**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Here's a nice touch...

I've been supplying mirelurk meat to Blackeye to gain raider rep. Mirelurk queen meat now, since I found it's worth 2.5x as much rep as the other types. Dropped some in today and she thanked me for supplying her so often, jokingly wondering if I ever sleep or just hunt mirelurks all the time. She gave me a super sledge. Useless to me, but a nice touch from the devs.

Really nice touch that actually, I've nearly done the DLC now a few hours a day. Just about to start companion quest and then I'm done. I won't be grinding out the stupid gold bullion things because I'm only at home 3 days weeks (in normal times!) and generally only play on a Sat or Sunday so it will take me until 2025 or something to get anything of use...it's a pretty stupid mechanic to be honest and very much punishes those that can't live on the game 7 days a week.

On a more positive point the I had hit the 30k cap limit so had to take down my shop...logged in this morning and a guy was selling these for 15k each so I bought them both :D.
I'll never ever use them as I'm a Bloodied Heavy build but they'll be fun to mess with I guess.


Really nice touch that actually, I've nearly done the DLC now a few hours a day. Just about to start companion quest and then I'm done.

There are two full sets of companion quests (Beckett and Sofia). I think they're both worth doing for the story for each character. Just scrap (or store) one companion's camp item when you've done their questline and build the other. I did Beckett then Sofia and decided Sofia got on my nerves more so switched back to Beckett. There are also some new locations and big changes at some other locations. Plus there are daily quests from at least the two major companions and maybe the minor companions. There are at least 4 minor companions (raider punk, settler forager, settle wanderer and settler...something I've forgotten because I only saw them once at one player's camp). Plus the faction rep daily quests, which require far less time than chasing bullion and unlock new plans. I'm after the ammunition-making machine for my camp, which requires max rep with the raiders. That'll take a while, but nothing like as long as bullion. If you just do daily rep quests, it will take 39-65 days to get rep from neutral to ally with both factions, depending on how you turn in the quests. Refuse rewards from the quest-givers, sell the photos you take to the other faction rather than giving them to Davenport (he won't like it, but all you'll lose out on is some caps you won't need anyway), kill the ex gang members or tell them to go to Foundation (if you have 8+ charisma). Sell queen mirelurk meat to Blackeye at the Ohio River raider fishing camp outpost for a bit extra. If you really want to farm rep, teleport around the conflict random encounter spawn points and help out raiders or settlers when you find them. There are other types of random encounters that can give rep too. I never bothered looking into it in detail because I don't care enough to bother. It's not like I'm not going to get paid a real money prize for getting rep faster.

There are also some new secret things that are partially known, which might be complete now and which might be a teaser for future content in a similar way to how the Grafton pawn shop was before Wastelanders. There's a prototype steel mill PA helmet, which adds resistances. It's sort of a paint job, only it shows as additional metal plating. Is there a complete prototype steel mill PA suit? Nobody knows. There's a new location that's a henge. Markings on it make a map and a puzzle. A map to where? What does it mean? Nobody knows.

I won't be grinding out the stupid gold bullion things because I'm only at home 3 days weeks (in normal times!) and generally only play on a Sat or Sunday so it will take me until 2025 or something to get anything of use...it's a pretty stupid mechanic to be honest and very much punishes those that can't live on the game 7 days a week.

It's another mechanic from "free to play" (i.e. very expensive indeed) mobile games. The whole point is to coerce people to play the game every day. It's an attempt to foster addiction.

People on Bethesda forums and Reddit's FO76 section (which is in some ways the de facto FO76 forum as Bethesda is more active there than on its own forum) have been asking for the gold cap to be weekly. Still the same total - 1400 per week from treasury notes, 300 per week from Smiley for 6000 caps - but weekly rather than daily because, as the OP on Reddit put it, many FO76 players have jobs. Maybe Bethesda will do it. Maybe not. It's only the people who Must Play Every Day who are at all likely to pay real money for useless ingame items like camp stuff you can't use because of the miniscule camp budget.

I'm currently furloughed, so I can do it every day. But I'm not because I have other entertainments. When my furlough ends, well, never mind about FO76. I'll play when I play and unlock stuff when I unlock it.

So...playing 2 days a week you can get 700 bullion a week (300 from Smiley, 2x200 for daily limit). Buying every plan that requires bullion costs 72,200 bullion. So you could do it in 103 weeks and be done by mid 2022. Much earlier than 2025! :)

On a more positive point the I had hit the 30k cap limit so had to take down my shop...logged in this morning and a guy was selling these for 15k each so I bought them both :D.
I'll never ever use them as I'm a Bloodied Heavy build but they'll be fun to mess with I guess.

