**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Well Legendary Season 1 is alive & as expected you want to earn all those lovely cosmetic rewards be prepared to put some serious time into it :eek::rolleyes: & even then your most likely going to either have to buy some atoms with real cash or accept you are not going to reach S.C.O.R.E Rank 100 :eek:

10 weeks x 7 days per week = 70 Days max playing time
Each rank of S.C.O.R.E after rank 5 appears to increase the requirement by 25 points
It takes 10,000 XP to earn 100 points towards your S.C.O.R.E
So for me I managed to reach rank 8 in a few hours. Now I have to earn 1200 points to increase 1 rank. When I reach rank 9 I have to earn 1225 points for the next & so on. No-one yet knows if the extra 25 points to earn increase further every 5 ranks either!
You need to level up 3 times in 7 days to earn an extra 1500 points (the most generous reward under this new system)
You need to play Nuclear Winter every day it seems to earn the max points available otherwise you do not earn the massive bonus points awarded
You need to play in public teams to get a 100% XP boost on events you enter. This can be as much as 6000-7000 XP for a single Scorchbeast Queen Battle!

The entire thing is designed to force players to play Nuclear Winter & spend many hours in Adventure mode in Public Teams. Effectively further enforcing the original game design of MMOish gameplay shoe horned into the Fallout universe in a game engine just not suitable at all! :rolleyes::eek:

Only the most hardcore players are going to reach rank 100 & even then they will most likely have to spend a lot of real world money on atoms its going to be tight to finish it before the season ends :eek::rolleyes: nothing has really changed much apart from the new reward cosmetics and a lame you would not believe how awkward to use ammo conversion machine :rolleyes:

If Bethesda really want to drive players away Season 1 is a seriously good attempt now free atoms have been almost totally removed (they did throw in a bunch of new Atoms challenges though around 300-400 atoms worth).

Also worth mentioning the new challenges system is broken & does not work as expected :rolleyes: the S.C.O.R.E awards you the max rewards but does not update the onscreen counter properly so you get it after 3\5 instead of 5\5 then get nothing at 5\5 but the counter is frozen until you enter Nuclear Winter it seems which then resets it ! :eek::rolleyes: QA is laughable and it had the PTS on PC I cannot imagine how long it would take without the PTS on PC but its mind boggling how much they are really doubling down on how many hours they expect players to sink into it to get all the rewards :eek: :rolleyes:
It's standard "game as a service" business - drive addiction and manipulate addicts into paying real money over and over again for things that aren't even real. It's better than drug dealing - it's not illegal and you don't even have distribution costs as there is no real product.

Screw as much money as possible out of addicts, then turn the game off. Maximum profit, minimum cost. It's the way forward! For amoral businesses run by sociopaths.

The only way to protect yourself is to not care enough about the game to become an addict despite the myriad of psychological manipulation techniques used to make you one. And never, ever, spend any real money on it. If you do, the sunk cost fallacy is added to the pressure towards addiction.

Think about what you would gain from making FO76 your main job every day of the year and paying real money to Bethesda on top of all that work doing your daily chores in FO76:

Some camp items that aren't real and can't even be used ingame because of the miniscule building budget.

Some camp items as above but also useless ingame (e.g. the ammo convertor).

Some virtual clothing that can be used in the game but there's already plenty in the base game.

A small time saving in gaining bullion points...at the cost of a huge amount of time spent gaining score points to gain those bullion points. So it's actually a time loss, not a time saving.

Is that worth making FO76 your main job every day of the year, doing your daily FO76 chores and paying Bethesda hundreds of pounds? Thousands of pounds?

To hell with that.

Today I looked through my library of games I've bought and not played, choosing Titan Quest: Immortal Throne edition. I had a lot more fun with that than I would have done desperately grinding my chores in FO76 to gain yet another virtual currency with no value in the real world.

