**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Not having played for some months a lot of stuff seems to be new, but I thought after doing minimal research that once you became wanted you were fair game to everyone? It seems the only way to get the wanted tag removed is to be killed by another player. not sure what this adds to the game though?
Yes that is correct but in Adventure mode most players have Pacifist enabled! Bethesda removed Survival game mode where you could battle PVP as it was being targeted by hackers & cheaters is why! Just find a friend to kill you is best otherwise you may attract bounty hunters LOL (some players as a protest against Survival mode being removed hunt & kill other players all day long to steal caps & items from them!). Remember you lose a % of your caps when another player kills you!
I've already picked off all of the main missions, currently halfway through collecting mutations. I think that it was simply me focusing on the gameplay, rather that worry about the mechanics that much.
From what I've seen, it's almost impossible to really balls up a build, as you can always shift around Specials and grab the associated Perks once you're high enough level. For example, just grabbed all of the Archery perks, just because I could.
Yes that is correct but in Adventure mode most players have Pacifist enabled! Bethesda removed Survival game mode where you could battle PVP as it was being targeted by hackers & cheaters is why! Just find a friend to kill you is best otherwise you may attract bounty hunters LOL (some players as a protest against Survival mode being removed hunt & kill other players all day long to steal caps & items from them!). Remember you lose a % of your caps when another player kills you!
Unfortunately i do not have any friends that play this game so will just need to wander about until someone does kill me. Lol.
Unfortunately i do not have any friends that play this game so will just need to wander about until someone does kill me. Lol.

Happy to kill you (and steal your caps)

Damn it, just working a half day today but Maintenance is happening on fo76 servers. How many new bugs on server startup?
Something I was wondering about, hoping that someone might have some good views on it.
Last night, I joined an event to nail the Scorch Queen. Whilst there, a number of players were using Mini-guns.
The mini-guns look really cool, but I got the impression that whilst they'd hit a LOT, that each individual round doesn't actually do much damage.
Against a Scorch queen, which has massive armour, isn't almost all of that damage just going to bounce?
Is it more effective to use say a Black Powder rifle instead?
Just curious about the logic here of what should work. Probably just my lack of understand of how damage and armour relate.

was just searching for best survival perks to take for a mainly non-pa build. It got on to how damage reduction works in the game and working out effective time to live. This link popped up which covers bullets to kill SBQ

Something I was wondering about, hoping that someone might have some good views on it.
Last night, I joined an event to nail the Scorch Queen. Whilst there, a number of players were using Mini-guns.
The mini-guns look really cool, but I got the impression that whilst they'd hit a LOT, that each individual round doesn't actually do much damage.
Against a Scorch queen, which has massive armour, isn't almost all of that damage just going to bounce?

Yes. But almost all damage from anything is just going to bounce. When comparing a weapon with very high damage per shot and very low rate of fire with the oppsite, the difference in effective DPS is reduced by higher damage resistances, but not by enough to change which has the highest DPS. By "effective DPS", I mean including the amount of time spent reloading. Miniguns also have a very large ammo capacity (500 rounds). The SBQ is a massive damage sponge, so whatever you're firing you'll need to fire a lot of it and that means time spent reloading relative to time spent firing matters.

High rate of fire is almost always best against enemies that take a lot of killing. The main drawbacks with the minigun are the rate ammo use and the spin-up time. They rule it out for general play, but they have far less effect when fighting a big mob or a big group of mobs. I use a minigun against SBQ, mirelurk queen and groups of mobs if I'm in a hurry.

Is it more effective to use say a Black Powder rifle instead?

No. It is never more effective to use a black powder rifle. On anything. Ever. They're just for roleplaying, really. The opposite extreme to a minigun would be The Dragon, by the way. It's a four-barreled black powder rifle. Even more damage per shot, even more reloading time.

Just curious about the logic here of what should work. Probably just my lack of understand of how damage and armour relate.