The best two bloodied exploding rifles. Hmm...sneak bloodied sniper build with that Fixer? Never seen. Never heard. The invisible silent death from afar. If you want to go ultimate stealthy glass cannon try it with the Chinese stealth armour, which is almost worthless as armour and breaks if a bloatfly looks at you hard. I'd replace the stock on it though. Forceful stock is for melee, isn't it? A bloodied stealth build using an explosive weapon is really not going to want to ever be in melee. Also the sights. It's specialised for stealth, so I'd put a scope on it for sniping. For the handmade gun, I'd try full GD nutjob mode, make it full auto and Stand And Bang against everything.

But I'd probably stay with heavy weapons because I like them. Not a bloodied build though. I'm not really an anything build, more of a generalist scavver.


On another more positive point, they fixed the fusion core draining. Again. Maybe they'll break it again next time.

On a more negative point, there's a very bad bug with anything that draws from your stash, most notably vending machines. The bug moves items from your stash to things that draw from your stash. Sometimes when a player interacts with them, sometimes for no known reason. It's not terrible with displays because other players can't take anything and it's funny to see the game doing things such as trying to display a PA frame in a magazine rack. It is terrible with anything else, especially vending machines, because it dispenses anything from your stash to other players. At default prices. So, for example, every time a player interacts with your vending machines there's a chance they'll see your L50 bloodied explosive faster reloading Fixer on sale for a few hundred caps. And they can buy it. It appears them exactly as if you intended to put it in your vending machine at that price. Apparently it can happen with punch bowls - instead of a drink they get, for example, your L45 bloodied explosive handmade -and anything else that draws from your stash. The only workaround is to scrap or store everything that draws from your stash. Not just cut power to it. It must not exist in your camp.

Bethesda have said nothing about it on their own forum. On the FO76 Reddit section Bethesda have said they're looking into it.
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Spawns are nerfed or altered now (from pre-wastelanders) for large creatures like the Sheepsquash for the Daily 20 Atoms challenge. Had to server hop for about 3 hours to find that critter again :(

On a more positive note every few days I get a vendor come to my camp to sell me 9 x Fusion Cores @ 100 % for 360-405 Caps each so no need for me to scav for those anymore (they removed them from most spawn points anyway as this seems to be the preferred method from the devs currently!). You need to have completed the commander Daguerre questline & have her shop at your camp for this to work.

As you increase Faction Rep you also get more new Plans unlocked to buy for Gold mainly (what else!! :rolleyes:) although some are for Caps.
Mortimer Vendor in Crater sells a handly backpack mod for 360 Gold which lowers the weight of all Chems by 90% freeing up the perk card slot if you need it. This lowers the backpack capacity though from +120 to only +60 but increases the DR & RR as you cannot use it with the High Capacity mod which nerfs them. If you are a PA build though not much use to you but for non PA builds it can save a lot of weight depending on how chem dependant your virtual character is LOL :p;)
Installed Perk Loadout manager this evening. Looking really good. Spot on for what I was hoping for.
My thanks.
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Vault Steel pro tip ;) after buying the max 5 @ 50 Scrips. Either exit the Purveyor shop to the main menu or server hop to a player on your friends list. This then refreshes the Purveyor stock so you can buy another 5 Vault Steel rinse & repeat! If you have enough Scrip you can buy as much as you want :p;)

Gold Bullion has a 5000 Max limit so spend some before you get to 5000 otherwise you lose the difference :eek:
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So Assultrons are scary in this game. Went in to Garrahan Mining for the first time and there was a lvl 36 Assultron Invader wanting to say hello. Broken 3 bits of armour and used maybe 15 stimpacks to beat it. Then realised I didn't have enough black titanium to make the full set of Excavator PA. Is that thing always in there or was it triggered by a higher level player?

