**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Currently working on 2 chars at the same time. First is rifleman sneak lvl 21, second is strength melee shotgun lvl 17. Still not sure which I prefer yet. Rifleman feels like easy mode, easy ammo, slow degrading guns, kills most stuff from stealth. Shotgun build has ammo and gun repair issues so needs to use melee quite a bit. Shotguns are also really laggy and weird feeling, guess hit detection is server side?

Yes, it is. Lagginess is common regardless of what weapon you're using, but it might well be more noticeable with weapons that fire multiple projectiles (like a shotgun).

I ran a rifle(not sniper)/shotgun combo effectively, but other things were compromised and you end up with quite odd stats. You have to really go to town with the shotgun aspect, concentrating on staggering and crippling effects. If you do that, you can hold mobs off with those effects. I was stunlocking mobs much of the time with my shotgun build. Since all guns in FO76 are made from papier mache and duct tape and shotguns forgot the duct tape, you're going to have to run with Gunsmith on and that's 5 SPECIAL points used solely for not having your guns fall apart so often. When I was running shotgun and rifle build, I didn't use melee. I had a melee weapon on me, but never used it and had absolutely no perks for it. I'm not sure that melee and shotgun could be combined very well. Also, as you've found, plastic is surprisingly an issue with a shotgun build. Shotgun ammo uses a surprisingly high amount of plastic. I'm assuming you're referring to plastic when you say shotgun has ammo issues. If it's lead or steel you're finding an issue, you'll find any ranged build apart from stealth sniper to be be an ammo issue. Most of them use lead and steel more than shotguns do, especially if you go full auto...

...which I did and found it far more fun and effective. I first switched from semi-auto rifle/shotgun to full auto rifle/shotgun, then found that I was using my shotguns less often because a really good full auto rifle can be effective at varying ranges, then decided to try what seemed like the next step on that path - the super heavyweight option if you like. I was using power armour anyway, so I respecced to use heavy weapons. I haven't gone down the usual bloodied route because I don't fancy running around mostly dead all the time. Related to that is the fact that I prefer excavator power armour because of the +100 carry weight (I'm a scavver at heart) and that gives lower resistances than any other PA apart from raider PA (which is pretty bad for PA and not really worth bothering with IMO - may as well remain in unpowered armour until L25 rather than starting with raider PA at L15). I have a full set of modded X-01 that I've never used. I might go for modded T-65 eventually. Or maybe strangler heart PA. Or maybe I'll try unpowered armour for a change, probably with rifles. I have something like 150 spare respec points, so I could give it a try. I fancy running around in civil war formal dress using vampire weapons, just for laughs. An old gentleman vampire.
still in the levelling process so finding .308 is pretty easy to keep bolt-actions running. I've got two equipped with one short no scope and one long with scope.

With melee shotgun, melee is just for easy enemy clearing leaving ammo for harder parts. Melee should get better with more skills to spec in to it. It'll look something like https://www.falloutbuilds.com/builds/gilgamesh19-fullhealthshotgunmelee1/
still in the levelling process so finding .308 is pretty easy to keep bolt-actions running. I've got two equipped with one short no scope and one long with scope.

With melee shotgun, melee is just for easy enemy clearing leaving ammo for harder parts. Melee should get better with more skills to spec in to it. It'll look something like https://www.falloutbuilds.com/builds/gilgamesh19-fullhealthshotgunmelee1/

I found Enforcer a very useful perk with shotguns. One thing they've got mostly right or at least partly right with FO76 is that there are a variety of effective builds. I'd dislike playing either of your characters since neither melee nor a very slow-firing rifle appeals to me, but they appeal to some players.