Just don't be an addict. It's very easy when the publishers are putting so much pressure on players to be addicts, but it can be overcome. I might go on FO76 to do things I enjoy, but I'm not going to chase the latest currency (score points), which is of very little value.
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don't want to be that guy but all this stuff is optional. Unless there's a really useful or desirable reward at the end its just a grind for 100% completionists
also the seasons are free so it's not even linked to money like say Destiny seasons are
Only the most hardcore players are going to reach rank 100 & even then they will most likely have to spend a lot of real world money on atoms its going to be tight to finish it before the season ends :eek::rolleyes:

actually think that's really cool, a proper reward for the completely insane players out there. The destiny seasons where paid for so they could be completed with avg play times, otherwise everyone would be pretty annoyed. The dedicated players would finish in the first 1-2 weeks of a multi month season and have nothing to really do.
actually think that's really cool, a proper reward for the completely insane players out there. The destiny seasons where paid for so they could be completed with avg play times, otherwise everyone would be pretty annoyed. The dedicated players would finish in the first 1-2 weeks of a multi month season and have nothing to really do.
You need to spend approx 6 hours per day for 70 days (including 2-3 hours on Nuclear Winter alone which many players hate as its so full of cheaters!) without missing a single daily or weekly S.C.O.R.E point & even then you will need to have around 5-6000 Atoms to buy the remaining S.C.O.R.E points! or you can buy £100 worth of Atoms in 2 weeks & unlock the lot in 1 go but Bethesda say Fallout 76 is NOT pay to win :rolleyes::p

Its only for cosmetics as well nothing enhanced the gameplay or the existing missions & events & also several key perk cards are malfunctioning now!
I played for around 2.5 hrs last night and got to level 6, nice idea bit again like most things added recently its too grindy for me so I wont be actively taking part. The Nuclear Winter challenges will definitely be getting missed given it take 10 minutes to get into a match thats got a 90% chance to contain some form of cheater. Hit level 300 last night and at this point I think I'm pretty much done with game, I've got no wish or ability to do daily grinds for pointless ingame things and the more this game gets updated the more its moves to a mobile style economy which given I have one of those life / job things going I wont be getting involved in.

Also aead on the Bethesda forums that some people have already hit level 100 in 8 hours using a CAMP exploit, not sure how true but amusing all the same.
I found some new challenges in the combat section of the lifetime challenges today. Half a dozen of them, almost all "kill 76 of some type of creature" to get 40-80 atom points. One odd one - repair 76 swords. The reward for that one had a NW logo but no stated reward.

I did AWOL armaments and one of the legendary bots dropped a L50 anti-armour LMG. 2*, with some VATS secondary that's irrelevant to an LMG and even more so in power armour, but I like anti-armour. Usually I'd like faster fire rate for the secondary effect, but that's hardly needed in an LMG. Now to decide whether it's worth using a bazillion bullets a day for it.

And I died trying to rescue another player and didn't realise I'd dropped junk until I'd teleported away and got the message that another player had taken it. ~500 lead scraps in that pile. Good job I'd run out of acid (again) and hadn't been able to smelt most of my lead ore. Acid is my main bottleneck.

Oh yeah, the legendary grind run. Some things happened and I got to some level. I do some of the daily and weekly challenges anyway as a thing to do, so I'll probably end up ~L50 on it and get some useless things.
yeah I'm just ignoring the whole system, will naturally unlock a few items playing normally. Really just waiting for a another double xp weekend to get enough perk points to flesh out the PA/heavy gunner alt build for this char
Several German players already unlocked all rewards by exploiting to level 100 using glitches in an endurance team with loads of cherry nuka colas & other boosts apparently!

I reached level 13 but now will not bother anymore unless its gameplay related the grind is too much you literally have to spend 6 hours or so every single day grinding XP & the daily challenges & even then there is only enough to make it after 10 weeks. If you miss a single challenge it takes 70,000-100,000 XP to get enough score points to make up for that shortfall :rolleyes:

Level 13 is 1300 points it rises by 25 points per level so level 100 requires 2175 points per score level :eek::rolleyes:
So logged in to see 3 of the daily challenges had been completed...


Seems like its a bug thats been in the game for ages
Something that might be useful to anyone who still has any of the "collect all magazines" challenges open:

If you buy or are given any magazine, possessing it prevents that magazine from registering as "collected" for that challenge regardless of how many you find afterwards.

I had the "find holotape games" stuck on 7/8 for well over a year and assumed it was just another bug until someone told me. I dropped the Nuka Tapper holotape I had on me and a couple of days later I found another and the challenge completed.
Yeah i sumbitted a ticket. Just disappointing they use a system with known bugs.
Took me 5 weeks to get a full refund from Atomic Shop content which did not look like the adverts! Bethesda just do not seem to understand much about Fallout & its passionate fans but they announced a TV series deal with amazon TV today :rolleyes: despite 76 breaking more essential perks with patch 20 :eek:! Get used to it 1 step forwards 10 backwards is the way they seem to operate nowadays :(
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