**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/32 - in your pipboy you can press Ctrl and it'll filter stuff. Like only show food, only show water, only who ranged weapons. Also shows weight for each section so you can see what's destroying your weight limit
https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/29 - lowers weapon when not shooting
https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/257 - make PA hud less ugly

The default game is a bit blurry and soft looking, some of the reshades help to fix this but a bit more tricky to get going as they don't install with a tool.
https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/234 - pretty subtle, there's before and after pictures of what it's doing, let me know if you want to try it and I'll try and post instructions
oh god, third time this has happened, teleport to Ash Heap and a 50 legendary Sheepsquatch is wrecking everything. Not going near it
Thanks will have a look, one thing I do not understand and you refer to it often is the word 'build' what exactly do you mean by that?

In this context, 'build' is the way you set up a character. What stats you choose, what perks you choose, what weapons you intend to use, what legendary effects you intend to look for in weapons and armour, any other factors you choose. You're making a character planned for a particular combination of things, which is a form of building.

For example, a common categeory of FO76 build is called "bloodied". It's entirely planned around using a weapon with the legendary weapon effect "bloodied", which gives you increasing damage with decreasing health. So a bloodied build will depend on being mostly dead all of the time, which requires being heavily irradiated all of the time in order to reduce your maximum hit points to a small fraction of what they should be. It also requires having a weapon with the legendary effect "bloodied". Various things follow on from that - you need a way to maintain that degree of irradiation, you need to be able to survive with so few hitpoints, etc. Various versions of the bloodied build exist, e.g. bloodied stealth sniper, bloodied melee, etc. Bloodied melee is perhaps the ultimate glass cannon build in FO76 - you can do enormous damage per hit, but you have to close with your enemies and you have very few HP. Bloodied is a fairly extreme build whatever variant you use, but at least a bloodied stealth sniper is intended to never take damage. Tbe idea is that you do so much damage that you one-shot everything before it detects you. And good luck with groups of mobs or mobs with such high resistances and/or HP that they're impossible to one-shot.

I have a relatively loose build, in that I am a generalist power armour heavy weapons build with a leaning towards scavver because I run with excavator power armour. That's either the worst or second to bottom power armour in terms of protection but it gives +100 carry weight. But I'm not set up specifically for any one legendary effect on my weapon or min/maxxed for anything. Except maybe energy weapons. I have a mutation that reduces the damage I do with energy weapons and increases my resistance to energy damage. Which reminds me that I must find out if explosive damage counts as energy damage. I have a selection of weapons to allow me to vary the DPS I do and the amount of ammo I use. Gatling guns for most efficient ammo use, miniguns for highest DPS but enormous ammo use, 50 cal machineguns for in between. At the moment, only one of my 50 cals does explosive damage but I'm intending to use a gauss minigun and they're all explosive.

[..] Any other mods anyone can recommend.?

I find Perk Loadout Manager and Better Inventory very useful as quality of life mods. I think they both "that's how it should have been" mods. But be warned that PLM is a bit more complex than standard mods, as you probably already know. I think it's well worth it. Having perk loadouts greatly reduces faffing about with swapping perk cards.

But Better Inventory is simple to install and completely lovely. I've been playing without it for a while because I haven't downloaded the post-Wastelanders version and I find myself missing it. It's not a major thing, but it is. One click or button press and your stupidly cluttered aid tab is showing just the food you have. Eat up! One more and it's showing just the drinks you have. Drink up! Job done, nice and simple. Also, weight management. How much does all the stuff in your aid tab weigh? In vanilla FO76, who knows? With Better Inventory, the figure is right there when you select the aid tab. As is the combined weight of stacks of stuff. Saves you the bother of working out the total weight of 47 things weighing 0.4 units each. It's just how it should have been.

Any incoherencies in this post brought to you courtesy of Paulaner Weissbeer, a wheat beer from Munich. It's rather nice. I've just done my fortnightly lockdown food shop and got a variety of beers. One bottle and I am drunk enough to make typing a challenge. Or posting coherently.

EDIT: DanF's post reminded me of another mod I'd forgotten I'd installed because "that's how it should have been". The power armour HUD. It's crap in the vanilla game. I use the Power Armor Clean HUD mod myself. It's similar to the HoloHUD mod DanF suggested.

oh god, third time this has happened, teleport to Ash Heap and a 50 legendary Sheepsquatch is wrecking everything. Not going near it

You might be able to handle it, but it will be a challenge. As legendaries go, sheepsquatches aren't too bad as long as you don't get within melee range. Their melee attack is much stronger than their ranged attack. They're quite fast, though. Might be worth a try for the sake of it.

Just to clarify, I'm only talking about real sheepsquatches. Fake sheepsquatches are far, far, far more deadly. You'll know if you encounter one of those because you'll already be dead. They make a mirelurk queen seem like Cutey-Twiddles the fluffy kitten. A dozen high-level players can gang up on the fake sheepsquatch and expect to die and die and die again before maybe killing it. That's not hyperbole. If I try that event (Encryptid), I expect to die at least a couple of times.
https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/32 - in your pipboy you can press Ctrl and it'll filter stuff. Like only show food, only show water, only who ranged weapons. Also shows weight for each section so you can see what's destroying your weight limit
https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/29 - lowers weapon when not shooting
https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/257 - make PA hud less ugly

The default game is a bit blurry and soft looking, some of the reshades help to fix this but a bit more tricky to get going as they don't install with a tool.
https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/234 - pretty subtle, there's before and after pictures of what it's doing, let me know if you want to try it and I'll try and post instructions
Installed the last one but not sure what I should do once I press the Home key in game?
You might be able to handle it, but it will be a challenge. As legendaries go, sheepsquatches aren't too bad as long as you don't get within melee range. Their melee attack is much stronger than their ranged attack. They're quite fast, though. Might be worth a try for the sake of it.

