**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Not found anything related to that yet but a lot of the new content is obscure once you go past the main quests. I did both faction main quests up to the point of no return to max out rep with each then went with Raiders as better rewards as well as completing 2 ally questlines (Weak rewards. 3 * Alien Blaster which is feeble & a pile of other junk you do not need). The missions are also really poor either fetch quest or assassin quests. You need to explore the entire world to discover all the locations some are not very well advertised.
https://segmentnext.com/2020/04/16/fallout-76-wastelanders-holodisks-and-notes-locations-guide/ [..]

I don't think that was what you intended to link to. It's just a short list of a few notes in locations that existed before Wastelanders. Stuff related to the Grafton pawn shop.

To some extent Wastelanders is geared towards new players or new playthroughs by existing players, so to some extent there's the "find by exploration" thing that's a common (and welcomed) part of Fallout games. FO76 is in a different position because Wastelanders overhauls it so much. It's somewhat like a pre-release game taking a couple of years to get to actual release version.

Something else I've noticed is that ages are a bit odd. There are more than a few NPCs who were adults before the war and who are not ghouls. FO76 Wasterlanders it set 26 years after the war. So anyone who was an adult pre-war must be at least in their mid 40s and usually older. Few of them look it. Duchess from the Wayward, for example. She'd be at least 50. She'd clawed her way to the top of the local illegal drug trade before the war and was in a stable position with no competition and with reliable ties to corrupt officials. That must have taken a few years. So she must have been at least mid-20s when the bombs dropped.

So there are 33 known bugs that the devs are working on, none of which are game-breaking and most if not all of which are not universal (which makes them harder to track down, obviously). Not great, not terrible. Citing it as evidence that the PTS was pointless is stretching the point a very long way. It's a Bethesda game cobbled together on an engine not suited to it. There were probably at least ten times that many bugs before it ran through the PTS.

EDIT: I had to look to see if any of the Q&A section that comes after the known bug list was useful. I though the first one was interesting, in the sense that it's either total incompetence or a deliberate insult. Probably total incompetence. Maybe the question was never read by a person.

  • Q: Why can’t I build all of my Ally Stations at once in my C.A.M.P.?
    • A: Currently, you can only have one Ally Station built at any given time. If you would like a different Ally to appear in your C.A.M.P., you can store your current Ally Station and replace it with another that you’ve unlocked.
Q: Why can't I do X?
A: You can't do X.
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Bought it on Saturday and really liking it so far. Not sure which weapons to specialise in yet, just level 11
A random lvl 150 shot me then dropped a bag with 80 odd large surprise packages in it :) didn't even know how to emote back so jumped around a bit

Checking out builds, it looks like snipers and shotguns are really popular but I really like using revolvers as well.
Bought it on Saturday and really liking it so far. Not sure which weapons to specialise in yet, just level 11
A random lvl 150 shot me then dropped a bag with 80 odd large surprise packages in it :) didn't even know how to emote back so jumped around a bit

Checking out builds, it looks like snipers and shotguns are really popular but I really like using revolvers as well.

Those large presents only spawned for a short period of time over Christmas and are extremely valuable. Each one gives 1 or 2 plans plus some other stuff.

Emoting is done with a pop-up wheel. G is the default key to bring it up. You can change which emotes are on the wheel, but I forget how. The only one I changed was to replace something with a "I'm offering you a gift" emote. I run a newbie service camp near The Wayward, so it's not uncommon for me to craft kit to give to newbies.

Revolvers are poop after the early game. Pistols in general are, but especially revolvers due to a combination of recoil, damage and number of shots fired between reloads.

Up until about L20, I was using a pipe revolver rifle and a pipe pistol or shotgun. To get a pipe revolver rifle, mod a pipe revolver pistol with a stock. They're surprisingly good distance weapons at lower levels, especially once you learn the mods for them. They're what you might call semi-sniper. 6 shots between reloads, slow rate of fire but faster than a sniper rifle, will take a scope and are quite accurate at quite a long range. They also use a very common ammo type. Pipe pistol or shotgun for those "aaahhh, it's almost on me!" moments or when you fancy going full Rambo and just charging in with no subtlety. Which is why I'm now playing a heavy weapons build with power armour - full Rambo all the time! With exploding bullets! Many, many exploding bullets! As the advert on my camp says, "Why care about accuracy when everything you shoot explodes?"

Do you know about modding kit and how to learn the mods (and how to build weapons and armour from raw materials)? Smelting ore? That's not important early on, but it might be useful sometimes and it becomes more useful later on if you're using automatic weapons and need a lot of lead to make enough bullets. Equipment levels? Higher level equipment is better, so it's often worth crafting new kit as you level.