Not surprising, as that information is not included anywhere in the game or any form of manual.
New players should also get the backpacks & mods they want ASAP as it saves a lot of weight mainly! Obviously you have to get to a point in the game where you can do this so keep putting those gameplay hours :p;)

New players perhaps might not know that backpacks are irrelevant if you intend to use power armour, so I'll add that information.
I really have not grasped the weapons crafting etc etc and at level 67 I still have some pretty rubbish weapons especially when it comes to robots. I had to give up on the launch a nuke thing as although I eventually got right to weapon the robot repairs something I was taken out and pretty much gave up on the game.
Anyway I need to take on some robots in the Strange Bedfellows quest so am looking for advice on the best weapon(s) fo the job?
I really have not grasped the weapons crafting etc etc and at level 67 I still have some pretty rubbish weapons especially when it comes to robots. I had to give up on the launch a nuke thing as although I eventually got right to weapon the robot repairs something I was taken out and pretty much gave up on the game.
Anyway I need to take on some robots in the Strange Bedfellows quest so am looking for advice on the best weapon(s) fo the job?
Troubleshooter Grognaks Axe with +40% Power DMG works through these real fast ;) Otherwise find a Plasma Weapon with high DMG & or use the Robotics Expert Perk so you can turn the robots against each other in the nuke launch sequence mission makes it very easy ;) as they end up chasing each other instead of you!
Troubleshooter Grognaks Axe with +40% Power DMG works through these real fast ;) Otherwise find a Plasma Weapon with high DMG & or use the Robotics Expert Perk so you can turn the robots against each other in the nuke launch sequence mission makes it very easy ;) as they end up chasing each other instead of you!
Where would I get this axe from?
And what about plasma weapons who has these.
Will look at the perk thing though I feel that that is another area I am not particularly clear on.
Where would I get this axe from?
And what about plasma weapons who has these.
Will look at the perk thing though I feel that that is another area I am not particularly clear on.
You probably need to play a lot more then the mission is easy with more perks & higher quality weapons or get someone to help but tbh its way more fun solo! Fatman will also destroy robots fast with the right perks 5-6000 DMG per shot! but stand well back ;)


Perks are quite complex start here go from there do a lot of research try what works best for you!
I really have not grasped the weapons crafting etc etc and at level 67 I still have some pretty rubbish weapons especially when it comes to robots. I had to give up on the launch a nuke thing as although I eventually got right to weapon the robot repairs something I was taken out and pretty much gave up on the game.
Anyway I need to take on some robots in the Strange Bedfellows quest so am looking for advice on the best weapon(s) fo the job?

That would depend on your build. Melee? Shotguns? Semi-auto rifle? Full auto rifle? Heavy weapons? Are you in power armour or not?

I'm now using a PA-based heavy weapons build. I generally use an anti-armour faster firing gatling gun against everything. It's my general use weapon. Anti-armour is a good legendary effect against robots since they have high resistance to ballistic damage, but being a PA heavy weapons build I have the stablised perk card in play so I get a lot of anti-armour anyway. If I want a robot gone ASAP, I might use my faster firing furious minigun. The lower anti-armour effect is more than offset by the higher DPS, especially against a single target (because of the furious effect). But I never have because my trusty general use gatling gun is more than good enough for any robot apart from the fake sheepsquatch and a minigun isn't ideal against that either.

When I first tried the nuke silo, back when I was running a shotgun/rifle build, I failed it. I was overly reliant on the staggering effect of a shotgun and that doesn't seem to work so well on lots of robots. You need to put them down faster or you get overwhelmed. I went back again and did it, but it wasn't easy. Now, with a heavy weapons build, it's easy. I don't do it because I find it tedious to solo a silo and the rewards aren't worth the tedium, but I've done it a few times and it was easy.

However, other players solo silos fine with other builds. It's doable with melee, sniper, all sorts of builds. It's just that my initial shotgun-orientated build wasn't a good match against robots.

Crafting...I am not using any weapon I crafted and I have not done so for ages. I will be doing so in the future, but only because the new Wastelanders weapons are handled very differently. I want to try a gauss minigun and those are crafted. But, and this is the key point, that weapon (and some other Wastelanders kit) are crafted as legendaries. The legendary effects are key for weapons and for unpowered armour (power armour doesn't have legendary effects).

Where crafting does matter is mods (though less so with heavy weapons because they don't have many mods). For example, crafting the speedy receiver mod to a gatling gun increases its rate of fire by 25%. There's a permanent extra 25% to your DPS right away and a de facto accuracy increase because more bullets means more bullets that hit. With full auto heavy weapons there's always an element of volume of fire. With a sniper rifle, a miss is a miss. With full auto, a miss is just one bullet from 5 or 10. Or 100 if you're using a max rate of fire minigun :)

If you're not sure about modding kit, ask away. I'm going to make the initial assumption that you are familiar with it because you've got to L67.

[..] Will look at the perk thing though I feel that that is another area I am not particularly clear on.