I had to server hop to even get in as there was a lvl 52 colonel gusty outside
Lvl 46 is scarier ;) but yeah those also turn invisible as you fight them! Drop me the materials in my CAMP I can make the excavator for you fast as I have most plans but tbh its way better to make all the plans yourself & scav all required materials & weapons etc etc that way you get to experience all the content as you find new locations & new items etc etc. As you make items & scrap objects it also gives you a small amount of XP most of the time and when you scrap items if you do not already know the plan you have a chance to learn that plan just by scrapping it ;)

Fallout 76 plays best when you try to fully explore for materials as it nearly always leads you onto new locations, new missions, new items & other content & characters ;)

Its complex but certain regions have level specific enemies some will spawn when you arrive in the loaded cell, others will be resident & higher level usually spawn if a higher level player travels into your loaded cell. Loaded cell is the Bethesda tech jargon for the area of the world your in as its all cell based and most of it gets loaded when you first spawn into that location. This same game technology is rumoured to be why Starfield is taking so long to release as the cell based structure (of this game engine Bethesda use) does not work so well within a space based environment apparently!!
yeah it's easy to get, just didn't plan ahead before going in. Will farm some mole miners.
high level spawns in lower level areas are pretty funny at times. Doing a heard clear mission where radstags and yao guai are fighting it out, the yao guai being replaced with lvl 56 versions which chased me around the The Crator. Lazy raiders didn't even help kill them.
Vault Steel pro tip ;) after buying the max 5 @ 50 Scrips. Either exit the Purveyor shop to the main menu or server hop to a player on your friends list. This then refreshes the Purveyor stock so you can buy another 5 Vault Steel rinse & repeat! If you have enough Scrip you can buy as much as you want :p;)

Gold Bullion has a 5000 Max limit so spend some before you get to 5000 otherwise you lose the difference :eek:

Handy things to know. I think I have ~3500 bullion now. The vault steel thing I didn't even think of. I've been getting 5 per day to build up a stock for the future. Usually stuff that's limited is limited per day or week, not per server hop.

So Assultrons are scary in this game. Went in to Garrahan Mining for the first time and there was a lvl 36 Assultron Invader wanting to say hello. Broken 3 bits of armour and used maybe 15 stimpacks to beat it. Then realised I didn't have enough black titanium to make the full set of Excavator PA. Is that thing always in there or was it triggered by a higher level player?

I recall an assaultron being standard in one of the mining company buildings, but I don't recall which one. A higher level player would probably have triggered a higher level assaultron or a more powerful form of assaultron. Same deal, but more so. Max level assaultron dominators are well up the list of dangerous mobs. They're stealthed to the point of being almost invisible and their laser is a continuous beam than can kill a player with ~400 energy resistance in about 10 seconds. I'm pretty tanky but I still need 1 or 2 stimpaks for one of those.

I had to server hop to even get in as there was a lvl 52 colonel gusty outside

That sounds like a spawn from a higher level player.

yeah it's easy to get, just didn't plan ahead before going in. Will farm some mole miners.

Welch is a good place for that. Way back when I was acquiring black titanium for my first set, I took over a workshop that had a black titanium deposit. Gorge something, IIRC. Built it up into a titanium mining plant, defended it every hour...and got black titanium far more slowly than I could get it from clearing Welch every now and then. While also leaving myself open to any griefer who fancied killing me just to be irritating.

Another advantage of excavator power armour is that it's extremely robust, which makes sense as it was designed for daily hard use in a mine. It needs repairing very rarely. I always use it exclusively. I never farm black titanium in any way, just pick it up from mole miners I happen to encounter and sometimes from the breach and clear event on the odd occasion I do it for some extra lead. I always have an increasing surplus of black titanium. I sell it to vendors when I notice it's taking up too much stash space.

high level spawns in lower level areas are pretty funny at times. Doing a heard clear mission where radstags and yao guai are fighting it out, the yao guai being replaced with lvl 56 versions which chased me around the The Crator. Lazy raiders didn't even help kill them.

It would have been a nice touch if they gathered to watch and laugh and make bets on the outcome. That would be fitting unless you have very high rep with them.

Now that the issue with NPCs taking your weapons has been fixed, I decided to try Radiation Rumble when it popped on when I was on yesterday. There was me and a L35 player who wasn't in power armour. That was it. So we failed completely. Everyone died. But I did get to experience what is easily the most irradiated environment in the game, and that includes nuked zones. I was in PA and had taken rad-x and diluted rad-x (they stack) and I was still taking very heavy rads. I think it would have been about 30s from full health to death, maybe less. Run in, get some ore, run out, radaway radaway stimpak stimpak. All while being attacked by hordes of glowing feral ghouls. The L35 player got a few bits of ore. I'm not sure how they managed it without power armour. They must have used a hazmat suit to survive the radiation, but that wouldn't do them any good against the ghouls. You also have to protect scavvers in a different part of the mine at the same time, so you need at least 3 players working together. Maybe I'll buy a microphone. Maybe.

