@AngilionCool find that location I have not yet walked the entire map to see what else is lying around.
Neither have I. I haven't even visited all the locations that were added to the no-camp list specifically for Wastelanders and therefore must either contain new content or are planned locations for new content shortly. I was just walking to a new location, decided to look around a bit to see if there were any more new locations nearby as that area of te map is relatively empty and saw some smoke from an unmarked location so I went to have a look.
I will share this though as its such an epic grind regardless for Faction Reputation.
Everyday go to Overseers Home. Talk to Davenport to get the Daily photo challenge request & take the 2 photos. Before you turn this back in to Davenport go to the Opposite Faction you took the photos of to get Reputation with them as well as Caps & other gifts (depending on your Perk Cards). Then & only then go back to Davenport to turn the Photos in. He will grumble about you gave the photos to someone else but you still get the 3 Treasury Notes regardless just no other rewards from him. This lets you level up your Faction Reputation a little faster.
I thought you got faction rep from turning the photos into Davenport anyway. Maybe I was wrong. I wouldn't do it anyway for roleplay reasons. I'm playing an optimistic peacemaker seeking lasting peace between the foundation settlers and the crater raiders, maybe eventual unification. So I wouldn't spy on one for the other. Davenport and the Overseer (and me) serve as a neutral third party faction and I wouldn't compromise them by involving them in spying. The crater raiders are significantly unlike other raiders. They have a farm and work on it themselves. They're not insane and routinely drugged out of their minds. They're working on establishing a fishing port and they trade peacefully from it. Most of them are not habitually violent and bloodthirsty. Co-existence is possible with them.
That roleplay is causing me trouble regarding getting settler faction rep. The only daily faction rep quest from the settlers requires killing non-hostile raiders to retrieve something they stole. Something which they also need. I'm not getting an option to negotiate with or intimidate them into returning it. Killing them is the only way.
Also you can stockpile Treasury Notes so you always have the 20 you are allowed to swap daily for Gold. Just keep doing most public events & the 3 Daily mission which grant T Notes.
As you gain Faction reputation it unlocks new Plans to buy from the Faction vendors for caps. But its an epic grind & will take a long time to get them all. Another way is grind it all out in a day or so by constantly going to all the random encounter locations & do the mission (either fetch based or assassin) over & over will only take a day or constant grinding.
I bought the T65 Helmet Plan earlier for 1650 Gold. When I have a full set of T65 armour in about 5 weeks grind! it gives the best stats of any power armour around 125 higher than anything else for dmg & rads resistance.
I'm just not into grinding enough to optimise. I'm just pootling around, swinging by some public events when I notice them and decide they're not boring. I do the raider faction rep quests daily (both at Crater and at the raider fishing port) but I've stopped doing the settlers one for the above reason. So I'm going to be stuck at friendly with the settlers for a very long time.
Here's a laugh courtesy of RNG. I spent ages scavving stuff to make metal armour legs I didn't want, solely to scrap them in the hope of learning the final mod I didn't know for them. I stopped counting at about 300, probably made >400 just to scrap them. Nothing. Yesterday I was out of steel because I'd make lots of bullets, so I went scavving for weapons and armour to scrap for steel. One of the things I picked up happened to be a metal armour leg. I learned the final mod I didn't know for them when I scrapped it. That one solitary metal leg I happened to find. Not the hundreds I made solely for that purpose.
I've seen a few different kids of stash box and display cabinets. Is there any way to store items without them taking up stash space?
No. That's by design and is unlikely to ever change. Which is a shame because it blights the whole idea of displays.
Some questions of my own:
Is it possible to blueprint your entire camp? I tried and ran out of blueprint budget before I'd even done the foundation and walls. Since Wastelanders made FO76 far more popular, I usually have to server hop at least 5 times before I can place my camp. It's annoying.
Where is the storage tunnels key for Watoga Underground? What's in the storage tunnels?
Who was Anne, the corpse at Landview Lighthouse?
What happened to Frankie (Beckett's brother) and Ayla (his girlfriend)? She had plans to set up a farming settlement with Frankie and invite Beckett to stay there and set up his bar. There's a holotape ("Ayla's plans") stating exactly that. I'd like to set that up. I've searched Foundation, where Ayla is stated to live, and didn't find her there.
Where are the plans for the ammunition-making machine that's now in the buildable camp items? It's explicitly labelled as something you need plans for, not an atom shop item.
Is it something at my end or is the game much darker now except outdoors in bright sunshine?
Is everyone else finding that mobs, especially feral ghouls, are now far less responsive to surrounding actions? I used to be able to trigger every feral ghouls in the area to charge me simply by shooting at one of them or blowing up some vehicles in the area. That made scavving at Whitespring far faster. Shoot a feral in the golf club, stand by the entrance and every feral in the place comes at you. Area now clear to scav in and all the corpses are conveniently in the same place for looting them. Work round the shops and they come at you in groups so several shops are cleared at a time. Blow up a couple of cars outside the couple of bigger houses and all the ferals in them come out at you. Blow up the cars in the car park and all the ferals in the car park and utility building come out at you. Convenient. Now I go in and ferals don't rouse until I'm just about stepping on them, so I have to clear places one room at a time. It's far less convenient.