I've had 3 builds so far, not counting the early game where I was using what I could get.

1) Semi-auto rifle and shotgun. Not sniper, but mid-long range single shots with a scope. Mostly shotgun. Get the right perks and a combat shotgun can stunlock many enemies. Less damage per shot than the other shotguns, but a higher rate of fire and more shots between reloads.
2) Full auto rifle and shotgun. Like above, but better as long as you can maintain ammo supplies. Mid-long range single shots still possible, vastly higher DPS at shorter range.
3) Heavy guns specialist. Gatling gun for general use because it has a far higher damage per shot and far lower rate of fire, so it's viable without draining huge amounts of ammo. The stated firing rate for a gatling gun is wrong. It's 20 rounds per minute, not the stated 400. 50 cal machinegun for some bigger mobs, minigun for others. Minigun is lowest damage per shot and highest rate of fire, 50 cal is in between.

It's worth noting that I play in power armour. Heavy guns would work less well in unpowered armour. There's a perk specific to power armour that increases the accuracy of heavy guns - stablised. Which makes sense as that's a large part of the point of power armour.

Legendary effects also matter. If I had a good legendary semi-auto rifle and didn't have a good legendary heavy gun, I'd be using a semi-auto rifle build.
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cool cheers. I'll need to learn about ore smelting but I know about modding and collecting plans. The large gifts gave quite a few useful ones and a lot of caps. I've been picking up and breaking down rifles/shotguns so already setup with modded sniper and shotgun.

when does the difficulty ramp up? currently everything is dying very quickly
Looks like the Fusion Cores nerf is because there are now travelling vendors who visit your CAMP to sell them to you @ 405 Caps each :rolleyes: yet another in a long line of totally unrequired nerfs which achieve nothing except annoy the loyal player :(
cool cheers. I'll need to learn about ore smelting but I know about modding and collecting plans. The large gifts gave quite a few useful ones and a lot of caps. I've been picking up and breaking down rifles/shotguns so already setup with modded sniper and shotgun.

when does the difficulty ramp up? currently everything is dying very quickly

Smelting is done at a chemistry bench and requires only acid. Which isn't how ore is really smelted, but never mind. Pop the Super Duper perk card on first if you have it - every time you craft anything, there's a chance you'll make double the amount. There are other crafting perk cards for various things, e.g. one increases the amount of ammo you make by 50% and that's very useful. There's a mod on Nexus called Perk Loadout Manager that I recommend. It allows you to save perk card setups, so you can have 1 for general use, 1 for crafting, 1 for trading, 1 for scrapping, whatever you like, and switch to that setup as required. So, for example, when I go to craft or make repairs I just bring up my perk card screen, press 3 to load my crafting cards setup, exit, do the crafting or repair, enter perk card screen again, press 1 to load my normal card setup, exit and go. It's exactly the same as swapping cards manually but far less tedious.

The difficulty ramps up when you leave the forest zone, but not by much in most cases unless you run into mobs spawned by a high level player who passed through and didn't kill those ones. That can't happen in the forest zone because mobs there don't scale based on the level of the player who spawned them. In all other zones, it can happen. If you run into a L60+ mob at L11, it's unlikely to go well for you.

Things to watch out for at any stage in the game:

Mirelurk queens. Seriously. I'm L267, perked up to the max and wearing modded power armour. If I'm not careful, a mirelurk queen can kill me from full health in about 15 seconds. And that's a standard one, not a legendary one. For comparison, a couple of days ago I soloed three legendary scorchbeasts simultaneously with no trouble and only used one stimpak, which I didn't really need. Mirelurk queens have an extremely potent long-range poison attack. It will slaughter you.

Mirelurk deep kings. Nowhere near as bad as the queens, but their ranged sonic attack is annoying and somewhat dangerous.

Assaultrons. They turn invisible, are heavily armoured and have a hefty melee attack, but the real issue is their laser attack. When that's firing, take cover.

The fake sheepsquatch. It's far, far tougher than a L100 legendary sheepsquatch. Players gang up on it, maybe a dozen at a time, and people always die to it. Often more than once. It's summoned by an event - Encryptid. Be wary about jumping into that one.

That's about it, really. Feral ghouls can be a problem at lower levels if they swarm you, especially bloated glowing ones. Radrats are surprisingly tough to kill. Wolves likewise and they move quickly. But nothing really difficult except the above.