I also got something different from the left luggage attendent bot at the Pleasant Valley resort. I swing by to redeem claim tickets occasionally, which almost always give you some pre-war money, a piece of jewellry and decrepit common pre-war clothing. Last night I got a Western Outfit and chaps. Yee-hah! Maybe I'll get one of those kiddy rides for my camp and ride on it in that outfit when I'm AFK but want to stay in the game. Might give passers-by a laugh. At the moment I play the piano on my roof.
Something I was wondering about, hoping that someone might have some good views on it.
Last night, I joined an event to nail the Scorch Queen. Whilst there, a number of players were using Mini-guns.
The mini-guns look really cool, but I got the impression that whilst they'd hit a LOT, that each individual round doesn't actually do much damage.
Against a Scorch queen, which has massive armour, isn't almost all of that damage just going to bounce?
Is it more effective to use say a Black Powder rifle instead?
Just curious about the logic here of what should work. Probably just my lack of understand of how damage and armour relate.
Something I was wondering about, hoping that someone might have some good views on it.
Last night, I joined an event to nail the Scorch Queen. Whilst there, a number of players were using Mini-guns.
The mini-guns look really cool, but I got the impression that whilst they'd hit a LOT, that each individual round doesn't actually do much damage.
Against a Scorch queen, which has massive armour, isn't almost all of that damage just going to bounce?
Is it more effective to use say a Black Powder rifle instead?
Just curious about the logic here of what should work. Probably just my lack of understand of how damage and armour relate.
You need to play way longer LOL!

DMG stack with perk cards & other foods & chems, LEG effects, 2 shot, ultracite ammo, prime receivers & other stackable effects combining to give massive DMG with the mini-guns! You can probably get them up to around 2000 DMG per hit on the SBQ with a Bloodied build. Just play way longer do some research on what your build type potential is & search for the most highly sought after weapons.

Its meant to be complex, takes time but that is what an MMO lite like Fallout 76 is basically. Search, scav, upgrade, find a build you want to develop & go from there. Way too complex to explain other than so many food types give different short term boosts so do chems & other ingame bonus like shared perk cards.

Black Powder to save you time is a waste of effort weapon apart from some challenges which give Atoms ignore black powder as they all break easily & do minimal DMG vs other weapons. Fatman for instance (apart from vs SBQ which it does not work against) gives up to 5-6000 DMG per mini nuke with the right perk cards enabled!
Just found out Flamers apparently got a positive nerf in Wastelanders to boost DMG given & now do almost the highest level of DMG vs most enemies due to them not being able to defend against the flame effects! This means craft or find a decent Flamer put a few mods on it & see how much DMG you can do with it ;)

Use a Crylator against a Scorchbeast Queen freezes her so you get a lot of time to DMG her without her flying away or off map ;)
I see it like a zurg. Weak bullets but lots of them. I think my. 50 cal does about 5 damage per hit, maybe 8 crit. I just want to make sure I hit it enough to get its Loot.
Just found out Flamers apparently got a positive nerf in Wastelanders to boost DMG given & now do almost the highest level of DMG vs most enemies due to them not being able to defend against the flame effects! This means craft or find a decent Flamer put a few mods on it & see how much DMG you can do with it ;)

Use a Crylator against a Scorchbeast Queen freezes her so you get a lot of time to DMG her without her flying away or off map ;)

Didnt know about Flamers, I've scripped so many Bloodied ones because no-one uses them! Been using the Cryo on the SBQ for months as I always carry a bog standard Cryolator with me and some ammo as soon as she lands I fire it up... also stick a Crystalising Barrel on it and you can mash through the mainframe cores in the Silo's in about 1/20th of the time.
I have suddenly become wanted and the only way to clear it is to be killed by another player yet they seem unable to kill me?
They need to disable Pacify mode to do that!
Not having played for some months a lot of stuff seems to be new, but I thought after doing minimal research that once you became wanted you were fair game to everyone? It seems the only way to get the wanted tag removed is to be killed by another player. not sure what this adds to the game though?
Thanks for advising. As you say, I need to do some more research.
Sorry yeah way more LOL just play a few 100 hours helps a lot! No big shortcuts to be taken & tbh if you take them you do yourself out of gameplay time as more often than not something minor leads to a new location or plan anyway! I will give you the following though as it leads to some interesting stuff and a lot of it is not advertised it eventually comes to you but no big spoilers telling you about it now....;)

You need to gain access to here once you get to a certain point on the main questline though...;)

Seeing & getting the rewards from all of this alone should keep you busy for about 100-150 hours ;)
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