it on straight after. Loosing the helmet would explain the over encumbered part, but still no idea how it came off (It was undamaged). I'll have to leave it at he purposely got in the way of my attack, then proceeded to blat me, nick my loot and leave the server.
Even so, if I hit him first and he killed me would that wipe my wanted label? I never at any point saw a warning that I was wanted. Didn't have control of a workshop either.
Could he still have one shot me (He had a melee weapon) if i was not wanted?

I did have a look at your questions but I don't think I have enough new experience to answer them. Although about moving your camp, if you select move CAMP will it not move the whole thing as it currently stands?
I wasn't in pacifist mode, but lesson was learned very quickly. Turned it on straight after. Loosing the helmet would explain the over encumbered part, but still no idea how it came off (It was undamaged). I'll have to leave it at he purposely got in the way of my attack, then proceeded to blat me, nick my loot and leave the server.

Probably. Some people are like that, unfortunately. I think pacifist mode should be on by default. It's always on up to L5, then it's switched to off. I think it should remain on with turning it off being an option.

Even so, if I hit him first and he killed me would that wipe my wanted label? I never at any point saw a warning that I was wanted. Didn't have control of a workshop either.

I don't know. IIRC the text about wanted status says that attacking other players excessively might make you wanted. So one attack on one player probably wouldn't. But I don't know for sure.

Could he still have one shot me (He had a melee weapon) if i was not wanted?

I don't know of any melee weapons that anyone can shoot with, but if you have pacifist off then one-hit kills are the norm. PvP is utterly broken in FO76. Utterly, utterly broken.

I did have a look at your questions but I don't think I have enough new experience to answer them.

Thanks for looking.

Although about moving your camp, if you select move CAMP will it not move the whole thing as it currently stands?

No. It just moves the location of the centre of your camp and puts all the pieces of your camp into storage. Some parts are sometimes blueprinted and blueprints sometimes work. It's all very Bethesda.
I've barely touched the DLC yet, I've done the first round of Megs quest and done all of Astronauts quest for which I got a 3* VATS buffed Alien Blaster which ironically given that energy builds and VATS are both broken is a steaming pile of garbage basically..

I've got 200 FC's in my stashes across my players and and all of them are Power Armor based and I cba to re-spec my builds for to no FC use I maye hold off until its fixed. Food and drink usage I dont care about, I just farm my own purified water and cook and shed load of Mothman Omelette's every time I log in.....(my CAMP is at Point Pleasant)...I've never run out of food or drink once yet.

I'm pretty sure that the PA fusion core drain rate has been reduced again. Since the change that fixed player vending, I have been slowly gaining fusion cores from normal play. I've been running quite a bit during that time. I've gained 8 more than I've used in the last couple of days. I've done Line In The Sand several times for the treasury notes and that also awards 2 fusion cores, but even without that I'd still be at least running even rather than haemorrhaging cores. I have not been scavving specifically for cores, just picking up any I happen across.

I'm watching Oxhorn's latest stream for Wastelanders (Wastelanders Part 10) because I wondered if he'd go to every location on the Wastelanders no-camp map. He tends to be very thorough. And yes, he did. The new stuff starts at about 1h20min in. I've just started watching it and right away he discovered a new location I didn't discover (Crater Watchpost, near the Crater). I'm going to watch some more, but I thought I'd come on and mention it in case anyone else fancies watching it.
I'm watching Oxhorn's latest stream for Wastelanders (Wastelanders Part 10) because I wondered if he'd go to every location on the Wastelanders no-camp map. He tends to be very thorough. And yes, he did. The new stuff starts at about 1h20min in. I've just started watching it and right away he discovered a new location I didn't discover (Crater Watchpost, near the Crater). I'm going to watch some more, but I thought I'd come on and mention it in case anyone else fancies watching it.

