Energy builds look bad as well so I guess will do a rifle build for this first char. Swap between snipers and other rifle class.
Energy builds are indeed bad. Without old weapons that haven't spawned for ages, anyway. There's a case for using specific energy weapons with specific legendary effects against the scorchbeast queen and that's about it.
Favoured rifles that aren't pure sniper rifles are generally The Fixer and handmade guns. You're unlikely to find either yet and you would need to be a higher level to use them anyway.
Are power cores easy to get for PA
Yes and no
Fusion cores are easy to get.
Enough fusion cores is not easy to get
at this moment in time. The rate at which fusion cores are drained by using PA was massively increased with the Wastelanders patch, so a player using PA now needs far more fusion cores. The rate at which using VATS drains fusion cores has now been set to insane levels, making VATS wildly impractical to the extent that it could be considered unusable for players in PA. No problems for players not in PA, since VATS doesn't require fusion cores unless you're in PA.
We have no idea if this massive unannounced change is deliberate on Bethesda's part or yet another bug introduced by a patch. It has happened before, although this is probably the worst example. We have no idea if it will be changed again or when. In the past, it has been changed again quickly. My guess is that it's down to Bethesda's habit of releasing patches that cause bugs, often bugs that were patched by previous patches. I think their patching system is "organised" along the lines of "hey, anyone work on whatever using whatever version of the code you like as a base, it'll all be fine, no worries".
Right now the following is broken or faulty:
Fusion Core, Food, Drink Useage are all excessive.
From more playing, I think I've narrowed things down a bit more. Walking in PA doesn't seem quite as badly affected. If all I do is walk, I can scav enough fusion cores to replace the ones I use. If I run, I can't. If I use VATS, I may as well stop playing now because that would require getting fusion cores at hundreds of times the rate which is possible.
The large increase in food and drink use is just inconvenient to me. I teleport to my camp, harvest the 2 corn and 2 razorgrain plants I have by the front door, walk to the nearby river to collect a couple of dozen units of dirty water, then return to my camp to boil water and make corn soup and razorgrain soup. That gives me 8-16 soups, usually about 10. Green finger on while harvesting, super duper on while crafting. ~10 soups covers food requirements for a while even now and it also covers a large proportion of water requirements even now. The rest of my water requirements can be covered by either more boiled water or a small part of the output from my 3 water purifiers. The new food and drink requirements are excessive, but they're sustainable. The new fusion core usage rates are not.
VATS is broken for all weapon types you do not hit the target as expected Melee or Ranged its just as broken on both types.
So it's a good job that using VATS in PA is so broken due to ludicrous fusion core use that it's effectively unusable
Entire game has a strange laggy feel to it which causes you to make mistakes in the sub menus.
I think that's understating the problem. Last night, I was encountering lag of up to 18 seconds at a vendor. 18
seconds. Not milliseconds. It's made worse by the fact that what you see on screen doesn't necessarily have anything to do with what's actually happening in the game. So you sell something. Select it, get the vendor offer window pop up, confoirm sale at that price. Nothing happens. It's still showing in your inventory. You haven't got any caps for it. Hmm...well, bugs. Sometimes you have to repeat stuff in FO76. Try it again. Nothing again. One more time before giving it up as a bad job. Nothing. And then you're suddenly informed that you've sold not just that item but also whatever two items happen to be below it in your inventory. You never chose to sell them. You never selected them for sale. You never got a vendor offer window showing those two items - each of the three times the vendor offer window shown was for the first item. You never chose to sell them at the offer you never saw. But to hell with you, they're sold anyway. Maybe you can buy them back at 10 times the price you paid for them. Or maybe you can't buy them back at all. Maybe they never appear in the vendor's inventory.
I was also getting a lot of the teleporting enemies thing due to lags of a few seconds at a time. Makes them a lot harder to shoot.
I was also getting the "spacetime travel" thing due to lag desynchronising client and server. You're walking along and suddenly you teleport through space and time back to the location you were at a little while ago. 2 seconds ago, 5 seconds ago, 10 seconds ago, however bad the lag is. Last night, I walked into a railway station, opened the vending screen with the vendor, switched to junk in order to sell some bulked junk I'd made...and suddenly found myself dozens of metres away from the railway station, back to where I had been about 20 seconds earlier as I was walking to the railway station. With the vending window still open with the vendorbot who was no longer anywhere near interaction range.
Many Wastelanders Quest missions require more than 1 attempt as they get stuck.
I only encountered that a few times with Beckett's personal quests. The issue in that case was that it's sometimes impossible to interact with an ally while they're at the ally item. So I had to wait until he left his bar and wandered off to use a workbench or whatever. Annoying, but not gamebreaking like the lagginess and the fusion core drain rate in PA.
Display Cases & Player vending machines disabled (hotfix has been pushed back to tomorrow).
Bummer. I wanted that back.
Wastelanders Digital Bundle PA lights not working properly & the output is very dim.
People paid $16 of real money for a different skin for an armour ingame and Bethesda doesn't even provide a working version of that skin. Bethesda is going out of its way to ridicule its own high-spending customers. Again. Sure, those people are suckers. But there's no need for the company that suckers them to also ridicule them.
Armour Perks in both PA & without are not working properly at all so its possible to get killed in a few seconds by weak enemies.
I haven't encountered that one, thankfully.