From what I've heard, The Fixer is widely favoured for sniping. It's a special combat rifle with a unique inherent bonus to stealth. It can be extensively modified. It's a guaranteed drop for one stage in a specific multi-stage side quest and the plan to craft it is a possible drop in an extremely hard event that's triggered by a player doing certain things but rarely happens because the event is really hard and the rewards are usually not worth the bother. It's also a very rare legendary drop. I got a two-shot one from somewhere, maybe the purveyor. If you like, I'll make you a couple - one L20 you can use now and one L50 for later. I'm Soloman1862 ingame. I don't use voice chat, so if you want Fixers let me know who your ingame name and we'll wing it from there.
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You raise an interesting point about being able to build weapons/armour for fellow OCUK players.
My character recently passed level 100, and can craft most rifles well.
If anyone here is looking for a better rifle, as long as you can provide the mats, happy to build it for you.
A few options that spring to mind:
- BOS sniper rifle
- lever rifle
- handmade
- BOS armour
- excavator armour, inc calibrated shocks
- T60 torso mod for jump jets

Better still, if you find a legendary weapon, happy to mod
Lagginess of 2-3 secs is hit or miss right now be very careful as its easy to buy, sell, drop or scrap the wrong item due to how much lag :eek:
It would be nice to see a crafting/modding service added to camps. Something like a vending machine, but for ordering items and/or mods. The crafting player lists what they're offering and a price. The buying player makes an order, the caps are placed in escrow. Maybe an option for the buying player to contribute the necessary materials, also to be added to escrow. The crafting player does the job (not necessarily right away) and the completed item or mod is placed in the buyer's inventory or stash and the caps transferred from escrow to the crafter. There's already a system in place that handles a mod in kit form, so that would work.

My chosen endgame content before Wastelanders was to learn every craftable weapon, armour and mod apart from power armour because that's just a matter of grinding for caps. Since I sell all my plans at 50 caps or less and any really good legendaries I find for 100-500 caps, I don't have a huge income. But for the rest, I got very close. It took crafting and scrapping thousands of items (and I do mean thousands at least, e.g. I crafted about 400 metal legs for scrapping to learn the last mod for metal legs). I'd like to be able to set up shop as a smith.
I found Enforcer a very useful perk with shotguns. One thing they've got mostly right or at least partly right with FO76 is that there are a variety of effective builds. I'd dislike playing either of your characters since neither melee nor a very slow-firing rifle appeals to me, but they appeal to some players.

From what I've heard, The Fixer is widely favoured for sniping. It's a special combat rifle with a unique inherent bonus to stealth. It can be extensively modified. It's a guaranteed drop for one stage in a specific multi-stage side quest and the plan to craft it is a possible drop in an extremely hard event that's triggered by a player doing certain things but rarely happens because the event is really hard and the rewards are usually not worth the bother. It's also a very rare legendary drop. I got a two-shot one from somewhere, maybe the purveyor. If you like, I'll make you a couple - one L20 you can use now and one L50 for later. I'm Soloman1862 ingame. I don't use voice chat, so if you want Fixers let me know who your ingame name and we'll wing it from there.

yeah sounds good, happy to give it a try. Sent a friend request, I'm BushiDan.

Currently struggling with screws and alu to keep armour and guns upgraded with level. Lever rifle opens up at lvl 25 as well which is meant to be good but I don't have the plans for it.

Already out of stash space as well, been hording too much stuff. Are low level 1 star weapons worth selling or just trading with the bots?
yeah sounds good, happy to give it a try. Sent a friend request, I'm BushiDan.

OK, I've crafted a L20 Fixer and a L50 Fixer and modded them for what I think a sniper build would want. I've added you to my friends list, although your friend request didn't appear.

Currently struggling with screws and alu to keep armour and guns upgraded with level. Lever rifle opens up at lvl 25 as well which is meant to be good but I don't have the plans for it.

Screws are a constant problem until you stop making anything. They're bizarrely rare in FO76 and pretty much impossible to farm effectively since there aren't any rich sources of them. By the way, there's currently a new bug in FO76. You can go into component view in your inventory and mark which components you want (screws, aluminium, springs, whatever) and any scrappable item containing any of the components you mark should show with a magnifying glass next to it. Very handy for deciding what to pick up and what to leave in the container you're looting. But it doesn't currently work, so if you're looking for screws you'll have to remember what items have screws in them. There's a list on various sites, e.g. the Fallout Fandom Wiki https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76

Lots of handy info on that site.

Already out of stash space as well, been hording too much stuff. Are low level 1 star weapons worth selling or just trading with the bots?