I watch most of his lore videos, but it will take me quite a while to catch up on his mega marathon he did with Wastelanders. Also I don't want to spoil too much, so I tend to play through a certain amount then watch his videos to make sure I got it all.
I tend to get a bit bored when I use up all my ammo and have to grind usual places to get parts. Currently I'm grinding nuclear waste to make plasma cores. Also I managed to get the X01 jump pack plan so now I need hardened mass, which I must have had loads in the past but scrapped it all. Its good fun learning how to get new things but becomes a chore quite quickly, especially when there is really only one big boss to shoot my hard earned ammo at.
I watch most of his lore videos, but it will take me quite a while to catch up on his mega marathon he did with Wastelanders. Also I don't want to spoil too much, so I tend to play through a certain amount then watch his videos to make sure I got it all.

That's what I did. I've done the main quest and all of Beckett's quests and almost all of Sofia's quests (I got bored of searching inside buildings without a map) and found some new locations and some modified locations (I was disappointed with the lucky hole mine - it's a big deal for the mothman and interloper thing so I went there to explore very early on, only to find that all that's changed is a few cultists there and 1 new holotape that you can also find in other cultist locations). I haven't found the raider punk or settler wanderer allies, but they're just minor allies with nothing apart from some dialogue and maybe a single quest, maybe a daily or weekly quest. I haven't done the two new daily events because of the bug that can permanently remove either whatever weapon you're wielding or the best weapon you have on you. I'm not sure which, but that's a bad bug. It can happen if you die near an NPC - they can loot your body of 1 weapon before you respawn. I also haven't found all of the new locations (I've just watched Oxhorn do another few, including a giant flying turkey monster pinned hundreds of feet up a cliff face. It looks like it was killed and pinned to the cliff face by improvised bolts from an extremely large and powerful bolt-thrower, but there isn't anywhere such a thing could have been positioned. The angles are wrong - the bolts are embedded perpendicular to the cliff but there's nowhere opposite that they could have been launched from.
It's at Seneca Rocks, close to where you spawn if you fast travel there. Look towards the cliff face from the spawn point and move a bit closer if you can't see it.

Also a Blood Eagles camp called The Bounty that has the perhaps most nutjob raider holotape and "entertainment" I've seen. If you go there in power armour, make sure you walk the plank when you're done exploring. Turn round and there's something for your "This world is really messed up" photo gallery.

I tend to get a bit bored when I use up all my ammo and have to grind usual places to get parts. Currently I'm grinding nuclear waste to make plasma cores. Also I managed to get the X01 jump pack plan so now I need hardened mass, which I must have had loads in the past but scrapped it all. Its good fun learning how to get new things but becomes a chore quite quickly, especially when there is really only one big boss to shoot my hard earned ammo at.

I chose to stick with ballistic weapons because all you need is lead, steel, acid and cloth. All of those are plentiful, with the bottleneck being lead apart from one locaton - Lucky Hole mine. Go through there in excavator armour and mine the outcroppings of lead and you'll end up with ~600 lead after smelting it. I pick up acid and cloth as I play, which yields plenty. I wouldn't want to grind for either of those. Steel from scrapping weapons and armour with the scrapper perk equipped, but I only do that after a lead run to Lucky Hole because then I have so much lead I need a couple of thousand steel to make ammo from it. I restock ammo maybe every few dozen hours of play. Less often if I mainly use one of my gatling guns (I have a faster firing 2 shot and a faster firing anti-armour). More often if I make a lot of use of one of my 50 cals (faster firing anti-armour and explosive zealot) or my minigun (faster firing furious). I don't like to have less than 15,000 rounds on me.

I used to fairly like clearing Whitespring for scavving for stuff to sell, maybe do a daily challenge or two on the way and gathering scav for making hundreds of items to scrap to get a chance of learning one of the few mods I don't yet know that can be learned from scrapping. Since the major change to how feral ghouls react, it's rubbish for that. No more mowing down 20 feral ghouls with a hail of exploding bullets.