When player vending is restored, you could swing by my camp for plans if I'm on. Soloman1862, near to The Wayward on the road to Flatwoods. All my plans are on sale for 50 caps each, including ones that some players put on sale for thousands. Whatever plans I get, 50 caps each. I only have ~190 at the moment as ~100 sold in the day or so between Wastelanders going live and player vending being disabled, but I add plans as and when I can. Also, help yourself to water, scav (from my scav robot pod) and plants to eat or use as seed crops in your own camp. Feel free to use any of my workstations too.

It's an easy game. Even if you do die, it doesn't matter. You just drop junk you were carrying, literally just junk. No equipment. No aid items. Just junk. Not even that if you die during a public event (one that's announced globally and has a larger symbol with a black border on the map).
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I just finished Beckett's ally quest line, which (amazingly for FO76) had a story! OK, the quests were uninspiring and the final huge sprawling location annoyed me, but a story! Wastelanders really has changed FO76. I got a potentially useful reward from it as well - a named 50 cal machinegun, max level 3* legendary with anti-armour and faster firing rate. A good fit for my heavy weapons build, maybe a replacement for the explosive 50 cal I use now.

While wandering lost in Watoga Underground, I found a door I couldn't open. It requires the storage tunnels key. I didn't find it and a quick look online returns no hits for it at all. Anyone know anything about it?
Right now the following is broken or faulty:

Fusion Core, Food, Drink Useage are all excessive.
VATS is broken for all weapon types you do not hit the target as expected Melee or Ranged its just as broken on both types.
Entire game has a strange laggy feel to it which causes you to make mistakes in the sub menus.
Many Wastelanders Quest missions require more than 1 attempt as they get stuck.
Display Cases & Player vending machines disabled (hotfix has been pushed back to tomorrow).
Wastelanders Digital Bundle PA lights not working properly & the output is very dim.
Armour Perks in both PA & without are not working properly at all so its possible to get killed in a few seconds by weak enemies.
Energy builds look bad as well so I guess will do a rifle build for this first char. Swap between snipers and other rifle class.

Are power cores easy to get for PA
I've barely touched the DLC yet, I've done the first round of Megs quest and done all of Astronauts quest for which I got a 3* VATS buffed Alien Blaster which ironically given that energy builds and VATS are both broken is a steaming pile of garbage basically..

I've got 200 FC's in my stashes across my players and and all of them are Power Armor based and I cba to re-spec my builds for to no FC use I maye hold off until its fixed. Food and drink usage I dont care about, I just farm my own purified water and cook and shed load of Mothman Omelette's every time I log in.....(my CAMP is at Point Pleasant)...I've never run out of food or drink once yet.
Energy builds look bad as well so I guess will do a rifle build for this first char. Swap between snipers and other rifle class.

Energy builds are indeed bad. Without old weapons that haven't spawned for ages, anyway. There's a case for using specific energy weapons with specific legendary effects against the scorchbeast queen and that's about it.

Favoured rifles that aren't pure sniper rifles are generally The Fixer and handmade guns. You're unlikely to find either yet and you would need to be a higher level to use them anyway.

Are power cores easy to get for PA

Yes and no :)

Fusion cores are easy to get. Enough fusion cores is not easy to get at this moment in time. The rate at which fusion cores are drained by using PA was massively increased with the Wastelanders patch, so a player using PA now needs far more fusion cores. The rate at which using VATS drains fusion cores has now been set to insane levels, making VATS wildly impractical to the extent that it could be considered unusable for players in PA. No problems for players not in PA, since VATS doesn't require fusion cores unless you're in PA.

We have no idea if this massive unannounced change is deliberate on Bethesda's part or yet another bug introduced by a patch. It has happened before, although this is probably the worst example. We have no idea if it will be changed again or when. In the past, it has been changed again quickly. My guess is that it's down to Bethesda's habit of releasing patches that cause bugs, often bugs that were patched by previous patches. I think their patching system is "organised" along the lines of "hey, anyone work on whatever using whatever version of the code you like as a base, it'll all be fine, no worries".

Right now the following is broken or faulty:

Fusion Core, Food, Drink Useage are all excessive.

From more playing, I think I've narrowed things down a bit more. Walking in PA doesn't seem quite as badly affected. If all I do is walk, I can scav enough fusion cores to replace the ones I use. If I run, I can't. If I use VATS, I may as well stop playing now because that would require getting fusion cores at hundreds of times the rate which is possible.

The large increase in food and drink use is just inconvenient to me. I teleport to my camp, harvest the 2 corn and 2 razorgrain plants I have by the front door, walk to the nearby river to collect a couple of dozen units of dirty water, then return to my camp to boil water and make corn soup and razorgrain soup. That gives me 8-16 soups, usually about 10. Green finger on while harvesting, super duper on while crafting. ~10 soups covers food requirements for a while even now and it also covers a large proportion of water requirements even now. The rest of my water requirements can be covered by either more boiled water or a small part of the output from my 3 water purifiers. The new food and drink requirements are excessive, but they're sustainable. The new fusion core usage rates are not.