I lost the .50 sniper in a weird game bug so I'd be taking on a legendary 50 with a lvl 20 Fixer. Maybe not the best idea. 8 lvls to go then full gun and armour overhaul.
I've found page 27 of Georgina's diary at a farm near the playground where I found page 33. Has anyone found anything more about it? Unmarked locations in the eastern mire. I put a screenshot of the map position of the playground in post 3137.

And I found the tea party referred to in page 33. Is there something more? More diary pages, maybe?

Test of page 27:

Just trying to relax with my friends this afternoon but Madison won't stop calling me in. I'm supposed to finish my chores before playing but she makes it impossible! I've got some VERY important business today. Course, it's a little hard to get anything done when mom calls me every five minutes? I'm going to get the berries, enough already...

Seriously, how do they expect me to come in four times an hour?

EDIT: Aha, there is some more. I heard a radio playing from the edge of the farm and followed it to find a partially ruined bunker of sorts. In it I found Madison's journal page 7.

I've been calling Georgina for several minutes now. I'm worried sick she might really be gone this time. I try to give her space but it only takes seconds for a tragedy to happen. She should be done picking berries and on her way back home by now. I'm really concerned she may have been captured by raiders.

I just don't know what to do? Am I worrying over nothing and being overbearing? You really can't be too safe out here.
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anyone noticed issues with robots? I've killed several legendary sentry bots but the corpse always disappears after it stops burning
anyone noticed issues with robots? I've killed several legendary sentry bots but the corpse always disappears after it stops burning

Not specifically with robots and I usually kill at least a dozen per day because I'm casually sort of grinding through the "destroy thousands of robots with various different types of weapons" challenges for atom points I don't have any use for. But I don't target sentry bots and probably don't loot them at all since they stopped dropping fusion cores, so if it's specific to them I wouldn't notice.

Disappearing corpses has been a thing since the beginning of FO76, though not as consistently as you're experiencing and not limited to 1 type of mob. At least you're getting a corpse to loot (while it's burning). Sometimes the corpse never appears, sometimes it appears only for a second or so. That was supposed to have finally been fixed a couple of months ago, probably maybe. So even if it was fixed by the last patch before Wastelanders it would be no surprise for it to have been restored by Wastelanders. Bethesda has a habit of releasing patches/updates for FO76 that reintroduce bugs fixed in previous patches.

A random example of a thread showing this issue was very common:


It's not just legendary corpses. It's just that those are the only ones people are likely to notice or mention.
mm, 2 of them fell through the ground and 1 disappeared. I've had normal sentry bots do the same as well.

picked up a 2* sniper with +50% crit damage and +50% ignore armour, should be getting 2k+ sneak headshot crits in a couple of levels
Well had my first Wendigo Collosus encounter earlier.
Pretty underwhelming to be honest as I managed to take it down solo without dying and it only took around half a mag of my Bloodied Gatling Gun, was expecting it to be much harder given its rarity.

Also @angillion, if you dont know there is bug with the Gatling Gun. Stick your view in 3rd person with the Gatling Gun equipped and you can fire it as fast as you can spam left mouse....my Bloodied does 600 dmg per shot and this bug makes it hilariously OP.....its actually quite fun but it does need patching out.
Well had my first Wendigo Collosus encounter earlier.
Pretty underwhelming to be honest as I managed to take it down solo without dying and it only took around half a mag of my Bloodied Gatling Gun, was expecting it to be much harder given its rarity.

I haven't bothered. Faffing about with silo run after silo run, hoping to maybe possibly get the wendigo collosus to spawn. Apparently it's a 1 in 15 chance. Meh. Not going to bother.

Also @angillion, if you dont know there is bug with the Gatling Gun. Stick your view in 3rd person with the Gatling Gun equipped and you can fire it as fast as you can spam left mouse....my Bloodied does 600 dmg per shot and this bug makes it hilariously OP.....its actually quite fun but it does need patching out.

So many bugs.

I'm reminded of the old History Today sketches from...I've forgotten what TV program.

"You know that meat pile, the one with so many bugs on it you can hear them from 10 feet away?"

"I have observed that phenomenon."

"That's your Fallout 76, that is."

I've never used 3rd person when I had a choice and generally avoid all 3rd person games. I don't like to have a large part of my view of the gameworld obscured by a figure and I don't like to have the camera angle swinging around back and forth and in and out and getting stuck in the gameworld so I can't see anything apart from the inside of a wall/cliff/whatever.

I thought the max effect of bloodied was double damage. My gatling guns don't do 300 per shot. More like 200. Am I wrong about the extent of the bloodied effect or am I doing something else wrong with my build?
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