Now I'm grinding for faction rep and bullion. Well, not really grinding. I just pop on, do the dailies, do daily and weekly challenges for atom points I don't really use, do a few public events for treasury notes, that sort of thing. Since Wastelanders, I'm running low on plans for my vending machines. I used to have all 120 slots filled with plans, usually 200-250 plans in total and sometimes a bunch more in my stash. Now I'm down to ~140 total. I'm not finding treasure maps anywhere near often enough to keep up with demand. There are far more players on, especially new players who don't already have most of the plans.
This is a bit of a vent. I was farming plastic when another player killed me in one hit. I had full health and as far as I can tell and I did not hit him at all. Whats with that? Is there some kind of exploit at the moment or did he get in my way so I inadvertently hit him (I was fighting some ghouls at the time)? I didnt see any kind of wanted label on me when I respawned. He obviously left the server straight away. I also noticed my power armour helmet was at full health but was no longer equipt.

When I respawned I also was encumbered, even though I had lost all my scrap) like my power armour stats were not working.
Unfortunately the main reason other players do this is they get a percentage of your lvl rating so if your lvl 300 for example then they get something like 30 Caps bounty if they kill you! Some players repeatedly server hop & do this just because they can & may even try to destroy your CAMP! Some clowns hide invisibly around known areas like workshops you claim then 1 shot you just because they can :rolleyes:
Unfortunately the main reason other players do this is they get a percentage of your lvl rating so if your lvl 300 for example then they get something like 30 Caps bounty if they kill you! [..]

They do it because they enjoy being an inconvenience to other people. A trivial amount of one ingame currency that's capped anyway isn't the reason. 30 caps is selling a few trivial items to a trader. Even if a player has already traded the maximum of 1400 caps for that day, it's far easier to get 30 caps from caps stashes than it is to find a L300 player who doesn't have pacifist mode on or who an exploit can be used on. The most recent exploit, for example, only worked on players with a low radiation resistance.
Found another new location today - Moth Home, near Camp Venture. A properly fortified cultist lair, one way in and a killing ground. Not much use against a walking tank with full auto heavy guns, though a less heavily armoured player might want to take care with it.
Doing an ally quest in a specific way created a new vendor for me that has a seperate caps stash to the other vendors. I've just traded nearly 2600 caps of stuff in one day.

Doing Sofia's ally quest chain and chosing to transfer Athena to the Artemis assaultron resulted in Athena (in the Artemis assaultron body) showing up at my camp as a trader with a 1200 caps limit. I had 1 cap left from the usual 1400 trader cap limit before, traded stuff for ~1134 caps from Athena and went immediately to another trader - still 1 cap left. Back to camp and still 76 left with Athena.

Not really useful as who needs caps anyway (other than 6000 a week for buying gold), but something new.

EDIT: Something odd...I did the "Cop a squatter" quest because I just happened to be nearby the squatters and they were in an open area, so why not? Apart from the usual trivial reward, I got the "reputation change" icon pop up with +8 rep. But no faction shown. Rep with the police chief in Watoga? How would that work? Does it do anything or is it a side-effect of how Bethesda implement faction rep?
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So how do the private servers work in this? For example, if I use Bethesda rather than Steam, and get a private server on it..then decide to download the Steam version instead...can I still access the private server, or is it only accessible by Bethesda and I have to get a seperate one for Steam?
So how do the private servers work in this? For example, if I use Bethesda rather than Steam, and get a private server on it..then decide to download the Steam version instead...can I still access the private server, or is it only accessible by Bethesda and I have to get a seperate one for Steam?
The AWS servers the game is hosted on are all Bethesda managed. So wherever you launch or play the game you get the same server private or public. Steam is just used as a storefront for players who prefer Steam the only other difference is Steam achievements. All cloud saves are Bethesda managed via AWS. If you buy any Atoms on Steam you cannot spend them ingame if you then launch the game on Bethesda launcher either but any content purchased with the Atoms is available on both launchers.

If you have the Fallout 1st sub you get an AWS hosted private server regardless of where you bought the sub.
The AWS servers the game is hosted on are all Bethesda managed. So wherever you launch or play the game you get the same server private or public. Steam is just used as a storefront for players who prefer Steam the only other difference is Steam achievements. All cloud saves are Bethesda managed via AWS. If you buy any Atoms on Steam you cannot spend them ingame if you then launch the game on Bethesda launcher either but any content purchased with the Atoms is available on both launchers.