It's probably worth recycling them at one of the legendary item recycling machines. Every railway station has one. That gets you legendary scrip, which you can use to play the purveyor lottery in her shop in the Rusty Pick in the ash heap zone. It's almost always a waste of scrip because you can only chose how many stars and a very broad category (e.g. any ranged weapon) and you get a random item matching those two choices. The chance of it being what you want is extremely low, but at least it's something different. Selling them to bots for caps just gets you part of your 1400 daily cap limit from the bots. You could get it from selling other stuff you've scavved.

Are you bulking materials? That saves some stash space (and gives you something else to sell to bots - they'll buy any bulk stuff). But it is very low. It was 400 to begin with, so it has doubled.
OK, I've crafted a L20 Fixer and a L50 Fixer and modded them for what I think a sniper build would want. I've added you to my friends list, although your friend request didn't appear.

Will be on for the next hour or so, then later on as well
I found when my charactor got to lvl 70 the mobs got a lot harder. I was used to killing 38-40 mobs but as soon as I hit 70 I started seeing lvl 60-68 mobs and they are really taking a lot of lead to put down.
Also found out why no one was buying my store items, I had not realised the vending machine needed power! As soon as I put some power cords in, BAM! People started turing up within seconds!

Since I ditched all my weapons, bar 4, I only weigh about 140 now so I've been pretty much looting/scrapping everything I see and am getting a healthly stock pile of scrap. Selling all the bulk that I dont need netted me 8000 cap in the last week or so of casual gaming time.
I'm now down to 3 normal weapons, a bow (rarely used, but very light), lever 45 and a handmade rifle.
My biggest issue is the amount of ammo that I've accrued for other weapons. I have loads of it.
Infact if anyone wants some missiles, nukes, plasma fuel etc, just catch me online, you can have it for free. My ID = Mr_Sukebe
had to ditch a bunch of saved missiles last night to save stash space. From what I've read no-one will buy them as they are so bad

also building up a big supply of stimpacks and radaway etc I've had Pharma Farma equipped so looting loads more of them
If I could sell the excess ammo, that would be spot on.
As it is, my son has an account, so I've just dumped around 150lbs of ammo onto his character.
I found when my charactor got to lvl 70 the mobs got a lot harder. I was used to killing 38-40 mobs but as soon as I hit 70 I started seeing lvl 60-68 mobs and they are really taking a lot of lead to put down.

Yes, there's a big jump in mob levels. Bigger than in player levels because mobs continue to scale past L50 and players don't. Sooner or later you'll encounter L100 legendary mobs. The weaker ones can be soloed, but you will need a lot of bullets for it.

Also found out why no one was buying my store items, I had not realised the vending machine needed power! As soon as I put some power cords in, BAM! People started turing up within seconds!

I got caught out by that too. I thought they worked by radiant power, as many things in Fallout games do. If they're not directly powered they still work for you so they seem to be working. I think they still work for people on your friends list, maybe for people who happen to be in your camp. What they definitely don't do is show up on the world map, so hardly any players will come to them. AWPC dropped by my camp for something (IIRC, I'd invited them over to look through my spare plans for they didn't already know), noticed my machines weren't directly powered and told me it mattered.

Since I ditched all my weapons, bar 4, I only weigh about 140 now so I've been pretty much looting/scrapping everything I see and am getting a healthly stock pile of scrap. Selling all the bulk that I dont need netted me 8000 cap in the last week or so of casual gaming time.

I consider my load light if I get it under 300 :) I probably should change my habits about what I carry. Maybe it's a holdover from the early days when stash space was only 400 so you were forced to carry almost everything with you. I must remember to update the Better Inventory mod to the version that works with Wastelanders. It's one of those "that's how it should have been!" mods. One of the things it does is show the total weight in a stack of items and the total weight in a category of items. I can easily find my aid category creeping up past 150 by itself, then I notice I'm carrying 70 stimpaks, 70 radaways, 50 diluted radaways, etc, etc. I also routinely carry 15-20,000 rounds with me, which is perhaps excessive but it's less total weight than keeping the materials to make that many bullets and keeping a large stock means I have to go farming for ammunition materials less often. One drawback is that I'm keeping alternative weapons and now unpowered armour in my stash. I think I have ~150 units in rifles and shotguns alone. Also lots of materials because I'm still making stuff in bulk just to scrap it to try to learn the last few learnable mods I don't know. It takes a lot of materials to craft thousands of items and you only get some types of materials back when scrapping and never as many as you used even with scrapper card in play.