Perks are a big deal in FO76. Get those right and it'll make a lot of difference. I recommend using the mod "Perk Loadout Manager" for quality of life reasons. It won't give you any advantage in play, but it sure will make things less tedious. Rather than swapping cards one at a time, you can swap them in groups. For example, I have one set for general play, one set for trading, one set for crafting and one set for scrapping. So when I want to craft anything I just bring up my perk card screen and press '3'. It's the same effect as manually removing half a dozen cards, searching through the hundreds of cards I have (I'm ~L275) to find the half a dozen crafting-related cards I want for crafting one at a time and putting them in play one at a time. But it's a lot more convenient.

If you're ever going to use more than one weapon, marking them as favourites is handy. It's also handy to mark chems as favourites because by default only stimpaks have a key ('h'). Press 1 for sniper rifle. Press 2 for shotgun. Press 3 for other shotgun with different legendary effects. Press 4 for sword. Press 5 for radaway. That sort of thing.

But the most basic question is "what build do you want to play?" That determines what weapons are best to use, what mods are best to put on them, what perks are best to use and even to some extent what legendary effects are best. It also affects what armour is best to use, to a lesser extent. You can specialise to very different extents, too. For example, it's perfectly viable to make a mostly sniper build for use in power armour that can also take some hits and hold up pretty well in melee against most mobs. It's also perfectly viable to make a wholly sniper build in Chinese stealth armour. The latter would be significantly better as a sniper than the former but it would be in for a bad time if anything fired back or got within melee range.

If you want a simple, straightforward generalist build, I'd recommend power armour and heavy weapons. Get a few good legendary weapons to switch between for different mobs, sort your perks out and you're good to go against everything. You won't be the best against anything, but you'll be good against everything.
I saw a mystery referred to on the Bethesda forums. I've been using them a little recently after going there to find if there was any word about the latest very serious vending machine bug (there isn't). Anyway, a player has started a thread about unexplained things such as the new stonehenge and the markings on it that might be a map. One of the things they mentioned was an abandoned house containing a page from a diary written by someone called Georgina. They said it was near the deer to the far west of the map. When I asked for more details as I couldn't find anything, they apologetically replied saying they meant far east, not far west :) The hypothesis is that this is new and it's backstory for Ra-Ra. She must have had another name before she was Ra-Ra and Georgina is, apparently, post-war. The diary pages don't look very old and Georgina was a young child. One page of the diary apparently confirms it's post-war. The poster also said they'd found 2 pages and some unspecified more things and thinks there's more to the story.

So I went to the general area today, had a look around and couldn't find the abandoned partially collapsed house they mentioned. But I did find an old children's play area with one page of Georgina's diary. I looked around for anything more and thought I'd found it when I found the remains of part of a village a bit northwest, but the only building I could get into was a sunken church that featured in an old (Wild Appalachia update) quest about a wendigo. I searched around all the buildings there and couldn't find a way into any of them, although I did see through gaps in the walls of one to an interior. I couldn't find a way in. I also found an impromptu graveyard with the coffins dug up and opened and a safe on the back of a pickup trunk that requires Granny Davis' key. That's not new, though - I found the details on Reddit (and it's not worth bothering with). It was dark ingame then, so I gave it up as a bad job.

I also found a creature I don't recall seeing before - a mirelurk crab. Explicitly labelled as that - "mirelurk crab". It looked and acted like an ordinary mirelurk and was about as tough as a stoutshell mirelurk. I'd already killed it before I thought to photograph it. I tried photographing the remains, but the photo was just an indentifiable chunk of meat. Bloody mess perk and high damage output tends to do that.

The rest might be considered spoilers by people wanting to investigate the Georgina story and it contains 2560x1440 screenshots, so I'll tag it as a spoiler.

The location of the playground I found. It's where I am at the time, the yellow arrow.

Image of the page of the diary I found. It's page 33. How many other pages exist?

Taking into account the setting and some aspects of the wording, I'm pretty sure it's a young child playing make-believe. I think that the Sergeant McAllan referred to is the teddy bear in the picture. I couldn't find the tea party mentioned, but I bet it's teddy bears.

The text of page 33 of the diary:

Georgina's diary page 33.

The private meeting with Sergeant McAllan went very well today. He provided me with HIGHLY important documents. We discussed sensitive, classified information. Special personnel with security clearance ONLY. The welfare of our great nation is at stake after all, this isn't a job for just anyone. He kept asking about Madison's calls in the distance, I told him not to worry, she just "does that".