If you have the Fallout 1st sub you get an AWS hosted private server regardless of where you bought the sub.

ah ok, I see, thanks for clarifying :)
After advice from @Angilion I started to run with a .50 cal (Non explosive). Its so much more fun and easy to maintain than a plasma and shotgun! Ditched all my other guns I had been carrying around. So now I have my melee, sniper and the .50 cal, although I do still carry the shotgun around.
no one has been buying stuff from my camp so I'll probably end up chucking it all in favour of space. I'm still keeping plasma gun for a back up when doing the queen.
After advice from @Angilion I started to run with a .50 cal (Non explosive). Its so much more fun and easy to maintain than a plasma and shotgun! Ditched all my other guns I had been carrying around. So now I have my melee, sniper and the .50 cal, although I do still carry the shotgun around.
no one has been buying stuff from my camp so I'll probably end up chucking it all in favour of space. I'm still keeping plasma gun for a back up when doing the queen.

The drawback with that loadout is that you're using 3 different classes of weapons so you can't be optimised for all of them. Although you were doing the same thing before, I found that it is possible to almost optimise for both shotguns and rifles at the same time. But maybe not if you're going full sniper, which would require stealth and crit perks as well. I remember finding plastic a bit of a problem with shotguns. You need quite a high supply to keep making shells for them. I was mostly using shotguns for a while, with a rifle for accuracy and to lure mobs into shotgun range.

50 cals are lots of fun, though. I have 2, an anti-armour faster firing one for general use and a zealot explosive one for scorched and general fun with explosions. Also handy now that mobs make much better use of cover than they did pre-Wastelanders. When your bullets explode, shooting the ground near a mob behind cover will do the trick. Shame there's only one useful mod for them (heavy barrel - does more damage). Also, 250 rounds doesn't last long and the reload takes a bit of time. For the queen, I use zealot explosive 50 cal in the air and furious faster firing minigun on the ground. Faster firing minigun is amusingly silly. A 500 bullet case lasts maybe 30 seconds.

A warning if you do use an explosive gun in the future - you are harmed by the explosions. With an explosive 50 cal, firing at mobs close to you will probably end up with you taking more damage from your own bullets than from the mob. There are perks that increase the size of the explosions made by your bullets. I wouldn't recommend them except on something you're using as a sniper rifle.

Overall in general play I prefer gatling guns - 500 rounds per reload, very fast reload, slower use of ammo. But you can't just spray bullets around with them because the rate of fire is 20rpm, 24 with a faster firing version. Gatling guns are more like big rifles. I'd really like a scope on them. The sights are worse than useless on heavy guns.
Currently working on 2 chars at the same time. First is rifleman sneak lvl 21, second is strength melee shotgun lvl 17. Still not sure which I prefer yet. Rifleman feels like easy mode, easy ammo, slow degrading guns, kills most stuff from stealth. Shotgun build has ammo and gun repair issues so needs to use melee quite a bit. Shotguns are also really laggy and weird feeling, guess hit detection is server side?
Currently working on 2 chars at the same time. First is rifleman sneak lvl 21, second is strength melee shotgun lvl 17. Still not sure which I prefer yet. Rifleman feels like easy mode, easy ammo, slow degrading guns, kills most stuff from stealth. Shotgun build has ammo and gun repair issues so needs to use melee quite a bit. Shotguns are also really laggy and weird feeling, guess hit detection is server side?

My first build many moons ago was a shotgun build but some of the areas and events that need decent crowd control are not really suited for shotgun's and I got rinsed a lot by high level Ghouls. Charleston Building, Whitespring Golf Club and Project Paradise are a few that come to mind which is why I respecced to a heavy power armor bloodied build.

Shotguns also need repairing all the ******* time unless you run with Gunsmith on which hogs 5 perk points in Intelligence...no thanks.
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