My biggest issue is the amount of ammo that I've accrued for other weapons. I have loads of it.

had to ditch a bunch of saved missiles last night to save stash space. From what I've read no-one will buy them as they are so bad

I've never seen anyone using missiles at all, let alone enough to warrant buying them. Too low fire rate, too low accuracy, too low damage, too much weight. A pipe pistol is probably more useful than a missile launcher in FO76.

If I could sell the excess ammo, that would be spot on.

The issue there is the minimum price of 1 per item and that ammo can't be bulked, i.e. sold as a package. If a person needs enough ammo to warrant buying it, they need a lot. Ammo simply isn't worth 1 cap per bullet. I'm not going to spend 5,000+ caps on not having to do one farming run for ammunition.

I pick up ammo in types I don't use from containers (which are instanced per player) but not from surfaces (which aren't), so I don't feel like I'm taking ammo another player could use. At the start of a session and maybe every now and then during a session if I'm on for a while, I'll drop ammo of types I don't use in the building in my camp. Maybe add some aid items too. Sometimes a couple of well modded low-level weapons. There's a sign by the door to my building that says "Stuff in a bag is free". I'd like a permanent container for that sort of thing, but a temporary one will have to do. It helps some players, especially newbies. I remember ammunition being very scarce in the very early game, so a bag containing hundreds of free bullets of various types you can pick and chose from is a nice thing for newbies.
Maybe we should get into the habit of dropping an l1 10mm with ammo outside of Vault 76

That's another way of doing the same thing, but by the time I decided to make a habit of that sort of thing I had already moved my camp to the road between the overseer's camp and Flatwood, where every new player would pass soon after starting the game. I thought that a new player might not know that a paper bag of stuff had been deliberately left as a gift (and that isn't always the case), so I decided to make it clear with a sign in my camp.

How long does loot that a player drops remain in the gameworld? Does it remain longer inside the player's camp? I think it does, but I don't know.

I chose pipe weapons instead of a 10mm pistol because I couldn't remember whether or not 10mm ammo spawned at low levels :) Also, there isn't a L1 10mm pistol.
I stored my vending machines today. My camp seems empty as that was the main reason it's there.

In case anyone didn't know - there's yet another bug. This one is sometimes triggered when someone opens your vending machine. It pulls a random item (or more than 1) from your stash, puts it in your vending machine and makes it for sale at the default price, which is usually buttons. You probably won't want to sell anything in your stash, let alone something like a 3* legendary that would be perfect for a particular build and which you're keeping in case you want to try that build later. There's another bug with vending machines (or possibly another effect of the same bug), which can pull random items from your stash and put them in your displays. Even if they're not meant to be in that display, e.g. you can end up with a power armour frame sticking out of your comic rack and a machinegun sticking out of your bobblehead rack. That's funny, though, unlike the other bug (or other version of the same bug).

On a more useful note, a dataminer has put up the numbers for reputation points so you don't have to rely on the almost useless bars that Bethesda likes to use to keep players ignorant and guessing about things that should be clearly labelled in the game.


It tells you how many points you need for each level, how many points you get for each thing that changes your reputation and how many days it will take to reach each reputation level if you do just the dailies that can give reputation. Neutral to Ally ranges from 39 days to 65 days depending on how you do the dailies. Faster if you jump around farming random encounters, but you'll need to farm solidly for many hours to do that. You need 12,000 reputation points per faction to reach Ally from Neutral and a random encounter gives 0-25 points for one faction.
Wastelanders pro tip :p when you get to that end mission stage where you have to decide if to keep all the Gold yourself or share with the other Faction you did not side with. Share it all equally as it boosts your Reputation a lot for both Factions keeping both friendly towards you as well meaning its a lot easier to gain Reputation Ranks !!
Here's a question. My assumption is that there's several mods, that allow the definition of a set of perk cards (e.g. crafting, rifle, heavy weapons), such that at a single touch, you can change a number of perks at the same time.
Any good recommendations?
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