Well Legendary Season 1 is alive & as expected you want to earn all those lovely cosmetic rewards be prepared to put some serious time into it & even then your most likely going to either have to buy some atoms with real cash or accept you are not going to reach S.C.O.R.E Rank 100
10 weeks x 7 days per week = 70 Days max playing time
Each rank of S.C.O.R.E after rank 5 appears to increase the requirement by 25 points
It takes 10,000 XP to earn 100 points towards your S.C.O.R.E
So for me I managed to reach rank 8 in a few hours. Now I have to earn 1200 points to increase 1 rank. When I reach rank 9 I have to earn 1225 points for the next & so on. No-one yet knows if the extra 25 points to earn increase further every 5 ranks either!
You need to level up 3 times in 7 days to earn an extra 1500 points (the most generous reward under this new system)
You need to play Nuclear Winter every day it seems to earn the max points available otherwise you do not earn the massive bonus points awarded
You need to play in public teams to get a 100% XP boost on events you enter. This can be as much as 6000-7000 XP for a single Scorchbeast Queen Battle!
The entire thing is designed to force players to play Nuclear Winter & spend many hours in Adventure mode in Public Teams. Effectively further enforcing the original game design of MMOish gameplay shoe horned into the Fallout universe in a game engine just not suitable at all!
Only the most hardcore players are going to reach rank 100 & even then they will most likely have to spend a lot of real world money on atoms its going to be tight to finish it before the season ends nothing has really changed much apart from the new reward cosmetics and a lame you would not believe how awkward to use ammo conversion machine
If Bethesda really want to drive players away Season 1 is a seriously good attempt now free atoms have been almost totally removed (they did throw in a bunch of new Atoms challenges though around 300-400 atoms worth).
Also worth mentioning the new challenges system is broken & does not work as expected the S.C.O.R.E awards you the max rewards but does not update the onscreen counter properly so you get it after 3\5 instead of 5\5 then get nothing at 5\5 but the counter is frozen until you enter Nuclear Winter it seems which then resets it ! QA is laughable and it had the PTS on PC I cannot imagine how long it would take without the PTS on PC but its mind boggling how much they are really doubling down on how many hours they expect players to sink into it to get all the rewards
10 weeks x 7 days per week = 70 Days max playing time
Each rank of S.C.O.R.E after rank 5 appears to increase the requirement by 25 points
It takes 10,000 XP to earn 100 points towards your S.C.O.R.E
So for me I managed to reach rank 8 in a few hours. Now I have to earn 1200 points to increase 1 rank. When I reach rank 9 I have to earn 1225 points for the next & so on. No-one yet knows if the extra 25 points to earn increase further every 5 ranks either!
You need to level up 3 times in 7 days to earn an extra 1500 points (the most generous reward under this new system)
You need to play Nuclear Winter every day it seems to earn the max points available otherwise you do not earn the massive bonus points awarded
You need to play in public teams to get a 100% XP boost on events you enter. This can be as much as 6000-7000 XP for a single Scorchbeast Queen Battle!
The entire thing is designed to force players to play Nuclear Winter & spend many hours in Adventure mode in Public Teams. Effectively further enforcing the original game design of MMOish gameplay shoe horned into the Fallout universe in a game engine just not suitable at all!
Only the most hardcore players are going to reach rank 100 & even then they will most likely have to spend a lot of real world money on atoms its going to be tight to finish it before the season ends nothing has really changed much apart from the new reward cosmetics and a lame you would not believe how awkward to use ammo conversion machine
If Bethesda really want to drive players away Season 1 is a seriously good attempt now free atoms have been almost totally removed (they did throw in a bunch of new Atoms challenges though around 300-400 atoms worth).
Also worth mentioning the new challenges system is broken & does not work as expected the S.C.O.R.E awards you the max rewards but does not update the onscreen counter properly so you get it after 3\5 instead of 5\5 then get nothing at 5\5 but the counter is frozen until you enter Nuclear Winter it seems which then resets it ! QA is laughable and it had the PTS on PC I cannot imagine how long it would take without the PTS on PC but its mind boggling how much they are really doubling down on how many hours they expect players to sink into it to get all the rewards