VATS is broken for all weapon types you do not hit the target as expected Melee or Ranged its just as broken on both types.

So it's a good job that using VATS in PA is so broken due to ludicrous fusion core use that it's effectively unusable :)

Entire game has a strange laggy feel to it which causes you to make mistakes in the sub menus.

I think that's understating the problem. Last night, I was encountering lag of up to 18 seconds at a vendor. 18 seconds. Not milliseconds. It's made worse by the fact that what you see on screen doesn't necessarily have anything to do with what's actually happening in the game. So you sell something. Select it, get the vendor offer window pop up, confoirm sale at that price. Nothing happens. It's still showing in your inventory. You haven't got any caps for it. Hmm...well, bugs. Sometimes you have to repeat stuff in FO76. Try it again. Nothing again. One more time before giving it up as a bad job. Nothing. And then you're suddenly informed that you've sold not just that item but also whatever two items happen to be below it in your inventory. You never chose to sell them. You never selected them for sale. You never got a vendor offer window showing those two items - each of the three times the vendor offer window shown was for the first item. You never chose to sell them at the offer you never saw. But to hell with you, they're sold anyway. Maybe you can buy them back at 10 times the price you paid for them. Or maybe you can't buy them back at all. Maybe they never appear in the vendor's inventory.

I was also getting a lot of the teleporting enemies thing due to lags of a few seconds at a time. Makes them a lot harder to shoot.

I was also getting the "spacetime travel" thing due to lag desynchronising client and server. You're walking along and suddenly you teleport through space and time back to the location you were at a little while ago. 2 seconds ago, 5 seconds ago, 10 seconds ago, however bad the lag is. Last night, I walked into a railway station, opened the vending screen with the vendor, switched to junk in order to sell some bulked junk I'd made...and suddenly found myself dozens of metres away from the railway station, back to where I had been about 20 seconds earlier as I was walking to the railway station. With the vending window still open with the vendorbot who was no longer anywhere near interaction range.

Many Wastelanders Quest missions require more than 1 attempt as they get stuck.

I only encountered that a few times with Beckett's personal quests. The issue in that case was that it's sometimes impossible to interact with an ally while they're at the ally item. So I had to wait until he left his bar and wandered off to use a workbench or whatever. Annoying, but not gamebreaking like the lagginess and the fusion core drain rate in PA.

Display Cases & Player vending machines disabled (hotfix has been pushed back to tomorrow).

Bummer. I wanted that back.

Wastelanders Digital Bundle PA lights not working properly & the output is very dim.

People paid $16 of real money for a different skin for an armour ingame and Bethesda doesn't even provide a working version of that skin. Bethesda is going out of its way to ridicule its own high-spending customers. Again. Sure, those people are suckers. But there's no need for the company that suckers them to also ridicule them.

Armour Perks in both PA & without are not working properly at all so its possible to get killed in a few seconds by weak enemies.

I haven't encountered that one, thankfully.
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I just spent 500 bullion on the garden plots thing just because. It took me a while to find it in the build menu because it's 1 of 15 variants of floor sections. I thought I'd post in case anyone else was looking for it. Floor? And just slopped in with the various wood, tiles and lino variants? Why?

Also, while scouring the build menus I noticed an ammunition-making machine for your camp. Does anyone know how to get the plans for that?

Also, I still haven't found the storage tunnels key for Watoga Underground. Does anyone know anything about it?
Another serious issue being reported is that 2 new Daily missions in Wastelanders the NPC's steal your best weapon when you get killed in the event! That is a little excessive methinks!!

Honestly PTS was a ridiculous waste of time if these game breaking bugs were not caught & squashed in the almost 3 months it ran :rolleyes::( the PTS players were either a bunch of bozos :rolleyes: or just did not care enough to report these serious bugs. There have also been reports of hackers stealing stuff again from players ingame as it seems the Wastelanders build is not protected like the base game was several weeks ago which once again is a very poor sign of Bethesda internal QA & dev processes. (if they even have one to begin with that is!!).
Another serious issue being reported is that 2 new Daily missions in Wastelanders the NPC's steal your best weapon when you get killed in the event! That is a little excessive methinks!!

Even worse, it almost certainly isn't restricted to those events. The "NPC takes a better weapon if available" is a generic thing, so it probably could happen any time you die near an NPC.