My assistants wanted to tag along but I regretfully had to inform them they would be remaining at the tea party. It's not easy filling these shoes, but someone's got to do it.
I have installed a few mods using Vortex but as far as I can see they are not loadin.
They are:
Better Inventory.
Lockpicking Bar.
Ultimate High Detailed Map.
Glowing Items
Perk Loadout Manager.
All enabled in Vortex so no idea what to do next?
Launched my first nuke today. Did it solo. Killed the queen and got her loot. It was easier than I expected. Ultracite power armor is amazing. So many bullets it deflected and barely a scratch.
Also finaly got all the overseer tapes. So now I can go play Wastelanders stuff.
I have installed a few mods using Vortex but as far as I can see they are not loadin.
They are:
Better Inventory.
Lockpicking Bar.
Ultimate High Detailed Map.
Glowing Items
Perk Loadout Manager.
All enabled in Vortex so no idea what to do next?

I've never used Vortex (I still use the old NMM for FO4 - it still works) so I can't be sure what it does, but I'm not sure it works properly with FO76 since modding is not really supported in FO76. Any mod manager for FO76 will have to edit ini files for you, preferably creating one if it doesn't already exist. My guess is that Vortex doesn't.

I can see one issue with that list, assuming you want to save perk loadouts. To do that, PLM requires another mod, SFE. You can load loadouts without it, but you can't save them. There's a workaround using the Nukes Dragons website and manually editing config files for PLM, but I forget the details.

Note that SFE is installed completely differently to other mods. It's a dll swap - you download it, decompress it and you get a dll. dxgi.dll IIRC. You have to replace the existing version of the DLL (it's in the main FO76 folder, not the FO76 data folder where the other mods go) with the SFE version and you have to do that every time the game is updated by Bethesda but only after the author of SFE has created a new version of SFE for the new version of FO76. It's less fuss than it sounds - it's just a simple copy and replace job and PLM will continue working without SFE, just without the option to save new loadouts.

For general mods, there are two steps. This assumes you've downloaded mods as archives in the BA2 format, not as loose files. I forget how to handle mods as loose files. Most mods are either BA2 only or available as a choice between BA2 and loose files.

First step:

Decompress the downloaded file to wherever you like. I created a folder for FO76 mods, to keep things all in one place neatly. You should then have a BA2 file that's the mod. Maybe some other files, e.g. a readme, maybe not.
Copy or move that BA2 file to the FO76 data folder. By default on Win10, that's Program Files(x86)\Bethesda.net Launcher\games\Fallout76\Data

Second step:

Add a correctly formatted entry to an ini file, referencing that BA2 file by name.

You can add entries to default ini files, but it's better to add them to the ini file specifically for customising settings.

By default, at least on Win10, the ini files are in documents\my games\Fallout 76.

In there you will find 2 or 3 ini files. Fallout76.ini and Fallout76Prefs.ini for sure. You might or might not have Fallout76Custom.ini there. If you don't, create it in there. It's a straightforward text file, so notepad is just the job.

In the early days you had to copy&paste references to files from the unmodded game, but a patch some while ago changed that. Files listed in a setting in the custom ini (and I think also in the other inis) are now appended to those for the unmodded game, so now you can just put references to your mods in your custom ini and that part of the job is done. Much less faff.

Here's my current Fallout76Custom.ini as an example. It would usually have Better Inventory in there too, but I still haven't got around to downloading the post-Wastelanders version. You might see other people's ini files putting the references to the mod files into a different list, not sResourceIndexFileList. Works the same, but I found that when I used a different list I had to edit the ini after most updates because the references in the unmodded game had changed. I don't think that's still the case due to the change to custom ini entries being appended to lists rather than replacing them. AFAIK, the only issue now is if the number of entries in the list exceeds the limit. I forget what the limit is, but you're unlikely to reach it. I'd still recommend sResourceIndexFileList because Bethesda has hardly anything in that list so there's even less chance of whatever you add to the list causing it to reach the limit. I have also read that some mods have to be put in a specific list, but I don't recall any details. Something to do with mods that change textures.

sResourceIndexFileList = Power Armor Clean HUD.ba2, IntRaw.ba2, BetterPALight.ba2, PerkLoadoutManager.ba2

It's also a good idea to read the mod desc to see if that particular mod has to be installed in any particular way.

There's also a bit of a question mark regarding Lockpicking Bar. Some people argue that it gives a player an advantage in play over players without that mod, which probably isn't allowed by Bethesda's vague semi-defined rules about mods in FO76. Technically, Bethesda might ban you over it. Maybe. Perhaps. Probably not, but with Bethesda's sterling track record of customer service, who knows? The same might be said for Glowing Items.
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