Honestly PTS was a ridiculous waste of time if these game breaking bugs were not caught & squashed in the almost 3 months it ran :rolleyes::( the PTS players were either a bunch of bozos :rolleyes: or just did not care enough to report these serious bugs.

Or the bug happens very rarely or there were very few people playing on the PTS or Bethesda changed things after the PTS testing.

There have also been reports of hackers stealing stuff again from players ingame as it seems the Wastelanders build is not protected like the base game was several weeks ago which once again is a very poor sign of Bethesda internal QA & dev processes. (if they even have one to begin with that is!!).

I wasn't joking when I wrote this:

[..] Bethesda's habit of releasing patches that cause bugs, often bugs that were patched by previous patches. I think their patching system is "organised" along the lines of "hey, anyone work on whatever using whatever version of the code you like as a base, it'll all be fine, no worries".

I genuinely think that, based on the evidence.

e.g. Bob works on a bug in version 1.2, fixes it and the fixed version is released as version 1.3. Sue is working on a different bug in version 1.2, fixes it and the fixed version is released as version 1.4. Bethesda doesn't have functional QA, so the two fixes aren't merged and 1.4 contains the bug that Bob had fixed for 1.3.

It's weirdly incompetent, but it explains what has happened repeatedly.
A few things I found that might be useful to people seeking to improve their faction reputation:

1) The crater raiders have an outpost at the Ohio River Rapids location. Talk to Fishbones there to get a very easy "Defend the water purifier from mirelurks" daily event which gives you raider rep. Loot the corpses for meat and give it to Blackeye there for more raider rep.
2) If you have an ally active in your camp, talk to them for a daily quest to get more rep. I got settler rep from the daily that Beckett gave to me.
3) Many random encounters at specific spawn points are ones that give faction rep. Settlers fighting ferals, you kill the ferals, you get settler rep. That sort of thing. The interactive FO76 map website lets you filter for types of spawns, so you can see all the possible locations for that type of random encounter. There are 28. They reset frequently (every 15 minutes, or so I've read). Theoretically, you could just fast travel around them and gain rep repeatedly without even having to server hop. I've not tried it myself.
I've just found a corpse called "Anne" at the Landview lighthouse. That's new...anyone know anything about it? Who was Anne?
47 hours, level 27 or thereabouts and…I am getting tired of it now, sadly. I feel like of the last ten quests I got and did, 10 of them were of the lowest effort lamest fetchquests designable.

And the straw that broke my back is when after much pain and annoyance I got some dumbass bloodsacks and stingwing barbs and what not for the scout tadpole quest, only to…scrap it by mistake so I can do it all again. Ahhh…frak this.

I did like the astronaut woman, decently written character…only to give me like 4 boring fetch quests in a row (with 11 more to go, apparently! I googled). This kills my will to live (ok, to play this game).

(I know Bethesda fallout games are generally about garbage collecting and fetching things, and I can tolerate it if the world is interesting and atmospheric, but apparently only to a certain extent).
Beckett's daily quest sent me to a new location today - Sanctuary. Where, of course, everything was hostile and tried to kill me. I should sue the corpses for misleading naming. On the way there, I found an unmarked location that might be used later. Very little there now, but mole miners starting a new excavation could be foreshadowing for future content. It's where the player location marker is on the map below. There's a bonfire next to it which emits a lot of smoke, so it's easier to find when you get fairly close.


Cool find that location I have not yet walked the entire map to see what else is lying around. I will share this though as its such an epic grind regardless for Faction Reputation.

Everyday go to Overseers Home. Talk to Davenport to get the Daily photo challenge request & take the 2 photos. Before you turn this back in to Davenport go to the Opposite Faction you took the photos of to get Reputation with them as well as Caps & other gifts (depending on your Perk Cards). Then & only then go back to Davenport to turn the Photos in. He will grumble about you gave the photos to someone else but you still get the 3 Treasury Notes regardless just no other rewards from him. This lets you level up your Faction Reputation a little faster.

Also you can stockpile Treasury Notes so you always have the 20 you are allowed to swap daily for Gold. Just keep doing most public events & the 3 Daily mission which grant T Notes.

As you gain Faction reputation it unlocks new Plans to buy from the Faction vendors for caps. But its an epic grind & will take a long time to get them all. Another way is grind it all out in a day or so by constantly going to all the random encounter locations & do the mission (either fetch based or assassin) over & over will only take a day or constant grinding.

I bought the T65 Helmet Plan earlier for 1650 Gold. When I have a full set of T65 armour in about 5 weeks grind! it gives the best stats of any power armour around 125 higher than anything else for dmg & rads resistance.
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